Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 598 Military Power

Chapter 598 Military Power
Shen Zheng suddenly became alert, not because he thought that he was not keeping pace with Li Jing and that Li Jing would alienate him, but because he was alert that he did not have the ability to lead the officials.It is very dangerous to want to dominate the officials without the ability.Especially if you don't keep pace with Li Jing and want to dominate the officials, it is even more dangerous.

Just realizing this, Shen Zheng knew that he had made a huge mistake in opposing the sending of troops.He shouldn't have asked the ministers to write a letter to object. If he explained his views to Li Jing himself, the effect would definitely be much stronger than it is now.

Knowing that he had made a mistake in this matter, Shen Zheng would naturally not make another mistake, so when he saw Gao Qi and other generals donating one after another, Shen Zheng immediately pledged to donate 100 million taels.

It wasn't that Shen Zheng wanted to overwhelm Gao Qi, Ma Wu and the others in the matter of pledging donations. Gao Qi and the others knew Shen Zheng's net worth, so they definitely wouldn't care about it.

Shen Zheng donated 100 million to express his attitude to Li Jing: Although I oppose your use of troops against Luzon now, as long as you want to fight, I will fully support you.

With Shen Zheng taking the lead, those civil servants naturally didn't dare to back down, and they asked for Li Jing's drink one after another. Those with more money would pay thousands of taels, and those with less money would pay hundreds of taels.

Seeing the enthusiasm of the crowd, Li Jing waved his hands with a smile and said, "Since everyone wants to eat Li's drink, then Li must give everyone face. table, and please join us at that time.

But I have agreed in advance that everyone can come to eat and drink, but no gifts are allowed.If anyone of you brings a gift, don't blame Li for refusing to accept guests. "

Seeing that the ministers were a little embarrassed, Zhu Youjian laughed and said: "The money you paid today is for the meal of the Duke of the country. The money has already been paid, so what kind of gift is there?"

"What the emperor saw is very true." All the ministers were relieved when they heard this.

Li Jing waved his hand and said: "Okay, the emperor said so much just now, and everyone is also willing to be anxious about the court's urgent needs. I think no one is opposed to sending troops anymore. It's past noon now, and everyone hasn't eaten yet. Go away."

"Congratulations to the emperor, and respect to Duke Xingguo." All the ministers were overjoyed and shouted in unison.

Li Jingjing nodded, and waved to Shen Zheng, Yang Liufeng, and Fang Fang: "Father-in-law, be careful, there is no solution, you three stay here, I have something to tell you."

"Yes!" The three said hurriedly.

After thinking about it, Li Jing said to Liu Lishun again: "Fuli (Liu Lishun's word), you stay too."

Turning around, he said to Gao Qi and Ma Wu, "You two come too."

After finishing speaking, Li Jing rushed to Zhu Youjian: "Please, Your Majesty."

Zhu Youjian shook his head and said with a smile: "Brother Li, it seems that I have to take care of the meal."

"Hehe, I'm bothering the emperor." Li Jing said with a smile.

While joking, everyone came to the apse.

Li Jing asked Zhu Youjian to take the main seat, and sat on Zhu Youjian's right hand side. Seeing that Shen Zheng and the others looked a little cautious, Li Jing smiled and said: "Sit, everyone. I know you are against the present Those who sent troops, but there is one thing you have done very well, that is, before I gave the order, you still deployed the materials needed by the army according to my order."

Yang Liufeng laughed and said, "Marshal, we still know how to measure this point."

Li Jing smiled and nodded.

Seeing that Liu Lishun was still cautious, Li Jing said with a smile: "Brother Fuli, you and I are both students of Jie Huan Gong, so we are still classmates. The master thinks highly of you, and you also live up to the high expectations of the master. Mr. Quanxia knows, I must be pleased. Don't be restrained, I am very casual, if I let you sit, you will sit."

"Thank you, Marshal." Liu Lishun said hurriedly.

When Liu Lishun sat down, Li Jing smiled and said: "Brother Fuli, you are a talent. You used to be a servant in the Imperial Academy. I transferred you to be a doctor in the household department not to belittle you, but to hope that you can familiarize yourself Let’s talk about practice. You know, things learned in books are sometimes unreliable. It’s like I’m going to send troops this time. If you don’t work in the Ministry of Households, I’m afraid you won’t be able to grasp the actual situation. If you can’t grasp the actual situation, then you Unable to judge."

Liu Lishun hurriedly got up and said, "Thank you, Commander-in-Chief, for your appreciation, I will definitely study hard."

Li Jing raised his hand and pressed a few times, motioning for Liu Lishun to sit down and talk.

When Liu Lishun sat down again, Li Jing continued: "You have almost completed your experience in the Ministry of Finance, and it's time to go out to work. I will give you a few places, and you can choose by yourself. One is in Jiangsu, the other is in Zhejiang, and the two lakes are the same. Okay, first go down to participate in politics, and when you are familiar with local affairs, I will propose you to be the chief political envoy."

Liu Lishun was taken aback, he didn't expect Li Jing to value him so much.

After thinking about it, Liu Lishun said: "Marshal Meng will not give up, and the next official wants to work in Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou and other places."

"Oh? Why did you think of these places?" Li Jing looked at Liu Lishun with interest and smiled.

Liu Lishun pondered his words for a while, and then said: "Jiangsu, Zhejiang and the two lakes are rich and prosperous places, with Lord Chen and Lord Wu sitting in the town, there are not many more officials, and many less officials.

However, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou and other places have not implemented the Marshal's decree effectively, which can be seen from the taxes paid by these provinces to the imperial court last year.

