Chapter 729
Then Li Jing said again: "But no matter what, some things still need to be arranged in advance. Huilai, you have someone call Anguo and Xingguo to the study. I have something to say to them."

Zhu Huiyi sighed, got up and went out, and ordered the servant girl to invite the two sons.

Li Jing stood up, thought for a while, then turned to Shen Ying and Zhu Huiyu and said, "You two ladies, come too."

Shen Ying and Zhu Huihou nodded, and followed Li Jing to the study.

After a while, brothers Li Anguo and Li Xingguo came to the study.

Li Jing waved his hands to let his two sons sit down beside him, and poured a cup of tea for each of them.

Picking up the teacup, Li Jing took a sip, and then said to Li Anguo and Li Xingguo: "Boss, second child, what I told you brothers and sisters at the family banquet just now were all family matters, now calling your two brothers here is a I want to talk to you about business."

"Father, please tell me." The two brothers said hurriedly.

Li Jingxing nodded, looked at Li Anguo and said: "An Guo, you may not understand why I suppress your position and prevent you from being promoted. The reason is very simple. You are still young, your qualifications are not enough, and your experience is far from enough. When you are promoted to a high position, you don't know how to deal with many things, and you will only be ridiculed, saying that you took advantage of your father to sit in a high position.

If things go on like this, your prestige in the hearts of your subordinates will disappear. At that time, even if your uncles and uncles support you to take my position, you will not be able to govern the country, and you will not be able to secure this position after all. "

"My son understands that when his father asked him to start from the grassroots, he hoped that he would learn more about people's livelihood. Only by understanding what the people need can we formulate policies that benefit the people." Li Anguo said hastily.

Li Jing nodded with a smile: "That's what it means, but it's not enough. You must know that the customs and habits are different in different parts of the country, and the conditions in different places are also different. Some places are suitable for farming, so you have to promote agriculture here. In some places where the land is barren but there are mines, then do not develop agriculture, but mines and develop industries here; in some places where there are grasslands, then develop animal husbandry; in some places near the sea, where sea transportation is convenient, then develop fishery here And engage in shipping. In short, local governance must be adapted to local conditions, and this method cannot be considered feasible, so it is also used in other places.”

"Thank you, Father, for your guidance, the child will be educated." Li Anguo said hurriedly.

Li Jing said with a smile: "Since you understand what I said, you should know that you have only been in Dogans for a few years, and your experience is far from enough, and your ability is far from enough."

"Yes." Li Anguo said hurriedly.

Li Jing sighed softly: "It's a pity that Lu Xiangsheng doesn't understand this truth. If you have some achievements, he will promote you. In just two or three years, you have been promoted to the fifth rank. Your promotion speed is too fast. I was caught off guard, and by the time I realized it, it was too late to stop it.

Anguo, you are a military officer and a magistrate, and the place you manage has a small population, so you may not feel how difficult it is to be a magistrate, but if you are in the interior, the local official from the fifth rank is at least a prefect, and you can manage a few Counties, these counties have at least more than [-] people, you say, are you capable of managing several counties and so many people? "

Li Anguo shook his head hurriedly: "Baby can't manage a few counties now, and can't manage so many people."

Li Jing smiled and nodded: "That's right, my son has self-knowledge, which is very comforting to my father. But my son don't need to belittle yourself, you can't manage so many people now, it's just because you are young and inexperienced, in time, you With rich experience, I can naturally take care of it.”

Li Anguo hurriedly said: "We still have to rely on my father's teaching."

Li Jing said with a smile: "This can't be done by teaching, the key is to rely on your own efforts."

"The child will definitely live up to the expectations of his father." Li Anguo said.

Li Jingjing nodded: "Since you have this determination, you must study hard after you become the General Secretary. Anguo, the General Secretary is responsible for the local affairs of the country and is directly responsible to the cabinet. This is an excellent study for you. Chance.

After you take office, remember one thing, that is, watch more, listen more, talk less, and be humble to your colleagues.If a colleague asks for your opinion, remember not to pretend to understand. If you feel that the colleague's handling method is wrong, you should communicate with him in private. "

"Yes!" Li Anguo said hurriedly.

Li Jingjing nodded and said, "I told you, Uncle Yuan, that after you have practiced in the General Administration for several years, you will be released to work in a local government. After you have experienced a few years in the local government, you will be transferred to the Ministry."

At this time, Shen Ying suddenly interjected: "An Guo, your father took great pains to pave the way for you. Don't let your father live up to your expectations."

Li Anguo hurriedly said: "Mother, don't worry, the child will definitely live up to father's expectations."

Li Jing shook his head and said: "The test for you has just begun after entering the ministry hall. You must know that each ministry hall coordinates the affairs of the whole country, which requires you to be more capable. First of all, you must have a long-term vision. The cabinet, especially after becoming the prime minister.

