Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 698 Expedition Fleet

Chapter 698 Expedition Fleet
After a pause, Zheng Sen continued: "What I didn't expect was that the Pope's request for peace with me was to delay the time. The Holy See lied that I would go to Florence to pick up Mr. Galileo and asked me to wait patiently. Then they used this time to publish Secret order to summon troops and warships from all over.

Then the Holy See fleet attacked our fleet at night. Our fleet rushed to fight and suffered heavy losses. Later, the humble officer ordered the naval guns to be moved to the shore, and the enemy ships were blocked with artillery fire before the enemy was repelled.However, in this battle, our army lost a total of more than 700 warships and more than [-] brothers were killed. "

Speaking of this, Zheng Sen looked at Li Jing, and Li Jing smiled: "Go on, how did you fight later?"

Zheng Sen hurriedly said: "The humble official has suffered such a big loss, so naturally he is unwilling to let it go. The next day, the humble official assembled troops to attack the army of the Holy See. It is funny to say that the army organized by the Holy See is really vulnerable. They used The muskets are like toys compared to the muskets of our Ming Dynasty, and the subordinates continued to attack for more than a month, and the Holy See army retreated steadily, and finally saw that our Ming army collapsed without a fight."

Hearing that Zheng Sen led his troops to retaliate against the enemy for more than a month, Li Jing frowned.

Seeing that Li Jing looked a little unhappy, Zheng Sen hurriedly said: "The humble officer led his troops to attack continuously, hitting Florence, and finally found Mr. Galileo.

However, Mr. Galileo is already blind and in very bad physical condition. He relies on two students to take care of him in daily life.When the humble officer saw him, he ordered the doctor accompanying the army to treat Mr. Galileo.It's just that the doctor accompanying the army said that Mr. Galileo is too old, even if he is cured, he will not be able to come to Daming with the fleet.

In addition, Mr. Galileo refused to come to Daming with the humble official, and he knew that the humble official was at war with the Holy See, so he persuaded the humble official to stop the attack.

At this time, most of the ammunition of the humble office had been consumed, and it was unable to launch an offensive against the Holy See army. Therefore, the humble officer asked Mr. Galileo to write to the Pope, saying that our army is willing to cease fighting with the Holy See.Under the peace of Mr. Galileo, the Holy See agreed to have peace talks with our army again.

The conditions for the humble post to be opened with the Holy See are: First, the Holy See must appoint Mr. Tang Ruowang and Mr. Ailulius as bishops according to the Marshal's request, and send missionaries to Daming.Second, to compensate our army for the losses in this battle. This time our army lost more than 1000 ships and more than [-] soldiers were killed in battle. The humble official asked the Holy See to compensate [-] million taels of silver.Third, the Holy See must arrange for people to take good care of Mr. Galileo, and Mr. Galileo can do whatever he wants, and the Holy See must not obstruct him.

In the end, Xiqian made a condition with Mr. Galileo that Xiqian would bring his academic articles to Daming, and hoped that he would arrange for a student to go to Daming with Xiqian to teach him the knowledge he researched. "

Li Jing nodded repeatedly after hearing the words: "Has Mr. Galileo agreed?"

Seeing that Li Jing didn't care about the compensation he proposed at all, but only cared about Galileo, Zheng Sen couldn't help sighing inwardly. This person puts more emphasis on talent than profit. No wonder he can gather so many talents, and finally a bandit becomes the master of the center.

With a smile, Zheng Sen replied: "Back to Commander, Mr. Galileo agreed. Mr. Galileo said that he has many academic ideas that are contrary to the teachings of the Holy See, so he was labeled heresy. If Daming can accept his academic Thought, he was very happy to arrange for a student to come to Daming for an academic exchange.

However, Mr. Galileo said that he has only one student and assistant with him now, and many of his researches cannot be separated from the help of this student, so he thought about letting the student come to Daming in a few years. "

Li Jing nodded silently, knowing that the few years Galileo said meant after his death.

"Then did you bring back all the works written by Mr. Galileo?" Li Jing asked.

Zheng Sen hurriedly said: "I brought back, not only the works of Mr. Galileo, but also many works related to the knowledge studied by Mr. Galileo. Mr. Galileo also sent a lot."

Li Jing heard the words and said repeatedly: "Good! Good! This matter is well done!"

Zheng Sen hurriedly said, "Thank you, Commander, for your compliment."

Li Jing smiled: "Now let's talk about your request for compensation. In my opinion, the Holy See will not pay as much compensation as you request."

"Master Mingjian, the Holy See did not pay that much in the end. In the end, the Holy See only paid 40 gold coins, [-] large merchant ships, and some local specialties." Zheng Sen said hastily.

"You must have insisted on the 40 gold coins?" Li Jing said with a smile.

Zheng Sen said with a smile: "It's really impossible to hide anything from the commander. The 40 gold coins are indeed a humble job. After all, we lost more than 40 warships and more than 700 brothers. If it is so silent I admit it silently, and I have no face to come back to see the commander-in-chief."

Li Jing nodded again and again: "You are right. This compensation is necessary. It is related to our Daming's face, and it is also to express our Daming's attitude to foreign countries, that is, we are not afraid of war. Dare to declare war.

