Chapter 677
While thinking about it, Li Jing suddenly remembered that he forgot to do the evening class yesterday, and shook his head. Li Jing smiled wryly. He was so busy that he even forgot to do the evening class. How could Shen Zheng think about whether his body could bear it?
"Marshal, you have been busy all night, and the students asked someone to get something to eat, so you can fill your stomach?" Su Heng came in with a teacup and said.

Li Jing waved his hand: "Forget it, the time for the morning class is coming soon, wait until I finish the morning class."

"Marshal, today's weather is much colder than yesterday, and it looks like it might snow, so you'd better not go to Shuiyun Pavilion." Su Heng said hastily.

"Oh? Is that so?" Li Jing got up and came to the window, pushed open the window, looked up at the sky, and saw that the sky was pitch black without a single starlight.

Sighing lightly, Li Jing said, "Snow is good. I look forward to snow every winter these years. Unfortunately, although it snows every winter, it will be dry every summer. Sigh! I hope there will be no more snow this year." It's dry."

After finishing speaking, Li Jing clasped his hands together, looked up at the sky and bowed.

After the worship, Li Jing said: "I won't go to Shuiyun Pavilion today, I'll practice outside the yard."

After taking off the cloak he was wearing and handing it to Su Heng, Li Jing walked outside the courtyard and punched slowly.

When Li Jing closed his fist, Su Heng had already prepared water, towels and other things. After Li Jing finished washing, Su Heng ordered someone to bring the meal. Li Jing smiled and drank a bowl of porridge with side dishes.

"Marshal, there are a lot of things to do today, and there is still more than half an hour before dawn, you can rest for a while." After Li Jing finished eating, Su Heng said while tidying up.

Li Jing nodded slightly: "A few days ago, there was news from the Academy of Sciences that the steam engine has entered the final testing stage, and it is estimated that the results will be available in the next two days. I will take a nap, and we will go to the Academy of Sciences to have a look at dawn."

Hearing that Li Jing promised to rest, Su Heng hurried to the back room to spread out the luggage, and then served Li Jing to bed.

Maybe it was because he was too exhausted that night, Li Jing slept for two hours before waking up.

After Li Jing finished washing and came to the study, he found Ma Wu waiting in the study.

"When did Fifth Brother come? Why didn't you call me?" Li Jing glared at Su Heng and said.

Ma Wu smiled and said, "I didn't ask Pingzhi to call you, don't blame Pingzhi."

Li Jing shook his head: "Fifth brother came to see me, there must be something important, how can I delay the business because of my sleep?"

Ma Wu smiled and said, "Even I don't know what's going on this time, I just received a report from the people below and came to talk to the commander in chief."

"Oh? What's the matter?" Li Jingqi asked.

Ma Wu smiled and looked at Su Heng.

Li Jingwei pondered for a while, and said to Su Heng: "Pingzhi, you should avoid it for a while."

Su Heng nodded, turned around and went out, ordering the guards to guard the door and not let anyone in.

When Su Heng went out, Li Jing looked at Ma Wu and said, "What's the matter?"

"That's right. Last night, my people discovered that Mr. Shen and others had been discussing matters in the yamen of the household department for most of the night, and Mr. Shen and others had a bad face when they left your place before." Ma Wu said in a low voice.

Li Jing naturally knew that Ma Wu had placed subordinates in various yamen. Originally, Li Jing planned to let Ma Wu withdraw these subordinates, but after much deliberation, he finally did not withdraw them.

After all, most of the officials in the court were appointed by Zhu Youjian when he was in power, and he can't be completely assured of these ministers Li Jing. With these spies, he can keep track of the movements of these people at any time.

Fortunately, not many people knew about Ma Wu's placement of spies in various ministries, so it didn't cause panic.

In fact, Shen Zheng and others were not originally under the surveillance of these spies, but one time the spies discovered that the officials of the household department had handed over the order to Shen Zheng's younger brother. After careful investigation, the spies found out that it was Shen Zheng's instruction.The spies did not dare to conceal such a major event, so they reported it to Ma Wu. After weighing it over and over again, Ma Wu reported the matter to Li Jing.

After Li Jing learned of this, he did not pursue Shen Zheng for selfishness, nor did he reprimand Ma Wu for sending people to monitor Shen Zheng, but this refusal to express his position was actually tacit consent.From then on, even Shen Zheng and the others were monitored by the secret agents of the Security Bureau.

Shen Zheng never thought that Ma Wu would send someone to monitor him, until one time when Li Jing and Shen Zheng met alone, he secretly told Shen Zheng not to make profits for his younger brother. Only then did Shen Zheng know that someone had told him what he had done. Li Jing.

The people below will not report such things to Shen Zheng. After all, Shen is Li Jing's father-in-law, and the order Shen Zheng handed over to his younger brother did not increase the price, and the court did not suffer any losses. Business, strictly speaking, does not count as favoritism.If the people below dare to report such a thing to Shen Zheng, they don't want to do it anymore.Since it wasn't the people below who reported it, it could only be someone from the Ministry, and only spies from the Security Bureau would report people from the Ministry.

Although Shen is Li Jing's father-in-law and the deputy prime minister of the cabinet, he has nothing to do with the Security Bureau, because the Intelligence Bureau and the Security Bureau belong to the Military and Political Department, and they are only responsible to Li Jing. Qidu doesn't care about Ma Wu.

Knowing that he was being watched, although Shen Zheng was displeased, he had nothing to say. After all, the spread of many things he had done would have a great impact on Li Jing. Now that Li Jing does not pursue him, it has already given him a great deal of face. , He wants to find Ma Wu's theory, which is self-inflicted.

