Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 581 Finding a Case

Chapter 581 Finding a Case
The ten years of Chongzhen passed quietly amidst the sound of singing and dancing.

In the early morning of the first day of the Lunar New Year, there was an endless stream of people in Li's mansion. Gao Qi, Ma Wu, Chen Guozhu, Zhou Hengchen, Yang Liufeng, Yu Leting, Fang Fang and other descendants seemed to have made appointments early and came early in the morning. Happy New Year to Li Jing.

At this time in previous years, Li Jing would definitely invite everyone to eat at home at noon, but this year Li Jing did not leave everyone to eat at home, but took everyone to the Yuan Mansion to pay New Year's greetings to Yuan Keli's wife Song, and stayed in the Yuan Mansion at noon I had lunch with the old lady, and in the afternoon Li Jing went to Shen Zheng's mansion to pay New Year's greetings to his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

When Li Jing returned to the mansion, he found that Gao Qi, Ma Wu and others were already waiting at home.

Li Jing also knew that he couldn't escape this meal no matter what, but fortunately these few people were qualified to drink with him now, after this meal, he would be clean in the future.

After drinking with Gao Qi and others, and receiving a few friends and relatives in the next few days, Li Jing finally had the time to spend a few days of quiet life with his family at home.

After the New Year's Eve, Li Jing was trying to concentrate on dealing with North Korean affairs, when a case came up in the Changping County newspaper.

Normally, no matter what the case is, it will not alarm Li Jing, but this case is a little different.Officials at all levels didn't know how to sentence them, they reported them layer by layer, and finally reported to Li Jing.

In Li's study, Li Jing took the file from Changping News and read it carefully.

This case is actually not complicated, it is an attempted murder of a mother. It should be said that such a case is very easy to judge. Murder of a mother is a capital crime, whether it is successful or attempted, it is a death sentence.

However, the murderer in this case was a 12-year-old child. What he killed was not his biological mother, but his father's concubine.

According to ethics, the father's concubine can also be regarded as the child's mother. They are also rebellious, and the charges are the same. However, the reason why this case is difficult to judge is because the family affairs of this family are too complicated.

The family name is Dong, and the head of the family, Dong Ping, is 39 years old and a businessman.

Dong Ping's first wife, Mrs. Zhang, is gentle and virtuous, and has a very close relationship with Dong Ping and his wife.

However, since Mrs. Zhang accidentally burned her face six years ago and her face was damaged, the relationship between husband and wife has plummeted.

Although Dong's family is not considered a wealthy family in Changping, their family background is also extremely wealthy.Soon after Zhang's disfigurement, Dong Ping took in a concubine.

Originally, taking concubines was fine, but these days, how many rich men do not take concubines?Anyway, as long as the concubine's money is paid to the court, it will be fine.

But Dong Pingna's concubine, Mrs. Liu, is really a shrew. Relying on her youth and beauty, and seeing that Dong Ping doesn't want to see a big woman, she keeps getting into trouble. Abuse Mrs. Zhang.

After Mrs. Liu had a child, she began to abuse Mrs. Zhang's two children.At that time, Zhang's son was less than eight years old, and his daughter was only three years old.

It is said that there is no father who does not love his children, but Liu is not blindly reckless, she knows how to use scheming.She abused Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Zhang's children when Dong Ping was out on business, and when Dong Ping came home, she showed a loving mother again.

In this way, no matter what Mrs. Zhang or the child said, Dong Ping did not believe it. Instead, he thought that Mrs. Zhang was jealous of Mrs. Liu, and even the child became disgusted.

Seeing that Dong Ping didn't care about his mother and child, Mrs. Zhang had no choice but to live in humiliation, and lived like this for several years.

Until this year, when Dong Ping went out to buy goods, Mrs. Liu began to abuse Mrs. Zhang and her children again.

At this time, Zhang's son was already 12 years old and sensible. Seeing his concubine abusing his mother and younger sister, but his father completely ignored him, the child couldn't bear it anymore, so he thought of murder.

On this day, Mrs. Liu called her younger sister to stand in the yard as punishment. It was cold in winter and saw her sister shivering from the cold in the yard. The child couldn't bear it any longer. He found the scissors from his mother's room and rushed to Mrs. Liu's room. In the middle, he stabbed and cut several times to Liu Shi.It's just that the 12-year-old child is young and weak after all, and the winter clothes are thick, so these cuts did not cause much harm to Mrs. Liu.

Liu quickly reacted and summoned the servants to capture the child.After being captured, Mrs. Liu beat the child severely first, and then sent the child to the government. No matter how Mrs. Zhang pleaded for mercy, Mrs. Liu ignored him.

After the government received the report, it was immediately embarrassing.

You must know that there is no impenetrable wall in the world. Everyone has heard about Mrs. Liu bullying old women and children, and they all have a good impression of Mrs. Liu, but there are all evidences of the child harming the concubine's mother. maintain.I had no choice but to shirk the fact that the end of the year was approaching, and that the trial would be held after the year, and I wanted to wait for Dong Ping to return home before discussing it.However, Mrs. Liu resolutely refused and decided to finalize the case years ago.The county magistrate had no choice but to adjudicate the case.

