This can be remembered

Chapter 25 Falling Moon Hesitating to Shine Colors

Chapter 25 Falling Moon Hesitating to Shine Colors (1)
The next day, when the autumn sun was shining brightly, Mrs. Wu was naturally overjoyed when she conferred the emperor's order the day before, and she also collected some rare treasures from the family to present.Because it is entering the palace, it is inevitable to go to the queen mother to pay her respects.When I was in Mao, I got up and gave the big make-up to the woman who was ordered to see the driver. The crepe silk silk cyan Zhai gown with golden embroidered clouds and peacock characters, the respectful wishful bun, each side has a golden hairpin with a longevity fruit, and a bat pattern inlaid with glazed beads. Shake the hairpin with trembling branches, and then put on the big crown of the wife's formal attire, and then it's over.Fortunately, the weather is pleasant in autumn, but it is also a thin sweat.

According to the habit, I picked another set of simple dresses with festive color but still dignified, blue pheasant pattern, and a pair of crimson skirts, which are used when I am alone with my daughter.

When dressing up, Wu Han was about to go to the morning court, and before leaving, he came in and gave many instructions.In the end, he whispered to her: "Tell my daughter, that matter should be almost done."

When Mrs. Wu heard this, her heart still twitched suddenly, and her face changed "咻", Wu Han just couldn't see it, and strode out the door.After a long time, Mrs. Wu's face calmed down, and she reached out to take a pair of pearl earrings in the dressing room, but her hand was shaking, and she accidentally pricked her finger with a fine needle.

"Who put this needle in the box?" Madam Wu raised her head and said sharply as she saw the blood dripping out.

A girl stepped forward tremblingly: "Madam, it's not good to be a slave..."

Before she finished speaking, Mrs. Wu threw the needle on the ground with a "slap": "Go to the steward and get twenty whips." After speaking, she slowly put on the earrings, took a few deep breaths, looked at the time and said to the servant: "Go into the palace."

Wu Guiren greeted the Empress Dowager early in the morning and stayed in the Palace of Compassion, because the wife who ordered her to enter the palace must first go to the Empress Dowager to greet her. Daxi has not yet established the empress, and the concubines of the family members waited in the Empress Dowager's Palace.

The Empress Dowager saw that the autumn sun was in full bloom, and the chrysanthemums of various colors blooming in the morning were so wonderful, she set up chairs in front of a flower arbor to watch, and ordered the maids in the Palace of Compassion and Ning to fly kites to have a good time.

Wu Guiren stood beside the Queen Mother, holding a cup of fragrant tea and drinking it slowly, his eyes were also full of smiles.The emperor allowed her mother to visit the palace. This was a favor that no concubine had ever enjoyed. Even Liu Jieyu, who had always been favored, only called her mother into the palace when she was seriously ill.As for himself, he had only entered the palace not long ago, and he had not even received the rain and dew, so he was so loved by the emperor.When those concubines heard about it, they were all envious and talked about it in private, so she was naturally very proud.Although, she knew that part of this favor was based on the emperor's love for other what?If that person is gone, the emperor will put his love on him even more.At that time, let alone Jieyu, even the fourth concubine estimated that she could easily get it.

Thinking of this, a faint smile appeared on Wu Guiren's face, looking forward to his glorious future infinitely.

Not long after, the eunuch's announcement came from outside: "Wu Guiren's mother, Mrs. Wu has arrived." Wu Guiren's heart also "thumped".

In a blink of an eye, Mrs. Wu had already entered the Palace of Compassion and Ning, she was surprised to see the Empress Dowager sitting in the garden, and hurriedly bowed to salute.The queen mother smiled and waved her hands: "Get up." She also bowed to Wu Guiren, and Wu Guiren naturally helped her mother up with tears in her eyes.Seeing that their mother and daughter were in love, the Queen Mother didn't say much, so she said to Mrs. Wu: "The emperor said that nobleman Wu misses his family, so he called you in. I won't keep you any longer, so let's go to the Waterside Pavilion." .”

Mrs. Wu and Wu Guiren were startled, but seeing the empress dowager's kind smile, they didn't think much, just thanked them nonuo, and led them to the Shuixie Pavilion with a group of attendants.

All the food and refreshments in the Waterside Pavilion are well prepared, and they are all prepared according to Wu Guiren's preferences.Mrs. Wu changed into simple clothes, she was naturally happy to see these, and she sat with her daughter in the yard facing the swaying autumn chrysanthemums, chatting about homework.Behind the maids and eunuchs are standing far outside, hanging down the curtain made of jade beads, the room is filled with a soft fragrance, which makes people relax.

