Chapter 626
"Hall Master, Master Jiu Ge has left." When the ship turned into a black spot, Ling Feimo still did not leave by the sea, the first subordinate beside him reminded.

"Well! Go back!" Ling Feimo nodded.

When Chu Jiuge came to the Eastern Region, he also encountered pirates, but the northern sea is the paradise of pirates.

Chu Jiuge boarded this merchant ship and went directly to retreat in his lounge. The reason for being disturbed was because their ship was surrounded.

"Bang bang bang!" There was a knock on the door.

The person outside the door said: "I have encountered a pirate, the passengers on the ship should hide first, so as not to encounter any danger?"

Chu Jiuge asked: "Is this the northern sea?"

"Yes! It's already here, and it's not far from the Northern Territory. But what I'm most concerned about now is not this, but the pirates!" The person at the door felt that the girl's focus was not right.

Chu Jiuge went out. The pirate team he met this time was much smaller than before, and his strength was only average?
"The people on the merchant ship are not weak. These pirates came to rob you, aren't they asking for their own death?"

"Boom!" The battle had already begun.

"Small pirate groups like this usually rush up to snatch some supplies, and they can make a lot of money by catching a few fat sheep. Girls, hide quickly, here..."

"Boom!" The man in front of him was blown away, and a pirate approached Chu Jiuge in an instant.

"Little girl, welcome to our pirate group as a guest."

Chu Jiuge knew that she had become a fat sheep in the mouth of that man.

She said: "Okay!"

"Hahaha! I just like how you cooperate." The pirate laughed.

In the blink of an eye, Chu Jiuge was taken away, and several nimble pirates also moved a lot of things on the merchant ship.

However, because the people on the merchant ship were so strong and quick to respond, Chu Jiuge was the only fat sheep that was taken away.

"Only arresting one person is considered a good harvest! Hurry up and withdraw!"


At this time, on the merchant ship, "Captain, it's not good! They took a guest away."

"What? A guest was taken away!"

"What should I do?" Those pirates had completely disappeared in the vast sea, and they couldn't catch up.

"Continue sailing, these pirates will ask her family for money to redeem her if they catch someone, and our merchant ship should pay a certain amount of compensation." They are no stranger to such things.


There are many small islands in the sea area around the North Territory.

Most of them are occupied by pirates, and the territory occupied by this group of pirates is a small island.

"Boss, this time we caught a person. Seeing that he is dressed in clothes, he might be a rich lady. If this ticket is enough, it may last us for half a year." The kidnapped Chu Jiuge was taken by the pirates to meet their boss. .

Their boss is short and sharp, and he looked at Chu Jiuge with bright eyes.

He said to Chu Jiuge: "Well! She is quite beautiful, and my family will definitely be reluctant to come to ransom me! Send a message to your family and ask them to bring enough ransom..."

"If I beat you, will all the members of the pirate group listen to me?" The pirate boss hadn't finished speaking, but Chu Jiuge asked a question.

"What did you say?" The others couldn't believe their ears.

"Well! I want to be your boss, do you have any opinions?" Chu Jiuge said lightly.

This is not a matter of opinions or opinions!Such a delicate little girl wants to be the head of the pirates?What kind of fun game is this?
"You play a game with me. If I win, I will take the position of your boss! If I lose, I will obediently write to my family. My family is super rich. When the time comes, you will have whatever you want How? If you don't agree, I will definitely not do what you want."

They were surprised to see this woman who didn't realize being a captive at all and dared to challenge her.

"This little girl has too much personality, boss, please agree!" Some pirates said.

Since it is suspected that what she is looking for is above the sea in the North Territory, there is no need for her to board the North Territory, as long as she is active in the sea.

No one is more familiar with this sea than pirates, so Chu Jiuge plans to start with pirates.

That is to say, if these pirates don't rob the merchant ship, she probably will secretly leave the merchant ship and pick a pirate group.

Pirate Old Dao: "I haven't exercised for a long time. Since you want to play, little girl, then I will play with you. Although I, Suo Wu, is not too strong among the major pirate captains, I can deal with a It's more than enough for a girl in her teens."

The spiritual energy around him radiated out, returning to the fifth level of the original state.

Sure enough, it wasn't very strong, but it was much easier now, the corners of Chu Jiuge's mouth slightly curled up, exuding his spiritual power and darting towards the opponent.

"Level [-] of Alchemy Alchemy Realm! It's a bit worse than the boss! This little girl dares to challenge the boss."

I thought that Chu Jiuge approached the boss to attack, but Chu Jiuge directly used the pupil attack, "My pupils are destroyed!"

The price of underestimating the enemy is painful, his consciousness was completely controlled by Chu Jiuge, and then Chu Jiuge continued to use ruthless moves.

"The power of ice and snow!"

The soul is frozen directly like being in a world of ice and snow!

"Ah!" There was a scream, surrounded by dangerous winds, and the end was miserable.

"Boom!" The pirate leader fell directly into a pool of blood.

If he didn't underestimate the enemy so much, a guy who was so much higher than Chu Jiuge would definitely not be solved by Chu Jiuge with three moves.

All this happened within ten breaths, Chu Jiuge was super efficient, and they watched everything that happened in front of them in disbelief.


"Catch... catch her! I was really careless."

"Have you forgotten our previous bet?" Chu Jiuge raised his eyebrows.

"I'm a pirate, if I break the contract, I will break the contract, catch..."

"Where is the person?" Suo Wu found that the person disappeared.

"There are so many people! Let my two little friends play with you. If you don't obediently abide by the bet, you will suffer." A cold figure came from the dark.

A golden and red afterimage appeared, these are two spirit monsters.

They looked small and delicate, and they didn't know how terrifying these two spirit monsters were until Xiao Jin and Hei Yan set fire to them.

"Two contract monsters!"

Hei Yan and Xiao Jinzhi teased them, but it was their master who really gave them a one-hit kill.

"Whew!" They still couldn't find where Chu Jiuge was hiding?However, he secretly shot an arrow and hit a pirate directly.

"Boom!" The person hit by the arrow could no longer get up.

"It happens that I'm bored, so you can be my target."

(End of this chapter)

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