Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 675 Confidant

Chapter 675 Confidant
After a while, Shen Zheng said: "Okay, Lord Yang has said so much, everyone must have understood. I am Jimin's father-in-law, and I know Jimin's character. Control Jimin's thoughts, no one can shake Jimin's determination.

So if you don't want to become Jimin's political opponents, you'd better follow Jimin's wishes.I can tell you frankly that if Jimin really regards us as political enemies, even my father-in-law will not show mercy. "

Yang Liufeng smiled and said: "If you want to say that the only one who can be merciful is Brother Bo Ying. After all, Brother Bo Ying is the descendant of Duke Jie Huan, and the favor of the Marshal must be given."

Yuan Shu smiled wryly and said: "Brother Shen Xing made fun of it. If Yuan becomes the commander-in-chief's political enemy, even if the commander-in-chief treats my subordinates with mercy because of my father's affection, how can I have the face to meet my father after I die."

"Since everyone has no other ideas, let's do it according to the commander in chief." Zhou Hengchen said.

Holding the document in his hand, Zhou Hengchen looked at it, and then continued: "However, the charter written by the commander is just a framework, we must try our best to perfect this charter, so that the commander can know that we are doing things with our hearts instead of perfunctory .”

Everyone nodded after hearing what was said.

After a pause, Zhou Hengchen continued: "It's just that everyone has a lot of things to do now, and these things can't be delayed. I think we'll get together at night to perfect this charter."

"That's the only way to go." Shen Zheng nodded.

"Do you want to tell the commander in chief, otherwise, the commander in chief thinks it's inappropriate for us to shelve this matter?" Yuan Shu pondered.

"If we tell the commander in chief, will the commander in chief think that we want to take credit?" Zhou Hengchen hesitated.

Shen Zheng shook his head lightly when he heard the words: "My lords, if the commander-in-chief doesn't even know what the rest of us are doing, do you think the commander-in-chief can secure this position?"

Smiling, Shen Zheng continued: "Although our commander-in-chief didn't place Jin Yiwei's spies everywhere like Emperor Taizu did, there must be a commander's eyeliner in every yamen. Let's get together to discuss things now, It won't be long before the commander-in-chief will know."

"Master Shen, you mean that the Marshal sent someone to monitor us?" Yuan Shu asked in surprise.

Shen Zheng shook his head: "The commander-in-chief is not that boring, the people below did it on their own initiative."

"You mean Ma Wu? He's so brave, he dared to send someone to watch us." Yuan Shu said angrily.

Shen Zheng looked at Yuan Shu, smiled and shook his head: "Bo Ying! It seems that you don't know Ma Wu. What can Ma Wu say? Just like Chen Dahu and Liu Erleng, Ma Wu is only right. The commander-in-chief is loyal, and Ma Wu can do anything for the sake of the commander-in-chief.

In fact, the Marshal trusted Ma Wu, Chen Dahu, Liu Erleng, and Zhuzi the most. You can tell by looking at the positions that the Marshal assigned to them.

Zhuzi is in charge of the garrison in the capital, and the commander-in-chief is equivalent to handing over his wealth and life to Zhuzi, which shows the commander-in-chief's trust in Zhuzi.

Chen Dahu is the governor of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and Jiangsu and Zhejiang are the granary of Ming Dynasty, so I don't need to mention its importance?And whenever the country was in trouble, Chen Dahu tried his best to mobilize supplies from Jiangsu and Zhejiang to solve the plight of the general, which shows Chen Dahu's loyalty to the general.

Liu Erleng is the chief envoy of Fujian, in charge of the southeast portal of Ming Dynasty, and also the portal of foreign trade of Ming Dynasty, its importance can be imagined.

Ma Wu is in charge of Daming's intelligence agency, the Intelligence Bureau is in charge of external intelligence, and the Security Bureau is in charge of internal intelligence. It can be said that anything that happens in Daming can't be hidden from Ma Wu's eyes and ears, and he only cares about Ma Wu.

