Chapter 634
Nodding slightly, Li Jing waved his hand and said, "Okay, I know about this, I will solve the worker problem for you, how many workers do you need?"

Wang Jingtang hurriedly said: "If all the projects are started, at least six to seven hundred people will be needed."

Hearing this, Li Jing pondered for a while and said, "If I move [-] victims from the disaster area, will you be able to accommodate them here?"

Wang Jingtang said: "If they are all resettled in the city, they will definitely not be able to accommodate them. There are not so many jobs for so many people in humble positions. If they are resettled in the outskirts of the city, there should be no problem.

But with so many people coming, the housing problem is not easy to handle.If these disaster victims can settle here permanently, it is okay. If they go back after a year or so, it will be a big loss to build houses for the disaster victims. "

Li Jing smiled and said, "Since it is an immigrant, it is naturally a permanent settlement, so you don't have to calculate the accounts for building the house so carefully. Now I want to know, if I move [-] disaster victims here, can you properly resettle them? "

Wang Jingtang hurriedly said: "It will be easy to settle down permanently. When I was recruiting workers, I went all over the surrounding areas of Tianjin Wei. There are many wastelands around Tianjin. As long as there are brothers and sisters, I can definitely open them up. I believe that these wastelands are three or two. After a few years, it will become fertile land. In fact, if all these wastelands can be opened up, not to mention 1 people, even [-] victims of disasters will be enough to plant them."

Li Jingwen patted his palm lightly: "Okay! This is what you said. I will move 1 people here first, and you will resettle these people first. Later, I will move tens of thousands more. If you can move all these victims If you are properly arranged, I will make an exception and promote you as the prefect of Tianjin Prefecture."

After finishing speaking, Li Jing turned around and said to Wen Qing who was behind him: "You immediately send someone to inform Shandong's chief envoy to call [-] disaster victims from prefectures and counties in the disaster-stricken areas to move to Tianjin. The sooner the better."

Wen Qing responded, turned around and came to the back hall, wrote a letter to the Shandong chief envoy according to Li Jing's intention, and then asked Xiao Jiu to send someone to Shandong quickly.

Back in the main hall, Wen Qing said to Li Jing, "Report to Commander, the letter has been delivered."

Li Jingting nodded and said to Wang Jingtang: "The worker's problem will be solved soon. If you have any difficulties, tell me, and I will solve it for you."

Wang Jingtang hurriedly said: "Thank you, Marshal. If there is still a problem, it is money. However, the treasury is scarce now, and the low-ranking staff will not ask for money from the Commander-in-Chief. The low-ranking staff only ask for authority from the Marshal."

"Say!" Li Jing continued.

"Can the commander-in-chief ask the household department to temporarily hand over the authority to sell and lease store warehouses to the humble staff?" Wang Jingtang said.

Li Jing smiled and said, "You want to borrow chickens to lay eggs?"

Wang Jingtang said: "Yes, the commander-in-chief is really wise. I want to pre-sell or rent out the store warehouse first, so that I can receive the money first."

Li Jing clapped his hands and said: "Good idea, it seems that you have really lost your talent when you work in the Ministry of Industry. You should work hard. The day when the Tianjin Material Operation Center is completed is the day when I appoint you as the prefect of Tianjin Prefecture."

"Thank you, Commander-in-Chief, for your appreciation. I will do my best to complete the errands assigned by the Commander-in-Chief, in order to repay the Commander-in-Chief's kindness." Wang Jingtang bowed and said.

Li Jing raised his hand and pressed it: "Sit down and talk."

When Wang Jingtang sat down again, Li Jing continued, "You don't have to thank me. I'm selecting talents for the country. What I value is true talent and learning, and what I value is a heart for the country and the people. You have a very methodical approach to things. Knowing how to observe with your heart, and to find a way to solve difficulties with your heart, are exactly the talents that the country urgently needs, people like you, the country will never bury you."

"Yes! The commander-in-chief is dedicated to serving the country, and he is a model of humble rank." Wang Jingtang hurriedly said.

Li Jing waved his hands with a smile, turned his head to look at the businessmen in the hall and said with a smile, "Do you have any difficulties? If you have any questions, let me listen and see if I can help you solve them."

Li Jing smiled and waved his hands, turned his head to look at the businessmen in the hall and said with a smile, "Do you have any difficulties? If you have any questions, let me listen and see if I can help you solve them."

Several businessmen hurriedly got up and cupped their hands and said: "Your Excellency has a lot of things to do every day, how dare I bother you with such a trivial matter, even if there are some difficulties, I can solve them by myself."

"Oh? I told you that after passing this village, there will be no such shop." Li Jing smiled.

Seeing Li Jing's kind attitude, several businessmen hesitated for a moment.

The Ming Dynasty's policy of emphasizing agriculture and suppressing business has a long history. Although Li Jing issued a decree after he came to power, which greatly improved the status of merchants, the ideas that have been accumulated for hundreds of years cannot be changed by Li Jing's decree.

Most people, especially literati and officials look down on businessmen from the bottom of their hearts.It is impossible to say that businessmen are not discriminated against, made things difficult, or even exploited.

