Chapter 668 Dominate the Northern Territory
"That's what the boss said!" They laughed.

"The good show is almost over, let's settle it quickly, I have to hurry." Chu Jiuge said to them.

"Okay! Let's make a quick decision immediately."

The faces of these fakes were pale, and a good pirate leader actually mixed with the young city lord of Tianshu City.

And they dare to rob others!It was just plain bad luck.

"Girl, my lord, auntie! Help! We know we are wrong, please forgive me!" they shouted.

"I want to throw me into the sea to feed the fish, do you think I will let you go?" Chu Jiuge said flatly.

"These rubbish are so audacious that they dare to say this to the boss."

"If you don't deal with you severely, I'm afraid you don't know who is in charge of the northern sea."

The pirates dealt with this person who dared to offend their boss, and one pirate took the opportunity to run away.

"I'll go after it!"

"No need, let me do it! Just clean up here early." Chu Jiuge stood up and said.

She slowly took out a bow and arrow, and just when the man thought he could escape, she shot an arrow decisively.

"Pfft!" Chu Jiuge hit the target accurately.

"By the way, I forgot to ask if you want to stay alive?" Chu Jiuge asked.

"No, that uncle of mine is not an ordinary person. Even if I leave a witness, it's useless at all. I might as well pretend that I don't know anything and wait for the opportunity." Xie Changqing said.

So, these counterfeit goods were cleaned up.

These pirates said: "Boss, they are too much. How dare they pretend to be pirates and attack you? Do you want me to escort you?"

"No need! This sea is full of our people. If you still meet such a blind person, I will inform you. Get out!" Chu Jiuge said to them.

"Yes!" They retreated vigorously.

Everyone on the boat thought that Chu Jiuge was the young city lord's sweetheart, but now it seems that the young city lord might not be able to bear such a tough sweetheart.

"Oh! My identity is quite special. You'd better keep it a secret after you go ashore! Although my men and horses are all at sea, that doesn't mean there is no one on the shore!" Chu Jiuge swept across them and warned.

The people on the sea are naturally all pirates.

The manpower on land is from the Nine Heavens Auction House.

Xie Changqing also warned them, they are all ordinary people.

They have seen the toughness of those pirates, how dare they talk about her identity?

Then no one pretended to come to her to mess with her, and their boat quickly docked.

As soon as they landed, the steward of Tianshu City came.

He said: "Young City Master, you are finally back. The situation of the City Master is getting worse. Go and see him!"

"it is good."

"Miss Chu, there are some things at home, and the hospitality is not good. Can I arrange you in the city lord's mansion first." Xie Changqing said.

"We have a lot of guest rooms in the City Lord's Mansion, so I'm sure the girl will be satisfied." It was the first time I saw a girl with such a sign next to the Young City Lord, and the butler was also very warm to entertain her.

The butler was so distressed that his young city lord had encountered many dangers in the land of extreme ice, and he burst into tears.

The city lord is not in good health, and the deputy lord took care of him very carefully and treated him very well. Xie Changqing heard such rumors when he came back.

If he thought it was nothing before, Uncle Fu had been pursuing his mother, and he had no objection.

But thinking of the assassination on the road, no matter what, he would not let that guy take advantage of it.

"Changqing is back, and you left like this willfully. Your mother worried that your condition worsened. A place like the Extreme Ice Plain is too dangerous. You will stay in the city lord's mansion and take good care of your mother until Until your mother recovers." Fu Xuan said.

Xie Changqing recalled that the reason why he went against his mother's wishes to take risks in the Extreme Ice Field was because his good uncle kept telling him that there was a cure for his mother in the Extreme Ice Field.

And when that person was on board with those fake pirates, he had already been taken care of, and it seemed that he had already planned it.

Xie Changqing said: "Yes! It is too dangerous to go out this time. I will stay in the city and take good care of my mother in the future."

"I'm going to see my mother, Uncle Fu, go slowly." Xie Changqing walked into the room.

A furious voice came out, "Kneel down!"

Xie Changqing knelt down peacefully, and learned one thing.

"What? Mother, you want to marry Uncle Fu! No!"

"Why not? Aren't you also very satisfied with your Uncle Fu? I've already decided."

Xie Changqing knew that he had to stop his mother no matter what, he said: "If my mother marries him, I will leave Tianshu City and the Northern Territory..."

It was beyond Sihua's expectation that her son would react so strongly and resist her so fiercely.

"Hey! It seems that I can't hide it from you."

After learning about this, Xie Changqing walked out of his mother's room with a dazed expression on his face.

"Young City Master, that girl has been arranged in Nanyuan, why don't you go and see her?" the steward asked.

"Miss Chu!" Xie Changqing was slightly taken aback, and quickly walked to Nanyuan.

The butler said with a smile: "It's rare to see the Young City Lord care so much about a girl!"

At this time Chu Jiuge was drinking tea with Rong Yuan in the yard, Xie Changqing said: "Ms. Mu has saved my life, and I will never forget it. But I have one thing to ask, and I also ask Miss Chu to give the Wannian snow lotus to me." Me, can I do anything for Miss Chu?"

"I have already dominated the sea, and it seems that there is nothing for you to do?" Chu Jiuge said lightly.

"What about dominating the Northern Territory?" Xie Changqing said.

"Do you have the ability? Dare to say such a thing and prove it to me." Chu Jiuge said.

"I will!" Xie Changqing and Chu Jiuge talked about the layout of the strength of all parties in the Northern Territory, the situation...

This made Rong Yuan on the side very upset, he hugged Chu Jiuge tightly, full of possessiveness.

I have to say that Xie Changqing has a very good mind. If he was placed in an ancient dynasty, he would definitely become an outstanding politician.

After she finished talking, Chu Jiuge said: "Actually, I'm not interested in the Northern Territory, but I'm a pharmacist, let me save people! Pay me?"

"What?" Xie Changqing was dumbfounded.

After finally being able to calmly accept Miss Chu's identity as the overlord of the sea, she turned out to be a pharmacist?
A pharmacist going to be a pirate?
"What? Don't believe me?" Chu Jiuge raised his eyebrows.

"Then please leave it to Miss Chu." Xie Changqing said respectfully.

His son was hit hard, left sadly, and came back with a beautiful girl in her teens.

She said: "What's the matter? Not bad! Want to find a wife before your mother dies?"

(End of this chapter)

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