Chapter 622
"Yes, handsome!" Zu Dashou hurriedly said.

After thinking for a while, Li Jing said again: "Brother Fuyu, Brother Wenzhao and Changbo (Wu Sangui's name) all live in Beijing, but you don't have a place to live, so you can live in my mansion at night."

Cao Wenzhao laughed and said: "You are the commander-in-chief, don't worry about this matter. You are busy all day now, and you don't know when you will return to the mansion at night. How can brother Zu live in your mansion? Let me arrange it."

Li Jing smiled: "That's fine, then you can arrange it. You have been friends for many years, and your relationship is deeper than mine. Living together is also a good way to reminisce about old relationships."

After waving his hand, Li Jing continued: "Okay, you guys go to the palace, if you don't go, you will be out of courtesy."

When Cao Wenzhao and others heard the words, they hurriedly saluted and resigned.


In Qianqing Palace, Zhu Youjian was overjoyed when he heard that Cao Wenzhao, Zu Dashou, and Wu Sangui were seeking an audience outside the palace, and hurriedly asked the little eunuch to bring the three of them inside.

"Minister Cao Wenzhao, Zu Dashou, Wu Sangui, see the emperor." Seeing Zhu Youjian, Cao Wenzhao, Zu Dashou, and Wu Sangui hurriedly bowed and said.

"The three generals are free of courtesy, come, come and sit." Zhu Youjian said happily, and ordered the little eunuch to move some chairs for the three of them.

Cao Wenzhao and others hurriedly bowed and said, "How dare you sit in front of the emperor."

Zhu Youjian said with a smile: "You pacified Liaodong, regained the territory occupied by the Jurchens, and made me have the face to meet my ancestors. You are the heroes of the Ming Dynasty, so why don't you sit down. Come, don't be restrained."

Cao Wenzhao hurriedly said: "The pacification of Liaodong is the result of the commander in Beijing strategizing and devoting himself to ensuring logistics supplies. Wenzhao and others are just doing a little bit."

Zhu Youjian hesitated slightly when he heard the words, then smiled and said: "I know that Duke Xingguo has made great contributions, but if it weren't for you people who worked hard with their lives, I'm afraid it wouldn't be possible? Duke Xingguo has always been informal, and I think so too. Very good, if you sit down, it will be convenient for us monarchs and ministers to talk, right?"

Cao Wenzhao smiled: "The minister dared to sit down in front of the emperor."

Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui hurriedly bowed after hearing the words, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for granting your seat."

Zhu Youjian waved his hand, ordered the little eunuch to bring tea, and then said with a smile, "Have you met Duke Xingguo?"

Cao Wenzhao nodded: "I have seen it."

Zhu Youjian heard the words and said strangely: "Then why did you enter the palace so quickly? With the character of Duke Xing, I'm afraid I have a lot to ask you?"

Cao Wenzhao said with a smile: "The commander-in-chief just briefly stated the purpose of calling the minister back to Beijing, and then sent the minister to the palace to meet the emperor."

Zhu Youjian listened silently, and after a while he sighed softly and said: "Mr. Xingguo is the most informal, but also the most etiquette. To me, Brother Li not only observes the etiquette of the monarch and his ministers, but also loves him like an elder brother. If you talk about Loyalty to Daming, not to mention few people can match Brother Li!"

After being silent for a while, Zhu Youjian said again: "By the way, did Duke Xingguo say he would invite you to dinner?"

Cao Wenzhao said with a smile: "The commander-in-chief said that the emperor is very happy to see us, and will definitely keep us in the palace for dinner, so he won't invite us."

Zhu Youjian laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Hahaha, Brother Li still understands what I'm thinking. Come here and order the imperial dining room to cook some special dishes. I want to invite some lovers to dinner."

After hearing this, several young eunuchs hurried to the imperial dining room to deliver the order.

Cao Wenzhao looked at the little eunuch and said suddenly: "Why don't you see the prince? In the past, the prince served the emperor."

