Chapter 636

Zhu Youjian was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Brother Li, don't worry, I will definitely find out the problem seriously."

Li Jing smiled and waved his hands: "Your Majesty, some problems are not as simple as you think. You don't know how stupid the officials are. If they don't want you to see the problem, you won't be able to find the problem at all.

After you go down, communicate more with the common people, just like the year before last when you went to Shanxi for disaster relief. Only from the mouths of the common people can you hear the truth, you can know that the local officials are not effective in implementing the government orders, and you can know whether the local officials are doing it for you. Ordinary people do things. "

Zhu Youjian nodded and said with a smile: "I like to deal with those ordinary people. Our ordinary people are the most simple-hearted. As long as you treat them a little better, they will be grateful to you.

The year before last, my queen and I went to Shanxi to provide disaster relief. We only gave those victims a few buckets of food, and the common people were very grateful to me.I have been an emperor for so many years, and I never knew what it would be like for a person to be loved by the common people. "

Li Jing said with a smile: "Hehe, in terms of love, the emperor is not as good as the empress. I think the common people love the queen more than you, the emperor."

Zhu Youjian said with a smile: "Yes, the common people in Shanxi really love the queen more than me."

Li Jing smiled and said: "This is because the queen is a woman, and the common people will feel more cordial when they see the queen going deep into the people. This is what we men will never be able to compare with women."

"Hehe, so when you come out this time, you let me bring the queen with you." Zhu Youjian laughed.

"I hope you and the empress will do more things to be close to the people in the future, so that the common people all over the world will know how the emperor and empress of Ming Dynasty care about the common people." Li Jing laughed.

Zhu Youjian looked at Li Jing and sighed slightly: "Actually, the common people should love you more, but you gave me this reputation."

Li Jing waved his hand: "Your Majesty, you are the symbol of our Ming Dynasty, and you deserve to be loved by the common people."

"I will tell the people of Ming Dynasty who is thinking about them." Zhu Youjian said solemnly.

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile, "It's not necessary. This is the honor you deserve as an emperor. Your majesty, your descendants will also be the emperor of Ming Dynasty in the future. You must set an example for future generations."

"Brother Li, don't worry, I will teach future generations how to be a good emperor." Zhu Youjian said solemnly.

Li Jingjing nodded, thought for a while and said: "We still need to formulate a decree on the establishment of a prince. In the past, the establishment of a prince was about making a son a good man, not a virtuous son, and a son who is expensive and not a good man. This rule needs to be changed. In the future, the establishment of a reserve must establish a virtuous person, regardless of his descendants and concubines."

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "Of course, if the princes are equally virtuous, the crown princes will be established in the order of the eldest sons."

Zhu Youjian nodded lightly: "Yes! There is indeed a big problem with the rule of setting up a son to be a good man and not to be a good man, and it is because of this rule that so many mediocre people are able to succeed the emperor. position. However, my crown prince has already been established, and this cannot be changed. If you want to change the rules, it must be set after the crown prince succeeds to the throne."

Li Jing smiled: "I promise you that I will not go back on my marriage, but whether my daughter can become a queen depends on whether the prince has the virtue of being a king. If the prince is not successful, then don't let him succeed. .”

Zhu Youjian shook his head and sighed: "You are cruel enough, that is your daughter."

Li Jing shook his head and said, "What's wrong with my daughter? My daughter must be a queen?"

Sighing slightly, Li Jing continued: "Actually, I want my daughter to live an ordinary life. But since she has become my daughter, it is impossible for her to live an ordinary life. This is what we do. The sorrow of the people."

Zhu Youjian nodded silently when he heard the words.

After taking a sip of tea, Li Jing patted Zhu Youjian's shoulder lightly: "Your Majesty, as parents, we just need to do our job well, and we don't have to force ourselves too much in everything."

After a pause, Li Jing said again: "However, if you really want the crown prince to inherit your throne, let him go deeper into the people and experience the hardships of the people.

Zhu Youjian nodded with a smile and said yes.

"Okay, it's getting late, and they're almost ready, it's time for us to leave." Li Jing got up and said.

When the two left the courtyard, Li Jing waved to Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu understood, and immediately sent an order to get ready to drive.

After a while, a group of people waited to get ready, Li Jing and Zhu Youjian each boarded their own chariots, and were escorted by a group of officials to leave Tianjin.

According to the original itinerary, Li Jing originally planned to visit the Rongshan Shipyard, but on the way Li Jing received a report from Fujian Liu Erleng that De Bauer had brought a group of Dutch officials to Fujian. Day will arrive in the capital.

At the same time, news came from Luzon that Sun Meng dug three feet into the governor's mansion in Luzon and found the underground vault where the Spaniards buried their money.A total of more than [-] taels of gold and more than [-] taels of silver were obtained, as well as some rare treasures and precious materials.

In addition, there was even greater good news one day: after a careful search, the Ming army discovered that the Spanish governor Coquera led the remnants to hide in a mine. After being besieged by the Ming army for several days, Coquera led the remnants to surrender.

