Chapter 649 Let him out
Rong Yuan lightly raised his hand, completely annihilating these storms, not even a single hair of him was hurt.

"You..." The old monster Chibi looked at Rong Yuan with dull eyes.

"Jiu'er, isn't he going to open the mechanism? You open it and let him come out, he is too weak now, it's boring!" Rong Yuan stared at the old monster coldly.

He will not let go of Jiu'er who dares to plot against his family, or hurt his Jiu'er, and must be dealt with severely.

The old monster was stunned at this moment. He threatened them to let him go, but they didn't let him go.

It's a good thing now, and she even took the initiative to let him go.

But he wasn't happy at all.

Chu Jiuge nodded and said, "Okay!"

Since Rong Yaoxie said so, then he must be sure to deal with this old guy severely, and release him as soon as he is released.

It is not difficult for Chu Jiuge to open this organ!
"Click! Boom!" The organ slowly opened.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the iron box fell and opened from all sides.

"Jiu'er, go out with that kid for a while, so that you won't be affected." Rong Yuan said.

"Okay! Tiantian, let's go! Rong Yaoxie, be careful." Chu Jiuge said.

"I don't pay attention to an old waste that has been trapped here for a thousand years."

"Stinky boy, who are you calling an old waste!" This old monster has already fallen into a state of rampage at this time.

When Chu Jiuge and the others left, Rong Yuan also fought back.

That frightening coercion made the old monster froze, and he didn't believe in this evil.

"Bang bang bang!" The old monster was completely suppressed by Rong Yuan, and his body was blown out like a rag.

Rong Yuan shot again lightly, "Bang bang bang!", the old monster was injured again.

This white-clothed man's every move is like a god on high.

Staring at him and despising him, the eyes of the old monster turned red.

Has he been trapped here for too long and hasn't had contact with the outside world for a long time?Why is this kid so strong?

Within ten strokes, he was cornered.

"Boy, you didn't know where I was when I was running across the endless continent? Don't think that you can kill me because you have a little ability? Let me tell you, it's impossible!"

The spiritual energy around him boiled, and at the cost of burning his own soul, he unleashed an extremely violent attack.

"Boom!" The terrifying force wanted to smash that space into pieces.

The old monster gritted his teeth secretly. He didn't believe that his strength had increased several times, and he still couldn't kill this kid.

Such a big movement came out, even if Chu Jiuge was far away from Tiantian, he felt that the violent power was extremely dangerous.

"That guy is really going to be all right! He shouldn't be too embarrassing, that old guy will be better off in a cage." He felt that Rong Yuan was just showing off his strength in front of his ninth sister and him, and with Peacock Show screen is a reason.

But it would be embarrassing if the old monster ran away by doing so.

"You'll be fine with the monster," Chu Jiuge said.

Liuliu asked: "Jiumei, can I ask you for his beauty, what do you like about that guy?"

"I like the monstrous face! It's so pretty!" Chu Jiuge laughed.

I was stunned every day, my face!Face!That guy was wearing a mask all the time, so he never had a chance to meet him!

"I'm pretty too!" Qi Tian said.

"Tian Tian looks so cute!"

Good-looking is not the same as being cute. Ninth Sister likes good-looking things, and she is depressed every day.

"Boom!" There was another loud noise, and the old monster flew out with blood dripping all over his body.

Cracks have appeared in his soul, and he can no longer sink.

All kinds of bottom cards were used, but it was still useless against this kid.

His face turned gray, and he stared at Rong Yuan unwillingly, his body trembling uncontrollably.

This is simply a monster!

Rong Yuan patted the dust off his body and walked out.

He looked at Chu Jiuge standing in front of him and said, "Jiu'er, it has been resolved. That guy is still breathing, I wonder if you are still useful?"

"Then go and have a look!" Chu Jiuge said.

"Cough, cough, cough!" When he went, the old guy was coughing up blood without listening.

Chu Jiuge could clearly see that his internal organs had been shattered, and Rong Yaoxie said that he had left him a breath, so he didn't hold back two breaths.

The old monster said hoarsely: "I didn't expect that the old man's first name would capsize you in the gutter. You little bastards are so cruel!"

"You were the one who calculated first, and we are just retaliation. Tell me! What is your origin!" Chu Jiuge said.

"I am the Supreme Elder of the Wuyatian Temple. I came here to deal with the Pirate King. Although I solved him, I didn't expect that before he died, he would try his best to create a trap to trap me. This place has been here for thousands of years. If you let me go, when I return to Wuyatian Temple, I will definitely let Wuyatian Temple treat you well. This time I will never lie, I can swear, I can make a blood letter, I can... "

As long as he can survive, he intends to give up all dignity.

With such an identity, they should take action, because they believe that even after a thousand years, the Temple of the Endless Heaven is definitely still the strongest force in this endless continent.

As a result, after he finished speaking, he found that they were looking at him with strange eyes, and Chu Jiuge did not expect that he would meet someone from Wu Ya Tian Temple by such a coincidence.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

Qi Tian said with a grin: "Tell you! The Temple of Wu Ya Tian has long since ceased to exist, so it's useless even if you put on this identity. Who would sell an account of a power that has been wiped out."

"Impossible! You lied to me, so I won't believe you." The old monster said.

"Why is it impossible? As a member of the Wuyatian Temple, you also know how arrogant the Wuyatian Temple is, and how many forces he has destroyed for his own benefit. They are only allowed to attack others. If others attack him, they will be punished by the holy guards." Hunt down! And they hunted down a person they couldn't afford to offend not long ago, so they were kicked by their family members. The Wuyatian Temple has already disappeared in the Endless Continent without any trace." Qi Tian's mouth corner A mocking smile evoked.

He said this obviously to retaliate against the old monster who had almost killed him before, and not all of Liuliu was lying.

Because he is certain that this will be something that will happen in the future.

Wu Ya Tian Sacred Palace dares to chase and kill Nine Sisters, their Nine Heavens Auction, Immortal Nine Clans will definitely deal with them severely.

The old monster was deceived by Liuliu's words, and felt that his life was gloomy, so he tried his best to grab the straw to save his life.

"That treasure! I can tell you the secret of that treasure, don't kill me."

(End of this chapter)

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