If you only look at the present, then you will find that the decrees you issued will be outdated in a short time, and new decrees need to be revised or even re-enacted.

But you have to know that every time a decree is promulgated, officials will have an adaptation period, and ordinary people will have an adaptation period.When they just get used to it, and you implement new decrees, officials and ordinary people will be at a loss as to what to do.

Gradually, officials and common people will not pay attention to your government orders, because you will change them soon anyway.If things go on like this, your prestige will disappear.Therefore, when you formulate policies in the future, you must consider the long-term. If you think it is not long-term, then you would rather maintain the status quo. "

Li Anguo nodded emphatically when he heard the words.

Li Jing continued: "In addition, after becoming the prime minister of the cabinet, you are also required to have a strategic vision. This strategy includes national development strategies and military strategies. Obviously, this requires more of you.

But you don’t have to worry about this. I have already formulated national development and military strategies for you. The national development strategies I formulated for you mainly include four items:

The first is to continue to vigorously promote education and continue to increase efforts to support the research of the Academy of Sciences. We must pay attention to scientific talents, whether they are from Ming Dynasty or foreign countries, and give them the best treatment. Only in this way can we guarantee the technology of Ming Dynasty. ahead of other countries.

The second is to continue to work hard to develop industry and commerce. You should know that industry and commerce have created an increasing proportion of wealth for the country over the years, and will gradually replace agriculture as the main source of national taxation.

The third item is to continue to work hard to develop agriculture. We must know that food is the most important thing for the people, and there is no country without agriculture. Therefore, even if the proportion of agriculture that pays taxes for the country is getting lower and lower, agriculture cannot be underestimated.

The fourth and most important one is that the population policy cannot be changed.

Anguo, you have to know that as long as the population of Ming Dynasty does not increase dramatically, then Daming will be prosperous and the people strong, but once the population increases dramatically, the country's burden will become increasingly serious, and the imperial court will be overwhelmed in a short time. "

Li Anguo hurriedly said: "Father, don't worry, the child has recorded it."

Li Jingjing nodded and continued: "I will continue to talk about military strategy. Military strategy actually serves economic strategy. I just said that Ming should strive to develop industry and commerce, and this industry and commerce is the economy.

Anguo, Daming is now doing more and more frequent commercial trade with foreign countries, and the scale is getting bigger and bigger. Over the past few years, Daming has earned a lot of wealth, but in the process of foreign trade, the long-distance sea transportation has seriously restricted Daming’s trade volume with Western countries (Since the Suez Canal in Egypt was not opened at that time, European businessmen had to go half a circle around Africa to come to Daming).

If the distance is shortened, the profit of Ming's foreign trade in these years will be at least several times that of the current one.So how to shorten this transportation distance? "

Li Jing took out a map from under his desk and spread it out on the table, then pointed to the junction of Africa and Asia on the map and said: "If we occupy this place and cut through the land here, then the distance by sea can be greatly shortened. So occupying Here is the national strategy of Ming Dynasty, and this strategy is left to you to implement."

Looking back at Li Xingguo, Li Jing said: "I plan to arrange for you to command this battle, but if you want to command this battle, you have to study hard. I don't expect you to reach the level of your uncle Cao and your big brother Dingguo." , but at least it must be at the level of your Uncle Chen and Uncle Liu."

Li Xingguo was pleasantly surprised when he heard the words: "Father is going to let me take command?"

Li Jing smiled and said: "It should be said that your brother will arrange for you to command."

Li Anguo said in surprise: "It will take three to forty years for the child to take over the father's position, right? How can such an important strategic goal be delayed for so long?"

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "I don't need to wait that long. I won't wait three to forty years before retiring. In fact, I plan to retire after you get married next year, and then pass on the position of Prime Minister to Uncle Yang. I think it will be ten years." From now on, your Uncle Yang will pass on the position to you."

"What? Father is going to retire?" Li Anguo was shocked when he heard this.

Shen Ying and the others were also surprised: "The master is only 45 years old this year, and he is in the prime of life, why is he going to retire?"

Li Jing smiled and nodded: "This is based on two considerations. First, if I retire in 20 years, Anguo will be almost 40 years old at that time. If I pass the position directly to Anguo, then I will pass the position to the emperor as the crown prince." What's the difference? This defeats the purpose of my cabinet system.

If you find someone to make the transition, you will have to serve at least two terms. After his two terms are over, An Guo will be almost fifty, and he will be older than me now.If there is a mistake in the middle, it may not be possible to take this position.

I am retiring now, so An Guo will be in his prime when he takes over. He will work for 20 years and retire in his fifties.

As for the second point, I want to accompany you well. You have been tired of being with me for so many years. After I retire, we don’t have so many thoughts. At that time, I will accompany you around and visit the great rivers and mountains of Daming. "

"Master!" Shen Ying and Zhu Huihou burst into tears when they heard the words.

(End of this chapter)

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