After the Ming army occupied the mine, they found a large amount of smelted copper in the smelter, and also found a batch of boxed gold and silver ingots. Upon inquiry, it was found that the mine was a copper mine, which contained extremely rich gold and silver ingots. gold and silver. (Note: Gold mines are associated mines, and most ores with gold also have associated silver.)
Hearing the news, Li Jing couldn't help laughing up to the sky.

This time he sent troops to Luzon under great pressure, and achieved results in just over three months.

The gold and silver obtained from the Spaniards twice is worth 300 million taels of silver, which is enough to cover the cost of sending troops this time, and the accidental discovery of a copper mine that has been mined is an extra profit, not to mention that this copper mine still contains gold. mines and silver mines?
Overjoyed, Li Jing immediately called Zhu Youjian and asked Zhu Youjian to ennoble Zheng Zhilong.

Hearing that Li Jing was going to ennoble Zheng Zhilong, Zhu Youjian couldn't help but startled. Although Zheng Zhilong had made great contributions in this battle, it was impossible for him to surpass Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting. Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting hadn't been knighted yet. Canonize Zheng Zhilong?
Regarding Zhu Youjian's doubts, Li Jing explained to Zhu Youjian with a smile that Zheng Zhilong's contribution was not in the battle of Luzon, but in the battle of Manga.If Zheng Zhilong hadn't occupied Managa and sealed the Strait of Managa, the wealth that the Spaniards plundered in Luzon would have been transported back to China long ago.Not only the Spaniards, but also the wealth accumulated by the Dutch and Portuguese in Taiwan and Macau may have been transported back to China.

It is precisely because Zheng Zhilong locked the channel of the Managa Strait, closing the door to the colonies of the Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain in Southeast Asia, preventing the wealth plundered by the above three countries from Southeast Asia from being transported back to the country, which made Daming cheaper.

The wealth obtained from Taiwan, Macau, and Luzon in total is nearly 500 million taels. Such a large amount of money is all due to Zheng Zhilong’s blockade of the Manga Strait, not to mention that Zheng Zhilong also occupied Manga for the Ming Dynasty. add.

After listening to Li Jing's explanation, Zhu Youjian suddenly realized that he had no objection to ennobling Zheng Zhilong, but Zhu Youjian thought that Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting were Zheng Zhilong's bosses, and it would be a shame for them not to ennoble Zheng Zhilong. Not good looking.Moreover, Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting also captured the city of Manila. Could it be said that Zheng Zhilong's capture of Manjiga was to expand the territory of Ming Dynasty, but Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting's capture of Manila was not to expand the territory?
Seeing that Zhu Youjian insisted on ennobling Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting, Li Jing finally agreed after thinking about it.

It's not that Li Jing doesn't want to confer knights on Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting, but Li Jing thinks it's not time to confer knights on them.Because the city of Manila and the Managa Strait are not comparable at all in terms of strategic position, ten Manila cities are not as important as one Managa Strait.

Li Jingyuan planned to wait for Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting to occupy all of Luzon before connoisseurship of them, so as to be convincing.

But Zhu Youjian's opinion is not unreasonable, and Li Jing doesn't want to refute Zhu Youjian's face.

Zhu Youjian has hardly made any demands on Li Jing in the past two years, and this time there is no political purpose in conferring Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting. It's hard to save face.

Although Li Jing agreed with Zhu Youjian to confer titles on Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting, he did not agree with Zhu Youjian to confer first-class marquis on the three of them. Chao's meritorious military exploits made him a first-class marquis. Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting's military exploits were far different from Cao Wenzhao's. Zheng Zhilong had a more rebellious record.

You must know that in terms of military rank, Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting are equal to Cao Wenzhao, and Cao Wenzhao has been wronged. If the title is still equal to Cao Wenzhao, Cao Wenzhao will definitely have something in his heart if he doesn't say it.

In the end, Li Jing and Zhu Youjian discussed and decided to confer the titles of the three as the third-class Marquis, Zheng Zhilong as the third-class Marquis of Jinghai, Sun Meng as the third-class Marquis of Zhennan, and Sun Chuanting as the third-class Marquis of Dingnan.

The title of marquis is worthy of the credit of the three people, and at the same time, it leaves room for them to be promoted to the nobility after they occupy Luzon.

I think that when Sun Meng and others occupy the entire territory of Luzon, Cao Wenzhao should also pacify Mobei, and then it would be logical to make Cao Wenzhao Duke.

To be honest, it was not until this time that Li Jing realized how great Zhu Yuanzhang was. Back then, Zhu Yuanzhang spent a lot of thought on ennobling his generals. He had to take care of all aspects of his emotions, and at the same time he had to be worthy of their contributions, and let everyone They are all satisfied, Zhu Yuanzhang is really amazing to be able to do this.

After solving the knighthood issue of Zheng Zhilong and others, Li Jing then had to consider how to deal with Coquella.

Coquela led his troops to surrender, but Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting didn't say what to do with Coquela for some reason, so they must have not killed him.Coquila was the chief culprit of Manila Tuhua this time. Li Jing didn't know what purpose Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting had but did not kill Coquela, so he couldn't order Coquela to be killed thousands of miles away.

After much consideration, Li Jing finally decided to escort Corquera to Beijing, and let the remaining Spaniards dig in the mine.

Unexpectedly, Li Jing's thoughts coincided with Sun Chuanting's thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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