Chapter 671 The Rampant Thief
After all, he had inquired about it, and that kid Xie Changqing liked this little girl very much.

A lot of treasures were brought out from the treasure house and given to her without blinking an eye.

You must know that Tianshu City is not rich in the first place, and he still spends so much, which shows that this woman is very important to him.

With a flash of Fu Xuan's figure, he captured Chu Jiuge in an instant, and Chu Jiuge was taken as a hostage in this way.

He took Chu Jiuge and retreated out of the city, when Si Hua and Xie Changqing chased after him.

Sihua said, "Damn it! Fu Xuan, you let go of Miss Chu, took a little girl hostage and tried to escape, what kind of a hero are you?"

"Miss Chu!" Xie Changqing calmed down quite a bit, Fu Xuan took Miss Chu as a hostage because of how much he couldn't think about it?

Fu Xuan said: "Sihua, this little girl is your son's sweetheart! If you are dissatisfied and don't want her to die, then find me a mount and give up chasing and killing me."

As a hostage, Chu Jiuge's expression was extremely calm. She looked at Xie Changqing and said, "It seems that you have succeeded."

Xie Changqing said: "A small trick was used to get Fu Xuan hooked, and now he is at the end of his rope, dying. But I'm really sorry for letting Miss Chu get involved in such a troublesome matter."

"You brat!" Seeing her son's calm expression, Si Hua felt a little bit resentful!

The little girl was kidnapped and her life was in danger, but he didn't worry about it. It's not unreasonable to be single for so many years.

Hearing that Xie Changqing said that he was defeated, Fu Xuan clenched his sword tightly and said, "I don't have much patience whether you agree or not, be careful that this little girl's head falls to the ground!"

"The head fell to the ground! Are you talking about you?" Chu Jiuge's cold voice came out.

"I hate it when someone puts a knife on my neck."


Fu Xuan wanted to do it, but he felt unable to move his whole body.

Immediately afterwards, with him and Chu Jiuge as the center, a gust of wind suddenly enveloped them.

"Ah!" Fu Xuan screamed, but Chu Jiuge floated out as if nothing happened.

After the gust of wind dissipated, Fu Xuan fell to the ground covered in blood.

He stared at Chu Jiuge with wide eyes and said, ""

She was obviously a young girl, yet she had such strange strength, she easily broke free from his grasp.

"What am I?" Chu Jiuge used Wan Tong to die, causing his soul to be torn apart bit by bit.

The power of ice and snow erupted, not only the soul was frozen, but the whole body was also frozen by the ice.

It is absolutely impossible for such a person to be held hostage by him, he was fooled.

"You lied to me! You..."

"Seeing that you want to hold me hostage, I'm very cooperative! I've already cooperated with you so much, why are you so angry?"

"Pfft!" Fu Xuan was so angry that he vomited blood and passed out.

Everyone also looked at Chu Jiuge dumbfounded, this girl is so fierce!
The city lord was also very surprised, and said: "No wonder you are not worried about Miss Chu, Miss Chu has such abilities?"

Xie Changqing said: "I just said, Miss Chu is my savior. I can come back from the land of extreme ice, thanks to Miss Mu."

"It can be seen that you have met a powerful person, and you have changed a lot these days. I am very happy."

Chu Jiuge went to the City Lord's Mansion, and wanted to ask Xie Changqing to do something.

She said: "Xie Changqing, do you know something about the other six major cities and the City Lord's Mansion."

Xie Changqing said: "Before my mother didn't let me participate in some things in Tianshu City, so I spent some time researching some things about the six major cities. To defeat the enemy, you must naturally understand him. This is some of my treatment .”

Xie Changqing brought a bunch of things here. Chu Jiuge wanted to get a general idea, but he didn't expect to have such detailed information.

It is clearly written from various personnel layouts and terrain layouts.

"This is just a clue I learned from various sources, and many of them are inaccurate." Xie Changqing said.

"It doesn't matter if it's not accurate, after all, I don't want to go head-to-head with their six major cities." Chu Jiuge said flatly.

"Then Miss Chu wants to?"

"I'm just going to get back what they took away from my Jiutian Auction. Of course! The interest is also to be claimed." A dark light flashed in Chu Jiuge's eyes.

Treat her in the same way as her own. Anyway, she hasn't started work for a long time, so she will use the six main cities of the Northern Territory.

Although the Northern Territory is a little poorer, it can still have some good things, after all, the land is vast.

"Although I don't know what Miss Chu's plan is, but if there is something useful for Xie, feel free to mention it!" Xie Changqing said.

"It's just a simple thing, I don't need you."

"Ninth sister is going to do it, that's great. It's time to teach those bastards a lesson. The things in our Jiutian auction are not so easy to get!" Qitian said extremely excitedly.

"Why are you happy? If you go, it will only delay you. I'll just accompany you." Rong Yuan said.

"I said, Your Highness the Ghost King, you are not afraid that your Nether Palace will be kicked by the Wu Ya Tian Sacred Palace."

"My Nether Temple is not that weak, your worries are unnecessary."

"Anyway, there's nothing to do at the Jiutian Auction House, let's go together! But it's good to be outside every day when I'm on the move." Chu Jiuge said.

When Chu Jiuge set off to fight the six major cities in the Northern Territory, Sheng Baichen, who was unconscious in the Wuyatian Temple, finally woke up.

"You have lost another double doll, and the Holy Spirit power I gave you. The little girl protected by the ghost king and the Nine Heavens Auction House is really extraordinary." Sheng Wuya said.

"Is Chu Jiuge dead?" Sheng Baichen asked.

"Under my strength, no one in this world can stop it except the ghost king. And there was an avalanche at that time, do you think she can still live?" Sheng Wuya said.

"That little girl must be dead, now you can let go of your knots and practice hard! Those little bastards in the Nine Heavens Auction are not simple masters, you, as my holy son of Wuyatian , can't lose to them." Sheng Wuya said.

"No! I can't rest assured until I'm sure she's dead. After all, I haven't seen her dead body with my own eyes." Sheng Baichen said stubbornly.

"Useless things are so deeply influenced by a little girl. Take the array, and I will search for the life-seeking holy light myself. If the life-seeking holy light disappears, you should rest assured!" Sheng Wuya said.

"Thank you father!" Sheng Baichen said.

Sheng Wuya never expected that after opening the formation disk, the reaction of the formation disk would be huge, pointing to the direction of the Northern Territory!
"That little girl is not dead! How is this possible?" Sheng Wuya said in disbelief.

"She didn't die! She didn't die!" Sheng Baichen's face became more and more gloomy, and his demons became more and more serious.

(End of this chapter)

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