Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 603 Chen Dahu's Letter

Chapter 603 Chen Dahu's Letter

One of the students stood up and said: "Master Chen, the students don't agree with what you said, and the students are here to argue with you."

"Okay, then tell me, what I said is wrong." Chen Dahu said.

The student said: "As your lord said, some students really don't know the grains, and even don't distinguish between the south, the east, and the north, but what does this have to do with being an official? Do officials still have to farm? And use it to divide east, west, north, south? If the official knows everything, what do the people below need to do?"

Chen Dahu laughed when he heard the words: "Hahaha! You said that officials don't need to know these things? Ask the officials present if there are any who don't understand these things? Lao Ziming told you that officials who don't understand these things should go back Home. I don’t know why, right? I’ll tell you today.

Let me ask you, if a county magistrate does not distinguish between five grains, how does he know what crops to plant in what season?If there is no distinction between east, west, north and south, how does he know where the villages under his jurisdiction are?
Do you want to tell Lao Tzu that those in charge of farming have classics and history, and those in charge of household registration have master books.That's right, the master of classics and history can do these things, but as a county magistrate, you don't know anything, and the people below have to do everything, so what do you need?
You may not agree with what I said, but I will give you another analogy, one that you can understand right away.

For example, if you are a county magistrate now, and there are refugees under your rule, then you, as a county magistrate, are the highest military officer in the county. I ask you, you don’t even know the east, west, north, south, how to command the soldiers to quell the chaos, Do you know which direction the rioters are going? "

The student said: "My lord, this analogy and students don't agree with it. Now that the world is peaceful and the people live and work in peace and contentment, how can there be refugees making trouble?"

Chen Dahu smiled and said: "Hehe, you said there were no refugees making trouble? It seems that you don't know anything except reading. Now there are still rogues in Henan, Shaanxi and other places. In the past two years, even Fengyang was occupied by rogues. , you actually said that the world is peaceful? I really laughed to death."

Shaking his head, Chen Dahu pointed to a group of students and said: "Students like you who don't understand anything, if the imperial court makes you officials, the common people will not have a good life. Just like you, why don't you take the exam? I don’t think you need to give up the exam anymore. You should be promoted to be a school official!”

An official behind Chen Dahu hurriedly said: "The humble post is here, what is your order?"

Chen Dahu pointed to a group of students, and said to the academic officer: "These people should be scholars, right? Their fame and qualifications for taking the provincial examination will be revoked, shouldn't they be canceled? There will be no need to take the examination in the future."

"Yes!" said the academic officer hastily.

Chen Dahu turned around and said to the captain of the soldiers: "After the registration of the school officer is completed, these people will be sent to the food superintendent to transport food first, and then sent to the military reclamation office to farm after the food is shipped. What a bunch of things! Lao Tzu's cell does not support these people. This group of trash, let me work for you! Zhang Tongchang, Wen Qing, these people are handed over to you two!"

"Yes! Your Excellency." Zhang Tongchang and Wen Qing said hurriedly.

The students shouted loudly after hearing this: "Chen Dahu, you insulted Sven so much! We will go to Beijing to sue you!"

Chen Dahu laughed loudly: "Hahaha, sue me? Can you get out of this door? After you finish transporting the grain and learn how to farm, I will let you go to Beijing to sue me!"

Suddenly Chen Dahu stopped laughing, waved his hands and shouted: "Take it away!"

The soldiers received the order, surrounded the group of students, pushed and pushed them down.

Chen Dahu turned his head to look at the officials: "Have you seen how I dealt with these grandchildren? You just do what I did. If something happens, I will take care of it for you. But I will tell you what I said before, so I will tell you what to do." Obedience and violation, I will arrest people for the crime of delaying the military aircraft. Do you understand!"

"Yes!" All the officials responded loudly, excitedly.

Chen Dahu glared at the crowd and said: "Since you understand, why don't you hurry back and do your errands? Wait for me to take care of the meal?"

"I will take my leave." All the officials bowed and said after hearing the words.


When the Beijing cabinet signed the mortgage, Li Jing smiled and said to Gao Qi: "Dahu has sent a letter, and the incident of revocation of exams in Jiangsu and Zhejiang has been dealt with. Guess how he solved it?"

Gao Qi shook his head and smiled, "With Dug's personality, the students in Jiangnan must suffer."

Li Jing smiled and picked up a letter from the table and handed it to Gao Qi: "This is a letter written by Dahu, please read it."

Gao Qi took it with a smile, and was stunned at the first glance: "Write it by Duhu himself?"

Li Jing smiled and nodded.

Gao Qi laughed and said, "That's a good time to read and read."

Turning his head to look at Xiao Jiu and Su Heng, Gao Qi smiled and said, "You two go out first."

Xiao Jiu and Su Heng hurried out of the signing room after hearing the words.

Li Jing looked at it and nodded with a smile. Gao Qi was thoughtful and thoughtful, knowing that Chen Dahu's handwritten letter would definitely be hard to bear. If he couldn't help laughing, he would be very disrespectful to Chen Dahu in front of Xiao Jiu and Su Heng. respect.

