Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 571 Bewitched

Chapter 571 Bewitched
"How could he have such an idea all of a sudden? Could it be a temporary idea?" Li Jing asked doubtfully.

"Marshal, I remember you wandering around the capital with the emperor last year, when the common people shouted long live the emperor, the emperor also called long live the Duke." Yang Liufeng said suddenly
Li Jing waved his hand: "It was different at that time. At that time, the emperor yelled this to please me deliberately, in order to protect himself, and had no other intentions. But now the emperor already knows that I have no intention of usurping the throne, and he still yells this sentence. It’s kind of intriguing.”

"Marshal, I think the emperor still wants to please you. You gave him so much honor two days ago, maybe he wants to repay it." Gao Qi said.

Li Jing shook his head: "Let me ask you, today all the officials came out of the city to welcome me, didn't they just do it on a whim?"

Shen Zheng said: "No, we returned to Beijing with the emperor the day before yesterday, and the emperor told us yesterday that he wanted to hold such a welcome ceremony."

Li Jingjing nodded and said: "That's right. The emperor is a very thoughtful person. Today he asked the people from the Department of Rites to play the imperial music and asked everyone to call me long live. It should be planned in advance. The reason why he ordered , because I was afraid that everyone would disagree."

"What does the emperor mean by doing this?" Gao Qi was puzzled.

"Could it be that the emperor wants to test the commander in chief?" Yang Liufeng said suddenly.

Li Jing shook his head slightly: "The emperor knows me very well, so I shouldn't do such a stupid thing. Could it be that someone instigated me?"

After thinking about it, Li Jing said to Xiao Jiu, "Send someone to call Yang Xuan over."

Xiao Jiu heard the order and hurriedly ordered the guards to enter the palace to summon Yang Xuan.

"The commander-in-chief wants to find out who is in contact with the emperor?" Gao Qi asked.

Li Jingjing nodded and said: "The emperor is a soft-hearted person, maybe someone saw the emperor and gave him such a bad idea. If someone really suggested this to the emperor, then this person must have ulterior motives."

After waving his hand, Li Jing continued: "Let's not talk about this, when Yang Xuan comes over, we will know the outcome of this matter."

Everyone nodded silently.

Picking up the teacup, Li Jing took a sip of the tea, then turned to look at Yu Leting and said, "Junyang, what's going on with your procuratorate? Can you understand my intention of rebuilding the procuratorate? You should say something Why don't you know how to speak? The emperor ordered the ceremonial department to play Yule, you didn't know in advance, I don't blame you for not stopping the emperor, but the emperor took the lead in shouting long live the Duke, why didn't the Metropolitan Procuratorate stop him?"

"The matter was rushed, maybe everyone didn't realize it?" Yu Leting hesitated for a moment.

Li Jing put the tea cup on the table for a meal: "Didn't realize it? That's the problem. The duty of the Metropolitan Procuratorate is to supervise. It goes up to the emperor and down to the officials, and supervision is their duty. It’s dereliction of duty if you don’t respond to such a big event!”

Seeing that Li Jing was angry, Yu Leting hurriedly got up and bowed and said, "Marshal, please punish me for my dereliction of duty."

Li Jing frowned and said: "Punishment! I want to punish, but is it time for punishment now? You are all in high positions now, can you think more about the overall situation!

There are two days left before the Chinese New Year, and everyone is expressing their congratulations to the emperor. At this time, I will punish you. Doesn't that mean that I don't want everyone to congratulate the emperor?I was the one who asked everyone to put on the table. If I made such a move, wouldn't it be a slap in the face of the emperor! "

"Yes, the lower official didn't think carefully." Yu Leting said hastily.

Li Jing shook his head and sighed: "Junyang, and you guys, you have to understand that when I rebuilt the Metropolitan Procuratorate, I just wanted someone to speak for the court.

You all know me. Although I am a strong person, I don't want the court to be my monopoly.I have done many wrong things in the past two years. If someone dares to speak up and point out these mistakes of mine, these mistakes may be avoided.

Let me not talk about the Metropolitan Procuratorate, but just say you guys, Bo Ying and Jun Yang, have been taught by Mr. Yuan for many years, and you have been prudent, and you have been instructed by him. I don’t understand. Mr. is not afraid of power and is upright. Why haven't you learned character?I found that you have become less and less afraid to speak these few years? "

Seeing that everyone was silent, Li Jing sighed and said again: "If you don't speak, your subordinates will be even more afraid to speak. If things go on like this, I will be the only voice left in the hall.

I have made mistakes before, and I will inevitably make mistakes in the future. Some mistakes can be corrected later when we discover them, but some mistakes are irreversible once done wrong.My lords, once that happens, it will be too late to say anything. "

"Marshal, I'll understand later." Shen Zheng said hastily.

Li Jing sighed: "I hope you really understand. I'm not here to pretend to be arrogant with you, and I don't need to be arrogant with you."

After a pause, Li Jing suddenly raised his voice and said, "Junyang, from now on, you have to cheer me up and let the censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate show their strength. But let me explain in advance, I don't want to see them like before. In that way, just talk nonsense and useless nonsense."

"Yes! Marshal." Yu Leting said hurriedly.

Li Jing waved his hand, thought for a while and then said, "Have you met Fang Yizhi who I arranged to intern in the Metropolitan Procuratorate? Take time to give him a good job, don't mention his position, let him work in the Metropolitan Procuratorate in a down-to-earth manner." Study hard, this person will become a master in the future."