Zhu Youjian said with a smile: "Chengen, he is busy arranging my departure from Beijing."

Cao Wenzhao was surprised when he heard the words: "The emperor is going out of Beijing?"

Zhu Youjian nodded and said, "Yes. What's the matter? Brother Li didn't tell you? This time I'm going to patrol with Brother Li."

After finishing speaking, Zhu Youjian suddenly came to his senses: "Oh, I forgot. Brother Li repeatedly told me not to leak this news until the date of departure is determined. You three should not spread this news, otherwise, it will delay Brother Li big event."

Cao Wenzhao hurriedly said: "Don't worry, your majesty, how can I be a nonsense person!"

Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui also hurriedly said: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will definitely keep my mouth shut."

Due to Zhu Youjian's sudden slip of the tongue, he couldn't think of other topics for a while, and the scene suddenly became awkward.

After being silent for a while, Zu Dashou suddenly got up, knelt down to Zhu Youjian, and kowtowed three times: "Your Majesty, I have acted recklessly and disrespected the Emperor back then. Today I am apologizing to the Emperor."

Zhu Youjian was stunned when he heard the words, and hurriedly said: "Aiqing is exempt from courtesy, where did you start with this?"

Zu Dashou said: "Back when Jiannu besieged the capital, Yuan Dushi did not dare to fight Jiannu in the open field. He was imprisoned by the emperor. In a moment of enthusiasm, I led the troops to evacuate the capital. Today, I have been taught by the Marshal, and I know what Yuan Dushi did. No, I also know that what I have done is an act of disloyalty. I am ashamed and feel ashamed, so I apologize to the emperor."

"Oh? How did brother Li tell you?" Zhu Youjian wondered.

Zu Dashou hastily repeated Li Jing's words.

Zhu Youjian nodded silently.

Regarding Zu Dashou, Zhu Youjian's thoughts are very complicated.

As an emperor, Zu Dashou led his troops away when the capital was in crisis, Zhu Youjian certainly didn't have no opinion of Zu Dashou, and it's not that he didn't think about arresting Zu Dashou.But there were only a few generals in the Ming Dynasty who could fight. Man Gui was injured at the time, and Yuan Chonghuan was imprisoned by himself. If Zu Dashou was arrested again, who else could lead troops to resist the powerful enemy?

Although Sun Chengzong was temporarily employed, but Sun Chengzong was old, and Sun Chengzong was a civilian commander. He could not be expected to fight the enemy in person, and ultimately had to rely on generals. Therefore, Zhu Youjian could only hold back.

In addition, Zhu Youjian couldn't bear the situation at that time, and Zu Dashou had a heavy army in his hands. If Zhu Youjian pushed too fast, Zu Dashou might lead his troops to rebel. To add insult to injury.

So after thinking about it again and again, Zhu Youjian finally didn't touch Zu Dashou.

Zu Dashou was surrendered and returned in the Battle of Daling River. Zhu Youjian did not dispose of Zu Dashou out of many considerations. On the contrary, he promoted Zu Dashou to the post.

Then Zhu Youjian transferred Zu Dashou to Beijing. Zu Dashou was afraid that Zhu Youjian would set him up, lent him a promotion, and asked him to take him down when he went to Beijing to thank him.

No way, why did Daming's force go from bad to worse?The generals below are self-respecting, and they don't think much of him as the emperor, and Zhu Youjian's words are no longer very clever.

Later, when Li Jing entered Beijing and seized the military power with the power of Ji Shijun's great victory, Zhu Youjian had many thoughts in his mind. In Zhu Youjian's mind, a rebellious person like Zu Dashou would not obey Li Jing's orders. Not to mention that Cao Wenzhao, commander of the Northern Army appointed by Li Jing, was a subordinate of Zu Dashou before.

