Chapter 717
Li Jingjing nodded, looked at Gao Qi and said solemnly: "There is one more thing, this matter requires the cooperation of the Ministry of War."

"Commander, please tell me, brothers will definitely cooperate fully." Gao Qi hurriedly said.

Li Jing continued: "This matter is about yamen servants. We all know that yamen servants in various places are recruited from the people by the local governments themselves. Most of these people are untrained, and their quality can be said to be mixed, especially those who are fast. Under the banner of the government, extortion, bullying men and women, can be said to be all kinds of crimes, even worse than real villains, and the common people suffer from it."

Speaking of which, Li Jing took out a stack of materials from the table and shook, and then continued: "The above records are all cases of crimes committed by policemen from all over the country, and they were reported by the Civil Information Administration. Good guy, it's shocking! Take a look. "

After finishing speaking, he turned around and handed the materials to Su Heng. Su Heng took the materials and distributed them to everyone.

Everyone took it and looked at it carefully, but after reading it, they were all silent.

After everyone finished watching, Li Jing sighed softly and said, "These things only happened this year. There were more such things in the past. As for the cases where ordinary people are afraid of being arrested quickly, they dare not file a case, and there are probably countless cases."

Shaking his head lightly, Li Jing continued: "We can't go on like this. If we rely on ordinary people to file a complaint, file a complaint, and deal with it together, we will not be able to solve the problem at all."

Yu Leting pondered and said: "Marshal, the disaster of Yingzhu (the official name for arresting in the Ming Dynasty) has a long history, and all dynasties have been unable to solve this problem."

Li Jing shook his head: "It's not that it can't be solved, but that no one really wants to solve this problem."

Glancing at the crowd, Li Jing saw that they were silently contemplating, and continued, "To solve this problem, we must first figure out why those policemen did what they did, why did they act so recklessly?
In fact, the reason is very simple, catching fast is a cheap business, decent people do not do this, those who do this are those unemployed rascals, to put it bluntly, none of these people are good citizens.

Moreover, their salaries are too low. In fact, they have no salary at all. The government only subsidizes them six taels of silver for work and food every year. These people have no land and no land. How can six taels of silver support their families?
The same as the reason of official corruption in the past, because the salary of officials is too low to support their families, they naturally have to find ways to raise money to supplement their families.This is the case for officials, let alone arresting fast?

These people are not good people in the first place, and they do dangerous jobs that are looked down upon by others. Naturally, they are unwilling to live in poverty. They cannot be corrupt like officials, and they can only do blackmail under the banner of running errands.

As long as they take care of the government lords, the officials will naturally turn a blind eye to what they do, and if things go on like this, they will naturally become more and more lawless. "

"What the commander said is true." Gao Qi and the others hurriedly said.

Li Jing waved his hand: "I think if we want to solve this problem, we have to start from the root."

Picking up the teacup and taking a sip of tea, Li Jing continued: "First of all, we need to change the social status of the police. We must know that the police are doing things to maintain local law and order and protect the people. Big danger, how can this be called cheap business?
Just like soldiers who defend their homes and the country, those literati look down on soldiers. Who knows, if there are no such tricks, how can they recite poems and fight against each other in peace?
In recent years, we have worked hard to improve the social status of soldiers, and greatly increased the salary and treatment of soldiers. The atmosphere of looking down on soldiers in the past has been greatly changed. Nowadays, young people are proud of being soldiers, including some scholars. .

Since we can change the social status of soldiers, why can't we change the social status of police officers?Then we will increase the salaries and benefits of the catchers, and gradually people will be proud of being a catcher. "

Seeing Huang Daozhou's disapproval, Li Jing said with a smile: "Brother Youping, I know you don't quite agree with my approach, but you are a cabinet minister now, and you must consider the overall situation when considering things, and you can no longer look at problems with the eyes of a literati in the past. "

Huang Daozhou hurriedly said: "Yes, I would like to follow your lord's instruction."

Li Jing smiled and said: "Brother Youping, we are both students of Lord Jie Huan, you don't have to be polite, just call me by my name."

Huang Daozhou hurriedly said: "Don't dare, don't dare, you can't mess up the dignity."

Li Jing shook his head with a smile, picked up the teacup, and waved his hand to signal for everyone to drink tea.

After taking a sip of tea, Li Jing put down his teacup, and then continued: "That's what I think. The Ministry of Criminal Justice is in charge of criminal matters in the world, and the arrester is the actual executor. In this case, the arrester should be brought under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. It should be recruited by local officials from among the people at will, and should be arranged by the Ministry of Punishment, what do you think?"

Everyone nodded quickly when they heard the words.

Seeing that there was no objection from the crowd, Li Jing smiled and said, "Of course, the policemen maintain local law and order, and they still have to obey the management of the local government. opinion. Otherwise, other problems will arise.”

Everyone hurriedly said: "The commander-in-chief is thoughtful."

Li Jing continued: "Since everyone has no opinion, it's settled. Junyang, the next step is your business. I want you to conduct a major assessment of the arrests across the country, and all unqualified ones will be dismissed."

