Chapter 651 Unable to break through
"Click!" The token was inlaid into the fixed position.

Chu Jiuge released her soul power, and her consciousness appeared above the steel city.

Overlooking everything in the city, you can manipulate the things inside as you like.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Chu Jiuge couldn't repair the mechanism she had destroyed before, and then gave an order to a puppet to collect garbage.

"Ahhh!" The so-called trash was naturally Luo Liang who was locked in a cage.

The guy was blocking the view, and he screamed when he saw a gigantic golem approaching.

Chu Jiuge said: "Throw it into the dungeon."

The puppet took Luo Liang away and entered the dungeon here, Luo Liang would never even think about getting out in this life.

"Let's go! See how the others are doing?" Chu Jiuge said.

"it is good!"

There are many treasures in the main city, but there are also many good things on other islands, and they have gained a lot.

"Boss, the King of Pirates." They saluted respectfully when they were summoned.

"This is the treasure we got, and we selected a batch of the best ones for the three of you."

They are extremely grateful to the boss and the others. If they hadn't discovered this relic, they probably wouldn't have gotten such a good thing.

Chu Jiuge said: "No need, I have brought you here because I have something important to tell you, come with me!"


When they saw the steel city, they were really amazed.

"My God! There is such a city in this world!"

"It's spectacular, it's amazing."


Chu Jiuge has changed the enemy defense mode to a regular residence mode, so everyone will not touch the mechanism at will.

She said: "This was created by the Emperor of the Sea, and now I am the owner of this place. He always hoped to give the pirates a fixed and safe residence, and he did it. It's a pity that he left before his men moved in." It's his regret! I want you to move in and make up for his regret."

"Are you agreeing?" She didn't overbearingly decide on her own, she still listened to their opinions.

"Yes! Of course I agree. How could you refuse such a good thing?"

"This is the city created by the Emperor of the Sea! Would you like it?"


They are very excited.

"That's good, let's start the distribution! Everyone in the southern pirate group can choose to live on the island or in the city. For the other pirate groups, you can choose an island to live in." Chu Jiuge said.

This made other members of the pirate group jealous of the south, how lucky they were to be the first to embrace such thighs, but being able to live on the island is also a very happy thing.

Now that he has commanded the entire northern pirate group, he must handle things well.

After finding a safe place to live, the next step is the strategic issue of the pirate group.

"What? We won't mainly do robbery in the future? King of Pirates, I know you have money, but we can't eat for nothing."

"That's right! It's not easy to support such a large group of people like us."

"Although I have gained a lot this time, if I don't work, there will be a day when a mountain will be empty."

Qitian said: "If you don't let you mainly do this, it means that you have to choose to rob merchant ships in the future."

"First, the boat in the Nine-day Auction House must not move."

"Second, you can only rob the merchant ships of those profiteers and black-hearted guys. Ordinary civilians or conscientious merchants don't move, you know?"

"Yes!" they replied in unison.

"Secondly, you have all united into the largest pirate group in the endless continent. Naturally, you will develop to a wider sea. We can continue to swallow the pirates in the east and other sea areas."

Suowu was taken aback for a moment, it turned out that the two wanted to continue to annex other pirate groups.

Chu Jiuge said: "After the expansion, you can go to any corner of the endless continent and sea. If you know the sea, you only need to find some secret places and the like, and you can eat it for ten years once you open it."

"Even if you don't find the secret realm, you can go to the various islands to collect some elixir. Many elixir at sea are hard to find on land, and the price is not cheap!"

This is undoubtedly to bring them back to the right path, so that they can live a good life, and they don't want to become desperadoes.

"Do you have any opinions?" Chu Jiuge asked.

"All follow the orders of the city lord and His Majesty." They said respectfully.

These two adults not only commanded all the pirates in the entire Northern Territory, but also planned an unprecedented bright future for them.

In addition to dominating the sea area of ​​the entire endless continent, they can live a life that is countless times more comfortable than before.

The corners of Chu Jiuge's mouth raised slightly. The power of the sea, the resources of the sea, and the Wuya Temple may be dismissive, but she is not polite to control it.

Di, the immortal magic box of the seventh family fell into the sea, and maybe the immortal magic box of the first family of the eighth family also has this possibility.

So the forces that she can control are all over the sea, and maybe she will find something.

Even if there is no magic box of immortality in this sea, it can still find a lot of elixir for her.

Next, a set of rules has to be worked out, it's okay for Qi Tian to feel a headache.

"For this kind of thing, it's better to pass the news to Yiyi, he is better at this. I also asked Uncle Jiu, how did sister Jiu advance to the seventh level?"

Chu Jiuge has been staying in the City Lord's Mansion, but the exit has been opened.

As the master of this holy place, they can come and go here at will.

Because everyone has been tainted with the breath of this holy land and has been recognized by it.

Many pirates have already gone out to perform missions, and each of them is full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm for a wonderful new life.

One by one, the work efficiency is extremely fast, and a series of rules and regulations are listed.

According to the major achievements, points can be exchanged. As long as a few points are enough, other pirates from all parties are eligible to settle in the city.

Also because of this system, the pirates of other parties are extremely desperate, busy annexing the eastern waters.

A group of pirates in the eastern sea area was quickly annexed, and when they learned who their boss was, they almost fainted and starved.

"" Isn't this the little girl they robbed in the Eastern Region back then?Just give him an arrow d1, it's over!
Chu Jiu remembered who he was, and said: "I don't care about what happened in the past, anyway, I was not the one who was unlucky at that time! I will work hard with your captain in the future, just don't have second thoughts."

"Yes yes yes! Definitely, there are still a lot of city lords." He hurriedly replied.

Uncle Jiu was slightly taken aback after receiving Chu Jiuge's letter. Xiao Jiu was in trouble in his cultivation.

The seventh level, why is it impossible to break through the seventh level when the foundation is very solid?
He didn't want Xiao Jiu to be distressed, so he thought desperately, grabbed some broken memories, and finally thought of it.

"So it is."

(End of this chapter)

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