Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 705 Li Jing's loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness

Chapter 705 Li Jing's loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness

Zhu Huiyu and Shen Ying sighed softly. The man in front of him seemed to be powerful and omnipotent, but in fact he couldn't do whatever he wanted, especially since what he wanted to do was to change the filial piety advocated by Confucianism that had been passed down for thousands of years. Force alone.

As Li Jing's closest people, sometimes even Shen Ying and Zhu Huihou didn't understand what Li Jing was thinking.

The situation of Daming is changing day by day. If it develops as it is now, in less than ten years, Daming will revive the prestige of the past. Even if Li Jing doesn't do anything now, as long as he maintains the status quo, he can be worthy of the position. No.300 in the past 1 years of Ming Dynasty.

But Li Jing didn't seem to see this. He was not satisfied with the status quo at all, and kept coming up with new ideas one after another, and those ideas were all contrary to the traditional thinking of China for thousands of years.

But it is not necessarily true that Li Jing completely abandons traditional thinking. Li Jing also pays attention to the loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness advocated by Confucianism, and he has done much better than those who talk about benevolence, righteousness and morality.

Li Jing's loyalty is to be loyal to this country, not to a certain person. For the sake of the country, Li Jing does not hesitate to bear any infamy, and does not hesitate to go to war everywhere.

Li Jing pays more attention to filial piety, and Li Jing's filial piety is more practical than superficial.

As Li Jing's wives, Shen Ying and Zhu Huiyu know best how Li Jing treats his elders. To Yuan Keli, Li Jing is more filial than Yuan Shu's own son. Don't think that Li Jing is not in Yuan Keli's old and weak He always brought soup and water, but Li Jing arranged all the things Yuan Keli needed properly, so that Yuan Keli didn't have to worry about anything.

Regardless of the fact that Li Jing sometimes made mistakes in government orders that worried Yuan Keli, as long as Yuan Keli made comments, Li Jing would immediately correct them.Whenever this time is the happiest time for Yuan Keli.

Sometimes Shen Ying and Zhu Huiyu even wondered if Li Jing deliberately made up some wrong government orders that had nothing to do with the overall situation, so that Yuan Keli could point out these faults and make Yuan Keli happy.

Similarly, Li Jing was extremely filial to Shen Zheng, his father-in-law.

Shen Zheng has not fully implemented Li Jing's government orders in recent years, and sometimes he even opposed them at all, but Li Jing never criticized Shen Zheng, and only pointed at Shen Zheng cryptically.If it were someone else, how could Li Jing allow a person who controls the country's financial power to oppose his government orders?I'm afraid he was withdrawn long ago.

Several times, when Shen Zheng came to visit Shen Ying, he vaguely proposed the idea of ​​retiring, and wanted to hear Li Jing's meaning from his daughter, but Li Jing never mentioned Shen Zheng's mistakes to Shen Ying, but kept praising Shen Ying. It was his right hand.

These things seem to have nothing to do with filial piety, but they can reassure Shen Zheng, what could be more filial than this?
There is also an old man Chen who treats old man Li Jing like his own son. He wants to take old man Chen close to Beijing to take care of him several times, but old man Chen is worried about his grandson and refuses to come to Beijing, so Li Jing does not force him.

Both old man Chen's two sons are now in high positions. As a father, old man Chen can say that he has nothing to lack, but Li Jing has prepared all kinds of needs for old man Chen for the four seasons of the year.

Old man Chen retired early, and there was no pension subsidy, but Li Jing would arrange for someone to send money to old man Chen every month.

In fact, where would old man Chen use money?Li Jing gave old man Chen money just to make old man Chen rich enough to give rewards to his servants at any time.

As a junior, Li Jing has done almost everything he could think of. This kind of filial piety is far more practical than those who only talk about filial piety but worry their parents all day long.

Li Jing still has a benevolent heart, but Li Jing's benevolence is only for the people of Ming Dynasty, including the Jurchens and Mongols who have fought against Ming Dynasty for many years and have now surrendered to Ming Dynasty. Li Jing truly treats them the same as the Han people.

Although Li Jing changed some of the customs of the Jurchens and Mongols, in the end Li Jing wanted them to live a better life. Naturally, these people would no longer think about rebelling against Daming.

Of course, Li Jing also has a cruel side. He went after Zhu Yuanzhang ruthlessly to those corrupt officials. As for the countries that Li Jing wanted to conquer, Li Jing was extremely cruel. It is to order the troops to implement a policy of extermination.That is to say, in these places, there must be all the troops of Ming Dynasty and the people of Ming Dynasty, so as to ensure that the army of Ming Dynasty will not be threatened.

After completely controlling these key areas, the local aborigines are recruited from other places to build these places. At this time, Li Jing has another face, that is, to ensure that the interests of these recruited people are not violated, let them identify with Daming, and eventually become Daming people.To put it bluntly, the initial military action must be a strong blow to the local regime, and then implement benevolent governance.