Since the commander-in-chief wants the subordinate officials to go out to work and experience, then the subordinate officials are willing to go to these places.The next official assured the Marshal that within three years, the tax paid to the imperial court within the jurisdiction would be doubled compared to the current level. "

"He is courageous, responsible, and not afraid of hardships and dangers. He really is a person who does things." Li Jing praised repeatedly.

After a pause, Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile, "However, brother Fuli, you don't understand my intention of letting you work in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Lianghu.

Let me tell you the truth, there are still big battles to be fought in the country in the past few years, Chen Dahu and Liu Erleng can't stay in town all the time, but the two lakes of Jiangsu and Zhejiang are the granary of Daming, I must arrange for a reliable person to go down to sit in town.I let you go down now to lay the foundation for you to take over in the future.

In addition, the current situation in Ming Dynasty is not as stable as it appears on the surface. The reason is that my pace of implementing the New Deal is a bit too big, covering a lot of provinces, and we have far from enough officials who can implement the New Deal.Officials in many places seem to be promoting the New Deal, but in fact they are silently confronting the imperial court.

If you continue to expand the scope, you must divide the officials of the provinces that are implementing the New Deal. In this way, there may be problems in the provinces that were originally implementing the New Deal. . "

"So that's how it is. The commander-in-chief acts calmly, and he was too worried before he was dismissed." Liu Lishun sighed.

Li Jing smiled and continued: "Accordingly, I shouldn't tell you what I said just now, but I believe in your character and won't go out and talk nonsense. You think about it, where are you planning to go in Jiangsu and Zhejiang?"

Liu Lishun pondered for a moment and said, "If the subordinate officials are allowed to choose by themselves, they would like to go to Jiangsu or Zhejiang."

"Oh? Can you tell me the reason?" Li Jing asked with a smile.

Liu Lishun cupped his hands and said: "Commander, now the governor of Jiangsu and Zhejiang is Mr. Chen Dahu. Mr. Chen has an upright personality and hates evil like a vengeful one. When the New Deal was just implemented, it is really necessary for such a vigorous and resolute person to preside over the government affairs.

However, as the New Deal is gradually accepted by everyone, there is no need to blindly suppress it. If there is always such a strong suppression, everyone will feel breathless.However, we should not take it lightly because the new policy has been accepted by everyone, because the implementation time of the new policy is still short, and the original system is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Once it is relaxed, it will rebound if it is said to rebound.This point can be seen from Mr. Chen's transfer to Zhejiang. The new Jiangsu chief envoy does not have Mr. Chen's iron fist, and Jiangsu's inherent forces have begun to emerge again. "

Li Jingjing nodded, sighed softly, and said: "That's why I said that I am moving too fast in implementing the New Deal, and many officials are unable to do their best. In desperation, I had to let Chen Dahu be the governor of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and came back after a round. It's been a toss for half a year."

Liu Lishun smiled and said: "You can't say that. Mr. Chen implemented the new policy in Zhejiang, and it was quite successful. Moreover, Mr. Chen in Jiangsu has already laid the foundation. Now that Mr. Chen returns to Jiangsu to take charge of the government, the original government affairs can be grasped soon. stand up."

Li Jing nodded slightly.

Liu Lishun continued: "So when the new policy is implemented for a period of time, it is necessary to combine rigidity and softness. Mr. Chen is rigid, but not flexible enough. Presumably the commander-in-chief has seen this, so three years later he plans to put Chen My lord transfers away."

Li Jing smiled and nodded.

Liu Lishun continued: "However, after Mr. Chen leaves, the inherent forces will inevitably rise. This requires the successor to have a certain skill to control the situation in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. From what I've seen, there are not many officials in the imperial court with such skills."

Li Jing smiled and said, "Then do you think the two lakes are easier to manage than Jiangsu and Zhejiang?"

Liu Lishun nodded: "The two lakes are much easier to manage than Jiangsu and Zhejiang, because the governor of the two lakes, Mr. Wu, has a more gentle approach. Although the implementation of the new policies in the two lakes is slow, it is more stable. As long as you follow Mr. Wu's pace, you can make great achievements in a few years. Therefore, it is not difficult to deal with the government affairs of the two lakes, and even if Mr. Wu resigns from office in the future, as long as the successor Xiao Gui Cao Sui is competent."

Li Jing laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Hahaha, well said, brother Fuli, you alone have such insight that few people can match, and you are not afraid of hardships and dangers, and face up to difficulties. Good, good! I don't think so. Wait, you go back and pack up, and you will go to Jiangsu to take up your post today. Well, you will first serve as the chief envoy of Jiangsu, Siyou, and participate in politics, and then you will be the military counselor of the Jiangsu General's Mansion."

"This... This officer doesn't understand military affairs, so I'm afraid this military counselor won't be able to do it." Liu Lishun said hastily.

At this moment, Gao Qi smiled and said, "Hehe, Mr. Liu, you military counselor is not in charge of fighting. The commander wants you to have a good relationship with General Chen. Otherwise, you will not be able to command General Chen's soldiers."

"The lower officials don't dare to interfere in military affairs, so I ask the commander-in-chief to take back his order." Liu Lishun said hastily.

Li Jing smiled and said: "I am not asking you to intervene in military affairs, but to give you certain military power. The Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions are rich, and most of the rich and rich have family guards. If these people keep their own place, it will be fine, but if they don't If you keep your duty and get together, you will be a force that cannot be ignored. If you have no soldiers in your hands, you will have no confidence in doing things."

(End of this chapter)

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