Wu Guiren inquired carefully about the situation at home, focusing on his father's status in the court.Madam Wu is of course concerned about her daughter being in the palace, whether she is satisfied with food and clothing, how the emperor loves her, how she gets along with other concubines, and so on.

Wu Guiren answered one by one, seeing his mother was very happy, and he was willing to say more about anything.According to anyone's point of view, she is now receiving the imperial favor that is unmatched by others, so there is nothing wrong with it.

"So, the emperor likes you very much?" Mrs. Wu asked as she pinched a piece of peach cake.

"Yes, look at all this, which concubine can compare?" Wu Guiren was naturally very proud.

Mrs. Wu carefully looked at her daughter. She was dressed in exquisite and splendid clothes that had already surpassed the etiquette that a nobleman should have.There is also the emperor's "intimate" arrangement, any blind man can see that the emperor's favor is mighty.

Mrs. Wu was silent for a while, looked around, lowered her voice and said: "That matter." She looked around, went to the window to look again, turned around and came back: "Your father said, it should be about the same."

Wu Guiren shook her hand, and some tea splashed on her hand: "Is that so..." She "muttered": "Does mother know how to do it?"

Outside the curtain, a young eunuch trembled, leaned forward slightly, and listened attentively.

In the recess under the window, the two walked gently, scaring a little green-clothed palace lady hiding inside.


Before she could make a sound, the leading man shook his head, put his index finger on his lips, and smiled softly.The entourage at the back waved their hands, and the little palace lady flinched silently.

Shen Xiyao sat quietly in the recess, signaling Zhang Dehai to wait in the distance.Slowly, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

On the day Ling Xuewei returned to the capital, the pattering autumn rain enveloped the entire imperial city in a haze of smoke.Because it was a rainy day, the driving was slow, and the smoke in the bazaars along the way, the villages and people, were fresh, natural, and simple.She always opened a corner of the curtains of the carriage, lay down in front of the window and watched carefully, trying to keep the scenery along the way in her heart.

It will be difficult to come out after returning to the dense Prime Minister's Mansion in the high court.Women from aristocratic families, on this point, are far less comfortable than women from small households.Even if it is rich in clothing and fine food, and there are many servants, so what?

"Miss, we will be able to enter the city in half an hour. Is Miss alright?" A servant asked across the carriage.

"Everything is fine, please rest assured, Daddy." Ling Xuewei said lightly, brushing back her slightly loose hair.Twisting around, she lightly patted her sore waist, her hand froze, and the hard object on her waist touched the deepest memory in her heart.Those were two jade ornaments and one jade pendant. She almost gave up her life.A piece of jade carving almost cost him his life.

Ling Xuewei smiled lightly, tenderly, nostalgicly, intoxicated, sadly, sadly...
Gradually, the tall and magnificent city walls of Jiucheng appeared in the field of vision.The fine rain added a touch of softness to the majestic city, and quietly covered up the prosperity of the world after that.

Finally came back, Ling Xuewei thought, can I see him again?

The emperor has the habit of reciting in the afternoon every day, usually accompanied by well-known scholars in the country, a few people take a round, and if there is no special instruction from the emperor, it will be changed every day.Today happened to be Ling Hongjian who was accompanying him in the imperial study. A few days ago, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi presented several calligraphy and paintings of Ma Censhan from the previous dynasty.It just so happened that Ling Hongjian's paintings and calligraphy were also considered unique in the dynasty, so the emperor had a whim and asked the two to copy them together, which seemed like a competition.

Ling Hongjian naturally declined, but seeing the emperor's high interest, he agreed after a few clicks.

Zhang Dehai set up another painting table under the window, prepared brushes, inks and paper for grinding, presented the fragrant and elegant new tribute drunk crabapple, and ordered jade bamboo incense.Shen Xiyao cleaned his hands and came out, sure enough everything was satisfactory, he greeted Ling Hongjian on the other table, glanced at Mo, and couldn't help frowning.

Standing beside the emperor, Zhang Dehai noticed it naturally, and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, do you want to change the ink?"

"This new Hui ink is too gelatinous, so it's not suitable for painting this kind of painting." Shen Xiyao put down the pen and smiled at Ling Hongjian: "Does Hongjian want to change it too?"

Ling Hongjian was fascinated by looking at the moonlit night in the palace, but he was taken aback by the emperor's sudden question. He looked at his mill and said with a smile, "I won't change it."

Shen Xiyao waved his hand, and Zhang Dehai quickly retreated.

"Is there any news about Ling Xiang?" Shen Xiyao asked nonchalantly with his eyes on the scenery.

"I'm sorry for your majesty's concern." Ling Hongjian saluted before saying, "There hasn't been any. This time, there are few people accompanying me and the roads are blocked, so it's inconvenient to send someone back to report."

