Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 620 1 stone stirs up waves

Chapter 620 One stone stirs up a thousand waves
It's no wonder that few emperors of the Ming Dynasty could leave Beijing easily. The year before last, Zhu Youjian left Beijing and went around Shanxi, thinking about going out again. Now that Li Jing wants to take him out of the palace, he doesn't care about the pomp .

In fact, according to Zhu Youjian's mind, it's best to bring a few guards out of the palace with Li Jing.

It's just that Li Jing doesn't pay attention to ostentation, and he won't agree with Zhu Youjian to do this, because just taking a few guards out of the palace is not going to inspect the disaster situation.

Li Jing took Zhu Youjian down for inspection, the main purpose was to take down Kong Yanzhi.

Because Kong Yanzhi is a first-class duke, he is still ahead of Li Jing in terms of title.In fact, although Yan Shenggong is a duke, his status is like that of a prince. If you want to win this status, of course you must have a good article, and Zhu Youjian must personally order it.

Just like Li Jing's previous abolition of feudal vassals, those princes, county kings, and even hereditary dukes of Ming Dynasty were all decreed by Zhu Youjian to remove their hereditary titles. The world is in chaos.

Even if Zhu Youjian ordered it, it would not be so easy to cut down the vassal.This is why Li Jing asked Zhu Huiyu to inform her elder brother Zhou Wang to cooperate, and why Zhang Yan asked her father Tai Kangbo Zhang Guoji to cooperate.Both of these two people belonged to the role models among the princes and nobles. They took the lead to lead the order, and the rest of them naturally dared not cooperate.

Compared with those princes and nobles, taking Yanshenggong is more troublesome. It should be because the influence of Yanshenggong is far from that of those princes and dukes. You must have enough reasons to take it down. At the same time, you must talk about the pomp, Afterwards, the world will be notified.If you only bring a few guards down to do such a big event, you can't help but treat Yan Shenggong, who has sealed several dynasties, as a trifling matter.

It is not surprising that Li Jing wants to win Yan Shenggong Zhu Youjian. Many things that Li Jing has done in recent years are contrary to Confucianism. It would be strange not to win Yan Shenggong.

Similarly, Li Jing is not worried that Zhu Youjian will not cooperate with him. You must know that Zhu Youjian has no real power now, and only at this time can he reflect the majesty of his emperor. How could Zhu Youjian miss such an opportunity?Therefore, the two hit it off and quickly reached a consensus.

After reaching a consensus, the next step is to discuss the time, itinerary and entourage of the tour.

According to Zhu Youjian's thinking, the sooner the better, and there is no need to bring anyone with him.But Li Jing still has a lot of things to lay the groundwork for, and there are still many things to explain clearly, he can't just lift his butt like Zhu Youjian and leave.

After some deliberation, it was finally decided to leave Beijing in half a month. After half a month, the newspaper could publish at least two or three issues, and the public opinion was basically paved. It would take about half a year until Li Jing and Zhu Youjian arrived in Qufu In more than a month, the investigation results of the Metropolitan Procuratorate can also be announced, and it will be a matter of course for Kong Yanzhi to be captured at this time.

Considering that he must go to the disaster area to inspect the disaster situation, he must do something close to the people. Li Jing decided to let Zhou Empress accompany Zhu Youjian on his tour. Last time Zhu Youjian inspected Shanxi, Zhou Empress accompanied him. Greatly inspiring.Such a good political card, of course Li Jing has to play it again.

Then there is the arrangement of escorts. Li Jing pondered for a while, and finally decided to use the five hundred guards he escorted when he went to Fujian last time, plus the accompanying officials and eunuchs and maids who served the emperor and queen, plus cooking and doing odd jobs. Yes, a total of nearly 1000 people.

From the point of view of the emperor's tour, with only 1000 people, this ostentation is indeed too small, and it seems that Zhu Youjian's safety is extremely ignored, but in fact it is definitely not the case.

North Zhili is adjacent to Shandong. There is Chen Guozhu's garrison in Zhili, and Zhou Tiger's military area troops in Shandong. There is absolutely no problem in terms of security.

Li Jing only needs to tell Chen Guozhu and Zhou Huhu about the itinerary in advance. Needless to say, these two people will definitely wipe out all the thieves and thieves along the way.

After finalizing the personnel arrangement in the palace with Zhu Youjian, and warning Zhu Youjian not to leak the news before going on tour, Li Jing hurried back to the cabinet office.

Three days later, Daming Minsheng Daily suddenly published a special issue again. An unknown literati exposed Yan Shenggong Kong Yanzhi and Qufu County Magistrate in collusion to embezzle ink for disaster relief.

The so-called one stone stirs up a thousand waves. When the news comes out, there is an uproar all over the country, with some believers and some doubters.

In less than two days, the Minsheng Daily suddenly published another article, which denounced the imperial court's inaction, allowing Kong Yanzhi to collude with the local government to embezzle ink and disaster food and not deal with it, and pointed the finger at Li Jing, criticizing Li Jing for protecting Kong Yanzhi , and even directly reprimanded Li Jing for not daring to punish Yan Shenggong.

Afterwards, the cabinet responded by publishing an article saying that the Metropolitan Procuratorate had sent people to Qufu to conduct an investigation. If the matter was found to be true, it should be dealt with according to national law.

In the cabinet study, Li Jing flipped through the newspaper that had just been delivered and smiled. Everything was as he expected. Scholars all over the world dared not express their support for Kong Yanzhi, but it is not yet time to move Kong Yanzhi. Come out, you can do it.

While Li Jing was meditating, Xiao Jiu came in to report: "Commander, General Cao Wenzhao took Sun Hutou, Li Dingguo, Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui to see him outside."

