Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 679 Rewards and Exam Results

Chapter 679 Rewards and Exam Results
After giving rewards to the people of the Academy of Sciences, Li Jing immediately announced the cancellation of the 11-year feast of Chongzhen, and used the saved money to give bonuses to officials, to be precise, to those low-level officials and officials in various ministries Give out bonuses.

This decision was made by Li Jing after the examination results of the Ministry of Officials came out. The reason why Li Jing gave bonuses to low-level officials and officials was because Li Jing found that most low-level officials can only use their grades even if they have good grades in the examination. Grades are recorded and promotions are not immediately granted.

Because the official positions of the imperial court are limited, especially the middle and high-level positions are rare, even if Li Jing has established many departments, there are not so many positions. After all, the number of low-level officials in the imperial court is far more than that of middle- and high-level officials.

Without so many job promotions, low-level officials can only be awarded scattered ranks.

It should be said that the loose rank set by the Ming Dynasty is indeed very clever. When the imperial court has no suitable positions for officials, granting them a loose rank can serve as a promotion and reward in disguise.

Of course, the scattered grades are not awarded casually. In most cases, only those with outstanding work performance, that is, excellent results in the evaluation, or those who have made a particularly large contribution, can be awarded the scattered grades. If only the evaluation results are excellent, the scattered grades will be awarded , the grade of the imperial court is too worthless.

Therefore, there are not many low-level officials who can be awarded scattered ranks, so officials with excellent or middle-level evaluation results can only be rewarded in monetary terms.

Officials have fewer opportunities than officials.

We must know that in ancient China, officials and officials were completely two concepts. If officials are extended to modern times, officials are equivalent to personnel relations in the organization department and are cadres.The personnel relations of officials are in the Personnel Bureau, a small part of them are civil servants, and most of them are career editors.

Obviously, the remuneration of cadres and career staff is completely different. A small number of civil servants still have the opportunity to be promoted to cadres, but the chance of career staff becoming cadres is very small.

The Ministry of Officials is equivalent to the Ministry of Organization. When passing the examination, all officials are evaluated, and officials are not included in the examination.In other words, those who can get promoted after passing the exam are all officials.It is difficult for an official to become an official unless his grades are too good or he has an opportunity.

This kind of system is obviously unreasonable, but Li Jing knows that it is not yet time to abolish this kind of maladministration. Equal treatment for officials is tantamount to lowering the status of officials, so why don't the officials of Ming Dynasty fry the pot immediately?
This system cannot be changed for the time being, so we can only give material rewards to these people. Li Jing believes that these low-level officials have worked hard for a year, and there is hard work without credit. In order to improve their enthusiasm for work.

Undoubtedly, Li Jing's decision won the support of most officials and officials, especially those low-level officials who had just been assigned to the various ministries. More or less some bonuses were also given out.While cheering for Li Jingying, these people secretly made up their minds to work hard in the coming year, striving to get more rewards and even promotions.

Of course, there are still some people who are dissatisfied. Most of these dissatisfied people are officials who failed the evaluation and were demoted or even dismissed.But these people can only be dissatisfied, and they can only blame themselves for not working hard.

The cabinet signed the mortgage room, and Shen Zheng looked at Li Jing who was seriously looking through the account books and said with a wry smile: "Marshal, you are really generous. This time, you paid more than 40 taels of silver at once. Why don't you give me a banquet, which is the most expensive?" As long as 10 taels of silver is enough. And the more than 40 taels of silver was only distributed in Beijing, and the bonuses issued by the provincial governments have not been counted. If I count the bonuses issued by the provincial governments, I estimate that it will be at least 200 million taels of silver. out."

Li Jing smiled and waved his hand: "Father-in-law, that's not how the accounts are calculated. Although the Daming treasury has no surplus, the achievements of this year are there. To do things, we have to stare blankly.

But what do you think everyone is working so hard for?Isn't it just trying to get promoted and make a fortune?We can't promote all the people below, but it's okay to give everyone a little money.

Although the money cannot make them rich, at least it can win the hearts of some people. The most important thing is that we need to let the people below know that they can earn money in a legitimate way, and there is no need to take the risk of being dismissed from office and imprisoned for corruption and bribery. , this is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone. "

"The handsome is wise." Shen Zheng said with a smile.

Putting the account book back on the table, Li Jing looked at Shen Zheng and said with a smile: "According to the examination results of the Ministry of Officials, the amount of bonuses given by these officials is relatively fair, and the difference between those officials is not much different."

Shen Zheng hurriedly said: "It's impossible to say a little deviation, we can only try to be fair."

Li Jing smiled: "Yes, it is impossible to have no problems at all. It is not easy to be as fair as possible."

