Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 56 The traitor appears

Chapter 56 The traitor appears
Together these three places happen to form an equilateral triangle.

If the bandits in these three places are not defeated, the officers and soldiers will not dare to enter the Hongshanling area easily.

If officers and soldiers besieged Yunmeng Mountain, they had to consider the threats from Tianduling and right-wing Jinniuling ahead.

If Jinniuling is besieged, the left-wing Yunmeng Mountain will pose a threat again.

If they attacked Tianduling directly, there would be threats on both wings at the same time.

The bandits don't need to attack, as long as they keep harassing the officers and soldiers, they can't stand it.

The best way for the officers and soldiers is to surround all three hills. Unfortunately, to surround these three hills at the same time, the current strength of the officers and soldiers is far from enough.

And even if they were able to surround them, wouldn't the bandits still sit and wait to die?I'm afraid they would have fled long ago before the encirclement of officers and soldiers closed.

There are countless hills like this in this area, and it is a big deal to change to another hill and continue to attack and harass.

In fact, these people in Gao Qi's hand can only harass.

If there are many people, Gao Qi only needs to divide his troops into two groups.

Divided into three groups, the number of people still seems too thin.

But Gao Qi had no choice.

Gao Qibing's split into three groups has another purpose, that is to prevent Guo Zhen, the traitor who persuaded Motianling boss Zhou's old subordinates to turn against him.

Gao Qi is not afraid of the insider tipping off the news, but he is afraid that the brothers on the mountain will not be firm.

Now Gao Qi has one for himself, his confidant Zhang Chu has one, and Jinniuling's old brother Zhou Huhu has one.

There is no need to worry about these three as long as I and Zhang Chu can stabilize Gao Qi.

After all, the traitors are all arranged with Zhou Huo.

If this arrangement is still unstoppable, Gao Qi will kill himself without Li Jing blaming him.

Of course, he was very relieved of Zhou Laohu and Gao Qi.

Although Zhou Huhu has a straightforward temper, he is by no means a fool.If Zhou Huhu still makes the same mistakes as before, then Li Jing will not value him.

When Sanmazi besieged Jinniuling back then, the main reason was that Zhou Huhu and others accidentally told Sanmazi's subordinates about the situation in the cottage, which made Sanmazi covet him.

In the end, a fire broke out, and Boss Zhou was finally wiped out by Li Jing.

In this battle, Zhou Huhu's best brother died in battle, and was scolded by Li Jing afterwards, and was almost beheaded by Li Jing.

Since then, Zhou Huhu has kept silent, and his personality has changed a lot.

But Zhou Huhu's loyalty to Li Jing is no less than that of Chen Dahu and others.

Not for anything else, but for Li Jing, Zhou Huhu's dead brother's widow, who has not yet passed the family, was brought up to the mountain, and he was rewarded with a generous shirt.

Every time Zhou Huhu thinks about his dead brother, he feels regretful, and when it comes to the benevolence and righteousness of the big boss, he is even more inexplicable, saying that even if he sells his life to the big boss, it is worth it.

Gao Qi believes that Zhou Huo will never betray Li Jing, but Gao Qi is worried that Zhou Huo will not be able to keep an eye on those traitors.So after arriving at Tianduling, he sent out all the scouts in his hand.

These scouts not only have to keep an eye on the movements of the officers and soldiers, but also pay attention to any changes in Zhou Huo's side. The task is indeed a bit heavy.

. .

Jinniu Ridge.

Zhou Huhu was holding a wine jar and sitting in front of an unnamed grave, and several old brothers sat around Zhou Huhu.

Looking at the sky, a brother said softly to Zhou Huhu: "Brother Hu, it's almost dawn, you've been sitting here all night, go back and rest!"

Zhou Huo shook his head lightly and said: "It's been a long time since I visited Brother Bingxun. After today, I don't know when I will come again. I will stay with Brother Bingxun for a while!"

"Brother Hu, Brother Bingxun has a spirit in the sky. Knowing that you treat him like this, he will definitely feel at ease."

After a pause, the brother continued: "However, if you miss a major event because you are here with Brother Bingxun, I am afraid that Brother Bingxun will be unhappy! The most important thing is that he is the head of the family..."

Zhou Huhu sighed when he heard this, nodded his head and said, "That's right! I'll go back right away!"

Poured the remaining wine from the jar on the ground, Zhou Huo looked at the grave and said softly, "Brother Bingxun, I'm leaving. When I come to see you next time, I'll ask the boss for a drinking order and have a good drink with you!"

After finishing speaking, he threw the wine jar vigorously and shouted: "Go!"

Back at the foot of the mountain, Zhou Huo coldly looked at the bandits who were resting in the corner of the wind, and then looked at a nearby man on duty, and waved to him.

Seeing Zhou Huhu waving, the man hurried over.

Zhou Huo squinted at a corner and asked in a low voice, "Ma Quan, is there any change?"

"No, I haven't moved since I arrived at that place in the first half of the night!" Ma Quan said, peeking around the corner.

Suddenly Ma Quan's expression changed: "Huh? No, he lost one of his subordinates!"

"What? One person is missing? What the hell are you doing to eat? I asked you to watch them here, but you didn't even keep an eye on them!" Zhou Huo said angrily.

"Brother Hu, don't worry, maybe he's gone out to celebrate." Ma Quan said hastily.

"Fart! Do you think there are vacant seats next to those people? Obviously they are long gone." Zhou Huo scolded.

After scolding, Zhou Huo looked around again and asked, "Where is Er Zhuang? Where is he?"

