Chapter 617 Double Happiness
With a sound of "Boom!", Mu Lian was repelled.

He stabilized his figure and said: "Do you still want her life? Believe it or not, I will leave now and let her die in front of you."

"How dare you!" Nangong Qi was furious.

"I have nothing to dare? Do you dare to bet?" Mu Lian threatened.

Nangong Qi naturally didn't dare to gamble and couldn't afford to gamble, so he obediently stopped.

Mu Lian smiled and said: "My big brother, that's right! Don't worry, as long as you don't do anything to me, you won't hurt Luo'er. We brothers haven't seen each other for so many years, so it's hurting our feelings, isn't it?"

Mu Lian's hypocritical smile gave Nangong Qi the urge to blow his face out. Does this guy dare to be so shameless?
The other guests were also shocked, "What does Patriarch Nangong mean? Could it be the real Nangong Qi."

"No way!"

"The Patriarch Nangong has spoken like this. The two brothers are so close, there is absolutely no way they could make a mistake."

Thinking that his brother was dead, he married his brother's wife, but the good brother came back alive and came to the door.

What's more, what Mu Lian said before seemed to be threatening Nangong Qi with Elder Yueluo, and Nangong Qi actually accepted this trick.

Mu Lian said: "Everyone, my wedding has been suspended due to some unexpected circumstances. But it doesn't matter, we can continue to hold the wedding after discussing an important matter! When the time comes for double happiness, wouldn't it be great."

Everyone was amazed, what could be more important than Mu Lian's wedding?
Patriarch Ximen asked, "I don't know what it is?"

Mu Lian said: "Our holy land has always been ruled by the five major families. This kind of management is too scattered. Not only that, but we are also subject to a group of old things like the chief elder. I think the five major families should elect a holy master to lead the Eastern Territory. The Holy Land goes to greater heights."

"More than that, our entire Eastern Territory should also be united, are you right? Palace Master Ling." Mu Lian looked at Ling Feimo and said.

Why didn't they think of it?Mu Lian actually had such an ambition.

Patriarch Dongfang said: "You have proposed such a big event, you want to establish a Holy Master, so dare to ask who is the most suitable to be the Holy Master?"

In fact, all the masters have some ambitions to unify the Holy Land, but the strength of the major families is balanced, and it is difficult for one person to dominate.

"Of course it's me!" Mu Lian answered.

Everyone looked at the extremely arrogant Mu Lian in unison. Mu Lian had always been extremely gentle and polite to outsiders, and this was the first time he had seen such an arrogant side of him.

"You! Do you think you have the ability?" Patriarch Ximen said aggressively.

"No matter what, you are not the best candidate. Although you are the Patriarch of Nangong, you don't have the blood of Patriarch Nangong." Patriarch Xiahou said.

"Hahaha! Bloodline, what's so great about the bloodline of a Holy Land family? The real bloodline is a powerful bloodline inherited from ancient times, which is what you look up to! And my bloodline is such a powerful bloodline, just Nangong I have never disdained the blood of the family, the blood of the five major families." Mu Lian suddenly grew up.

Every time he was ridiculed for not having the blood of the Nangong family, he felt that these guys were like clowns.

No matter how powerful the bloodline is, it is just a waste bloodline in front of the bloodlines of the Eight Great Saint Clans.

Displeasure flashed across the faces of the masters, and they said angrily: "Mu Lian, don't go too far!"

"Elect you as the Holy Master, we will not agree!"

"Just because of you, you still want to become the master of the entire Eastern Territory, just dream!"

Mu Lian ignored their dissatisfaction.

He sneered and said, "If you come here today, there is no room for rejection! Either respect me as the Holy Lord, or die!"

"Shua, Shua, Shua!" There is a group of people hidden in the dark, and their strength is extremely strong.

They surrounded the main hall where the wedding was held, and the entire Nangong family.

The patriarchs thought they were here to attend the wedding, and since they were in the Holy Land, they naturally wouldn't bring too many experts.

Now that they were facing Mu Lian's siege, they might not be able to stand up.

They were furious, "Mu Lian, don't go too far!"

"you dare!"

Mu Lian said: "My manpower is enough to deal with you! By the time your family reacts, you are already under my control!"

"You know that this woman, Yue Luo, refused to show me face before. Why did you agree to marry me? Because I have a special way to control her. If I can control her, I can control you."

Looking at the shady Mu Lian, each of them had a bad premonition in their hearts.

This gentle patriarch of the Nangong family with a different surname is lurking in the holy land like a poisonous snake, brewing such an abnormal conspiracy, it really makes people shudder.

They looked at Nangong Qi and said, "Brother Nangong, let's join forces and fight out!"

"Mu Lian's heart can be punished! Unforgivable."

They were going to join hands to escape. Once they got in touch with their own people, they would definitely not make it easy for Mu Lian.

The spiritual power of the various patriarchs surged out, and they were ready to fight with all their might.

Mu Lian said: "Brother, I think at this time, you should know who to help? I didn't plan to let you take action, but I didn't expect that you came back, and your strength is not bad! Then I have more on my side." With a battle strength, they will lose faster! Hahaha!"

Everyone had a very bad premonition, if Nangong Qi still helped Mu Lian, then their situation would be even worse.

"Brother Nangong!" Patriarch Dongfang wanted to persuade Nangong Qi, but he couldn't speak for a moment when he saw Yue Luo's expressionless eyes.

Now standing in front of them is Nangong Qi, he has already determined what kind of toilet he will make?
Mu Lian smiled and said, "Then, brother, let's do it!"

"Boom!" Terrifying profound energy erupted in the hall.

Mu Lian had already made preparations for this operation, and the arrangements were impeccable.

Even if the Nangong family is in trouble, the other four big families will never get any news to come to support.

I am afraid that the only thing that is not in his plan is the appearance of the revived Nangong Qi, and that doesn't matter.

As long as he controls Nangong Qi, then Nangong Qi can become a knife in his hand.

Patriarch Xiahou said angrily: "Nangong Qi, since you want to help this bastard, then we will solve it with you! From then on, is the Nangong family waiting to be removed from the Holy Land?"

"Bang bang bang!" The five patriarchs plus one Nangong Qi, all of them are masters who have cultivated to the extreme of the Xuanxu realm.

Among the six of them, they were shocked to find that Mu Lian and Nangong Qi were even stronger than them, and four against two might not have a chance of winning.

And the accompanying people they brought were also besieged by those secretly cultivated by Mu Lian, and they were in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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