Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 659 Reviewing the Troops

Chapter 659 Reviewing the Troops

This time, the number of troops sent to the Wa Kingdom should not be too large, and the logistical supplies will not be able to bear it. At most, a few hundred people can only be sent there. Not commando.

As for sending Portuguese captives to Japan to fight the war, it was just a show. These Westerners are tall and tall, and they can be seen in the crowd at a glance, so that the Japanese will think that the Western countries sent people to rescue the rebels. out.

Now that it is not time for Da Ming to formally start war with the Wa country, Li Jing does not want to reveal his intentions prematurely, and let the Westerners attract the attention of the Wa people, so Da Ming can hide behind and slowly make arrangements.

But the premise is that these hundreds of people have to gain a firm foothold in the country of Wa, that is to say, they must first choose a foothold in the country of Wa

This foothold must be in the mountainous area. Relying on the mountainous area, you can carry out long-term dealings with the shogunate army, and this foothold must be near the sea. The purpose of being near the sea is to transport supplies for the commando from the sea.

The Shimabara Peninsula is surrounded by the sea, and the central part is Mount Unzen. The terrain can be said to be unique. Now we have to consider which direction to develop based on Mount Unzen.

Finding the information sent by the intelligence personnel from the bookcase, Li Jing slowly read it.

Li Jingzheng was engrossed in watching it, and suddenly heard someone laughing at the door: "Hehe, what is the commander studying?"

When Li Jingwen heard this, he looked up and saw that it was Gao Qi. He gently pushed the document in his hand to the front of the table, Li Jing got up and smiled, "I have something to discuss with you, come, come and sit down."

Gao Qi walked up to Li Jing and sat down beside Li Jing with a smile: "What's the rush?"

"I'm going to use troops in the Hetao area." Li Jing said seriously.

"Using troops in the Hetao area now? I don't have enough food next year!" Gao Qi was startled when he heard this, and hurriedly advised him.

Li Jingjing nodded: "It is precisely because there is not enough food that we have to use troops against Hetao."

Then Li Jing said his thoughts again.

Hearing this, Gao Qi pondered for a while and said, "The commander-in-chief's worries are extremely serious. There is a saying that people who have no foresight must have near-term worries. We have taken proper precautions this year. The locust plague in Shandong and Henan has never spread to the surrounding provinces. If it spreads to Jiangsu, Zhejiang and the two lakes , then we will have no food to deal with this locust plague this year.

Moreover, there is another advantage of opening the Hetao granary, that is, the Hetao area is adjacent to the Yellow River, and water transportation is convenient. If Shaanxi and other places encounter disasters again, the grain from the Hetao area can be transported in three or two days. "

After a pause, Gao Qi continued: "However, it has been more than a hundred years since we abandoned the Hetao area. The population of our Han people there is not as good as that of Liaodong. This labor problem is not easy to solve!"

Li Jingjing nodded: "I have thought about the question you mentioned. For the time being, I am going to adopt Chen Dahu's method to let the newly recruited soldiers garrison the fields. After the soldiers are safe, let their family members accompany the army. Suppose we arrange ten soldiers in the Hetao area. If there are more than 50 recruits, after their families move there, there will be at least 50 recruits, and with these [-], the labor problem in the Hetao area will basically be solved."

"If it works, then we can also adopt this method in Liaodong." Gao Qi clapped his hands and smiled.

Li Jing smiled and nodded: "Eastern Liaodong can't send so many soldiers to garrison fields. Tens of thousands of people are enough. After all, there are many Manchus living in the Liaohe area. We can't crowd the living space of Manchus. Otherwise, Huang Taiji It's not easy to explain to the Manchurians.

Huang Taiji has done a good job this year. Manchu people's hearts have basically stabilized. Most people have put down their swords and guns and picked up hoes. In two years, Manchu people will be able to adapt to farming life. At this time, we can't arouse Manchuria people's dissatisfaction. "

Gao Qi nodded again and again, "What the commander said is absolutely true."

Li Jing continued with a smile: "In fact, there is still a large piece of uncultivated land in the north of Liaodong, and the population there is sparsely populated. We should focus on that. If we can use that land, at least it can solve the problem of feeding millions of people. Problem. But we have to take it step by step, we can’t rush it, let’s focus on the Hetao area first.”

"The biggest trouble now is Cao Wenzhao, Hong Chengchou, and Lu Xiangsheng fighting together. How to arrange this priority is a bit of a headache." Gao Qi pondered.

Li Jing smiled and said: "That's why I came here for you. It's not easy to arrange the priority of these three people. It is said that Cao Wenzhao should be the commander-in-chief, but Cao Wenzhao used to be Hong Chengchou's subordinate. Let Cao Wenzhao Hong Chengchou will definitely feel uncomfortable if Zhao is the coach, and he may not obey Cao Wenzhao's order.

But if Hong Chengchou is appointed as the coach, Lu Xiangsheng may also have an idea, but it is not easy to solve, so I am going to let you be the coach of the Battle of Hetao. "

Gao Qi couldn't help being startled when he heard the words: "I will be the commander of the Battle of Hetao? Commander, the Military and Political Department has a lot of affairs now, how can I get rid of my body and go to Hetao to fight?"

Li Jing smiled: "I let you be the coach, but I didn't let you go to Hetao."

"However, if I don't reach the front line, how can I dispatch troops and direct operations?" Gao Qi wondered.