It's just that how dare businessmen tell Li Jing about these things in front of local officials?Isn't that looking for small shoes for yourself?After Li Jing left, the local officials didn't kill them?

But now that these businessmen have the opportunity to complain to Li Jing, these people really don't want to miss it.Although Li Jing said that he will come in the future, who knows when Li Jing will come?Will you meet these businessmen again when you come here?According to Li Jing's words just now, after passing this village, you will never find this shop again.

Several businessmen looked at each other, and they nodded slightly at the same time.

Immediately, the first businessman cupped his hands and said, "Returning to my lord, we can solve most of the difficulties by ourselves, but there is one thing that we can't solve by ourselves. Please let your lord decide for us."

Li Jing said with a smile: "I'll just say, how can there be no difficulty in opening the door to do business? Come and listen."

The businessman cupped his hands and said, "Thank you sir, that's it. Several of us have bought shops in the city and opened them for business. However, because the city is still under construction, it is not very convenient for people to enter the city. A few temporary shops were set up outside the city.

When we open a shop in the city, no matter whether the business is good or bad, we pay all the taxes that should be paid, but outside the city, we still have to collect our taxes, not only taxes, but also other fees. It's a little unbearable. "

Li Jing was startled when he heard the words, and then asked: "Can you tell me what name you use to collect money?"

"In addition to taxes, there are booth fees, road occupation fees, land occupation fees, etc. There are seven or eight items in total. We set up a temporary shop and pay the little money we earn from selling goods in a day." said the businessman.

"Oh? So many fees?" Li Jing raised his eyes and asked a group of officials, "Who can tell me, what is the reason for so many messy fees? Who set them?"

At this moment, an official stood up and said, "Returning to my lord, these fees are set by low-ranking people."

Li Jing raised his eyes and saw that it was Zeng Shida, who was appointed by the Ministry of Household Affairs to be in charge of money accounting in Tianjin.

"Oh? Zeng Shida, why does your household department still manage fees? These fees should be collected by local officials, right?" Li Jingqi said.

"Responding to my lord, these charges this time are really not the business of the magistrates, they were discussed by the low-ranking people, and then the magistrates will send someone to collect them." Zeng Shida said hastily.

Li Jingwen said in a deep voice: "Then can you tell me when the Ministry of Households has the right to take care of this kind of thing? And why do you charge these fees?"

Hearing that Li Jing's tone was wrong, Zeng Shida hurriedly said: "Returning to your lord, the household department has no right to collect these fees, but we are here to sell the shops in the city as soon as possible."

Li Jingwen frowned: "What does the sale of the store have to do with your arbitrary charges?"

Zeng Shida hurriedly said: "It's like this. Since many facilities in the city have not been completed and the transportation is not very convenient, there are not many people in the city, and most of the merchants are still outside the city. This will undoubtedly affect the people in the city. At the same time, it also affects the sale of our shops. Because many businessmen see that the business outside the city is better than that in the city, they are unwilling to buy shops in the city.”

"So you charge the shops outside the city, trying to force those shops to buy shops in the city?" Li Jing asked.

"Yes!" Zeng Shida hurriedly said.

"How's the effect?" Li Jing asked.

Zeng Shida smiled wryly and said, "It's not very good."

Li Jing sighed softly and said: "You people, how can I say you are good? Say you don't do things with your heart, you really do things with your heart. But say you do things with your heart, it just makes people look useless Thoughts. With your charging method, it is impossible for merchants to enter the city to buy your stores.

Let me ask you, some businessmen like the ones here have already bought shops in the city, but because the business in the city is not good, they set up a few temporary stalls outside the city, why do you still charge fees for such businesses?You treat people equally like this, and those businessmen see that they are treated equally in the city and outside the city. Who would go to the city to buy shops? "

"If we don't treat people equally, then we won't be doing favoritism and cheating?" Zeng Shida asked hastily.

"Then let me ask you, don't these shops in the city pay taxes?" Li Jing pointed to several businessmen and asked Zeng Shida.

"Handed it in." Zeng Shida hurriedly said.

Li Jing continued: "Isn't this the end? People have already paid taxes, and you still charge them so much outside the city. Is this fair to the merchants who buy shops in the city? Is it equal?"

"I know I made a mistake in a humble position, please punish me." Zeng Shida hurriedly said.

Li Jing shook his head and sighed: "You want to sell the shops in the city quickly through this method. Yu Gong said that you are doing your job with all your heart. Although there are many mistakes in it, the intention is still good. I will not come here because of this. punish you."

"Thank you, sir." Zeng Shida said hurriedly.

Li Jing waved his hand and said: "But the mistakes you made must be corrected immediately, and you have to return the overcharged money to others. Also, the business of the shops in the city is not very good. The facilities in the village are fully constructed, and the tax will be collected when the shops are sold out."

"Yes! My lord." Zeng Shida replied.

Li Jing smiled, looked at the businessmen and said, "Are you satisfied with how I handle it?"

The businessmen hurriedly stood up and said, "Thank you, my lord."

(End of this chapter)

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