One army, two places, one intelligence, these four people have mastered the most critical departments of Ming Dynasty, so I say that the commander-in-chief trusts these four people the most.

Don't look at how many of us are in high positions, we are higher than these four people in terms of status, but in terms of status in the commander's heart, we are not as good as these four people. "

"What about Gao Qi? Gao Qi is the number two in the army. Could it be that the commander doesn't even trust Gao Qi?" Yuan Shu asked.

Shen Zheng smiled: "Gao Qi has no problem with his ability or his character, and he is also loyal to the general, but unfortunately he is too cautious, and the same is true for Cao Wenzhao.

You should know the commander-in-chief, he never shy away from his origin, and has always treated everyone like a brother, but apart from Zhuzi, Chen Dahu, Liu Erleng, and Ma Wu, there are a few people who dare to treat the commander-in-chief as a brother. Who dares?
It was because Gao Qi and Cao Wenzhao were too careful that the commander-in-chief was not as close to them as Ma Wu and the others. As for trust, there was no problem. Otherwise, Gao Qi would not have become the number two in the army. Wen Zhao will not be repeatedly entrusted with important tasks by the Marshal.You must know that these two people are in charge of the army, not people trusted by the commander-in-chief. How could the commander-in-chief entrust the heavy troops to them? "

After a pause, Shen Zheng continued: "I will continue to talk about Ma Wu. Ma Wu was trained by the marshal. The marshal sent him to Beijing to collect information. Ma Wuguang spread money and bought a large number of people in the capital. He inquired about the news, and many of them were officials from various ministries.

After the Marshal took power, Jinyiwei and Dongchang were abolished, and the Intelligence Bureau and the Security Bureau were established. Those who collected information for Ma Wu were incorporated into the Security Bureau. That is to say, many people in the various ministries are actually members of the Security Bureau.Therefore, Ma Wu knows many things we do. "

Everyone nodded slightly when they heard the words. Among these people, Shen Zheng was the first to follow Li Jing, and he followed Li Jing when Li Jing was not rich. Many things are clearer than them.

Thinking that Ma Wu knew a lot of things he did, and that he might have reported it to Li Jing, these people couldn't help but feel anxious for a moment.

After being silent for a long time, Yuan Shu said: "Ma Wu is doing this, the commander-in-chief just let him?"

Shen Zheng smiled: "Although Ma Wu is loyal to the commander-in-chief, he is not a fool. He knows what should be reported and what should not be reported to him. Do you think he will tell the commander-in-chief about those trivial things? ?Let the commander-in-chief worry about these trivial matters?

I can tell you clearly that even if we are corrupt and break the law, Ma Wu will not report it, because this matter belongs to the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and is not under his control. If he wants to report such a thing, even if the commander does not punish him, he will He must be scolded.

Ma Wu will only report to the commander-in-chief whether we are forming a party for personal gain or not being loyal to the commander-in-chief.

But all of us are able to have what we are today thanks to the support of the commander-in-chief, and everyone's loyalty to the commander-in-chief is naturally beyond doubt.And on the premise of being loyal to the commander in chief, let's support our cronies, the commander in chief will not care about us, so you don't have to worry at all.

As for the fact that sometimes everyone disagrees with the commander in chief, it is just a difference of political opinion, and ultimately it is for the good of the country. The commander in chief is not a person who cannot tolerate different opinions. He himself said that he is not right in everything, so you don't have to worry about it. "

Yang Liufeng continued: "The commander-in-chief can tolerate different political opinions, but he can't tolerate different political opinions from him because of self-interest, just like the establishment of the General Administration of Medicine this time. Everyone knows that the commander-in-chief is for the sake of the people, but because of his own power Being subdivided, and therefore not in favor of the establishment of the General Administration of Medicine, this is something the commander-in-chief cannot tolerate."

