Chapter 614 The marriage has been decided
This news greatly shocked Nangongxi.

"What? It's absolutely impossible?"

"Mu Lian is so brave, I'm going to kill him!" Nangong Qi was furious
He just wanted to rush to the Holy Land to find Nangong Qi and fight for his life.

Nangong Qi's frightening anger frightened the people around him.

Chu Jiuge said: "Senior, calm down."

"I can't calm down. Mu Lian is going to marry my wife, so I'll tear him up right now." Nangong Qi exuded a murderous look all over his body.

Chu Jiuge said: "You can persuade your father!"

Even though a quarter of an hour had passed, Nangong Qi still hadn't calmed down.

He said: "We must go back to the Holy Land to save your mother, your mother definitely did not do it voluntarily! Mu Lian must have used some trick?"

This is natural, and Nangongxi also knows how deep the relationship between his mother and his father is.

After so many years of staying together, it is impossible for their mother to marry someone else just after they left the Holy Land.

"Master Yueluo must have been blackmailed by Mu Lian by some means, otherwise he would not have agreed to such a thing. If we rushed over rashly, it would make Master Yueluo's situation even more dangerous. It's better to stay the same to deal with all changes." Chu Chu Jiuge Road.

Mu Lian's purpose is not to kill Master Yueluo, at least she is safe now.

"Senior Nangong Qi, you have to be patient! Don't worry! I won't let my master Mu Lian no matter what."

It seems that Nangongxi obtained the inheritance of Nangong Ancient Palace, forcing Mu Liangou to jump over the wall in a hurry.

Even if they escaped safely from Shengwei's hands this time, he could still take advantage of Nangongxi's weakness.

They were still careless, and it stands to reason that with Master Yueluo's strength, there would be no danger.

They ignored that Mu Lian was a playful guy, and Master Yueluo must have been plotted against him.

Chu Jiuge said: "Master Ling, promise to go, let's go to the Holy Land together."

"What's going on in the Holy Land in the past? They won't talk to any outsiders at all. Patriarch Nangong will invite me to his wedding. It's really unbelievable." Ling Feimo said in a low voice.

"It seems that Mu Lian's ambitions are not small. He not only wants the Nangong family, he wants the Holy Land, he also wants the entire Eastern Region. And you are now the number one ruler in the Eastern Region apart from the Holy Land, so they are naturally eyeing you It's gone." Chu Jiuge looked at him and said.

"This trip is very risky. Mu Lian is not easy. If I guess correctly, he is a member of the Mu family of the Eight Great Saint Clans." Chu Jiuge told Ling Feimo the danger, and let Ling Feimo Feimo decides for himself.

Ling Feimo said: "I have nothing to do recently and I feel a little bored. How can I miss it if I can go to the Holy Land to watch a good show?"

"Go to the Holy Land immediately! Hurry up!" Nangong Qi couldn't be equal for a moment.

"Okay, let's go now." Chu Jiuge also knew how anxious this master was, so he set off immediately.

While on the road, the fluctuation of the soul orb was extremely large.

Chu Jiuge could see that Gong Qi's soul power became stronger in an instant, and it was getting better and better integrated with the power of the medicine. It would not be long before he had a real body.

What Mu Lian did really irritated Senior Nangong Qi a lot!

Chu Jiuge and the others arrived at the holy land, and Ling Feimo was going to take out the invitation card as a pass.

Chu Jiuge raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Can you also stop the people I brought?"

"Lingzhu!" Seeing Chu Jiuge, they were a little surprised.

"Since they are Lingzhu's friends, of course they can enter the Holy Land." They said hastily.

They returned to Nangong's house, but they were stopped when they wanted to see Yueluo.

Mu Lian came out and said, "Luo'er is concentrating on getting married, and no one can disturb her. Xi'er, you are really rude."

"It's impossible for my mother to marry you, I have to ask clearly!" Nangongxi was about to force her way in, but was stopped by Chu Jiuge.

"Is there anyone in this Holy Land that I can't meet?" Chu Jiuge asked coldly.

"Lingzhu has a special status in the Holy Land, but if Luo'er doesn't want to see you, you can't be rude, can you?" Mu Lian said.

"I am Master Yueluo, it is impossible not to want to see me."

"Not necessarily! How about I go and ask myself."

Mu Lian walked in, and soon he came out with a message and a letter.

This is Yue Luo's handwriting. The letter said that he married Mu Lian voluntarily, and asked Nangongxi to wait for the wedding three days later, and said that he hoped to get his blessing.

Nangongxi's face was blackened, and he said angrily, "What did you do to my mother?"

"Xi'er, I have always treated you as my own. Your mother cared about you before, so even if we loved each other, she couldn't marry me. Now that you can be your own, you can't ruin your mother's happiness." Mu Lian said calmly.

"Nonsense!" Nangongxi didn't believe a word of what he said.

Mu Lian walked up to his side and said, "If Xi'er makes trouble and prevents Luo'er from successfully marrying me, what happens after that is definitely not something you can bear."

Mu Lian's voice was slightly cold, how could Nangongxi fail to understand the threat in his tone.

He must have used some means to control Niangqin, if he acted rashly, Niangqin might be in danger.

Nangongxi clenched his fists tightly, and the veins in his hands were throbbing violently.

Mu Lian said: "The young master must be tired from rushing back to the Holy Land in such a hurry, hurry up and send the young master down to rest!"


"This is?" Mu Lian saw Ling Feimo.

"I'm Ling Feimo, the master of the Underground Martial Palace. I was really shocked when I received the invitation from Patriarch Nangong. I won't come to your wedding with Jiuge and the others, but it's too late! Patriarch Nangong doesn't need to entertain you." It's more important for me to hurry up and prepare for your wedding." Ling Feimo said with a smile.

"It turns out to be Palace Master Ling. I have admired your name for a long time, but seeing you today is really extraordinary!" Mu Lian faked a smile.

When they returned to the courtyard of Nangongxi, Nangong Qiren couldn't bear it and jumped out. He took the letter and looked at it, and instantly crushed it into powder.

"It's nonsense! It's Luo'er's writing, but Luo'er definitely didn't write it willingly. What did he do to Luo'er?" Nangong Qi was furious.

"Is it because we don't know what Mu Lian did? We can't act rashly. I'll go and see tonight. Senior Nangongqi really misses Master Yueluo, so I can steal him out for you," Chu Jiuge said.

Nangong Qi's current air pressure is extremely low, and he managed to survive and stay with his wife, but finally heard the news of his wife's wedding, it was definitely a bolt from the blue.

He wants to become stronger, he must become stronger, he must mulian that bastard will die a good death.

Burning with anger can strengthen Nangong Qi's soul power, and Chu Jiuge didn't persuade him anything?
Let his fire continue to burn!Maybe it will burn and burn, and it will be completely restored.

It was already late at night, Chu Jiuge quietly sneaked into Yueluo's residence under Senior Nangongqi's eagerness to see through.

There are many masters around, but they just can't find Chu Jiuge.

(End of this chapter)

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