Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 701 Zhu Huiling's Means

Chapter 701 Zhu Huiling's Means
Li Jing heard the words and said displeased: "You are talking about Yuanyuan's uncle, right? This person values ​​profits over righteousness, and sells Yuanyuan into the Liyuan. Why are such relatives called here?"

"Master, this concubine is not seeking any kind of relatives with him, but just for the sake of younger sister Yuanyuan's face." Shen Ying said hastily.

Li Jing shook his head: "If you want to invite such a person, Yuanyuan's life may not be peaceful in the future. Forget it, you can discuss this matter with Yuanyuan. If Yuanyuan is willing to recognize this relative, then invite him. If Yuanyuan refuses to admit it, then ignore him."

Shen Ying smiled and said: "Master is considerate, but sister Yuanyuan said that she was raised by her uncle since she was a child. Although she was sold into a pear orchard, this kindness of nurturing will never be forgotten."

Li Jing nodded lightly: "It's right not to forget the old kindness. It's rare that Yuanyuan has such a heart, so let's invite this relative. But... Forget it, you must have a good idea."

Shen Ying smiled and said: "Master is afraid that sister Yuanyuan, a relative, will act in the name of our family, right? Don't worry, master, if he dares to do this, I will have my own way to deal with him."

Li Jing smiled, his wife seems gentle, but she is extremely capable in her actions, otherwise it would be impossible to create such a large family business in more than ten years.

After thinking for a while, Li Jing said: "Ma'am, I have something to discuss with you. You know that I have established a system of taking concubines. I have violated my own system by marrying Yuanyuan this time. I have to take the lead in accepting the punishment. Otherwise, it will be difficult for others to follow suit in the future. I mean to pay a fine, I don’t know if Madam has any objections.”

Shen Ying laughed when she heard the words: "Master said so, I think he is planning to pay a large fine. But the master did this for the sake of the country, so I naturally want to support it."

Li Jing patted Shen Ying's hand with a smile: "Madam who knows me."

Shen Ying gave Li Jing a white look: "How much fine does the master want to pay?"

"50 taels." Li Jing said with a smile.

Shen Ying couldn't help being startled when she heard the words, and after coming here for a while, she smiled wryly: "It seems that the master doesn't want to see that our family is rich. The money our family earned in the past few years was lent to the court by the master. I just had some income this year, and the master has to pay it again." 50 out."

Li Jing smiled: "If you don't bring money with you when you are born, if you don't take it with you when you die, our family can't spend all their money. Why keep it? It's better to give it to the court to do something."

Shen Ying said with a smile: "I don't care how the master spends the money, but the concubine feels that it is ill-advised for the master to send the money to the court in the form of a fine.

The fine should be paid, it is related to the prestige of the master, and it is also an example for all officials, but it cannot be paid so much.

Master, you think that the punishment you have formulated for taking more concubines is that ordinary people will be fined 500 taels of silver for every extra concubine they take over the prescribed number of concubines, and officials will be fined 1000 taels of silver for each extra concubine. In other words, a fine of 500 taels of silver for taking one more concubine is completely acceptable, even those officials can afford 1000 taels of silver, so they don't want to take the risk of being imprisoned and dismissed from office to conceal their behavior of taking concubines.

But now you want to fine so much, what will the officials think?Do you think that the master will punish them twice in the future?And doubling their punishment would definitely not afford so much money, so they would definitely conceal their concubine behavior.

Master, although you are more and more strict on the supervision of officials, the matter of taking concubines is not so easy to supervise, and the reason for this should be clear to the master even if the concubine does not say anything about it. "

Li Jing pondered and said: "You mean that the officials help each other to hide it, including the supervisors also help hide it?"

Shen Ying smiled and said: "That's for sure, because such things will also fall on them in the future. If you punish them less, they don't want to bear the crime, but if you have to punish them more, then you can only concealed."

Li Jing nodded silently when he heard the words, and sighed, Li Jing said: "Then follow the rules."

Seeing that Li Jing's mood was a little weak, Shen Ying held Li Jing's hand and said softly: "Master, don't think too much about taking concubines unless you issue a strict order not to take concubines."

Li Jing smiled bitterly: "If I don't allow concubines, I'm afraid everyone will rebel against me."

After waving his hand, Li Jing continued, "Don't talk about it, the more you talk about it, the more headache you will get."

Shen Ying smiled and said: "If the master has a headache, then don't think about it."

Li Jingjing nodded: "Take your time."

Picking up the teacup and taking a sip of tea slowly, Li Jing continued: "Father-in-law may transfer money from the bank in the past few days, and you will transfer it to the old man at that time."

"Another transfer of money, the Ministry of Households seems to have no shortage this year, right?" Shen Ying asked doubtfully.

Li Jing shook his head: "It's not borrowing silver, it's mobilizing silver to exchange for gold."

Then Li Jing told Shen Ying the news from Gu Bingyou, and explained his plan to Shen Ying.

"If you do what the master does, then the bank may lose a lot of money." Shen Ying said in a deep voice.

"The bank may lose a lot of money, but the foreign trade can make up for it." Li Jing said.