Shaking the letter paper, Gao Qi read it softly: "Brother, brother Chen Dahu greets you. I think I should know the news that the students have dropped their exams. I must have received the report of those bastard officials in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. , I haven’t written a letter to my eldest brother, and my eldest brother must have been waiting impatiently, it’s not that my brother didn’t write to my eldest brother, it’s because I didn’t want to tell my eldest brother before I settled the matter, for fear that my eldest brother would be upset.”

After reading this, Gao Qi clicked his tongue twice and said, "Don't say it, the writing is still very smooth."

Li Jing smiled and said, "I've improved a lot compared to before, but the interesting ones are in the back, you can continue reading."

Gao Qi smiled and read: "Brother, after returning to Nanjing, I found that the officials in Jiangsu are not as obedient as before. His grandma, they forgot how I used to deal with them. These dog days don't remember what they eat or not." Fight. But brothers know that now is not the time to deal with them, if they are dealt with now, there will be no one to work on, and it may delay the supply of military rations, so I plan to put up with them and deal with them after the matter is over."

After reading this, Gao Qi shook his head with a smile and said: "This Chen Dahu, he wrote letters to my eldest brother, but he was full of Lao Tzu."

Li Jing said with a smile: "It is estimated that when Chen Dahu wrote this, he was holding fire in his heart."

Gao Qi nodded, and continued to read: "This time, the students' refusal to take the exam was instigated by those stupid officials behind the scenes, trying to trip me up. Brothers understand that, but brothers, don't worry, let them toss and wait. They've made a lot of trouble, and the brothers have an excuse to deal with them.

Hehe, these idiots thought that the brothers had no choice, and they became more noisy, and even asked the students to hold a dead man's tablet to block the government offices of various places, and even dared to block the brother's office.The yamen in various places have been closed for many days, and they have not done any official business. Now, the accusation of delaying the military plane and these bastards can't escape.

Seeing that the time had come, the brothers began to order arrests. First, the brothers sent troops to destroy all the tablets of the dead man held by the students blocking the governor's office, and then arrested those students.

At this time, those stupid officials jointly sued the brother, but the brother is not afraid, the brother knows that the eldest brother will definitely help the brother carry it over, as long as the eldest brother can help the brother carry it for a few days, the brother will be able to clean up those stupid officials. post.

Brother originally wanted to kill the chicken to scare the monkey. I'm sorry, big brother. Brother can't write the word before the idiom monkey, but brother knows that word means scare, so brother replaces that word with scare. I think big brother can understand. , When you turn around, brother, find someone to teach you how to read and write that word. "

After reading this, Gao Qi finally couldn't help laughing loudly, coughing while laughing: "Ahem, I can't take it anymore, this Chen Dahu, kill chickens to scare monkeys, let him write like killing chickens to scare monkeys."

After laughing for a while, Gao Qi went on to mutter: "However, Zhang Tongchang and Wen Qing persuaded the brother that it is better not to kill the chicken at this time, as long as it can scare the monkeys. If the brother thinks it is reasonable, then don't kill the chicken for the time being.

The brothers sent troops to summon officials from all counties and prefectures in Jiangsu to the Governor's Mansion, and severely scolded these grandsons. These grandsons couldn't bear the scolding, so some people jumped out to argue with the brothers. This man was Liu Chuanming, from Changzhou The magistrate of the prefecture, his brother told him to pack up and get out, and he even argued with his brother, who immediately took him down on the charge of delaying the military plane.

These bastards just remembered that the brothers are still in charge of military affairs. Isn't it like playing with them?So everyone begged for mercy one after another. Of course, the face-saving brother must give it to his own person, and finally the brother gave the favor to Wenqing.

However, brother can't let him go like this. Brother forced Liu Chuanming to bow his head. If Liu Chuanming bowed his head, then others would not dare to challenge brother again.

In fact, these grandsons don't have such a strong waist, brothers have already seen through what these people are.

But no matter what kind of stuff they are, as long as they can do things according to the orders of the brothers, it should be said that these bastards really want to do things, and there are some very capable ones, brothers really can't do without these bastards for the time being .

In order for these idiots to do things with their heart, brothers have to give these idiots a back. That is to say, if the results of our handling of the students in Jiangsu and Zhejiang are not satisfied with the results, you should not deal with them. Brothers will carry it alone, because What they do is taught by their brothers.

Now let’s talk about how the brother dealt with those students. Brother asked the people below to arrest those students. When the peasants help to transport the grain, after the grain is transported, the brothers will let them farm the fields.

The brothers told those guys when they learned how to farm, and when they would let them go home, then they wanted to sue the brothers, it was up to them.

Hehe, they don't know. By the time they go home, the brother is no longer in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. At that time, the brother has already taken his sons and daughters to Mobei to fight. These grandsons will sue wherever they fall in love. Birds don't bird them.

The above is the brother’s way of dealing with the students under the rule to stop the exam. It may not suit the elder brother’s mind, but the students in Jiangsu and Zhejiang are honest, and the officials are also honest. The brother thinks it is handled well. "

(End of this chapter)

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