Chapter 637
At this moment, Zhang Lang wanted to find a hole in the ground to get in, but the Pirate King announced: "In the battle between the east and the south, the southern pirate group will win?"

"What?" The other two expressed shock.

"Next is the battle between the south and the east, and the place of the battle is just ahead. Once this stick of incense is burned, it will begin!"

It was a sea area not far from here, where they could see the battle situation clearly.

Before the head of the Northern Pirates had time to inquire about information, the battle was about to start.

Zhang Lang also looked shocked, and finally told him four words, "Quick battle!"

They all wondered if there was a ship of elixir in the southern waters. Even if the northern part was strong in a war of attrition, it would be bad luck if it dragged on for a long time.

"Quick battle, of course I understand this. If you say it, you don't say it! If you don't want to tell me, let it be. I don't think I will lose."

A stick of incense burns out in an instant, and this time is different from the last time.

There is no need for an ambush, and the battle will start as soon as they pass, head-to-head, and strong collision.

"I'm not mistaken about being the team leader at the fourth level of the alchemy realm, right?" Chu Jiuge's strength shocked many people who didn't know it.

"Aren't their brains broken? The group leader must be a capable person, and let a person who is in the alchemy state be the group leader."

The guys from the Southern Pirates sneered, and those who underestimated the boss would have no good end.

Zhang Lang looked at those proud northern pirates with a cold face, you still haven't understood the horror of this little girl!

Her arrows are the strongest foolishness of the captain of the southern pirates.

Wan Tong perishes!

The power of ice and snow!

Fall of the Wind!
Chu Jiuge used the power of his eyes from the beginning, and the Pirate King paid special attention to Qi Tian and Chu Jiuge.

"It's no wonder the lord admires that little girl's eyes. She has practiced such a powerful pupil technique, and with the strength of the alchemy realm, she can leapfrog an opponent who is much stronger than her."

Luo Liang said: "No! It's not just the pupil technique, I feel that those eyes have more power. It would be great if these eyes could be mine."

"Okay! Then I'll look at her, don't let this little girl be killed. It's not easy for adults to meet a pair of eyes." The pirate emperor said.

When Tiantian's battle with those masters of the Xuanxu Realm reached a fierce stage, Chu Jiuge disappeared.

"What about people?"

"The little girl is missing?"

The Pirate King was also a little surprised, "That side is too chaotic, even I can't find that little girl."

"At such a long distance, the smell of blood is also very strong, and I can't smell her smell. But she is hiding, definitely not because she is timid, but because she has other plans. When she makes a move, you will know where she is hiding? "Luo Liang said.

When the dark red long sword appeared, Zhang Lang was startled.

This arrow is shot, who will be the unlucky one?

That was indeed an unlucky guy. He was shot and the other party didn't have a partner like Zhang Lang, so he could only watch himself turn into a mummy.

"It's terrible! What's going on?" The pirates who didn't know the power of the arrow were shocked by this situation.

"That little girl is hiding there, as well as that arrow and that bow, they don't look like ordinary things!"

"It's not easy! It's similar to a rumor I've heard, but it shouldn't be possible." Luo Liang said.

The Ling family's Blood Arrow also has the same effect.

However, only the Demon Emperor Bow can shoot bloody arrows, and the Demon Emperor Bow has disappeared from this world.

Even if it doesn't disappear, no one can control the Emperor Demon Bow.

Chu Jiuge's arrow made the pirates in the entire northern pirate group feel terrified.

"Everyone is competing, and we will all be our own people in the future. It's too cruel to make people die so miserably!" said the head of the northern group.

Chu Jiuge said: "Oh! That's good! After that, I'll just shoot my arms and legs. As long as I cut them off, I can barely survive, but I will become disabled."

It would be miserable to become disabled!

His face darkened, and he said: "Over there! Come on, take down the person first, and don't let her continue to shoot arrows no matter what."


Those arrows are indeed dangerous, but as long as the shooter is not around, they will not be able to threaten them.

When those people rushed towards the direction where Chu Jiuge's voice came from, she had already disappeared.

Even if someone finds her, she still has Xiao Jin and Hei Yan working together to clear the way.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Two very good monsters, everything this little girl possesses is definitely not the strength that an ordinary Alchemy Realm should have! And the two of them are not like pirates at all, but more like a young lady from an aristocratic family." Pirate Tuan Road.

"Could it be that the ladies and young masters are used to living a good life and want to come to the sea to find excitement, but I really don't understand them." The Pirate King muttered,

"That's not necessarily true. Maybe it has another purpose like me! Even so, this sea must be in our hands, and no one can take it away from the north." Luo Liang said.

"Naturally! They are powerful, but they are far behind our people. Any one of them can crush them to death, and there will be no trouble." The Pirate King said with great confidence.

The group battle was extremely exhausting, and Chu Jiuge also told her people not to be head-on.

Consumption is the main focus, attack is secondary, and the opponent has exhausted a lot of strength.

"Crazy! So many pills."

I don't know that there are many pills, and the effect of the pills is much faster than them.

"Quick battle, we can't continue wasting time with them."

The more they wanted to end it sooner, the longer Chu Jiuge's pirate group delayed the time, making them exhausted in the end.

"Hoo!" A sharp dark red arrow roared out, injuring the head of the northern pirate group.

The wound was not deep, and he cut open the wound directly, saving his own life.

It was his luck that he got his life back this time, if he was not so lucky next time, he would become a mummy.

Under the gaze of such a pair of eyes, he had a feeling that he couldn't escape or avoid it.

He said: "Stop everything, we lost."

Some of his subordinates can hardly accept this fact, but there is really no way, and their chances of winning if they continue to fight are not great.

Their opponents are too black and bully.

This battle is over, and Chu Jiuge and the others won miserably.

Chu Jiuge put away the Emperor Demon Bow. In fact, she has very little soul power left, and she can't shoot another arrow at all.

If the other party continues to fight with the dead shoulder, she will also be in a dangerous situation.

Such a result is jaw-dropping, the victors turned out to be those pirate regiments in the south.

"My lord!" said the king of pirates.

"They are definitely not simple. With so many pills, even we may not be able to get them out." Luo Liang said.

(End of this chapter)

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