Chapter 601
He had no choice but to give up continuing to pass through the checkpoint of the holy building. He suspected that Chu Jiuge was the person arranged by the holy building to stop him from passing the checkpoint.

No matter how imaginative he is, he probably never imagined that Chu Jiuge could act recklessly in the holy building without being influenced by the holy building.

Chu Jiuge couldn't stop Xia Houping from leaving, but the corners of Chu Jiuge's mouth curled up slightly.

When Xia Houping left the holy building, he was going to see what he had gained after passing through more than a dozen checkpoints in the holy building, but he never expected...

"Where's the thing?" Xia Houping was in a daze.

Not only the treasures he got from the holy building disappeared, but also the treasures he got from other places, all his belongings were returned to zero, and there was not a single piece left.

"The holy building is too ruthless! I just failed with a control card, and he took away everything from me." Xia Houping said angrily.

He never imagined that Chu Jiuge was capable of stealing all his belongings from him without knowing it, so Shenglou was innocently blamed.

Shenglou's first murder with a borrowed knife failed, and there was a second time for the first time. This time, Chu Jiuge met someone from the Ximen family. The other party claimed to be the strongest Ximen young master of the younger generation of the Ximen family.

Chu Jiuge understood that Shenglou was sending herself to the strongest opponent, and wanted someone to defeat her and drive her out.

There was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, the holy building must have been too beautiful!

"Chu Jiuge, why are you here?" Young Master Ximen raised his eyebrows slightly.

He still has a little impression of this woman who has a close relationship with Nangongxi, who is very talented at a young age, and who was accepted as a disciple by Elder Yue Luo.

In the selection competition, Chu Jiuge's performance was remarkable. Even so, Young Master Ximen never took Chu Jiuge to heart, and did not regard a third-level alchemy realm as an opponent.

"I'm just passing by, but I need this kind of elixir here, can Young Master Ximen give it to me? I can exchange it with you for other things." Chu Jiuge said.

Young Master Ximen wanted to refuse at first, but he didn't expect that he received the news from Shenglou that if he wanted to pass this level, he had to defeat this girl.

Young Master Ximen felt that it was too easy to pass the control card this time, and there was no challenge at all.

He said: "Chu Jiuge, I can't exchange things with you, I still want to defeat you and send you out of the holy building.

Since fighting is unavoidable, then fight!
Chu Jiuge used the power of ice and snow without hesitation. This guy is stronger than the one from the Xiahou family before, so she dare not take it lightly.

Countless sword lights flashed, and Young Master Ximen realized that something was wrong and started to fight back, slashing at Chu Jiuge with one sword.

Chu Jiuge quickly avoided it, drew the bow, and shot three arrows.

Speed ​​and archery are both extremely strong, no wonder Elder Yueluo values ​​him so much, but unfortunately his level is too low.

The young master Ximen continued to chase Chu Jiuge fiercely. Chu Jiuge seized the opportunity to use Wantong to die, which was not enough to make him completely unconscious, but it could interfere with him.

Chu Jiuge kept using the magic skill of breaking open and restraining Ximen Young Master's archery, which surprised Ximen Young Master.

A person's energy is limited, and he can only master a part of spiritual skills to the extreme.

However, today he met a freak, evildoer, who has mastered so many spiritual skills at such a young age, and all of them are spiritual skills that surpass the heavens.

"Myriad pupils perish!"

After fighting for countless rounds, Chu Jiuge clearly grasped the number of battles of Young Master Ximen.

There was cold sweat on Young Master Ximen's forehead. Chu Jiuge never confronted him head-on. He knew very well that he was not as good as Chu Jiuge, so he was very passive now.

He tried his best to turn the situation around, but Chu Jiuge was smarter than him, and could understand his plan every time, which made it almost impossible for him to turn it around.

"Pfft!" Young Master Ximen was injured.

And Chu Jiuge's next arrow was aimed at his heart.

Young Master Ximen smiled wryly and said: "It's no wonder that Shenglou will let you become the person I want to defeat in this level. It turns out that you are so powerful, I recognize it! I give up."

After Young Master Ximen went out, he also found that he had been looted. Where are the treasures?

He was better than the one from Xiahou's family, but he lost the treasure he got in the holy building.Otherwise, there is nothing to be gained from entering the Holy Land, and you may cry to death.

Later, Chu Jiuge met the eldest lady of Ke Beiyue's family, and Shenglou wanted them to fight, but they started fighting as soon as they met, and Chu Jiuge won.

The next one is the young master of the Dongfang family. The young master Dongfang looks very similar to his father. Even if he knew that Chu Jiuge was the one who blocked his progress, he still greeted Chu Jiuge politely.

Chu Jiuge said: "I like Patriarch Dongfang very much, so I won't spoil your good deeds, you work hard."

The young master of the East was taken aback, didn't he say that he had to defeat Chu Jiuge before he could leave here?Can Chu Jiuge give up fighting him?

Chu Jiuge is gone!went straight away.

The strongest members of these major families have no choice, but Chu Jiuge can choose to fight or not, and Shenglou can't control her.

Along the way, Chu Jiuge found a lot of good things, which made Shenglou very angry.

"You can't stop me, let me steal! I'll leave after stealing enough."

Of course, it is very difficult for a thief to steal enough, she herself does not know how many treasures can satisfy her appetite.

Shenglou made Chu Jiuge meet an acquaintance, and that person was Yu Wei.

"Is there a mistake! Don't tell me that the Nangong family is the strongest but this guy?" Chu Jiuge protested.

"My master is the head of the Nangong family, so I am naturally the strongest head of the Nangong family. Miss Chu, there is nothing wrong with that." Yu Wei's aura was stronger than last time.

"The last time I looked at Brother Xi's face, I didn't try my best. This time, Brother Xi is not here, so I don't care about him any more. This time I will show my strength and defeat you." Yu Wei's eyes There is a cold killing intent in it.

"It's really better than singing! I don't know what method you used to become stronger this time, but it's okay, I don't think you are my opponent." Chu Jiuge looked at Yu Wei contemptuously. Disdainful again.

This angered Yu Wei, and she attacked fiercely, "Chu Jiuge, stop looking down on people. Why do you look down on me? Go to hell!"

Chu Jiuge accelerated his spiritual power, and used powerful holy-level spiritual skills to fight back!

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

Chu Jiuge has the unique advantage of being quick to react. After one move, Chu Jiuge's arrow flew out instantly.

"Puff puff puff!" Countless arrows flew over, Yu Wei avoided it, but his arm was scratched by the arrows, leaving countless bloodstains.

(End of this chapter)

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