Shen Xiyao said "Oh": "I was worried that the absence of the court judge for a few days would attract attention, so I changed to the deputy judge and went. I hope you will understand."

Ling Hongjian didn't expect the emperor to explain such a trivial matter, and he felt moved immediately, and quickly knelt down on the ground: "The emperor's kindness to the Ling family will be remembered forever in the Ling family."

Shen Xiyao's eyes fell on the misty rain outside the window, and he shook his head gently.

It happened that Zhang Dehai came back with new ink, and the two started painting with one heart.

Shen Xiyao first observed the landscape carefully, and only after realizing the artistic conception in his heart, he buried his head in it.However, Ling Hongjian started from the big picture first, and then slowly compared and copied it carefully. It took a lot of effort.

The two of them were halfway through the painting, Zhang Dehai's eyes were sharp, and he saw his apprentice Xiao Yizi outside the door looking in, knowing what was going on, so he took advantage of the opportunity to change tea and went out.

"What are you doing? It's disrespectful to be seen by the emperor. Thanks to my usual teaching, you can't change it." As soon as he went out, he dragged his apprentice to a corner, Zhang Dehai sternly said.

"Master, it's not..." Xiao Yizi was actually courageous: "The Ling family sent someone to send a letter, saying that Prime Minister Ling is well."

Zhang Dehai was taken aback for a moment, he knew the truth after all, but after a moment of reaction, he looked happy, and handed the tea tray to Xiaoyizi: "Go get a new pot of tea, and add some snacks."

Ling Hongjian always felt that something was wrong with the emperor today, and it was not a sudden interest in copying.Early in the morning, he could see that the emperor seemed to be full of great joy. It was not entirely appropriate to say that it was joy, but he just felt that something was going well, so he was in a particularly good mood.

At this time too, he was facing the painting, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth all the time, with a completely satisfied expression.But there was nothing special in the report, and there was no news that the concubine was happy in the harem, so Ling Hongjian was a little confused for a while.It can't be because their father has no news or hasn't been in court for a few days, after all, they know the reason in their hearts.

Just thinking about it, Zhang Dehai came back with a happy face, put down the tea tray and said to the two of them: "Congratulations to the emperor and congratulations to Lord Ling."

Shen Xiyao suddenly raised his head, his eyes were bright.

"President Ling is well." Zhang Dehai informed: "Just now when someone came to Ling's residence, someone said that Prime Minister Ling is well."

"Is there any other letter?" Shen Xiyao blurted out.

"Return to the emperor, there is no more."

Ling Hongjian knew that this was the meaning of his father's return home.Since there is no other letter, my sister should be fine, and the case should also be investigated.

Shen Xiyao laughed, that smile was even more dazzling than the brightest sunshine in spring.He put down the pen in his hand, unable to hide his excitement.He took a sip of tea and said to Ling Hongjian who was standing below: "Since Prime Minister Ling is well, you should go back and have a look. If there is nothing serious tomorrow, please invite Prime Minister Ling to return to court."

Ling Hongjian thanked the emperor for his kindness, and left.

While changing the oil coat outside the door, he turned his head inadvertently, and saw Zhang Dehai picking up the painting on the emperor's royal case and looking at it from the backlight.

Two months later
This year's winter came very early. After entering November, the days became colder day by day. The whole palace spread the brazier early. If the lords of the palace had nothing important to do, other than the routine greetings to the Queen Mother in the morning and evening, So all the cats are in their own palace, not to suffer from the cold air.

When I got up early this morning, the sky was dark and gloomy, and the wind seemed to be tightening.Wu Guiren couldn't sleep peacefully for several days, and he was always in a bad mood when he woke up in the morning.The emperor hadn't called her to attend bed for a long time, but it was the same with other lords, so she didn't pay much attention to it.The emperor recently doted on a recent Bao Lin, who was a former imperial maid. Everyone said that she got the favor because of her heart when the emperor was injured. They were quite disdainful, but the jealousy in her words was also very obvious.After all, within a month, he has been promoted to Changzai from changing clothes, and then to Baolin, and he has been promoted to three levels in a row. Who can not be envious.

Along the way, the cold wind came in through the fox fur, and Wu Guiren shivered involuntarily, urging the charioteer to hurry up.Walking in front of the Palace of Compassion and Ning, I happened to meet Sun Baolin who came to pay respects to the Empress Dowager. Seeing that she also rode in a chariot, Wu Guiren felt very uncomfortable.According to the palace rules, only concubines of the sixth rank and above can ride on the chariot, while Baolin is only of the seventh rank. This must be a privilege given by the emperor.

Wu Guiren didn't ask, but just greeted Sun Baolin who was worshiping Yingying, and the two walked into the Queen Mother's bedroom together.