Zhu Youjian thought that it would not be long before the Liaodong Frontier Army headed by Zu Dashou would turn against Li Jing.Regardless of the outcome, Zhu Youjian will not suffer losses, and may reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Unexpectedly, Li Jing's methods were really powerful. The Ming Dynasty disarmed everywhere, but the frontier troops in Liaodong did not move. So far, if the Liaodong frontier army does not obey orders, they have no choice but to rebel, and Shanhaiguan is in the hands of Cao Wenzhao, and rebellion is tantamount to seeking death.

By this time, Zhu Youjian no longer expected Zu Dashou and others to return to King Jingqin.Now that he didn't count on Zu Dashou and others, Zhu Youjian's mentality began to change again. At this moment, he began to hope that Li Jing could take Zu Dashou down and express his grievances from the past.

Unexpectedly, Zu Dashou was afraid of Cao Wenzhao's force. Although his attitude towards Cao Wenzhao was not very respectful, he carried out Cao Wenzhao's orders very thoroughly, and did not give Li Jing a chance to take him down.

Originally, Zhu Youjian was thinking of waiting for a chance to tell Li Jing about Zu Dashou, so that Li Jing could vent his anger on his behalf.

Unexpectedly, when Cao Wenzhao returned to Beijing this time, he brought Zu Dashou back, and Li Jing would explain to Zu Dashou why he took Yuan Chonghuan back then, and then asked Zu Dashou to make amends.

In this way, Zhu Youjian couldn't speak again if he asked Li Jing to deal with Zu Dashou.

After a long silence, Zhu Youjian finally said: "Zu Aiqing, get up. Since you know you are wrong, I will naturally not add the crime. I hope you will work hard in the future, and don't let down Brother Li's teachings."

"Yes! Thank you, Your Majesty." Zu Dashou hurriedly said.

When Zu Dashou sat down again, Zhu Youjian suddenly smiled and said: "Zu Aiqing, I have heard that you only obey Yuan Chonghuan. I don't know why Brother Li convinced you with just a few words?"

Zu Dashou sighed: "To tell you the truth, Governor Yuan may have acted inappropriately, but his loyalty to the emperor and Daming can be learned from day to day, and Governor Yuan is strict in running the army, and rewards and punishments are clearly defined. The teacher admired him from the bottom of his heart, thinking that Yuan Dushi was the only hero in the world.

But Chen Wan didn't expect that there are people like Dashuai in the world.Needless to say, the general's ability is not to mention, the Datong war wiped out tens of thousands of Donglu, and the battle of Gyeonggi almost wiped out the entire army of the Donglu. After becoming the master of the center, he calmed down the Donglu in only one year. In terms of martial arts, Yuan Dushi can't match Master in case.

However, the commander-in-chief is in a high position and has great martial arts skills, but he does not use his power to overwhelm others. When the ministers talked with the commander-in-chief, the commander-in-chief was modest and approachable, but he spoke in a reasonable and restrained manner, which made the minister feel happy and ashamed, so When the commander-in-chief finished talking with the minister, the minister was convinced by the commander-in-chief. "

Zhu Youjian couldn't help sighing in his heart when he heard the words. Zhu Youjian thought that a rebellious person like Zu Dashou would not be easily subdued, but he didn't want Li Jing to subdue Zu Dashou with just a few words.

Smiling, Zhu Youjian said: "Everyone who has been in contact with Brother Li is impressed by Brother Li's character. Don't talk about you, why is it not like this?"

After a pause, Zhu Youjian suddenly said: "By the way, Hutou and Dingguo didn't come back this time?"

Cao Wenzhao said with a smile: "I'm back, but I was sent home by the commander in chief."

Zhu Youjian wondered, "Why didn't you let them enter the palace to see me?"

Cao Wenzhao said with a smile: "Yichen guesses that the commander-in-chief may think that they are still young, and he does not want them to accept the emperor's praise, lest they be complacent. Otherwise, the commander-in-chief would not reprimand Hu in front of us." head."

(End of this chapter)

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