Turning his head to look at Zhou Hengchen and Yu Leting who were sitting beside Shen Zheng, Li Jing continued: "The Ministry of Officials and the Metropolitan Procuratorate did the exam together. I think you are trying to be as fair as possible, right?"

"Yes! Marshal Mingjian." Zhou Hengchen and Yu Leting said hurriedly.

Li Jing nodded lightly: "Everyone has three relatives and six friends. With the same achievement, there is nothing wrong with taking care of them, as long as they don't go too far and arouse public anger."

Shen Zheng, Zhou Hengchen, and Yu Leting were shocked when they heard the words, and they all understood that Li Jing was telling them that Li Jing was aware of the things they manipulated in private, and this was to wake them up.

"Marshal, we will promise to be more fair in the coming year." Shen Zheng and others hurriedly said.

Li Jing waved his hands and smiled: "I don't mean anything else, after all, I also started from the bottom, knowing that some favors cannot be avoided.

Just like you guys, all started with me, and employ the same people, of course I want to use you.Because I know you better, and I feel more at ease when using it.Similarly, you will employ people who you know better and have a closer relationship with. "

"Thank you, Marshal, for your understanding." Shen Zheng and the others hurriedly said.

Li Jing continued with a smile: "But you must have a degree in everything. If you know that going too far is too late, you should know your background, and you should know how many people are watching you, waiting for you to make mistakes. If you are really caught I can't keep you guys safe."

"Don't worry, Marshal, we still have this measure. We will definitely not use it for everyone and take care of everyone. We only promote and reuse those who have made achievements. With the same achievements, we give priority to promoting our own people, and others will not say no." What happened?" Shen Zheng said hurriedly.

Li Jing smiled: "I believe you are doing this, and I am at ease with you, but have you ever thought about it, the people you appoint will also appoint your cronies, and it is these people who are doing the specific work. Do you understand these people? Can you rest assured about them?

Let me tell you the truth, in my position, it is impossible to fully understand the people below like in Pingyang Mansion. How many officials were there at that time?But now, there are tens of thousands of officials across the country, many of whom I have never met, let alone understand them?And you, presumably the same.

I believe in you, you believe in the people below, and the people below believe in the people below them, one ring after another, but once someone among them looks at others and appoints a person with no morals and no conduct, then there will be someone below A bunch of people with no morals and no conduct.

Can you guarantee that there are no such people down there?The ancients advised the emperor to be close to the virtuous ministers and far away from the villains, but to distinguish between the virtuous ministers and the villains requires vision, some villains are as talented as the virtuous ministers, or even worse, which requires the emperor to know people Vision, but how many emperors have such vision?

Similarly, can you guarantee that you will not make mistakes in knowing people?I'm afraid I can't guarantee it?

Therefore, I hope that when you do things, especially when you pass the exam, try not to appoint cronies.

You must know that the success of the examination is related to the promotion and appointment of officials. If you appoint cronies, if the results of their inspections are wrong, you will not be able to deal with them. If you are not good at handling, it will affect the promotion and appointment of officials.

And officials are the foundation of governing the country. Some people say that governing the country is actually governing officials. We officials can't manage well. What are you talking about? "

"Yes! The officers and others will bear in mind the commander-in-chief's instruction, and when they pass the exam in the future, only those who are fair and honest will be sent down." Zhou Hengchen said hastily.

Li Jingjing nodded and continued: "It's not enough to just select fair and honest people. The people you send must also know how to test the officials. We have a Civil Affairs Bureau under us. When you examine local officials, you should listen to the people's sentiments." It is best to go deep into the people and listen to the opinions of the people. Whether a local official is doing things for the people, the people have the most say. Don't just look at the grades reported by them. The grades reported by officials will not be falsified what?
For example, the magistrate of a certain county reported how much tax he collected, completed the tax task, and built several bridges, completing the bridge repair task.

But aren't these things fake?Did he charge too much tax with the common people? Did the people who passed the exam investigate?Have those bridges he built, those who have passed the exam, gone to see them?Just looking at it is not enough, you have to ask the common people, how did he build this bridge?Strong or not?What I said, did the people you sent to pass the exam do it?

As for the officials inspecting Beijing, they should listen to the opinions of the lowest-level officials. Only the lowest-level officials can know whether their superiors are capable, whether they are working hard, and whether they are making random arrangements. "

Zhou Hengchen hurriedly said: "I have written down what the commander-in-chief said. If I pass the exam next year, I will do as the commander-in-chief said."

Li Jing smiled and said: "Hengchen, don't rush to promise me, I know your difficulties, such a test requires a lot of manpower, and the current manpower of the Ministry of Officials is far from enough.

So we have to take it step by step, focusing on training officials in the next two years and training qualified officials.When we have enough manpower, we can carry out a drastic rectification of officials. "

(End of this chapter)

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