Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 610 Luzon Raiders

Chapter 610 Luzon Raiders
However, the Spaniard's condition was that the Ming army would retreat and compensate the Spaniards for the losses they suffered in this battle, otherwise they would die together with the Ming people in Manila. Their attitude was so firm that there was no room for maneuver.

How dare Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting agree to such a condition. If they had agreed to such a condition, it would be easy for Li Jing to dismiss them both.

When the negotiations came to such a result, Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting were also very helpless. The Spaniards had such a tough attitude, and they were completely indifferent. For a while, the two of them were helpless. , Bury the Ming people and the Spaniards in the city under the artillery fire.As a result, the two sides are at a stalemate.

Knowing that there was a stalemate in the war in Manila, Li Jing had no choice. After all, Li Jing was thousands of miles away, and it would take a month for Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting to receive an order.At the beginning, it was precisely because of the inconvenience of news transmission that Li Jing authorized Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting to handle the war in Luzon with full authority.

Now knowing that Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting are in trouble, Li Jing can't give them advice from thousands of miles away. Who knows how the situation will change when his news reaches Manila in a month's time.

Just when Li Jing was pondering what method Sun Meng and others would use to resolve the deadlock in Manila, Sun Meng's news arrived.

The Ming people in Manila could not bear the humiliation of the Spaniards. They rioted at night when the Spaniards were lax, but they were immediately suppressed by the Spaniards.

Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting witnessed the massacre of the Ming people, and ignored the fact that the shelling would accidentally kill the Ming people, they began to shell the city of Manila. After breaking through the city gate, they led the Ming army into the city and retaliated wildly against the Spaniards.

According to post-war statistics, more than 1 people, including the families of Spanish soldiers, died at the hands of the Ming army. About [-] Ming people in the city died at the hands of the Spaniards. They died under the artillery fire of the Ming army. There are about two thousand people.

When the Spanish Governor Coquera broke through the city, he led some Spanish soldiers to break through from the east of Manila to the direction of Luzon Island, and found that a part of the Ming army was following and chasing it.

Along with the battle report, there is also a captured list.

After breaking through the city of Manila, the Ming army cleared the property of the Spaniards and seized a total of more than 18 gold coins, more than [-] silver coins, and some rare materials such as jewelry and spices, as well as food and other materials. its number.

After breaking through the city of Manila, the Ming army cleared the property of the Spaniards, and seized a total of more than 18 gold coins, more than [-] silver coins, and some rare materials such as jewelry and spices, as well as food and other materials. number.

Seeing this list, Li Jing frowned. Judging from the list of material wealth seized from the Portuguese in Macau and the list of material wealth captured from the Dutch in Taiwan, the numbers in this list may not be very accurate, especially the gold and silver coins. Numbers are wildly inaccurate.

You must know that the wealth transported back to China by the Dutch East India Company’s colony of Taiwan alone is worth 40 Dutch guilders (equivalent to four tons of gold) every year. Luzon’s mineral resources are far richer than Taiwan’s. The Dutch in Taiwan make so much money, and the difference will not be so much. It is almost the same if you add a zero after it.

Li Jing does not think that the Spaniards have sent their property back to the country. Last year, after Zheng Zhilong captured Manga Strait and sealed the Manga Strait, none of the ships stationed in Southeast Asia from Western countries returned to China through the Manga Strait. Waiting for Li Jing to recruit Zheng Zhilong After that, only one ship of De Bauer was spared to return to China to report on his duties.

Since there are no ships to return home, where is the property of the Spaniards in Luzon?You won't fly back to China from the sky, will you?

However, Li Jing did not suspect that Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting hid the money. The two of them would not know how difficult Da Ming is now, not to mention their loyalty to Da Ming or Li Jing, but only to say such a large sum of money. , How bold must these two people dare to hide privately?Even a rebellious person like Zheng Zhilong would not have the guts to hide the money.

So where did the money go?There is only one answer, which was hidden by the Spaniards.

The reason why Sun Meng and the others didn't find the money was because they were busy killing people when they broke the city, and when they killed them all, even if they thought the money was wrong, they couldn't find anyone to ask.

After thinking about it, Li Jing wrote a letter to Sun Meng. The content was very simple: "Brother Sun, the battle was fought very well, I hope you will continue to work hard, but the property of the Spaniards is wrong, it should be hidden by them. Send people to look for it carefully. In addition, don’t rely on domestic supplies for all the food needed by the army, because food is supplied by the enemy.”

After writing the letter, Li Jing read it again and smiled slightly, thinking that after reading the letter, Sun Meng would dig three feet to dig out the property hidden by the Spaniards.

After pondering for a while, Li Jing wrote another letter to Sun Chuanting: "Brother Boya, jungle warfare is not my specialty. I hope to fight steadily, conquer a place, and occupy a place. I intend to gather troops to attack northward and occupy Luzon Island. If the situation in the Song Dynasty is stable, our army will not need to rely on the country for food supplies, and at this time, we will not be trapped in logistical supplies when we go south to fight.”

After writing the letter, Li Jing sealed the two envelopes and placed them gently on the table.

At this time, Xiao Jiu came over with a teacup, and seeing two letters on Li Jing's desk, one with Sun Meng's name and one with Sun Chuanting's name, she immediately asked softly. "Marshal, shall I send someone to deliver the letter now?"

