Chapter 606 Genius No. [-]
Originally, the patriarchs of the other big families wanted to express their opinions, but seeing Rong Yuan defending Chu Jiuge so domineeringly, they dared not speak up.

After seeing how powerful that beast is, who wants to accompany that beast!That was completely for the ferocious beast as rations.

Rong Yuan acted arrogantly like this, but no one dared to have any opinions, because everyone had seen that he had the power to surpass the Holy Land.

The chief elder said: "Master Rong Yuan's decision is not wrong. He is optimistic about Chu Jiuge. As the head of the Nangong family, you should be happy."

Patriarch Nangong's face was very ugly, and he still wanted to make a final struggle.

"Even if Mr. Rong Yuan is optimistic about the younger generation, the strongest among the younger generation must be qualified to possess the Holy Spirit. She Chu Jiuge doesn't have that ability at all." Mu Lian said.

After hearing her words, the corners of Chu Jiuge's mouth curled up slightly. "Oh! The younger generation in the Holy Land is the strongest, you can let the masters come out and compare with me! If I prove that no one of the geniuses in the Holy Land can beat me, then Patriarch Nangong, can you just shut up? ?”

Everyone looked at Chu Jiuge dumbfounded. Is Chu Jiuge being favored by an expert?

How can her strength be the opponent of the great geniuses in the Holy Land.

"What if you lose?" Patriarch Nangong said.

"That's impossible." Chu Jiuge said firmly.

It's really too arrogant, all the big families are looking at the strongest in their family, no matter what they have to hit Chu Jiuge's arrogance.

However, all the young masters shook their heads one after another. They lost to Chu Jiuge once in the holy building, which was embarrassing.

They didn't want to lose to Chu Jiuge again in public.

The Young Lord of the East said: "Father, I am not Chu Jiuge's opponent, I am no match! If the Holy Spirit is to be handed over to the younger generation in the Holy Land, I think Chu Jiuge is the most suitable candidate."

Patriarch Dongfang was a little surprised. Although his son had a good temper, he was also quite arrogant, and he would never lose without a fight.

But now he admits very calmly that he is not as good as Chu Jiuge, a little girl who is much lower than him.

"I'm not Chu Jiuge's opponent either." After the young master Dongfang, the eldest lady of the Beiyue family spoke.

This eldest lady has always been aloof, and she has never obeyed anyone in the Holy Land, but now she voluntarily admits that she is not Chu Jiuge's opponent.

"Patriarch Nangong, your suggestion is really bad. I am the strongest in the Ximen family, but I don't want to fight Chu Jiuge." The young master Ximen waved his hand.

The person from Xiahou's family didn't speak, but said in a low voice, "Master! This idea is not acceptable!"

In other words, the strongest geniuses of the four major families out of the five major families in the Holy Land dare not fight Chu Jiuge. What's going on?

"Xi'er!" This was definitely beyond Mu Lian's expectations, and Mu Lian looked at Nangongxi.

"Xi'er, don't you want to try it? Do you know what the holy decree stands for? Even if she is your mother's apprentice, she can't compare to the blood of your serious Nangong family." Yu Wei is dead. Nangongxi is counted as one.

Nangongxi said: "Okay!"

Mu Lian thought that Nangongxi was moved by persuasion, and under the influence of deep friendship and sufficient interests, she was vulnerable.

As a result, Nangongxi walked up to Chu Jiuge and said, "I admit defeat!"

Mu Lian's face was turning green now, he was being tricked.

Chu Jiuge smiled and said: "Patriarch Nangong, I'm sorry, I suddenly became the number one among the younger generation in the Holy Land, no one wants to fight with me! I got the Holy Spirit, of course, do you have anything to say?"

Mu Lian was so angry that he hurt internally, he said: "This time, my Nangong family has suffered a big loss. I have to go to some things, so I will take my leave first."

The holy decree belonged to Chu Jiuge, and there was no room for maneuver, so Mu Lian, who was in a hurry, had no choice but to be strong.

The other masters also talked about it, and the chief elder told Chu Jiuge to protect the holy order.

This is a token that can command the entire Holy Land. If Chu Jiuge needs anything, they will never hesitate to define it.

Chu Jiuge was invited away to the courtyard where Mr. Rong Yuan lived alone.

Knowing that something had happened to Rong Yuan, Chu Jiuge acted resolutely.

She looked at his pale face and said, "You're messing around this time!"

"It almost hurt Jiu'er, so we have to pay the price." Rong Yuan replied.

"Don't talk, don't move, I'll take a look!" Chu Jiuge turned on the pupil of immortal life, and it was really bad, but luckily it was still under control.

Chu Jiuge started treatment, and when everything stabilized, she fell asleep in Rong Yuan's arms.

Rong Yuan's slender fingers slid across Chu Jiuge's face, with a gentle smile on his face, "It's my fault for making Jiu'er suffer again."

Rong Yuan is recovering well, but there are some things that he needs to deal with in the Nether Palace, this news came at an inopportune time.

"It's confirmed that Mu Lian belongs to the Mu family. It is very likely that the magic box of the sixth clan is in his hands. He will find a way to get him to take it out. I have the holy order and the first elder is on my side. He dare not How about me? You should go back and deal with the group of guys in the Wuya Temple! No matter what, you can't let your people be bullied." Chu Jiuge said.

"Well! Stay in the Holy Land obediently and wait for me to come back. Don't leave the Holy Land easily." Although he has been sending people to clean up, he cannot fully guarantee that all the people in the Wuya Temple in the Eastern Region have been cleaned up.

Once Jiu'er goes out, those guys from the Wuya Temple will have an opportunity to take advantage of it.

"I understand! The most important thing now is to get the Immortal Magic Box of the Sixth Clan hidden by Mu Lian, and I won't leave the Holy Land casually." Chu Jiuge replied.

After Rong Yuan left, Chu Jiuge began to work on the elixir to strengthen the soul power, which was a joyous thing for Nangongxi and Master Yueluo.

With the holy order in hand, even if Chu Jiuge said that he wanted the head elder of the soul orb, he would hand it over to her for safekeeping for a while without saying a word.

Now Senior Nangongqi can stay with Master Yueluo forever.

Soon the elixir was refined, and all kinds of elixir that were useful for soul power were collected and refined.

"But I'm a soul body, so I can't take pills!"

"Drink with wine!" She took out a jar of wine.

Sure enough, even the soul body could drink this wine. After taking the elixir, Nangong Qi felt that his soul body was more solidified.

He said excitedly: "I don't think it will take long before I can really come back to life."


Next, Chu Jiuge was busy retreating and practicing. After all, he got a lot of good things in the secret realm, so it was logical to advance to the first level.

It's just that after she left the customs, the corners of her eyes twitched suddenly, as if she had a bad premonition.

Nangongxi and Liuliu dared to come, Liuliu said: "Damn it, you dare to touch Liu Ye's casino, I want to go out and find a place!"

Nangongxi said: "The Underground Martial Hall was attacked by a strong man, and it is in chaos now, the situation is very bad."

(End of this chapter)

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