Chapter 578

Li Jing looked at Fan Ji and said with a smile, "How do you think this problem should be solved?"

"The lower officials think that banks should issue large denomination banknotes so that merchants can carry out large transactions." Fan Jishi said.

Yang Liufeng looked at Fan Jishi with a sneer and said, "Fan Jishi, what nonsense are you talking about, do you know who started Jingji Bank?"

Fan Jishi hurriedly said: "The lower officials know that the Jingji Bank is the property of the Duke."

Yang Liufeng reprimanded: "I know you are still talking nonsense here! Originally, the issuance of banknotes was the business of Jingji Bank. Later, when the general established Daming Bank, he separated the banknote business from Jingji Bank and transferred it to Daming Bank. Now the bank Just getting better, you are going to compete with the bank for business, I think you are drunk and confused!"

"Your Excellency's reprimand is that the lower officials know their mistakes." Fan Jishi hurriedly said.

When Yang Liufeng reprimanded Fan Ji, Li Jing waved his hand with a smile and said, "Be careful, don't blame him, he is also doing it for the good of the bank, and what he said is very correct."

When Yang Liufeng heard the words, he said anxiously: "Marshal, you don't really want to issue large-denomination banknotes, do you? This is to compete with the bank for business. The bank has been developed by the two wives for more than ten years. Come to think of it, if this business is assigned to the bank again, Madam's ten years of hard work will be ruined."

Li Jing shook his head and smiled and said, "It's not as serious as you said, the bank's reputation is far less than that of the bank, and the businessman has dealt with the bank for so many years, so he must trust the bank more, so you don't have to worry about anything.

However, this matter needs to be discussed seriously. You must know that the face value of banknotes is related to whether the banknotes are strong. You must not increase the face value easily. convenient.

But what Fan Jishi said was also reasonable. Merchants often conduct large transactions. If they trade a few thousand taels of silver, they need to prepare hundreds of ten-tael banknotes. If it is tens of thousands of taels, they need thousands of notes.I think the bank also opened the bill redemption business, and the business of more than 500 taels will issue redemption bills, which is convenient for merchants to trade.

As for what you said about competing with banks and banks for business, I think it is a good thing. Only when there is competition will everyone do better and pay more attention to credibility. "

"What the Duke said is true." Fan Jishi hurriedly said.

Li Jing looked at Fan Jishi with a smile and said, "You are a good person, you know how to do things with care, what is your current position and what level is it?"

"Xiaguan is now the head of Shuntianfu Bank, from the sixth grade." Fan Jishi replied.

Li Jingjing nodded and said: "There will be a banquet in the palace tonight, you should come too."

Fan Jishi was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Thank you, Lord Guo, for your appreciation."

Li Jing waved his hand: "Your colleagues are still waiting for you, so go now."

"Yes!" Fan Jishi hastily got up and left.

Looking at Fan Jishi's back, Li Jing smiled and shook his head, turned to look at Yang Liufeng and said, "Shen Xing, what do you think of this person?"

Yang Liufeng shook his head lightly: "This person doesn't know how to be an official."

Li Jing smiled: "Be careful, my father-in-law is getting old, and he will still have to rely on you to support him in the future. But with your mentality, I'm afraid it will be difficult to stand up.

I'm not saying that you are incapable, but that your character is too arrogant, and there are very few people you can admire.This is not possible, after all, you are alone, it is impossible to do everything by yourself, you have to rely on your subordinates.

You just said that Fan Jishi doesn't know how to be an official, but in my opinion, you don't know how to be a superior either.

Let's just talk about the incident just now. Under normal circumstances, Fan Jishi really shouldn't talk to me directly about the bank's problems. He should first report these problems to his superiors.

But we don't know whether Fan Jishi has raised this issue with his boss, maybe he has raised it with his boss, but the boss didn't hear his words.

Of course, maybe he didn't report it to his boss.From your point of view, he must have never mentioned it to his superiors. That's why you said he doesn't know how to be an official.

Actually, I think so too.Because Du Laojiu, who was in charge of issuing banknotes, was not in Beijing at all during this period, he could not find anyone to complain to, and Fan Jishi had no chance to contact higher-level officials.

Let's not care whether he has responded or not, at least we know from what he said just now that this person is a capable person and he is doing things with his heart, which is enough.

What kind of subordinates should you use as a superior?Is it obedience?Or use someone who has the ability to help you share your worries?
In my opinion, both types of people should use it.You are obedient, you can resolutely carry out your orders, and you are capable, you can lighten your burden.

We know that all capable people will always have some problems, for example, they are proud of their talents, look down on their colleagues, and even look down on their superiors. Very few capable people can do what they are told.

But if you want to make a difference, you have to tolerate these shortcomings of your subordinates. As the saying goes, a prime minister can hold a boat in his belly, and the greater your measure, the more your subordinates will respect you.

Like you, because he doesn't know how to be an official, you want to dismiss him, so I say you don't know how to be a superior. "

"Students remember the commander's teachings." Yang Liufeng said hurriedly.

Li Jing smiled: "Then you know how to do it?"

Yang Liufeng laughed and said, "In a few years, I will transfer Fan Jishi to the household department and ask him to assist Du Laojiu in promoting banknotes."