Yu Leting glanced at the materials in his hand, pondered for a moment and said, "Commander, I don't think there will be too many people who can pass the test, so there must be insufficient manpower for arrests in various places. Now that the Ministry of Punishment has no manpower, you don't want the local government to Self-recruitment, you can't let the local government have no one to do business, right?"

Li Jingjing nodded: "I have already thought of this, I think so, now that the rogues and bandits in all provinces in the country have basically been wiped out, there is little point in continuing to station troops there.

I want to transfer some of the local troops to serve as catchers. This will not only solve the problem of the shortage of catchers, but also reduce the number of local troops and reduce the burden on the court.I calculated that there are about a hundred counties in each province, and one or two hundred people are assigned to each county, so that the number of local troops can be cut by more than half.

As for the remaining troops, part of them will be transferred to the main combat troops and distributed to various theaters, and some will remain in the local area to deal with emergencies. As for how many troops will be left, it will be determined according to the situation of each province, but the maximum number cannot exceed 5000. "

Gao Qi pondered for a while and said: "In this case, there is no need to set up generals in each province, and those mid- and high-level officers also need to be placed separately, but if they are all arranged in the army, then the number of officers in the army may be too many. "

Li Jingjing nodded: "That's right, but you don't have to worry about this. We want to change the style of the police before, and we must let them observe discipline. I plan to militarize the management of the police, so those officers are still useful.

Well... What I said just now was not very clear, you may not have understood, let me tell you more about the structure of the police after being incorporated into the Ministry of Criminal Affairs. "

After taking a sip of tea, Li Jing continued: "I plan to implement a six-level management system for the police. The highest level is of course the Ministry of Punishment, followed by the province, government, prefecture, county and township. The township level is the lowest level and must be obeyed." County-level management, county-level management must obey state-level management, and so on, and finally all arrests in the world are managed by the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

According to the management model of the army, then the arresters at the township level are equal to soldiers, the head arresters are equivalent to Shichang, the head arresters at county and county levels are equivalent to Baichang, and the arresters and head arresters at the township level are managed. The headhunter at the first level is equivalent to the headhunter or the battalion headquarter, and manages the headhunters and catchers of all the subordinate states and counties. quick.As for the head arrester of the highest criminal department, he is equivalent to a general, and all the arresters and head arresters in the country are his soldiers. "

Gao Qi slapped his thigh suddenly when he heard the words: "The commander is clever, in this way, those officers can be placed, and it is easy to manage the arrests."

Li Jing smiled: "What's so clever about this."

Yu Leting sighed: "There seems to be nothing unusual about this method, but the difficulty is that you can think of using this method to restrain the arresters with military discipline, and those arresters will naturally not dare to do illegal things again."

Li Jing shook his head: "The key is to increase the income and treatment of the police officers, so that they are reluctant to lose their jobs. If we return the little money they used to, let alone the police officers, even the soldiers will rebel against us."

"What the commander said is true!" Yu Leting said hastily.

Li Jing waved his hand and said seriously: "Junyang, there are too many problems with arresting the police now, and it is urgent to purge the arresting team. This matter is related to the reputation of the imperial court and the confidence of the people in the imperial court. You must catch it for me." , you show me the courage to clean up corrupt officials back then. Anyone who breaks the law and discipline will be arrested and imprisoned for questioning. Then the arrests will be assessed, and all unqualified ones will be eliminated. The troops will add a batch to you."

"Don't worry, Marshal. If the subordinate does not do this well according to the Marshal's request within two years, I will ask the Marshal to resign from his post." Yu Leting said solemnly.

Li Jingjing nodded: "Okay, then let's take a period of two years, and I will see your results then."

After finishing speaking, Li Jing turned to look at Huang Daozhou: "Now let me talk about the Ministry of Rites. Brother Youping, you have been in the Imperial College for the past few years. After Mr. Yuheng (Kong Zhenyun's name) stepped down from the Academy of Sciences, You will also take over. Let me tell you the truth, in fact, Mr. Chang Geng (Song Yingxing's word) is more suitable to be the president of the Academy of Sciences than you.

But Mr. Chang Geng is unwilling to do those retreat things. In addition, I consider that you are the leader of the literati, and I want you to see for yourself how much the Academy of Sciences has contributed to Daming, and then through you to change some of the outdated concepts of the literati, this will let you Take over the post of Dean of the Academy of Sciences. "

Huang Daozhou hurriedly said: "I understand that when Mr. Yuheng resigned, he told me about this matter seriously. In fact, Mr. Yuheng didn't think much of it at the beginning, but after staying in the Academy for a while, he saw with his own eyes that the Academy of Sciences has developed Mr. Yuheng finally changed his view of the Academy of Sciences. Before leaving, Mr. Yuheng repeatedly told me that the Academy of Sciences is the future department of Ming Dynasty, so I must take good care of the Academy of Sciences.”

(End of this chapter)

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