Li Jing waved his hand: "No rush."

Taking the teacup, Li Jing took a sip slowly, and said, "Someone invite Gao Qi and Zhou Hengchen, um, invite Song Yingxing and Fang Fang as well."

Xiao Jiu nodded, went out and called the guards to give some instructions, the guards took the orders and hurried away.

After a while, Gao Qi, Zhou Hengchen, Song Yingxing and Fang Fang came in a hurry.

He waved his hand to stop the four of them from saluting, and ordered Xiao Jiu to pour a cup of tea for the four of them respectively. After Xiao Jiu retreated, Li Jing took out Sun Meng's letter and handed it to Gao Qi: "This is the battle report from Lao Sun. have a look."

Gao Qi took it and read it, then handed it to Zhou Hengchen. Zhou Hengchen read it and handed it to Fang Fang. Finally, Song Yingxing read the letter and handed it to Li Jing.

Li Jing put the letter on the table, looked at the four people and said, "If you have any ideas, please tell me."

The four of them looked at each other, and Zhou Hengchen said with a smile: "Commander, the four of us, Mr. Gao is in charge of the army, the lower officials are in charge of the staff department, and Mr. Fang and Mr. Song are in charge of the engineering department. The commander-in-chief called the four of us together. It is necessary to study the military, political and construction issues after the occupation of Luzon."

Li Jing smiled and said, "Hengchen, you understand my mind more and more."

Zhou Hengchen said with a smile: "Commander, I have been with you for so many years, and it was you who raised me step by step from a seventh-rank magistrate to the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials. I have nothing to repay the commander, and I can only do a good job with my heart." The errand assigned by the general is to select capable ministers and officials for the general."

Li Jing smiled: "You and I came from humble beginnings. If we want to convince the public, we can only do our best and do things with a public heart. Your errands are doing very well, especially the official examinations last year. I am very satisfied."

"Thank you, Commander, for your compliment." Zhou Hengchen said hastily.

Li Jing smiled and said: "Hengchen, I plan to establish a province in Luzon, who do you think is more appropriate to be the chief envoy of Luzon?"

Zhou Hengchen pondered for a while and said: "Commander, the general of Zhennan, Mr. Sun, will use troops for the governor of Luzon. In the opinion of the officials, it is better to let Mr. Sun also serve as the chief envoy of Luzon?"

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "Old Sun has already taken on multiple positions, so it might not be suitable for him to serve as Luzon's chief envoy again?"

"Eh?" Zhou Hengchen was slightly taken aback, and then he realized that if Li Jing wanted Sun Meng to serve as Luzon's chief envoy, he would not have asked him if he had a suitable candidate.

After thinking for a while, Zhou Hengchen said, "Should Sun Chuanting and Mr. Sun also serve as Luzon's chief envoy?"

Li Jing shook his head and smiled, "Sun Boya wants to assist Sun Meng in mobilizing the army, how can he have the energy to deal with local affairs?"

Zhou Hengchen pondered and said: "Well, we have just occupied the city of Manila. At this time, the city is full of soldiers from our army. If we send civilian officials as Luzon's chief envoys, I'm afraid we won't be able to control those soldiers."

Li Jing smiled: "The chief envoy is in charge of local affairs, and he doesn't need to take care of military affairs. If Lao Sun can't restrain his soldiers, then he is not worthy of being the general of Zhennan."

Zhou Hengchen glanced at the battle report on the table and said with a wry smile: "There doesn't seem to be anything to deal with in Manila now, right?"

Li Jing shook his head and said, "Hengchen, you have to take a long-term view, don't just look at the front. Let me tell you this, Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting's battle focus will soon be on Luzon Island.

After we capture Luzon Island, we will need the chief envoy to handle local affairs. This is the purpose of my establishment of the Luzon chief envoy. , taxation, mining and other local affairs, right?Isn't that exhausting them? "

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "Then, don't be in a hurry, so you can think about a suitable candidate."

Zhou Hengchen nodded slightly.

Li Jing turned to Gao Qi and said, "Brother Gao, after Old Sun and the others take down Luzon, the local area will inevitably send troops to garrison. How do you think it should be arranged?"

Gao Qi pondered for a while and said: "Since the commander-in-chief wants to establish a province in Luzon, he needs to appoint a guarding general in Luzon.

I have seen the map of Luzon. There are countless islands around Luzon. It is impossible for us to station troops on all the islands. If that is the case, hundreds of thousands of soldiers will not be enough.

I counted, and there are two large islands in Luzon, namely Luzon Island in the north and Mindanao Island in the south, and there are several large islands in the middle.

What I mean is to appoint a Luzon general to coordinate the military of the entire Luzon, and then appoint two lieutenants to guard Luzon and Mindanao respectively, and appoint a garrison for each of the islands in the middle. What does the commander think? ? "

Li Jing smiled and said: "Hehe, I just said that Hengchen has a close vision, but I didn't expect you to see it so far. But strategic layout, you have to see farther. Your idea is very good, so I will follow what you said manage.

But you may see those islands are not big on the map, but in fact those islands are very large, and the post of defense is a bit low, so it is better to be a general.In addition, we don't need to arrange so many people for the time being. You first draw up a Luzon general and two deputy generals. "

(End of this chapter)

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