"Hehe, Cao Wenzhao, Hong Chengchou, and Lu Xiangsheng have all been battle-hardened. We just need to tell them the purpose of this battle and give them a job. They will naturally know how to fight. Why do you need to go to the front to command in person? "Li Jing laughed.

After Gao Qi heard this, he suddenly realized: "It turned out that I was asked to be named the coach, so as not to cause conflicts between the three of them in order to compete for the position of coach."

Li Jing smiled and said: "It can't be said that it is a name. As the coach, how to fight this battle and how far it will be fought is naturally up to you to formulate and control, but there are three of them below, and there are many details. You don’t need to think about it, you just need to grasp the general direction.”

Gao Qi shook his head: "I'm not on the front line, how to grasp the direction, in my opinion, the commander-in-chief has set goals for them, I will use the name of the commander-in-chief, let the three of them discuss how to fight this battle."

Li Jing smiled and shook his head: "You will be a good person. How about it? Cao Wenzhao's troops have just returned to Huacheng. He has worked very hard during this time. Let him rest for a few days and don't let him come back. You Write him a letter and tell him the idea of ​​this battle. Let Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng go back to Beijing, and you can explain some things to them. "

"Cao Wenzhao's troops only have [-] cavalry, do you want to transfer some more troops from Liaodong?" Gao Qi pondered for a moment.

Li Jing waved his hand and said: "No need for now, after all, we can't afford to send out too many troops, 2 cavalry is almost enough, don't forget that these [-] people are led by Zu Dashou, Wu Sangui, Sun Hutou and Li Dingguo , These four people are all brave and good at fighting, and they are brave generals of the three armies.

Moreover, in the past two years, our army has won every battle, and the morale of the soldiers has been completely different from before. The momentum alone can overwhelm the Mongols.Don't say that our weapons are far sharper than the Mongols, even if we use long spears and bows, the Mongols are no match. "

Gao Qi laughed and said, "The commander-in-chief is so confident, the soldiers must be more encouraged when they learn about it."

After thinking for a while, Gao Qi smiled and said: "In my opinion, it is not urgent to send troops to Hetao this time, it is better to let Cao Wenzhao, Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng lead the troops back, and the commander-in-chief will inspect the school ground and give the soldiers a lecture.

I still remember that when we raised our troops from Hongshanling, those soldiers were really imposing after the commander finished his training.How many people did we have back then?There seems to be only 2000 people in total, right?The commander-in-chief led us to take Lingchuan first, and then occupy Pingyang. In just a few years, our army has grown to 5 people. These 5 people are now the backbone of the Ming army and are scattered among various troops. These people are looking forward to When can I see the Marshal again and listen to the Marshal give them a lecture.

I think it's better to take advantage of this time to send troops to Hetao, call these soldiers together, and the commander-in-chief will meet them and boost their morale. "

Li Jing shook his head with a smile: "The [-] Ji Shijun are now scattered in various units. It is too difficult to gather them all together, and it is too laborious and costly. Let's not bother everyone."

Gao Qi said with a smile: "It's really difficult to gather everyone together, and it's too time-consuming, then only inspect the troops of Cao Wenzhao, Hong Chengchou, and Lu Xiangsheng, and there is no need to divide the Jishi army and ordinary troops. The troops will do."

Hearing that Gao Qi tried his best to let him review the troops, Li Jing couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. Looking at Gao Qi, Li Jing pondered for a while and asked, "Brother Gao, what is your purpose in asking me to review the troops?"

Gao Qi looked around, and saw that there was no one else in the signing room except Su Heng and the book office, so Gao Qi lowered his voice and said, "Brother, you have been busy with government affairs for the past two years, and there are inevitably some omissions in military affairs. They rarely go there. If things go on like this, the soldiers only know that there is a general but not a marshal. This is not a good thing. This military parade is to boost the morale of the soldiers, and to let the soldiers know that they They are all soldiers of the commander in chief, and the commander in chief is the supreme commander of the Ming army."

Li Jingwen thought for a while and nodded silently: "Alright, let's review the troops going to the Hetao. You can arrange this matter, don't make it too troublesome, as long as you feel it."

Gao Qi nodded with a smile and said: "Brother understands that the country has no money now, and I will try to keep the military parade as simple as possible. I will send someone to notify Cao Wenzhao, Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng to lead their troops back to Beijing."

Seeing Gao Qi standing up, Li Jing waved his hands and said, "Let's go now, I have something to discuss with you."

Speaking of which, Li Jing handed the information and map on the table to Gao Qi: "Help me take a look and see which place is suitable for my base."

Gao Qi took the information and the map suspiciously, looked at it for a while, Gao Qi frowned and said, "Marshal, you don't want to send troops to Japan, do you?"

As the No. [-] figure in the Ming army, Gao Qi naturally knew of Li Jing's strategic layout, and also knew that Li Jing had arranged for spies from the Intelligence Bureau to collect intelligence data in the Wa country.He has also read the information sent back by the spies, and even studied the map of the Wa country drawn by the spies, so Gao Qi knew it was the Wa country when he looked at the data map.

Li Jing smiled: "I didn't expect the Japanese rebels to persist for so long. I didn't have the energy to think about the affairs of the Japanese country before. Now that the locust plague is over, I can't let this opportunity pass. I plan to let Xiao Wu Lead a small army to the country of Wa to rescue those rebels, and then occupy a stronghold in the country of Wa, use the rebels to fight against the shogunate army, and consume the national power of the country of Wa. In this way, it will be much easier for us to use troops against the country of Wa in the future.”

(End of this chapter)

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