Li Jing was startled when he heard the words, why did he bring Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui back?
Before he could think about it, Li Jing hurriedly got up and said, "Come in, please."

As he spoke, he walked towards the door, and as soon as he reached the door, he saw Cao Wenzhao striding towards him.

Seeing Li Jing, Cao Wenzhao took two quick steps, clasped his fists at Li Jing and said, "Marshal, you miss me so much."

Li Jing stepped forward to grab Cao Wenzhao's arms, and shook them vigorously: "Brother Wenzhao, I miss you too."

After looking Cao Wenzhao up and down, Li Jing sighed softly and said, "Brother Wenzhao, we haven't seen each other for a year and a half, you are getting old."

Cao Wenzhao shook his head and sighed: "If you want to see old people, the commander-in-chief is much older than two years ago. I heard it in Liaodong. In the winter of last year, the commander-in-chief was seriously ill. Oh, commander-in-chief, you Take care of yourself!"

Li Jing patted Cao Wenzhao's shoulder lightly: "I'm happy to see you."

Cao Wenzhao smiled and said, "Marshal, let's not talk about the past, I will introduce two people to you."

As he spoke, he turned and pointed to a middle-aged man in his fifties who was full of vigor and said: "Marshal, this is General Zu Dashouzu."

The man hastily stepped forward, knelt down on one knee, cupped his fists at Li Jing and said, "The last general, Zu Dashou, will see the commander in chief."

Li Jing hurriedly leaned over to pull Zu Dashou up and said: "General Zu, please stand up. General Zu has fought for the country for many years and has made many meritorious deeds. He is indeed a model for our Ming soldiers."

"The general is ashamed. The general has suffered many defeats on the Songjin front, so he dare not be praised like a general." Zu Dashou hurriedly said.

Li Jing waved his hands and said with a smile: "Since ancient times, how many famous generals have not suffered a defeat? Being defeated without giving up is the demeanor of a famous general. General Zu doesn't need to think too much."

Cao Wenzhao pointed to a young man about 25 or [-] years old with a fierce look on his face and said, "Commander, this is General Wu Sangui."

The young man also stepped forward and knelt down on one knee, clasped his fists and said: "The last general Wu Sangui, see the commander in chief."

Li Jing stretched out his hand to help Wu Sangui up, looked at it for a while and said: "I heard that when you were 16 years old, you led only more than [-] famous servants to rescue your father who was in the enemy's battle among thousands of troops. Seeing you today, you are indeed a heroic boy."

Wu Sangui hurriedly said: "Don't dare to be a commander in chief to praise, compared with the commander in chief, this little ability of the general is not worth mentioning."

Li Jing smiled and said, "You don't need to belittle yourself. When I was your age, I was still a bandit on the mountain."

Hearing Li Jing's frank confession that he had been a bandit, Wu Sangui was taken aback, then smiled and said: "Heroes don't ask about background, I am still a beggar to Emperor Taizu."

Li Jing laughed out loud.

After Li Jing's laughter ceased, Sun Hutou and Li Dingguo, who had been silent for a long time, stepped forward, knelt down in front of Li Jing, kowtowed three times and said, "My son has seen my father."

Li Jing stroked Sun Hu's head and Li Dingguo's head and said with a smile: "Good boy, good boy, I have taught you well, and you have finally grown up. Get up."

"Thank you handsome father." The two kowtowed again before getting up.

"Come, come and sit, all of you!" Li Jing waved his hand.

After everyone was seated, Li Jing beckoned someone to serve tea.

After taking the teacup, Cao Wenzhao looked at Li Jing with a smile and said, "Marshal, what are you going to do this time? I heard that Kong Yanzhi was greedy for ink and disaster food on the way. Why didn't you take him down? That's not right. It's like your character."

Li Jing waved his hands and smiled: "Don't talk about it, you will know when the time comes. Brother Wenzhao, have you returned to the house to take a look?"

Cao Wenzhao immediately understood when he heard the words, and then smiled and said: "Hehe, I haven't seen the commander-in-chief, how can I go home first?"

After a pause, Cao Wenzhao looked at Li Jing doubtfully and said, "Marshal, you are so eager to call me back this time, are you planning to let me send troops to Mobei?"

Li Jing smiled and said, "Brother Wen Zhao understands my thoughts, and immediately understands why I asked you to come back."

"I'm just trying to guess, but I don't want to really guess." Cao Wenzhao laughed.

After pondering for a while, Cao Wenzhao continued: "It's just that the locust plague is raging in Shandong and Henan, and the commander-in-chief is trying his best to raise food for disaster relief. At this time, the expedition to Mobei, can the imperial court bear such a heavy burden? To tell the truth from the commander-in-chief, in order to save money I stopped military rations and military operations in Liaodong, and both General Zu and General Wu were somewhat dissatisfied with this, so I brought them back to see the commander-in-chief."

Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui raised their eyes to look at Li Jing when they heard the words, their expressions were a little awkward for a moment.

Li Jing smiled: "It is because of the locust plague in Shandong and Henan that there is not enough food, so I let you send troops to Mobei. But I don't want you to pacify Mobei now. We don't have the money and food to support such a big battle. I I just want you to lead troops to sweep around Mobei and grab some cattle, sheep and livestock back.

Brother Wenzhao, the Huns in the Han Dynasty and the Mongols in this dynasty often did such things. When they had no food for the winter or encountered disasters, they would come to rob us Han people.Now we have to follow suit and grab theirs.Although this cannot completely solve the difficulties, there is no problem in supporting two to three million people, which can help the court solve a large part of the burden. "

(End of this chapter)

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