However, Nazhi County kept a careful eye when judging the case. After the sentence of beheading, he wrote down the Dong family's family situation in detail, and handed over Liu's certificate and the course of the case to the government.

Because the law of the Ming Dynasty clearly stipulates that any death penalty must be verified by the Ministry of Punishment, and then judged by the Dali Temple (the emperor used to collude), which means that the county magistrate's sentence of beheading may not necessarily be passed.In fact, the family situation of Dong's family attached to Nazhi County just didn't want this sentence to pass.

Changping County is under the jurisdiction of Shuntian Mansion, and the prefect of Shuntian Mansion is Zhang Li, who was single-handedly promoted by Li Jing.

If it were someone else, they might have to report the case file to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, but after Zhang Li reported the case to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, he went to find Yang Liufeng and asked Yang Liufeng to report the case to Li Jing.

Because Zhang Li knows that according to the law of the Ming Dynasty, there is no problem with the child being sentenced to beheaded. If Mrs. Liu insists, the child will basically have no way out. If he wants to save the child's life, he must let Li Jing know this case.

After reading the case file, Li Jing sighed and said, "Stay in the rules! Such a simple case should be handed over to me to exonerate this child. You people, you have read so many books of sages in vain. In my opinion, your books It's all read in the dog's belly."

Seeing the embarrassment on Yang Liufeng and Zhang Li's faces, Li Jing shook his head and said, "Is our Daming law formulated to protect bitches like Liu? I don't know what the county magistrate thought when he judged this case." , clearly wanted to exonerate the child, but didn't know how to do it.

When he concluded the case, why didn't he let Mrs. Zhang sue Mrs. Liu?As long as Mrs. Zhang can sue Mrs. Liu for not keeping her duty, relying on her husband's favor to bully the old woman and abuse the old woman's children, wouldn't the case be over immediately?

And you, why are you so clinging to Da Ming Law?There are so many laws and regulations that can be borrowed, why don't you know how to adapt them?Even if you don't know how to borrow laws, you should at least understand human nature, right?You must know that the law is nothing more than human feelings. If we sentence this child to death, the common people will not scold us to death! "

After a pause, Li Jing said again: "Also, Zhang Li, we set up the Civil Affairs Bureau to speak for the common people and the weak, but why didn't I see the shadow of the Civil Affairs Bureau in the Dong family case? Changping County Is the Civil Information Administration there just a display? Check it out for me. Who are the people selected for the Civil Information Administration in Changping County? Grab it."

Zhang Li shook his head and said, "Marshal, the people selected by the Civil Affairs Administration can be sure that they must be local patriarchs, village chiefs, or relatively well-known wealthy gentry. Occasionally there are one or two ordinary people, and they must be honest. , can’t even speak clearly. These ordinary people are just pretending.”

"En?" Li Jing was startled when he heard the words, and couldn't help thinking.

Looking at Li Jing, Zhang Li sighed and continued: "Marshal, it's not that the officials from all over the place didn't work hard, it's just that this matter is too difficult to handle. You think, most of the common people have never seen the world. How many of these honest farmers are there? How dare they go against the wishes of those gentry and rich businessmen even if they are allowed to enter the Civil Affairs Bureau?"

Yang Liufeng continued: "That's right, Marshal, these places are different from Pingyang Mansion. Pingyang Mansion has been in this situation for many years. In addition, when the bandits were raging in Pingyang Mansion, many of the local gentry and wealthy businessmen were gone. The family is broken and the people are dead, and the common people don't have so many scruples, so they dare to speak. But other places..."

Li Jing waved his hand: "I understand what you mean."

After getting up and taking a few steps in the room, Li Jing sighed and said, "There are some things that we can't change just by talking about them from a high position. I'm just impatient. I just took a serious tone, so don't blame the two of you."

"Marshal, the student (lower position) can have what he is today, thanks to the support of the marshal, don't say a few reprimands from the marshal, it's nothing to beat him!" Yang Liufeng and Zhang Li hurriedly said.

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "That's an exaggeration, if I beat you, wouldn't I be the same as that so-and-so?"

Yang Liufeng and Zhang Li laughed lightly when they heard the words, and they understood that who Li Jing was talking about was Emperor Zhengde, Emperor Jiajing, and Emperor Wanli who often imposed court scepters on ministers.

Walking to the desk, Li Jing picked up the file and looked at it and continued: "The magistrate of Changping attached the family status of the Dong family in the file. It seems that the magistrate is a person with a conscience and a sensible person. Zhang Li, you send him a message, just say that I am very pleased that this case will be sent back to Changping County for him to retry."

"Yes!" Zhang Li hurriedly said.

Handing the dossier to Zhang Li, Li Jing continued: "The child of the Dong family is really treasonous in terms of the case itself, but if you look at the circumstances of his mother and his siblings together, this child is a filial and fraternal child. child.

A man's vocation is to protect his family. He knows how to protect his mother and sister at a young age, and he adopts the simplest and most effective method. Although he is a bit overconfident, if he is trained, he can become a master.

Well, after the case is over, bring the three of them to my house, so that I can teach and teach the child. "

(End of this chapter)

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