The other concubines were almost there. Seeing the two of them coming in, Meng Zhaoyi raised his eyes, suddenly smiled and said to Feng Shuyi next to him: "The favored people are different, unlike us, come here early."

Feng Shuyi has always been mild-tempered, but now she just smiled lightly: "My sister was joking, the emperor was with you the night before yesterday."

Liu Jieyu glanced at the two of them: "The empress dowager is coming soon, remember the time." After finishing speaking, she drank a cup of hot tea and looked at the dark sky outside the window.

Sure enough, the queen mother arrived, and the concubines invited Ann. She didn't stay long, and just looked at the sky: "This year's winter came early, and it looks like there will be snow today. Come back early." After a few more pauses, Wu Guiren's heart skipped a beat, but he didn't hear the Queen Mother's order, so he left with all the concubines.

There was no one in the imperial garden. After all, it was cold and the flowers withered, so few people went there.Wu Guiren asked the chariot to go back first, and took a few maids to walk slowly along the road in the imperial garden.A gust of wind blows, and the snow beads fall, rustling softly on the treetops of the tile eaves.The snow came quickly and fell densely. After a while, there was a thin layer of light white between the branches of buildings near and far.The blue brick floor under his feet also showed a grayish blue color, as if salt had been sprinkled on it, but it was uneven.The wind blows the snow and the sleet hits the face sorely.Wu Guiren hurriedly protected his face, and saw a corner of a pavilion protruding from the rockery not far away, so he signaled his attendants to go there to avoid it.

An exquisite octagonal pavilion was built on a low rockery, surrounded by pines and cypresses plunging into the clouds. Wu Guiren found out that there were still people in the pavilion after turning a corner.

The woman wore a fashionable satin palace dress with fragrant embroidered winter plums about to bloom, a pair of multi-treasure hairpins with a pattern of creeping grass and butterflies on top of a hundred-flower bun, and a few silk flowers and few pearl flowers. Although the color of this dress is simple, it is beautiful Look elegant and dignified
Hearing someone coming, the woman stood up slowly, seeing that it was Mr. Wu Guiren, she saluted slightly: "Hello, Mrs. Guiren."

Wu Guiren carefully looked at the woman in front of her. Sun Baolin wasn't necessarily very glamorous, but there was a gentle temperament in her gestures. At this time, her eyebrows and eyes were slightly lowered, and she was not as arrogant as some people said.

"It's such a cold day, why is my sister here?" Wu Guiren stepped forward, naturally looking amiable.

"I was born in the south, and I only entered the palace as a maid this spring. I have never seen snow, so I didn't go back to the palace because of curiosity." Sun Baolin said a little shyly.

"Oh." Wu Guiren didn't know how to answer the words, and looked at the fluttering snowflakes with her, speechless for a while.

Sun Baolin turned around suddenly, with an inexplicable flicker in his eyes.

"Noble sister," she opened her mouth, but stopped talking.

"What's the matter?" Wu Guiren looked back at her, and was startled by her eyes, which clearly contained something that she knew but she didn't.

"I haven't heard from my sister's family for a long time." Sun Baolin said without reason.

Wu Guiren was startled, and then remembered that there had indeed been no news for a month.Since the last time my mother entered the palace, there has been no news.Although it is said that when a woman enters the palace, she naturally has less contact with her family, but most of the concubines are from rich families, and it is normal for the family to have letters and oral letters every month.It is not uncommon to see relatives at the banquet given by the emperor when you meet someone who is extremely favored.And three months without any news, it must be abnormal.

"Sister, what do you say?" Wu Guiren's heart skipped a beat, with a vague premonition.

Sun Baolin didn't speak any more, but his eyes were a little dodgy. Seeing her so anxious, Wu Guiren pulled Sun Baolin's sleeve and said, "Sister, you have to speak clearly."

Sun Baolin looked around, and the attendants all retreated a little away.She sighed and said: "Although I am favored, I hope that there will be very few concubines with me. I saw my sister today, and I feel very kind. There are some things that I think it is better for my sister to know." She paused and said: "Sister Have you ever heard about the breach of the embankment in the Eastern Capital?"

Wu Guiren shook his head: "The harem is not allowed to interfere in politics, how do we know."

A trace of pity flashed in Sun Baolin's eyes: "Sister, the embankment was broken in the eastern capital in autumn, and the emperor sent people to investigate, and the result..." She hesitated again, and at this moment, she heard someone from a distance Come on, stop talking.

Sure enough, a half-grown woman dressed as a maid ran over, her face was flushed, she saw Sun Baolin and Wu Guiren without paying attention to salute, and said: "Masters, the emperor has returned from Shangyuan, and wants to see the masters of the palaces."

(End of this chapter)

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