Li Jing's method is quite effective. Now Luzon Island is completely under the control of Daming. After stabilizing the regime of Daming, he has won the hearts of the local people with benevolent governance. After two years, the people of Luzon have generally agreed with it. Ming dynasty.

Li Jing actually learned this method from Zhuge Liang. Zhuge Liang captured Meng Huo seven times, and finally subdued Meng Huo, solved the troubles in the rear of the Shu Kingdom, and unified the ethnic minorities in the southwest.

Different from Zhuge Liang's approach, Li Jing did not subdue the local chiefs, because Li Jing did not need these chiefs to surrender, and Li Jing did not want local power.Li Jing knew very well that when the local power grew to a certain level, those leaders would have different ideas.

The reason why Li Jing's approach is similar to Zhuge Liang's is because both of them used force to conquer.

In fact, Zhuge Liang had no choice but to capture seven times and attack seven times at that time, because the local barbarians could not be completely wiped out with the military power of Shu State.If the Shu Kingdom had [-] million people like Sichuan in later generations, Zhuge Liang would have ordered the extermination of the local barbarians without hesitation to eliminate future troubles forever, and then relocated the population to fully incorporate these places into the Shu Kingdom.

Although the current population of Ming Dynasty is also insufficient, it is still much more abundant than that of Shu Kingdom.

Moreover, the situation that Li Jingqian had foreseen in the past two years has now gradually come true, that is, with the stability of the country's political situation, the people's life is stable and gradually rich, and the population begins to increase rapidly.

In the past two years, Daming has increased its population by at least 600 million each year, far exceeding Li Jing's budgeted population of 200 million.

The reason for such a large error is that Li Jing neglected that as the common people's lives become richer, the death rate will begin to drop sharply. In the past, the common people might die from some minor illnesses because they had no money for medical treatment.

Now this kind of situation has become less and less, which means that the ratio of death rate to birth rate is getting bigger and bigger.

For example, in the past, when four people died, six babies would be born at the same time. Now, only one person will die after six babies are born. With such a ratio, the population growth rate is of course much faster than Li Jing expected.

In the past, Li Jing calculated that the population of Ming Dynasty would reach 100 million in 30 years. According to the current speed, it may reach 30 million in [-] years, which means that the population of Ming Dynasty will increase by nearly [-] million in [-] years.

With a population increase of 30 million in 100 years, it is conceivable that the pressure on the land in Daming will be great. If the territory is not opened up at this time, the common people of Daming will have no land to grow in [-] years.

Foreseeing this situation, Li Jing will naturally not be soft on those foreigners who will compete with the people of Ming Dynasty for land and food.

Not only foreigners, Li Jing will implement a genocidal policy against all ethnic groups in the north, northwest, west and southwest of Ming Dynasty who do not want to surrender to Ming Dynasty.Since they don't want to submit to Ming Dynasty, there is no need to keep these ethnic groups.

Although each of these ethnic groups has its own culture and its own characteristics, Li Jing doesn't think these cultures are of any use.In Daming and its surrounding areas, Li Jing only needs one kind of culture, and that is the culture of the Han people.

In order to spread Ming Dynasty's culture everywhere, Li Jing didn't care how many people were killed.

In other words, Li Jingtian was born with the blood of killing, which has a lot to do with his occupation back then.

Li Jing, the people of Ming Dynasty, implemented a benevolent government, and he implemented a tyrannical government when he conquered the foreign race. benevolent government.

As for Li Jing's righteousness, it is not only the righteousness of brothers and friends, in fact Li Jing pays more attention to morality.

Li Jing is very important to his brothers and friends. Although he does not have many friends and even fewer brothers, there is no way to do this. With Li Jing's current status, he is doomed to not have many friends, nor will he have many friends. brothers.

Except for Li Jing's friends and brothers among the people he met when he was fighting the world when he was young, as Li Jing's power grew, it was basically difficult for people he met at this time to become Li Jing's friends, and it was even more difficult to become Li Jing's brother.

Because you can be outspoken with your friends, and you can be open and honest with your brothers, but do you dare to Li Jing with the person you met later?Unless his brain is flooded, he will treat those people as friends and brothers.

I don't know how many people are coveting the position that Li Jing is sitting in, and how many people are eager for his downfall.Everyone is treated like a friend, does Li Jing think that he didn't die fast enough?

Therefore, except for a few people, Li Jing told them the righteousness of friends and brotherhood. To others, Li Jing only talked about morality with them.

What is morality?Morality is morality and justice.Strictly speaking, morality belongs to ideology, including legal norms and some customary codes of conduct.

If these standards and norms are exceeded, Li Jing will turn his face and be ruthless, with no friendship to speak of.

It should be said that Li Jing has his own unique understanding of loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness, which is why he promulgated some government orders that conflict with Confucianism that has been passed down for nearly a thousand years.

(End of this chapter)

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