Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 703 Ding You System

Chapter 703 Ding You System
Looking at Chen Yuanyuan, Li Jing sighed lightly, Chen Yuanyuan is now fully grown, and she looks more and more beautiful, like Xishi Diaochan.

Li Jing has practiced Qi daily for the past two years, and his mind has become more stable than the previous few years. Basically, it is difficult for him to be moved by anything in this world, but seeing Chen Yuanyuan's face, Li Jing couldn't help but be moved. People are crazy about it.

Just as he was feeling emotional, the servant girl came over to pass the message that the banquet had been set, and asked Li Jing when the banquet would start.

Li Jing waved his hand: "Let's go."

As he spoke, he picked up his daughter and dragged Li Xingguo to the restaurant. Shen Ying and the others hurriedly got up to follow.

During the Ming Dynasty, there were many rules for eating, especially in families like Li Jing, few children could sit and eat with their elders, and as a concubine, they dared not sit at the same table with the mistress.This is called seniority and orderliness, and there is a distinction between superiority and inferiority.

But Li Jing didn't care much about those formalities, and it was rare for Li Jing to have dinner with his family, so he called Xiaodie and others to the same table.

In addition, Li Jing's two concubines were from Tongfang maids, Xiaodie was Shen Ying's dowry maid, and Xiao Zhu was Zhu Huiyu's dowry maid. They had served Shen Ying and Zhu Huiyu since they were young. Very recently, Shen Ying and Zhu Huiyu also often ate with them, and they didn't care about them.

The remaining one, Chen Yuanyuan, was Yuan Keli's adoptive daughter. Thanks to Chen Yuanyuan's care for Yuan Keli in his later years, Shen Ying and Zhu Huilai treated Chen Yuanyuan like a younger sister.

If there were no such relationships left here, if it were Li Jing's concubine from elsewhere, no matter how much Li Jing loved her, he would not dare to sit at the same table with the mistress.Because Shen Ying could drive her out of the Li residence just because she didn't know the rules, even if Li Jing wanted to stop her, because this was Shen Ying's power as the mistress.

Just like the queen of a country, unless the concubine can encourage the emperor to abolish the queen, otherwise, even if she is favored by the emperor again, as long as she makes a mistake, the queen can deal with her according to the rules of the palace, and the emperor has nothing to say.

During the Chenghua period, Concubine Wan Gui was so arrogant, but she was still punished by the queen. Later, Concubine Wan Gui blew the pillow wind so that the emperor abolished the queen, so she dared to retaliate against her.

In the Tianqi dynasty, the Ke family was so favored, but if the queen Zhang Yan caught her in a wrong place, she could be beaten up.

Therefore, as long as the queen is not deposed, no concubine who is favored will dare to be arrogant in front of the queen.If the queen had a son, he would basically be canonized as a prince. At this time, the position of the queen would be even more difficult to shake, and the concubines would naturally dare not be disrespectful to the queen.

Similarly, as long as the mistress is not divorced, no matter how favored the concubine is, she will not dare to challenge the mistress.

As for Shen Ying, she is different from other mistresses. Shen Ying married Li Jing when Li Jing was still a bandit. It can be said that Shen Ying has contributed a lot to Li Jing's success today.Moreover, Shen Ying and Li Jing have never blushed for many years as a husband and wife, and their affection is beyond her reach.Just like Zhu Yuanzhang's wife, Empress Ma, her status is unshakable.

In addition, Shen Ying's son, Li Anguo, will definitely inherit Li Jing's position in the future. Under such circumstances, the concubine's room can't resist him, even Zhu Huiyu can't compete with him.

After the family sat down, Li Jing ordered a jug of wine, and was going to have a few drinks with Li Anguo, and the two of them had a heart-to-heart talk.

In recent years, Li Jing rarely talked to his son. First, Li Jing was always busy, and Li Anguo was young before, so he didn't understand many things.

But now that Li Anguo is going to practice in the frontline army, he has grown up, and Li Jing can no longer treat his son like a child.

Unexpectedly, the two had just drank two glasses of wine, and before they could say a few words, someone called outside urgently, and Chen Erhu begged to see him.

Li Jingwen couldn't help but thump in his heart.

In this world, the only elder that Li Jing cares about most now is old man Chen.

Old man Chen was seriously injured and almost lost his life. Although he was cured later, one arm was useless.

But as he got older, Old Man Chen's health deteriorated, especially when it was cloudy and rainy, the previously injured area became unbearably painful.This year Huang Degong rebelled. After the rebellion was put down, Li Jing met old man Chen when he went to Nanjing to pick up Zhu Youjian. At that time, old man Chen had difficulty walking.

A few months later, Chen Erhu came to see him in a hurry, it is very likely that something happened to the old man Chen.

Sure enough, as soon as Chen Erhu saw Li Jing, he said that the old man Chen was seriously ill and wanted to take leave to take care of his father in Nanjing.

Although Li Jing was already prepared in his heart, Li Jing couldn't help being shocked when he heard Chen Erhu say that old man Chen was seriously ill.

After sitting in a daze for a while, Li Jing just woke up after being reminded by Shen Ying.

Sighing lightly, Li Jing said: "Brother Erhu, uncle is seriously ill, I should have gone to see him in person, but you also know that I really can't leave him now, how about this, I will ask Anguo to visit him on my behalf Uncle Chen, you go with Anguo."

Immediately, Li Jing said to Li Anguo: "An Guo, you go with your second uncle to visit your Grandpa Chen, and fulfill your filial piety at Grandpa Chen's knees for me. As for joining the army, wait for a while, and when your Grandpa Chen recovers from illness, you will come again." front."