"But our family has no foreign trade business!" Shen Ying sighed.

At this time, Zhu Huiyu suddenly interjected: "My lord, how about this? Isn't my lord planning to let De Bolster handle this matter? Our bank also reserves 500 million taels of gold, can we let De Bold secretly exchange the gold?" into silver, so that we can make a lot of silver, and we will use this silver to operate."

"Where did our bank get 500 million taels of gold?" Li Jingqi asked.

Zhu Huiling smiled and said, "This is the money that the master has borrowed from the bank over the years, and the household department has mortgaged the gold to the bank."

Li Jingwen couldn't help being silent.

Zhu Huiling said with a smile: "Master, don't be angry. According to my concubine, the gold can work better in the hands of the bank. If it is in the hands of the court, it is just a pile of dead money. Master, think about it, our bank wants gold now." If there is gold, if there is silver, then we can control the price of silver as we want.”

Li Jingqi said: "How do you want to control it?"

Zhu Huiling laughed and said, "Master said just now that one tael of gold can be exchanged for more than 15 taels of silver in the countries of Europa, so how much silver can our 500 million taels of gold be exchanged for? Can it be exchanged for 500 million taels?

If we exchange so much silver at once, needless to say, there will be a shortage of silver in those western countries, and the ratio of silver to gold will immediately decrease.We don't need too much, even if 14 taels of silver are exchanged for one tael of gold, we will earn one tael of silver for every tael of gold, and 500 million taels of gold will earn 500 million taels of silver.

When the price of silver rises, we will exchange the silver into gold, so that the silver in those western countries will increase again, and then the price of silver will drop again.As long as we do this a few times, we can earn gold and silver from Western countries to Ming Dynasty. "

Li Jing pondered for a long time after hearing the words, and then said: "Madam is right, but this matter needs to be operated by a reliable person. We don't have such a reliable person to do such a big thing now."

Zhu Huiyu said with a smile: "Didn't the master just say that we should let De Bauer run this matter. De Bauer owns the shares of several of our companies, so of course he has to be with us, otherwise, let him buy it." Those stakes are worth nothing."

Hearing this, Li Jing smiled wryly and said, "You can handle him."

Zhu Huiling laughed and said, "And we don't let him do it for nothing, we give him some profit after we earn money, and he doesn't try his best to help us raise money?"

Li Jing thought for a while and said, "That's fine, just follow Madam's wishes."

Shen Ying smiled and said, "It is not so easy to operate this matter. It is best to set up a company in a western country, so that it will be more convenient."

Li Jingdao: "Now we only have trade with the Netherlands, and this company can only be established in the Netherlands. However, although the Netherlands is currently powerful in the sea, it is still a small country with meager national power. It cannot compete with those big Western countries for a long time. If a big country is defeated at sea, there will be no room for recovery, so it is not safe to establish a company in the Netherlands."

Zhu Huiling said with a smile: "Whether the Netherlands can continue to be strong depends on the master. If the master does not want the Netherlands to be defeated, it may not be so easy for those big countries to defeat the Netherlands."

"You mean to ask me to support the Netherlands militarily?" Li Jing pondered.

Zhu Huitian laughed and said, "Master just said that the Netherlands is a small country. Since it is a small country, it is easy to control. If they dare to be disobedient, then we will support the enemy of the Netherlands. It is not easy to destroy them?"

Li Jing laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Madam is right."

After laughing for a while, Li Jing sighed softly: "You, it's a pity that you are a woman. If you were a man, you must be a generation of outstanding people."

Zhu Huiling shook his head with a smile: "If the concubine is a man, how can I marry the master?"

Li Jing sighed softly, patted the hands of Shen Ying and Zhu Huiyu and said, "The greatest blessing in my life is to be able to marry you two."

Shen Ying and Zhu Huihou also sighed: "It is the greatest blessing in this life for our sisters to be able to marry the master."

Li Jing held the hands of the two of them, and was silent for a while.

After a long time, Shen Ying suddenly smiled and said: "Oh, I forgot to talk about the business while talking to the master."

Li Jing smiled: "Is there anything bigger than what we discussed?"

After waving his hand, Li Jing said, "Madam will arrange the matter of marrying Yuanyuan. It's rare for me to go home so early. Today I will have a good meal with Madam."

Zhu Huiling laughed and said, "Master can eat with us, it's because the sun is coming out from the west."

Li Jingwen couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Li Jing was about to explain a few words to the two of them, when he heard footsteps outside the door, and then the servant girl said: "The young master is back, the master is inside."

Then Li Anguo said happily: "My father is at home, that's great."

Immediately the door opened, and Li Anguo walked in quickly.

When he arrived in front of Li Jing, Li Anguo knelt down on the ground, kowtowed respectfully and said, "My dear father, please greet me."

Li Jing smiled and said, "Get up."

Li Anguo saluted Shen Ying and Zhu Huiling again before getting up.

Looking at Li Anguo, Li Jing nodded with a smile.

Li Anguo will be 15 years old this year. Due to his years of training in the military, his body is extremely strong, and he does not look like a 15-year-old child.

(End of this chapter)

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