Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 726 Li Anguo Transferred

Chapter 726 Li Anguo Transferred

Although war can drive scientific and technological progress, launching a war depends on the background of the country. Not every country can start a war.Also, it depends on where the war took place.

When talking about profiting from wars, we have to talk about the two world wars that occurred in later generations. Judging from the results of the two world wars, there is only one country that really benefited from the wars, and that is the United States, and the rest of the countries are all Devastated by war.

There are two reasons why the United States can benefit. The first is that the United States has vast land, abundant resources, and sufficient population. It can afford the consumption of war.

And one of the countries that started the war, that is, the island country in the east, is exactly the opposite of the United States.This island country lacks all kinds of materials, and it can only make up for the consumption of war by plundering, that is to say, it can only support war with war.

If it can solve the battle quickly, it can still withstand the consumption of a short-term war, but once the war is stalemate, there will be more and more problems.

That's why Jiang Baili, a famous military scientist, said: "Take space for time, whether you win or lose, just don't make peace with it. Don't be afraid of swallowing or encroaching, and fight against it in an all-round way..." It can be said that Mr. Jiang Baili clearly saw it. The weak nature of the island nation.

This is exactly the fact. By the end of the war, all the money and materials of the island country were used to support the war. The people had no food and clothing, and could only live on rations every day. They were on the verge of collapse.So the United States threw two big bombs over, and the island country surrendered.

The second reason, and the most important reason, is that the war did not take place on American soil.

In the two world wars, only Pearl Harbor in the Hawaiian Islands of the United States was attacked by the enemy, and the United States remained unscathed.However, many important cities in another superpower were smashed to pieces by the Third Reich, and countless people died.As for the other countries participating in the war, it can be said that there is no country that has not been baptized by the war.

Therefore, although they are all at war, the United States is developing rapidly during the war, while other countries are suffering.

The current state of Ming Dynasty is similar to that of the United States in the two world wars. Daming has a vast territory, rich resources, and sufficient manpower. There is no need to worry about insufficient resources and manpower. Moreover, all battles are carried out in the enemy's territory, and the country has not suffered any damage. With the flames of war, production can be carried out with confidence.

Another point is that Ming Dynasty was originally an agricultural country, but when the war machine started, a large number of factories were needed to produce military supplies, and a large number of workers were also needed, so many farmers gave up farming and began to work. As it grew older, Ming began to transform from an agricultural country to an industrial country.

As for the food issue, Daming doesn't have to worry at all now.

A few years ago, Li Jing started to lay out the layout. After opening up the two granaries of the Liaohe Plain and the Hetao area, Daming was no longer completely dependent on Jiangsu, Zhejiang and the two lakes as before. After occupying Myanmar, the food problem of Daming was completely solved. .

Now the rations for the 20 troops of Zhang Chu, Qin Liangyu, and Zheng Zhilong of the Southwest Army have all been provided by Myanmar, and there is no need to transport a grain of food from the country.

After Sun Meng's, Zheng Sen's and Li Guozhu's troops launched an attack on the Malay Islands, part of the military rations was also provided by Burma, and the other part was supplied by Luzon.

The army rations of Lu Xiangsheng and Hong Chengchou were supplied by the Hetao area, and that of Sun Chuanting was supplied by the Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas.Most of the military rations for the Northern Expeditionary Army were supplied by the Liaohe Plain, and the insufficient ones were transported from the Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Lake regions.

That is to say, most of the military rations of the millions of troops and logistics troops of the Ming Dynasty were provided by the newly opened granaries, and the burdens of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and the two lakes were not heavy.

And Siam, like Myanmar, is a country of rice. After the Southwest Army completely occupied Siam, Daming had an extra large granary. At that time, Daming really didn't have to worry about food issues anymore.

In fact, before Siam was fully occupied, the Southwest Army had already begun to transport grain from Siam to Daming.

In the cabinet study, Li Jing and the cabinet ministers listened to Yang Liufeng report the data from various newspapers with smiles.

After Yang Liufeng finished reading, Li Jing smiled and said: "It seems that the situation is very good!"

Yang Liufeng put away the information and said with a smile: "Yes! We didn't expect such a result, but the commander has a vision!"

Li Jing waved his hands and said with a smile: "Don't say these words anymore, I'm already tired of hearing them."

Turning to look at Yuan Shu, he said, "Brother Boying, what's the matter?"

Yuan Shu said: "It's about the eldest son."

"Oh? What happened to Anguo?" Li Jing asked puzzled.

Yuan Shu said with a smile: "Eldest Prince has made outstanding achievements in governing Qinghai in recent years, and the Ministry of Officials has discussed that the Eldest Prince should be transferred to Beijing to work in the Department of General Administration."

Li Jingwen frowned and said, "Why was he promoted again? In just two years, Anguo has been promoted to three ranks, and now you want to transfer him to the Secretary of General Administration. You promoted him too quickly, right? Anguo is only nineteen this year. Promote him, I do not agree!"

"Marshal, these are the results of the eldest son's exam this year. They are excellent in all aspects. Take a look." Yuan Shu took out a document from his sleeve and gave it to Li Jing.

