Chapter 603
"Pfft!" Yu Wei's whole body was on fire, and the burning made her very painful.

Violence flashed in her eyes, she rushed out of the flame and slashed at Hei Yan with a sword, "It's just a beast, how dare you sneak attack me! Go to hell!"

"Puff puff puff!" Hei Yan was injured and was sent flying out.

And at this moment, a blood-red arrow burst out.

"I didn't expect you to force me to use the blood arrow, there is no way, who dared to hurt Hei Yan!"

Yu Wei's face changed drastically, and she quickly dodged, her instinct told her that she must not be touched by this arrow.

She avoided the deadly blood arrows, but she had no room to breathe to avoid the dozen or so arrows that Chu Jiuge released afterwards.

"Puff puff puff!" Her body was scratched by the sharp arrow, and it was already covered with deep scars.

Yu Wei's face was as pale as paper, but her killing intent did not diminish, "Die! Die! Chu Jiuge, I will let you die!"

Yu Wei rushed towards Chu Jiuge frantically again, Chu Jiuge fought back easily, Yu Wei's blood spattered, and his whole body fell to the ground like a rag.

Yu Wei's face was still ugly at this time, and then there was a loud sound of progress, and the ground shook violently, which made people have an extremely ominous premonition.

"Boom!" The ground cracked, and a beast's roar suddenly appeared. This seemed to be a note of death, and it scared people out of their wits.

"This... what level of spirit beast is this! It's really terrifying."

It was just a roar that made people's blood boil.

The strength of this spirit beast probably surpassed the level of Xuanxu, and reached a level that the entire Holy Land could hardly match.

They are going to die!Everyone was terrified.

"Ninth Sister!" Liuliu moved in front of Chu Jiuge, his whole body tensed.

If Jiumei was in any danger, he would stop this monster desperately.

The place where the giant beast came out is not far from the holy building, and the holy building seems to have sensed it.

Even if these little guys in the holy land made a thorn that made it angry, it didn't want all these children to be killed by this ferocious beast.

If this is the case, I am afraid that their holy land will have no successors.

A golden token appeared, covering the huge monster that blocked the sky, allowing them to breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's the holy decree, it turned out to be the holy decree that saved us."

"It seems that the ancestors are reluctant to let us die, so they want to use this holy order to save us, that's great."

"I heard that if you get the holy order, you can command the entire Holy Land of the Eastern Region. I wonder if this rumor is true?"

For a moment, their eyes on the golden token became even hotter, the crisis of death was lifted, everyone's thoughts were different, and greed grew.

"Boom!" There was another burst of landslides, the powerful monster seemed to smash the confinement of the holy decree, and many people were about to be scared stupid for a while.

"What should we do? Even the holy order can't stop this monster, we are dead." They said in panic.

The elders of the Holy Land naturally knew about the commotion in the Holy Land.

They opened the exit of the Holy Land in advance, saying: "Everyone come out immediately, leave this place to us, hurry up!"

"Boom!" There was a roar, the space was shaken, they ran out safely, but this beast also broke through the confinement of the holy order and ran out.

Terrifying coercion swept across the entire Holy Land, and everyone in the Holy Land was in danger. For a while, the surroundings of the Holy Land were in destructive danger.

"That thing got out."

"It actually ran out."

There is such a big guy in the secret realm of the Holy Land, and many people in the Holy Land know about it.

They thought that this guy was sealed so hard that he might come out in this lifetime, but now he has come out.

Some timid people have already packed up their bags and intend to leave the Holy Land, because such a beast, all the masters in the Holy Land can't go for a few rounds under its hands, and their Holy Land is probably about to perish.

Unless that adult will appear again to help them in the Holy Land.

"You juniors, all retreat! The masters of the five major families are all in place. No matter what, you can't let these beasts run rampant in my holy land." The chief elder roared.

The five major families were in place, and the patriarchs of the other four major families showed serious expressions on their faces. Only Mu Lian, the head of the Nangong family, still had a gentle smile on his face.

A strange light flashed across his gaze as he stared at that powerful beast, a very good beast!very strong.

The secret realm is closed, and this beast cannot be expelled into the secret realm. Now they can only fight to the death.

"Boom!" An earth-shattering sound sounded, such a terrifying base station was incomparably earth-shattering, and those with insufficient strength retreated in fear, only the masters and elites of the Nangong family formed a formation to fight.

Yue Luo also played, Nangong Xi was extremely worried, "Mother!"

Yue Luo said: "Once this ferocious beast kills you, you will also be in danger. Even if I die, I will protect my son and my disciples."

The power at the peak of the Xuanxu Realm erupted instantly, and countless figures in the air flashed out, and within a quarter of an hour of the fight, someone was already injured.

There are many masters in the Holy Land, but this fierce beast is a terrible idea, and the advantage in numbers is almost useless.

"All juniors, leave the Holy Land immediately! Leave!" the chief elder shouted.

They tried their best, but they couldn't deal with this beast. Now they can only escort the juniors away, leave their blood in the Holy Land, and then seal their Holy Land to prevent this beast from going to other parts of the Eastern Region to cause chaos.


The seniors are desperately fighting the terrifying giant beast to buy them time.

"Master Nangong, Miss Chu, don't just stand around here! You can't help me? Miss Yu Wei..."

At this moment, a terrifying force erupted from Yu Wei, and suddenly charged towards Chu Jiuge. Chu Jiuge dodged quickly, and she attacked again.

She directly forced Chu Jiuge into the battle circle, Yu Wei said coldly: "So what if brother Xi values ​​you? So what if you are the elder Yueluo? So what if you can defeat me? Today you are destined to die in this fierce beast in the mouth."

Yu Wei moved too quickly, which completely exceeded their expectations. After they realized it, Chu Jiuge was already in that dangerous vortex.

"Ninth Sister!"

"Nine Songs!"

Nangongxi and Liuliu were stopped, and the elders of the Holy Land said: "Young master, Master Liu, Miss Chu and other elders will save you, so don't make trouble."

"Miss Yu Wei is really too, to come here to make trouble at such a time."

The aftermath of the battle can make Chu Jiuge extremely uncomfortable. Fortunately, Chu Jiuge can use the pupil of immortal life to observe the weakest plot and dodge, otherwise he will be blasted into scum.

"Roar!" There was a loud noise, and a huge monster suddenly appeared behind Chu Jiuge, and opened his bloody mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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