Chapter 619 Anti-counterfeiting
Such an unbelievable thing happened just like this, Mu Lian couldn't help but think so much, so he quickly avoided the important thing.

"Pfft!" However, his reaction was too slow, so he couldn't dodge fast enough, but he also avoided the vital point.

The long sword pierced through his arm, and the bright red clothes were stained even more bright red by the blood.

Mu Lian's face was pale, and he hurriedly backed out.

"How come?" he said in shock.

He wanted to continue to control Yue Luo, but found that he could no longer detect any Gu insects in Yue Luo's body.

"Who? Who solved the Gu worm for you?" Mu Lian roared angrily.

"Impossible, no one in the entire Holy Land has this ability, and the elimination of Gu worms made me unaware at first." At this time, Mu Lian still couldn't accept this fact.

This makes absolutely no sense!

Nangong Qi said: "The dead don't need to know these things! Mu Lian, you should go to hell!"

"Hahaha! I'm going to hell, Nangong Qi, do you think I will lose to you if I don't control Yueluo? You think so beautifully, there is no way I will lose." Mu Lian laughed wildly.

"Come out!"

The masters Mu Lian cultivated secretly were dispatched, each of them had the strength of the peak Xuanxu realm, and they were extremely difficult to deal with.

How can there be so many peak masters in the Eastern Region?Seeing how unstable their breathing was, one knew that Mu Lian definitely did not use normal means to make them so powerful.

That's it, it's tough!
"Ho Ho Ho!" Not only are these masters powerful, but the terrifying giant beasts are also extremely scary, and the next thing they will face is a fierce battle.

"Hei Yan, Xiao Jin! Come on, burn those things." Chu Jiuge has been hiding in the dark, noticing any movement around him with the pupil of immortal life.

"Yes, master!" The two little ones rushed out, their flames were very powerful, making these monsters feel terrified.

"Brother Nangong, we are here to help you." The four chiefs who were seriously injured before broke through the suppression of Mu Lian's subordinates and came to kill them.

Obviously they were injured before and it was difficult to continue fighting, but now they look like dragons and tigers, and they can completely fight and defeat the round.

"You..." Mu Lian's face froze slightly.

Dongfang Patriarch said: "Brother Nangong was merciful to us before, and someone secretly sent us top-notch healing pills to sing us. A little injury won't be a problem at all."

"There are experts to help us, Mu Lian, you are dead." The more seriously injured Xiahou family and Ximen Patriarch also recovered.

They were also shocked by the efficacy of the elixir, it was too powerful.

They were full of anger towards Mu Lian, and now that they had recovered from their injuries and could fight again, they would naturally not be polite.

They were like vicious wolves, tigers and leopards, even if they died, they would tear off a piece of flesh from Mu Lian's body.

There are a total of seven fighting forces on their side, no, eight, and Liuliu has also started.

Countless dice flew out, and Liuliu said coldly: "Boom, boom, boom!"

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the hall became even more chaotic.

In fact, Nangongxi was already ready to move, but Jiu Ge said that she must act according to her orders.

Even if he has the strength of the peak Xuanxu realm, this level is enough to fight side by side with his predecessors, but Chu Jiuge doesn't think this is the best time for him to make a move.

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Countless sharp arrows struck in the dark, and they were extremely ordinary arrows.

The arrow only hits one person, even though the scene is chaotic.

Chu Jiuge's arrows are very accurate, and he will never accidentally injure other people.

"Bang bang bang!" Mu Lian waved his hand, and all the arrows shattered.

He said disdainfully: "Chu Jiuge, you little girl has the guts to meddle. Just these things, do you think you can hurt me?"

Chu Jiuge didn't care about his disdain at all, but continued to shoot arrows.

The arrows hit like rain, and did not hurt anyone else, but it made Mu Lian feel very annoying.

"Get in the way! Disappear all of them!"

"Bang bang bang!"

You must know that Chu Jiuge is only in the alchemy realm, such an arrow is like drizzle to a person in the Xuanxu realm, and its safety is not worth mentioning.

But the other patriarchs were still very surprised by Chu Jiuge's time, this archery is too kissy!
If Chu Jiuge had their strength, Mu Lian would not know how he died today, how could he be allowed to be arrogant here.

They continued to fight Mu Lian desperately, even though archery was useless, Chu Jiuge continued to fight as usual.

Little by little, she made Mu Lian relax his vigilance against her arrows.

When she waited until Mu Lian showed a fatal flaw, she changed a bow and an arrow.

"Hoo!" In an instant, an arrow shot out.

Mu Lian despised Chu Jiuge's arrow as always, and Chu Jiuge knew that all the preparations made before were effective.

This time his defense was easily pierced by the blood arrow, "What?" Shock appeared on Mu Lian's face.

"how come?"

An arrow shot by a little girl in the alchemy state can break through his defense.


This sword wiped a bloodstain on his arm.

This is an extremely inconspicuous wound, but he is a cautious person, something is wrong!
"Hiss!" He gasped, and the arms around the wound shriveled instantly, as if they had been sucked dry of blood.

He directly took out a knife, dug out all the flesh and blood around the wound, and sealed the wound with the best elixir.

Mu Lian's face was darker than the bottom of the pot at this time, and he said angrily: "Very good! Really good, Chu Jiuge, how dare you plot against me like this."

He has always been the one who schemed against others, but now at such a critical moment, he is being tricked by others, damn it!

"It is rumored that the Emperor Clan has an arrow called the Blood Arrow. It is an extremely dangerous evil thing. It only needs to cause a small wound and it can instantly suck a person's blood. It is an extremely terrifying arrow. I did not expect that you, as Ling The family members actually gave such an important arrow that should be sealed to an outsider." Mu Lian said in a dark voice.

"I'm happy, I'm happy! Can you control it? I didn't expect you to respond in a timely manner and know a lot, so that you escaped death! What a pity." Ling Feimo said with some regret.

You must know that Jiuge shot the arrow really beautifully!It's a pity that Mu Lian, an old fox, avoided him. "You all die to me!" In an instant, countless black snakes erupted from Mu Lian's body.

These snakes entangled those around them, making them feel suffocated and their spiritual power was disturbed.

"Puff puff puff!" Chu Jiuge shot countless arrows at this time, and began to destroy these poisonous snakes.
Xiao Jin's Phoenix Jinyan burned these black snakes, and these evil things were instantly wiped out when they met Phoenix Jinyan, just like meeting their nemesis.

(End of this chapter)

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