"Yes!" Yu Leting replied.

Li Jing waved his hand to signal Yu Leting to sit down, picked up the teacup and was about to drink tea when he saw the guard leading Yang Xuan in hastily.

"I've seen the commander-in-chief, I've seen all the adults." Yang Xuan bowed and saluted.

Li Jing raised his hand and said. "No need to be formal, let me ask you, has the emperor seen anyone during this time?"

"Well... About half a month ago, a man named Zhou Yanru asked to see the emperor. The previous emperor came back from Tianjin Wei, and Zhou Yanru went to the palace to meet the emperor again." Yang Xuan said hastily.

Li Jing couldn't help but frowned when he heard the words: "What did they say?"

Yang Xuan hurriedly said: "I didn't say anything, that time half a month ago, that Zhou surnamed said mostly compliments, some complimented the emperor, and some complimented the commander in chief, but the emperor didn't say anything.

As for the day before yesterday, Zhou Yanru suggested to the emperor to arrange a grand ceremony to welcome the commander-in-chief back to Beijing. Zhou Yanru said that the commander-in-chief respects the emperor, and the emperor should also respect the commander-in-chief. happy.He also said that the commander-in-chief has made great achievements for the Ming Dynasty. If the country of the Ming Dynasty is to last forever, it is best for the commander-in-chief to live a long life. He suggested that the emperor order all the officials to praise the commander-in-chief. "

Li Jing's face was livid upon hearing this, and he threw the teacup heavily on the ground: "Bastard, Zhou Yanru deserves to be damned for bewitching the emperor so much."

Seeing that Li Jing was suddenly enraged and smashed his teacup into pieces, everyone was shocked, they all stood up and said, "Commander, calm down!"

But Xiao Jiu and other guards rushed into the room when they heard the teacups being thrown in the house. When they saw fragments of tea cups, Xiao Jiu hurriedly ordered the guards to clean them up.

Li Jing ignored everyone, and said to Yang Xuan with a calm face: "What does the emperor say?"

Yang Xuan hurriedly said: "The emperor said that the commander-in-chief doesn't care about fame and fortune, and it's best to treat him with a normal heart. If he puts on a show for the commander-in-chief, I'm afraid the commander-in-chief will not be willing."

Li Jing nodded lightly upon hearing this.

Yang Xuan continued: "Zhou Yanru also said, whether the commander-in-chief is willing or not is one thing, but whether the emperor will do it or not is another.

After hearing this, the emperor said that he would discuss with several ministers.

Zhou Yanru said that if he discusses with everyone, it will not reflect the emperor's intentions, and it is best to keep this matter from everyone, and give the order after the commander-in-chief arrives, otherwise, for fear of someone obstructing, or notify the commander-in-chief in advance.

The emperor listened and thought about it for a long time, but did not respond. "

Li Jing asked in a deep voice: "Since you heard the news, why didn't you tell the adults?"

"Boy, I don't think it's a big deal. It's nothing for the commander to use the Yule when he returns to Beijing. With the commander's current status, he should use the Yule. As for calling the commander Long Live, it's even more appropriate." Yang Xuan hurriedly road.

Li Jing was furious when he heard the words, and snapped: "Fart! Play Yule, call Long Live, what kind of behavior is this! Do you know how much impact this will have? If I hadn't reacted quickly at the time and discovered the hidden conspiracy, you would have known that What are the consequences? Tomorrow, the officials of the royal family will rise up against me, and countless people will scold me."

Turning his head to look at Gao Qi, Shen Zheng and the others, Li Jing continued, "Do you also have the same idea as Yang Xuan? Otherwise, as long as you speak out to stop it, the emperor would not dare to ask everyone to do so.

Selfishness is all selfishness. You all hope that I will be the emperor, so that you can be promoted to ranks, enjoy glory and wealth, and future generations can follow you in glory!
You didn't even think about what would happen to the country in that case!Let me tell you, the country will be in chaos at that time, even more chaotic than the rebellion of bandits, and everything we have worked so hard to do will be destroyed. "

Seeing that Li Jing was very angry, Shen Zheng and the others hurriedly knelt down on the ground: "Commander, calm down, I know I was wrong."

Li Jing shook his head, reaching for the teacup, but found that the teacup had been broken by himself.

Taking a deep breath, Li Jing calmed down, then waved his hands and said, "Get up, I was in a bad mood just now, and I spoke a bit harshly. Don't take offense."

"What did the commander-in-chief say? The commander-in-chief lost his temper at us, but he didn't treat us as outsiders." Shen Zheng said hurriedly.

Li Jing smiled and said: "You are my father-in-law. Brother Gao and I are brothers who have lived and died. Be careful. You have followed me for many years. If you are outsiders, then do I still have people of my own?

Well, what I said today, think about it when you go back. You are all great ministers now, and you have fame and fortune. Stop making small calculations for yourself, use snacks, and think more about the country. "

"Yes, I would like to follow the commander-in-chief's instruction." Gao Qi and others hurriedly said.

Li Jing waved his hand: "I'm a little tired, you go back."

"Marshal, take care of your health." Gao Qi and the others said.

After finishing speaking, everyone saluted Li Jing, turned around and was about to go out.

Yang Liufeng took two steps, then stopped suddenly, pondered for a while, then turned around and said: "Marshal, Zhou Yanru bewitched the emperor with ulterior motives, do you want to arrest him?"

(End of this chapter)

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