Chapter 628 Cute Boy
"Don't even try to run!" So Wu and the others prepared to chase.

After all, it's been so long since we've been facing each other, and it's so easy to win for the first time.

A figure flew towards the deck of the Sow Pirates, Chu Jiuge said: "Don't chase them, they can't run away anyway."

Looking at the pirates in the distance, Chu Jiuge drew his bow and shot an arrow!

"Hush!" A sharp arrow flew out over the sea.

"Hurry up and dodge!"

Even if found, it is still useless.

Chu Jiuge has already calculated the speed, which is definitely not a speed they can avoid.

"Bang bang bang!" A few more fell down.

"Hurry up, the boat goes faster."

"Boss! That sharpshooter is a woman? When did the Sou Pirates have a woman?"

"Escape is important!"

Chu Jiuge asked them to run, anyway, as long as they were dealt with within the shooting range, it would be fine, so they shot arrows in a leisurely manner.

"Boo! Hah! Hah!"

The first time they saw Chu Jiuge's magical swordsmanship by Chu Jiuge's side, they were all so shocked that they couldn't speak. Where did this evildoer come from?
"Boom!" Chu Jiuge aimed his last arrow at the head of the opponent's team.

The head of the group felt stared at by a pair of terrifying eyes, and he knew he couldn't escape.

He raised his hand and said, "I surrender, speak up if you have something to say, I was wrong! Don't shoot the arrow!"

"Your brothers have been hit by arrows, and you can't be special! So, go and accompany them!" Chu Jiuge said.

"Hoo!" Another arrow flew out.

"Boom!" Hit, even if the opponent has tried his best to dodge, there is still no mistake at such a long distance.

Chu Jiuge put away his bow and arrow, clapped his hands and said: "It's done, those guys will be left to you to deal with. Make sure they are obedient."

"Yes!" This fate was exactly the same as that of them before.

Looking at these neighbors who have been with them for several years, they really feel sorry for each other!

In the end, the guys from the other mercenary regiments were convinced, and if they refused, they would be beaten.

Next, they couldn't stop Chu Jiuge's determination to fight everywhere, and all kinds of small fish and shrimps around them were quickly swallowed up.

Just take them down purely by force, they won't be so obedient.

However, their new boss is super rich, and they don't need to risk robbery with her.

Chu Jiu naturally has the funds to raise a pirate group. She said: "Go to this sea area to find things and inquire about news. If there are any clues, you will have good things by then. There are also pills to improve strength."

The elixir is the one that can stimulate their fighting spirit the most, because Chu Jiuge took out some elixirs before, allowing Suowu to advance directly.

"Don't worry, boss, we will do well!"

Now the number of their entire pirate group is extremely large, and they don't like some small shrimps at all, so they went to see Xiaoyu, which is a first-class pirate group.

Suo Wu was a little apprehensive, and said: "Boss! It would be too dangerous to move them now if we don't wait for our cultivation to be better."

After all, they don't even have a Guiyuan Realm ninth level at the best level here, so how can they fight against them?

"If you can't beat Hei Yan and Xiao Jin, you just have to give me the fight."


Thinking of those two powerful monsters that can set fire, he immediately became confident.

As soon as the leader of this third-rate pirate group appeared on the stage, Chu Jiuge killed him with one arrow.


"You rubbish, you actually secretly hurt our leader, brothers! Kill them for me."

"It's just a group of mobs, but they dare to attack us, it's really against the sky! Come on!"

There was a sound of fighting in the sea, and they really didn't have top Guiyuan Realm masters on their side, and the disadvantage was obvious.

Chu Jiuge said: "Hei Yan, Xiao Jin, come on!"


On the vast sea, two black and golden flames burst out suddenly, and the opponent's Alchemy Realm master couldn't stand it at all.

"What a powerful monster!"

"too strong!"

As for Chu Jiuge, he naturally continued to practice archery. There are many moving targets in the sea.

"we won!"

"Ahh! We won."

After winning, they cheered to the sea.

The third-rate pirate group may have been a height that they could never reach in their entire lives. Now they have been with the new boss for a few days, and they actually took down the third-rate pirate group.

"It's up to you to kill or cut!" The pirates of the third-rate pirate group were quite stubborn.

"Don't worry! We won't kill you! We just want you to join our pirate group."

Chu Jiuge's unscrupulous annexation method is indeed tyrannical, when they continue to start the road to annex the third-rate pirate group.

"Boss! There seem to be two pirate groups fighting over there."

"No! Those guys didn't move at all, it was the boy who moved."

A young man who looked like a flame was wielding a huge ax that didn't match his figure at all.

His domineering slash was unstoppable, and a group of pirates were blown away in an instant.

"You are not my opponents, submit to me obediently, or wait for your head to fall!" the young man said arrogantly.

Even if there is still a distance, Chu Jiuge is enough to see the opponent's appearance clearly.

That's an appearance that is completely different from his iron-blooded and fierce personality. His face is as cute as a doll, and it makes people want to pinch it.

He swept away the entire third-rate forces by himself, and finally said, "It's really vulnerable!"

"Pfft!" They were so angry that they would vomit blood, obviously they would lose because of this guy's unbelievable toughness, okay?
"Boss, should we continue to fight? That boy is a bit dangerous, or we won't fight him." Suo Wu said.

"If you don't do it, I'll do it!"

Chu Jiuge pulled the bowstring, and in an instant an arrow shot out through the air.

The young man in red dodged slightly to avoid the arrow.

Those big ruby-like eyes looked in Chu Jiuge's direction.

"Again! You can't hit me like this!"

"Shhhhhhh!" Chu Jiuge fired three arrows in a row, followed by another, with an extremely short interval.

Even so, the boy dodged easily.

It was the first time for Suowu to see such a hard-hitting boss, "Boss, why don't we withdraw!"

"No! Try this." Chu Jiuge took out the Emperor Demon Bow.

In the next instant, the dark red sword tore through the void and flew towards the boy in red.

Shocked expressions appeared on everyone's faces, and they shot arrows so quickly.

The subordinates on the boy's side were also anxious, "Boss!"

The boy had been dodging before, but this time he seemed to have turned into a statue, standing there motionless.

Ruby-like pupils stared in the direction of Chu Jiuge shining brightly, "I'm so cute, how could anyone be willing to kill me?"

(End of this chapter)

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