"Father, don't worry, the child will definitely fulfill your filial piety in front of Grandpa Chen for you." Li Anguo said hastily.

Li Jingjing nodded: "You leave with your second uncle right away. Well...go to the Royal Hospital before you leave and bring a doctor there."

"Yes!" Li Anguo said hurriedly.

Li Jing turned to Shen Ying and said, "Pack up some clothes for Anguo, don't bring other things, the sooner the better!"

Shen Ying responded, calling the girl to go with her to pack Li Anguo's clothes.

After thinking about it, Li Jing said to Chen Erhu: "I guess you haven't notified Zhuzi yet. In this case, you go first, and I will tell him over there."

Chen Erhu hurriedly said: "Brother, don't tell Zhuzi, right? He is now in charge of the defense of the capital. If he is gone, what will happen to the defense of the capital?"

Li Jing waved his hand: "Don't worry about this matter, if he can't go, can't he send someone there?"

Chen Erhu hurriedly said: "Then everything will be arranged by Big Brother."

"Okay, hurry up and leave." Li Jing waved his hand.

Chen Erhu heard the words, saluted Li Jing, and went out with Li Anguo.

After the two left, Li Jing let out a long sigh, turned to Zhu Huiyu and said, "Huiyu, you send someone to Chen Zhuang immediately, the West Hill of Chen Zhuang was bought by us, you can find a Feng Shui master to give it to you in the West Hill. Uncle Chen chooses a good place, and if Uncle Chen doesn't carry it, we should make preparations early."

"Master, don't worry, the concubine will arrange it immediately." Zhu Huiyu hurriedly said.

Li Jing nodded slightly.

After a while, Li Jing suddenly remembered something, and suddenly got up and said, "I'm going to reassign Chen Dahu's duties soon, you can eat, don't wait for me."

Zhu Huiyu pondered for a while and said, "Master is worried about Uncle Chen's accident. Will Chen Dahu follow the rules?"

Li Jingting nodded and said, "That's right, I can't leave Chen Dahu now, and I absolutely can't let him go home to Ding You."

"My lord, I think I should put this matter on hold for a while. Think about it, if you don't want Chen Dahu to go home to defend the system, you can only change his military position, and it's best to be a military position fighting in the front, but Uncle Chen is now Ill, if you transfer Chen Dahu, then Chen Dahu won't be able to stay in Nanjing to take care of Uncle Chen." Zhu Huiyu said.

"Then what should we do? If Uncle Chen dies, it will be too late to change his position." Li Jing frowned.

Zhu Huiling said softly: "My lord, according to my concubine's opinion, this matter has to be solved from the root cause. Temporary job transfer like yours is not a long-term solution after all. You might as well seize love by doing this."

Li Jing sighed: "Why don't I want to solve Ding You's problem from the root, but it's not easy! A few years ago, I wanted to change Ding You's time, but almost all the ministers in the court objected, so I had to let it go."

Zhu Huiling smiled: "My lord, in fact, according to my concubine's opinion, those ministers, especially the ministers whose parents are old at home, don't really object, because once their parents die, they will have to resign and go home to Ding You. They The objection to changing Ding You's time is because they are afraid of being said that they do not abide by filial piety. The real objections are those low-level officials, because once someone returns to Ding You, it means that Ding You's position will be vacated, and they may be promoted."

Li Jing nodded slightly.

Zhu Huiling continued: "But what about Ding You's keeping the system? I think there are advantages and disadvantages."

Li Jingqi said: "How do you say that?"

Zhu Huiling laughed and said, "My lord, the authorities are delusional."

After a pause, Zhu Huiling continued: "Since the master came to power, most of the officials who have followed Ding You's system are the officials who are highly valued by the master. Among these people is only Yuan Shu. The master has adopted a flexible method to make him Ding You also work on errands. Officials in China don't have this kind of treatment.

Once the official Ding You, the master has to arrange a suitable person to replace Ding You's official position, but now there are not enough officials in the court, so whenever the official returns to Ding You, the master is worried about where to find a suitable official.And even when the right officers are found, they will have to adapt for a while.

If it is a local official, then some of the government orders they implemented may have to be interrupted because of the change of officials. I wonder if I am right? "

Li Jingjing nodded: "Madam is right."

Zhu Huiling said with a smile: "But what if Ding You is an official who doesn't suit the master? At this time, they will vacate the position, and the master can just replace it with someone you like.

There must be a lot of people in the court who don't agree with the master's mind, right?It's just that some of their parents have died long ago, and some of their parents are safe and sound. These people haven't had the opportunity to keep the system yet, so the master hasn't realized the benefits of Ding You's keeping the system. "

Li Jing nodded with a smile: "Ma'am is right."

Zhu Huixuan continued: "However, compared with the advantages, there are still more disadvantages. Because the time of restraint is too long, if an official loses his relatives just after the term of restraint, it will take another three years for Ding You, adding up to six years. How many six years are there in one's life? If this person is a cadre, isn't that a disappointment to the talent?"

Li Jing sighed: "Yeah, that's why I wanted to change the time of guarding. Three years is really too long!"

Zhu Huiyu said: "Master, we Han people pay attention to filial piety. It is right to keep filial piety for our parents, but filial piety and unfilial piety do not depend on the death of parents, but on whether the children are filial or not before their parents are alive. What is the use of keeping this system?
So the concubine thought that the master should make a fuss about this and let the Minsheng newspaper promote this idea. At the same time, the master can also consider canceling the rule that officials are not allowed to bring their family members if they have served for less than three years. If the officials can take their parents with them, then They can fulfill their filial piety in front of their parents, and they don't have to make friends with officials in their hometown because they care about their parents, wives and children. "

(End of this chapter)

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