Shen Zheng waved his hand: "Chen Xing, this matter has already been said, and everyone has reached a consensus, so there is no need to say it again."

Then Shen Zheng said again: "I told you so much just now to tell everyone that we don't need to report to the commander-in-chief at all, as long as we work hard and don't tell the commander-in-chief, the commander-in-chief will know about it."

Everyone nodded silently when they heard the words.

Looking up at the sky, Yang Liufeng said: "It's getting late, I don't think we need to leave, I'll ask someone to order some food at Xianghe Tower, we'll eat here, and after we're done, we'll start to study how to improve it." The charter formulated by the Marshal."

Shen Zheng picked up the materials and glanced at them: "This also involves the formulation of new laws and supervision issues. I think Yu Leting is also called here. He is in charge of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Dali Temple. We have to Listen to his opinion."

Yang Liufeng smiled: "I think the supervision should be removed from the General Administration of Medicine, and the people from the General Administration of Medicine should not be able to manage and supervise at the same time, so that they can easily get involved in it."

Yuan Shu said with a smile: "I think the commander-in-chief also meant the same thing. Hehe, we are going to hand over power, and Yu Leting wants to divide power. Naturally, Yu Leting fully supports the commander-in-chief. The commander-in-chief is afraid that he will argue with us, so he didn't call Yu Leting over. .”

Shen Zheng smiled and said: "Actually, it cannot be said that all the powers are handed over. Although the commander-in-chief said that people who understand medicine are in charge of this department, how many of those doctors understand both medicine and government affairs? Therefore, this department must have officials Arrange people to assist in the management. Financial matters must also be handled by someone, that is to say, the Ministry of Household Affairs must arrange people. As for the selection of doctors, the Ministry of Rites also needs to send people to coordinate. So although the affairs of the General Administration of Medicine will not be under our control in the future, but We can arrange some people to enter this department."

"What Mr. Shen saw is very true." Zhou Hengchen said with a smile.

Yang Liufeng pondered for a while and then laughed: "Actually, the General Administration of Medicine can only be said to be under the jurisdiction of the ministries, but it must be under the jurisdiction of the cabinet, and we are all members of the cabinet, that is to say, the General Administration of Medicine must be under our management in the end. "

"Exactly." Everyone laughed in unison.

"Do you think the commander-in-chief can't understand this level of relationship? Then why did the commander-in-chief talk to us like that just now?" Yuan Shu asked suspiciously.

Yang Liufeng pondered and said: "I think the commander-in-chief may want to use this matter to weaken the power of the various ministries. After all, we cannot always hold the positions of ministers of various ministries, and the people who are most likely to succeed us are the deputies of the various ministries. People are basically promoted by us, it can be said that they are all our people, now that the commander-in-chief distributes power, these people will naturally have nothing to say after they succeed."

Zhou Hengchen nodded and said: "What Shen Xing said is reasonable, in fact, in my opinion, the commander-in-chief has been weakening the power of various ministries, which can be seen from the departments that the commander-in-chief set up before.

Not to mention anything else, let's just say that the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Population and Land established by the Marshal are equivalent to dividing most of the financial power of the Ministry of Households.

Under the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Water Resources was established, and the original Ordnance Bureau was assigned to the Equipment Department under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Governor. If it hadn't been for the locust plagues in Shandong and Henan this year, the Marshal would have established the Road Administration Department.

The Ministry of Education was established under the Ministry of Rites, and the original Honglu Temple was changed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

As for the original power of the Ministry of War, it has long been replaced by the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, and the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion has established the Military and Political Department, the General Staff Department, the Logistics Department, and the Equipment Department.

The Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Punishment have not been moved for the time being, but I think it will be soon. When these two departments are separated into several departments, the power of each department in Ming Dynasty will basically be dispersed, so that the ministers of each department will no longer be able to compete with the cabinet ministers. up. "

(End of this chapter)

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