Li Jing waved his hand: "I don't think so. Qinghai is sparsely populated. Some states and counties only have a few thousand people. As long as you use snacks, you can manage the place well. If you pass the exam, you can't count."

Yuan Shu said with a smile: "It's not as simple as managing well. Look at the things that the eldest son has done in the local area. They are all real political achievements, and the common people have greatly benefited from them!"

Li Jing shook his head, sighed softly, and said, "Don't think I don't know. After Anguo arrived, his mother spared no effort to help him. Under his rule, he set up factories, repaired roads, and repaired water conservancy... I don't know how much money the family spent. To put it bluntly, his political achievements were all bought with money from his family.”

"Marshal, I don't agree with what you say. Even if the eldest son uses the family's money to manage the place, these things are all arranged by the eldest son, and the wife did not help him with these things." Yuan Shu said hastily.

Li Jingdao: "If he can't arrange these small things well, wouldn't it be in vain to learn from Brother Gao for so many years?"

Yuan Shu said with a smile: "Commander, don't think that the eldest son is your son, and suppress him in order to avoid suspicion. The eldest son has been working in the local government for so many years since he was a soldier. The eldest son is very serious about local affairs. He understands it very well, so the policies he formulated in the local area have won the support of the common people. You don’t know, when the common people heard that the imperial court wanted to transfer the eldest son to Beijing, they all cried and begged the eldest son not to leave.”

"Then continue to work in the local area for a few years." Li Jing said.

"That's what you said. At the local level, his promotion is not under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Officials." Yuan Shu laughed.

Li Jing frowned: "An Guo has been promoted so quickly in the past two years. It was Lu Xiangsheng who promoted him. He was promoted to the fifth rank at a young age. Old Lu is going to put Anguo on the stove! Forget it! , What position do you plan to assign Anguo to the General Administration Department?"

"The preliminary proposal is Zuo Tongzheng, Secretary of the General Administration." Yuan Shu said hastily.

"Zuo Tongzheng? How dare you promote him! If he knows anything, he will serve as Zuo Tongzheng? No promotion is allowed! Isn't he from the fifth rank now, and positions are assigned according to the rank." Li Jing said.

Yuan Shu said helplessly: "Let's go to the left to consult, and help the Tongzheng envoy to accept the local memorial."

"Isn't that a level up? Go to the Secretary of General Administration for experience." Li Jing said.

"Marshal, according to the examination results of the Ministry of Officials, the Eldest Young Master should have been promoted. Now that you are suppressing him, what should the other officials do? Do they want to be promoted?" Yuan Shu said anxiously.

Li Jingwen was startled when he heard this, thought for a while, and finally sighed: "Oh! Then do as you want."

Yuan Shu said with a smile: "Marshal, I'm not just here to promote the Eldest Young Master. After all, the Eldest Young Master is young and his vision is not broad enough. The purpose of transferring him to the General Administration Department is to let him know more about the situation in all parts of the country."

Li Jingjing nodded: "I understand what you mean, it's because An Guo is young, I don't want him to be promoted so fast, it's not good for him."

Yuan Shu hurriedly said: "Don't worry, Commander, I know how to do it. When the eldest son enters the General Administration Department, let him work in the position of councilor for a few years, then transfer to other places, and finally let him enter the department hall."

Li Jingjing nodded: "It's best if you understand."

Sighing lightly, Li Jing continued: "I know you want to train him to take over from me, and I want him to take over, but he must have that ability. I can't just because he is my son Pass him the position."

"Don't worry, Commander, the Eldest Young Master's ability is beyond doubt." Yuan Shu said hastily.

Li Jing shook his head and sighed, "I hope so."

Then he looked up at Gao Qi and said, "Brother Gao, what's the matter with you?"

Gao Qi said with a smile: "Master Yuan just said about the eldest son, what I want to talk about now is about the second son."

"Second brother? Did something alarm you about the second child?" Li Jing frowned.

Gao Qi laughed and said, "Second Young Master came to me two days ago and asked me to arrange for him to join the army."

Li Jing felt a sudden headache when he heard this, and shook his head, Li Jing sighed, "Why did you tell him?"

Gao Qi laughed and said, "Of course I said that Second Young Master is too young to be a soldier. But guess what Second Young Master said?"

Li Jing sighed: "What else can I say? Naturally, I'm talking about his two elder brothers. Alas, neither of my two sons is like his mother. They don't like reading, just follow me."

Gao Qi laughed and said, "Marshal, if the two sons follow you, it will be a great blessing."

Yuan Shu also smiled and said: "Yes, if the two sons have knowledge like yours, then the commander-in-chief will really have someone to follow."

Li Jing waved his hand: "Come on, here we go again."

After pondering for a while, Li Jing continued: "The second son wants to join the army. I have no objection, but he has to start as a soldier just like his two elder brothers. I think so. Let Zhuzi arrange it for him, brother Gao. Don't bother asking."

"This... the second lady won't blame me if she knows about it?" Gao Qi pondered.

Li Jing shook his head: "You are busier than me now, how can you have time to teach him? As for Madam, I will tell her."

Gao Qi nodded slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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