Very good, your errand this time was done very well. It not only achieved the original goal, but also demonstrated the military might of Ming Dynasty.You used to be just a general, and you were temporarily promoted to vice-admiral to lead the fleet across the oceans. Now I officially promote you to be the vice-admiral of the Daming Navy, admiral of the first detachment of the Second Fleet of the Daming Navy. "

After speaking, Li Jing turned to Gao Qi and said, "Brother Gao, you will send him this appointment when you get back later."

Gao Qi said with a smile: "Now, we have five young generals in the Ming Army."

Li Jing nodded with a smile: "In the future, these young people will rely on these young people to expand the territory for Daming."

Li Dingguo, Sun Hutou, Zhou Shitou and Xiaowu are the younger generations of the Ming Dynasty who hold the positions of lieutenant general or above.These five people are all in their twenties, among them Zhou Shitou and Sun Hutou are a few years older, only 27 or [-] years old.

Among these people, Li Dingguo and Sun Hutou are the deputy governors of the Northern Army, leading the rank of generals, and their actual status is actually higher than that of full-time generals. Zhou Shitou is a Henan general with a real-time general position. It is equivalent to a lieutenant general, and now with Zheng Sen, it happens to be five.

Except for Zhou Shitou who has been stationed here all the year round among the five, the remaining four are all experienced in actual combat, especially Li Dingguo, who is only in his early twenties, but has nearly ten years of actual combat experience. Compared with Li Dingguo, Sun Hutou and Xiao Wu , Zheng Sen's qualifications are obviously much worse.

Zheng Sen joined the army as a senior officer. As soon as he joined the army, he received the rank of captain of the sixth rank, and then served as a guerrilla general.

After Zheng Zhilong returned to the Ming Dynasty, Zheng Sen followed his father to fight with Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting. Although Zheng Sen fought bravely, he didn't have many outstanding points.It wasn't until this time that Zheng Sen led the army to Europe alone that Zheng Sen's talents were highlighted.

Although what Zheng Sen said was simple, Li Jing knew that the battle with the Holy See was by no means as easy as what Zheng Sen said.

You must know that the fleet led by Zheng Sen is a lone army, with no backup, no supplies, and not many combat personnel. This fleet has a total of more than one hundred ships of all sizes, of which there are only a dozen main battleships, and each ship is equipped with only a few sailors. There are more than [-] people, more than [-] medium-sized fleets, each equipped with about [-] soldiers, and small ships with dozens of sailors.In addition, there were [-] infantrymen on board, and all the troops together were no more than [-].

Less than 1 troops went to Europe. Without any assistance in the country, the leading generals would never dare to fight this battle without the courage.

Because Rome is different from those small countries in Southeast Asia. These small countries have backward weapons and poor military training. Those European countries can send thousands of troops to beat these small countries to the ground.

But Rome is a famous city in the world, and it is also the seat of the Pope. All Catholic countries in Europe must obey the Pope's orders. The troops and resources that the Pope can mobilize are more than a hundred times those of the small countries in Southeast Asia.

Moreover, Europe had the most advanced shipbuilding technology in the world at that time, and many countries had large fleets. Compared with the number of warships and other comprehensive strengths, the fleet led by Zheng Sen was far from the opponents of European countries.

Although the Ming Fleet has the advantages of artillery and rifles, the naval combat rifles are useless, and the Ming Dynasty has few ships, most of which are small boats. No matter how powerful the artillery is, it cannot make up for the gap in numbers. Therefore, If it was a battle at sea, Zheng Sen's ships would probably be wiped out even if he had several times as many ships.

But Zheng Sen dared to fight this battle, although he was young and impulsive, but from Zheng Sen's words, it can be seen that he gave full play to Ming's weapon advantages and did not use his own weaknesses to attack the enemy's strengths.

It is obviously a battleship, but it is docked in the dock, the artillery is placed on the shore, the enemy ships are blocked, and they do not engage in naval battles with the enemy.After keeping the battleship, Zheng Sen began to play the role of the army, relying on the advantages of artillery and rifles to attack the enemy frequently.Relying on the strength of the army, the enemy was finally forced to bow.

Of course, this battle must have been fought for a long time.

You must know that it took Zheng Sen to lead the fleet to Europe for two years, but it took one year to go back and forth to Europe. The battle fought by the headquarters in Rome will take at least a few months to close to half a year.

A force of less than 1 people fought for half a year without logistical supplies, and finally returned home victoriously. It can be seen that Zheng Sen's ability is absolutely outstanding.This is not only about being able to fight wars, but also having political acumen and diplomacy.

Therefore, after Li Jing learned of the result, he immediately promoted Zheng Sen.

Obviously, Li Jing had high hopes for Zheng Sen. Zheng Sen served as the admiral of the navy in his twenties. As long as he didn't make big mistakes in the future, he would basically be the admiral of the navy after 20 years.

The navy has Zheng Sen as his successor, and the army has Li Dingguo as his successor. When Li Jing's generation gets old and retires, Ming's army will still maintain a strong posture.

(End of this chapter)

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