Since Shen Zheng didn't care about this matter with Ma Wu, the people in the security bureau thought that Shen Zheng didn't dare to do anything to them, so they became bolder and reported everything to Ma Wu.

Shen Zheng was naturally not ignorant of this, and gradually became dissatisfied with the Security Bureau.So he took this opportunity to tell Yuan Shu, Yang Liufeng and others about the surveillance of everyone by the Security Bureau, hoping that everyone could put pressure on Li Jing and order Ma Wu to restrain his subordinates.

Sure enough, after Shen Zheng finished speaking with everyone, everyone's faces were a little bit ugly, but everyone also knew that now was not the time to argue with Li Jing. Everyone just objected to Li Jing's establishment of the General Administration of Medicine, and Li Jing was a little dissatisfied with everyone. Telling Li Jing about this will only arouse Li Jing's dissatisfaction even more.The most urgent task now is to draft the regulations of the General Administration of Medicine, so as to restore Li Jing's confidence in everyone.

As for Shen Zheng's dismissal of all the servants, although it was for the sake of confidentiality, it was also a deduction for the security bureau.

Because everyone conspired late at night not against Li Jing, but to discuss the establishment of the General Administration of Medicine. Since there were only Shen Zheng and others in the room, the Security Bureau didn't know what everyone was discussing. They just need to report to Ma Wu, who will then tell Li Jing, and wait for Li Jing After knowing the truth, he will definitely reprimand Ma Wu and give everyone an explanation.

As Shen Zheng expected, the people in the Security Bureau really didn't know what they were discussing. They just judged from their expressions when they came back that what they discussed might not be a good thing, so they reported it to Ma Wu, and Ma Wu couldn't do anything after learning about it. After making an accurate judgment, Ma Wu naturally didn't dare to hide such a thing, so he came to the cabinet early in the morning and told Li Jing about it.

But he didn't know that Li Jing already knew what Shen Zheng and others were secretly discussing, and made an accurate judgment.

At this time, after listening to Ma Wu's report, Li Jing suddenly showed hesitation.

After pondering for a while, Li Jing said, "Fifth brother, do you know why I abolished Jinyiwei and Dongchang?"

Ma Wu was startled when he heard the words, then nodded and said, "I know."

Li Jingdao: "It's good that you know. I don't want the Security Bureau to become an organization like Jinyiwei. Brother Wu, you have to understand that if everyone knows that they are being watched by the Security Bureau, they must be panic-stricken and unable to concentrate on doing things. Even if they do things, they are afraid of making mistakes. But dare not let it go and do it boldly. If our officials do not seek merit but seek no fault when doing things, how can Ming be rejuvenated?

And your subordinates are too courageous, they even monitor the cabinet ministers, you know, even Jin Yiwei and Dongchang didn't dare to monitor the cabinet ministers before, if you don't restrain your subordinates, the people from the security department will He will follow in the footsteps of Jinyiwei and Dongchang, and even go too far than Jinyiwei Dongchang.Brother Wu, I don't want to abolish the Security Department anytime soon, so you'd better restrain your subordinates. "

"Yes! Brother, I know I was wrong." Ma Wu said hastily.

Sighing lightly, Li Jing continued: "Fifth brother, although the intelligence department is powerful, it is actually not a good job, it is easy to offend people, and your character is not afraid of offending people, so you must be enemies everywhere.

When I'm here, you can keep your family safe, but if I'm not here, it's hard to guarantee that the successor will not deal with you, so, fifth brother, you must be careful in your actions, and don't be caught by others.

In addition, you have to learn from Luo Yangxing, and learn Luo Yangxing's way of self-protection.Look at him, as the director of the Security Bureau, he defers all the affairs of the capital to you, and he is only in charge of local affairs. "

Ma Wu heard the words and smiled and said: "Brother, Ma Wu only has big brother in his heart. As for others, Ma Wu doesn't know whether they are Zhang San or Li Si. Big brother is worried about Ma Wu's safety, hehe, I will not hide it from big brother, Ma Wu Wuneng is today, thanks to the elder brother's cultivation, for the sake of the elder brother's country, why should Ma Wu be afraid of death? Are you afraid of offending others?"

"Fifth brother! Good brother!" Li Jing held Ma Wu's hand and shook it vigorously.

Ma Wu smiled and continued: "But brother is right. Those guys from the Security Bureau are really shameless. They dare to monitor anyone and inquire about everything. They should be beaten. Don't worry, brother, I will rectify it later. Ministry of Security, let them know what their mandate is."

"Fifth Brother, I'm so relieved that you think so." Li Jing patted Ma Wu on the shoulder and said.

Ma Wu smiled and said: "Brother, I don't want to offend all the old brothers. In the end, apart from Big Brother, there is no one who drinks with me."

"Hahaha." Li Jing laughed loudly.

He patted Ma Wu's shoulder heavily, Li Jing said with a smile: "If that day really comes, you can only blame yourself, who told you to monitor even your old brother, and if they didn't scold you, they were being polite to you, and you still expect them to follow you?" you drink?"

Ma Wu smiled and said yes.

After laughing for a while, Li Jing suddenly said seriously: "Fifth Brother, I'll pretend I don't know about today's matter. You didn't tell me anything about business when you came here today. You just stopped by to see me. Do you understand?"

Ma Wu heard the words, thought for a while, and suddenly realized: "Thank you for your advice, brother, I understand."

Li Jing smiled and said, "Go to Gao Qi and tell him about the information on the Northwest."

"Yes! Brother, let's go now." Ma Wu said hurriedly.

Li Jing waved his hand with a smile, and Ma Wu got up to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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