Li Jing shook his head: "It is indeed more convenient to be transferred to the household department, but it seems that the household department does not have a suitable position? It is better to arrange it at the head office and let him be Du Laojiu's deputy."

Sighing slightly, Li Jing continued: "I said just now that there are two types of people. Du Laojiu belongs to the first type, and the one who obeys orders. We can rest assured if we leave things to him.

In fact, Du Laojiu is not suitable to be the principal. Due to his background, Du Laojiu's overall view is a bit worse.In fact, Du Laojiu is more suitable as a deputy, because he has a good grasp of details, and he knows what he is good at, so he does not sit in Beijing, but personally promotes banknotes.

However, Lao Jiu has worked hard over the years and made great contributions to the issuance of banknotes. We can't treat him badly, so let him be the person in charge of the bank.

Be careful, help him steer the helm more often, and when he is nine years old, give him a grade and let him retire in a good way, and he will follow me in vain. "

Yang Liufeng said: "Commander, although Du Laojiu was born as a small businessman, but he is not as philistine as a small businessman, and he knows that he can rely on the support of the commander, so he has always been grateful to the commander, For the things that the commander-in-chief has explained, he must do it well even if he is desperate, and he never takes credit for it. This is something that many people can't compare to. I will definitely tell Du Laojiu what the commander-in-chief just said, let him know that he did it All the great coaches in the team see it in their eyes and keep it in their hearts."

Li Jing smiled. He picked up the teacup and was about to drink it, but suddenly found that the teacup was already empty. He picked up the teapot and wanted to pour tea, but found that the teapot was also empty.

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "I was a little drunk just now. I wanted to chat with Fan Jishi for a while, but I didn't expect him to talk so much to me. I drank a pot of tea in a while and woke up from the wine. Okay, you guys You have been with me for a long time, go talk to your subordinates."

Upon hearing this, Gao Qi looked at Li Jing and said with a smile, "Since the commander-in-chief has sobered up, stop drinking and take a good rest."

Li Jing smiled and nodded.

Li Jing was about to ask the servant to bring another pot of tea, but he saw Yuan Shu leading a little eunuch and walking with a tray.

Taking the tray from the young eunuch, Yuan Shu smiled and said: "Marshal, I asked the imperial dining room to make you a bowl of hangover soup, and I asked them to boil a bowl of bird's nest and lotus seed soup. You can drink it while it's hot."

Li Jing took the bowl of lotus seed soup and said, "I need you to worry about this trivial matter. I won't drink the hangover soup. I drank this bowl of soup. I'm a little hungry."

After finishing the bird's nest and lotus seed soup, Li Jing smiled and said: "Okay, you don't have to accompany me anymore, go and see the emperor, don't let the emperor drink too much, there is still a banquet tonight."

Yuan Shu nodded: "Then you have a cup of tea first, I'll come to see the emperor."

Turning around, he ordered his servant to make a pot of hot tea for Li Jing, and Yuan Shu resigned.

Li Jingjing nodded, picked up the teacup and took a sip slowly, looking at the hall with a smile.

Li Jing's desk case was placed on the imperial steps, leaning forward and leaning against Zhu Youjian's desk case. Arranging Li Jing in this position naturally wanted to highlight Li Jing's status.

However, when he was seated, Li Jing did not sit here alone, but let Shen Zheng and Zhou Hengchen sit with him.Li Jing did this because he didn't want to give people an excuse, lest someone call him Cao Cao.

Of course, Shen Zheng and Zhou Hengchen only sat down for a while during Yuan Shu's congratulatory speech, drank a glass of wine, and then went down to toast with Li Jing, and never came back to sit down, without even moving their chopsticks.

Both Shen Zheng and Zhou Hengchen are sensible people, sitting in that seat is just to make Li Jing look good, if you really want to sit for a long time, that's not the case.After all, there are still a few assistant ministers in the cabinet. If they sit in this position all the time, it will inevitably arouse the resentment of others.

Li Jing naturally understands this truth, anyway, he only needs to achieve his goal, so he doesn't force the two of them.

Standing high above the imperial steps, you can have a panoramic view of the hall.

Seeing that the ministers were chatting happily and raising a glass once in a while, the scene was lively but not indulgent, Li Jing smiled and nodded.

Most of the following officials were born in the imperial examination and had read the books of sages. After receiving the etiquette training from the imperial court, they were able to grasp the standard very well. It should be said that they were more polite than those rough people brought up by Li Jing.

Looking at Zhu Youjian in the distance, Zhu Youjian was obviously in a good mood today, and actually walked around the hall with a wine glass.

Of course, Zhu Youjian did not toast every table like Li Jing did, but toasted a toast in every row, or toasted a toast to which table was pleasing to the eye, but this was not a lot. Li Jing reckoned, Zhu Youjian He drank at least thirty cups.

Obviously, when Li Jing was toasting, Zhu Youjian ate a lot of food. With something in his stomach, he was not so easy to get drunk, unlike Li Jing toasting on an empty stomach.After this lap, Zhu Youjian looked as usual, not drunk.

Li Jing shook his head with a smile. It seemed that Zhu Youjian was in a good mood during this time, and he had already practiced his drinking capacity.

(End of this chapter)

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