"I don't know! I didn't see him when I took over an hour ago!" Ma Quan said.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Zhou Huo looked at Ma Quan coldly and said.

"You let me stare at them, how dare I move my nest!" Ma Quan said with a bitter face.

Zhou Huhu heard this, kicked Ma Quan somersault, and cursed angrily: "Trash, get the hell out of here, I'll deal with you later!"

Firmly grasping the handle of the knife at his waist, Zhou Huo gritted his teeth and said to the person beside him, "Call me Wang Ermao!"

The person next to him heard this and left in a hurry.

After a while, the man turned around, but he only came back alone.

"Brother Hu, Brother Er Mao is not here!" said the man.

"What? Ermao isn't here? Where did he go?" Zhou Huhu asked anxiously.

The man said: "Brother Ermao's subordinates said that they have been gone for about two hours."

When Zhou Huhu heard this, his heart suddenly became cold.

Wang Ermao was gone for two hours, and Chen Erzhuang was also missing for at least an hour. I didn't know anything about it. It was a waste of the trust of the master.

Looking at those people in the far corner, Zhou Huo thought to himself, if he couldn't control these people any longer, how could he explain to the boss when he went back!
Zhou Huhu was about to talk to his subordinates, when suddenly a person came running in a hurry, Zhou Huhu recognized that this person was Wang Ermao's subordinate, he felt a little strange for a moment, he didn't know what this person came here for.

The man came to Zhou Huhu and whispered a few words.

When Zhou Huhu heard this, his face immediately showed joy, and then he frowned and said, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

The man cried and said: "Brother Ermao asked me to tell Brother Hu when he left, but I had a bad stomach and was in a hurry to give up, but after I had diarrhea, I felt weak all over, and I forgot what Brother Ermao said when I left. I just remembered that Brother Hu sent someone to look for Brother Ermao."

"Asshole, you won't tell me first, and then go to have diarrhea!" Zhou Huo scolded.

"I wanted to come, but my stomach won't let me!" the man said helplessly.

Zhou Huhu couldn't help smiling wryly when he heard the words, and waved his hand to let the man go back.

After thinking about it, he finally felt uneasy, and immediately sent a few people to inquire about the movements of the officers and soldiers.

At this moment, a flame suddenly flew into the sky in the distance, made a sound in the air, and then scattered down.

Then a person in the corner moved suddenly, and then slowly got up.

As the man got up, the people next to him stood up one by one.

The man stretched himself, looked around, and then walked towards Tiger Zhou.

"Hehe, brother Hu, haven't you slept all night?" the man laughed.

"En! I had some wine with Brother Bingxun." Zhou Huo nodded.

The man shook his head, sighed and said, "I know Zhou Bingxun, he is a good man, but unfortunately he betrayed Brother Zhou because of his lack of loyalty, and in the end he not only died, but also hurt Brother Zhou."

After a pause, the man continued: "Brother Tiger, I don't understand. We all came from Shanxi, and we all lived with Brother Zhou. Why did you betray Brother Zhou?"

"Guo Zhen, don't pretend to be with me! It's true that I came here from Shanxi with Boss Zhou. But I haven't forgotten where I came from. What about Boss Zhou? After he became the boss, he doesn't seem to remember what he used to be. What are you doing? What about you? Do you remember? If you don’t remember, let me remind you that we were all beggars before.” Zhou Huo sneered.

Looking Guo Zhen up and down, Zhou Huo said: "Who helped us when we were begging for food? No rich person helped us, and those who gave us food were poor people who could barely afford to eat. Later we came here When I became a bandit, I started off on the rich. Not bad! Stealing from the rich and helping the poor, Boss Zhou did a good job! But what happened later? He also robbed ordinary people! How many daughters of ordinary people did he harm? Do you think I don’t know? Look at the people who swore with him! Shi Laoer, San Mazi, Xu Laosi, don't the folks from all over the world scold them?"

Speaking of this, Zhou Huo sighed, and then continued: "I, Bingxun and other brothers persuaded Boss Zhou that we should not forget our roots, but what happened afterwards? They drove us to Brother Wu! Hehe, he I don’t have the nerve to attack our old brothers. It’s not easy! Do you think I should be thinking of Boss Zhou’s love?”

Glancing at Guo Zhen coldly, Zhou Huo said: "Later, Brother Li went up the mountain, and Fifth Brother gave up the position of head of the family to Brother Li. Do you know how Brother Li became the eldest brother? Brother Li strictly ordered brothers not to do whatever they want. Going down the mountain to rob, he said that the skills of the brothers are still far behind, and they will die sooner or later. Brother Li taught the brothers skills, lent money to pay the brothers, and he also supported the brothers’ families and helped the people nearby. Taurus The common people around Lingling all praise him. Do you think I am a big brother like Brother Li? Or a person like Boss Zhou?"

Before Guo Zhen could answer, Zhou Huhu sighed and said, "My brothers Bingxun and I are so stupid! They even treated Sanmazi's subordinates as brothers and told them about the situation in Jinniuling. Doggy Sanmazi, lead someone Shangshan was beaten away by us and encouraged Boss Zhou to come here. We were few and couldn’t beat Boss Zhou. Brother Bingxun died, the cottage was lost, and there were only the last two houses left. The brothers were all ready to go all out. Fortunately, Brother Li brought his brothers back to the mountain. Hehe, San Mazi and Zhou Boss were captured and killed one by one. Good kill! They attacked sworn brothers for money and women, People like this should be killed, you said that I, Zhou Huhu, betrayed Boss Zhou and have no sense of loyalty, so what kind of loyalty should I show him to such a person?"

When Zhou Huhu spoke, everyone present was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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