Chapter 678 Return to the Southern Region
Holding the sword, Chu Xuanyue provoked the icy sword flower to kill these people.

After her daughter left home, besides dealing with some matters of the Chu family, she took the time to cultivate, and her current cultivation level is not bad.

"Bang bang bang!"

The two sides fought fiercely, and the cultivation level of the Southern Region itself was much worse than that of the Western Region.

Even with the help of people from the Nine Heavens Auction House, they are still at a disadvantage.

However, Chu Jinzhi's insane vigor gave them a headache. What's going on with this kid?


At this moment, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly came out.

An arrow shot straight through the throat of a man in black.

"Boom!" The man fell to the ground, not only dead, but immediately turned into a mummy.

They were shocked, they were members of the evil sect, and they knew all kinds of evil sects very well, but they had never seen such a strange scene.

A fiery red figure flew over, and when they saw the girl's face clearly, Chu Jinzhi and Chu Xuanyue showed ecstasy on their faces.

The girl held a dark purple bow in her hand, and it was obvious that she was the one who shot the arrow.

"Who are you?" they asked.

Chu Jiuge said: "Those who killed you!"

"Mother, Uncle Qi, you have been fighting for so long, and you have consumed a lot of spiritual power. You just need to rest now! Leave it to me here." After finishing speaking, Chu Jiuge handed over to mother a few minutes Bottle of elixir.

Before leaving, compared with now, her alchemy technique has also improved a lot, and the effect of the elixir is better than before.

"What a big tone!" These men in black were extremely angry.

Chu Jinzhi and Chu Xuanyue believed her, and if she hadn't been absolutely sure, she would not have said this.

Several black figures rushed towards Chu Jiuge, who avoided him like a ghost.

They said: "Five levels of alchemy realm."

"It's just an alchemy realm!"

I thought this girl was so far away, but I didn't expect it to be just a master who spoke wild words.

Chu Jiuge glanced at him with dark eyes and said, "What's wrong with the alchemy realm? It's still easy for the alchemy realm to kill you."

Ten thousand pupils perishing cast!

With just one glance, someone's consciousness was robbed by the powerful pupil power, their souls were torn apart, and they were unable to attack Chu Jiuge.

"Tongshu, little girl, you are looking for death!" Some other companions rushed towards Chu Jiuge.

Suddenly, countless ice arrows appeared out of thin air, piercing through their bodies in an instant.

"Puff puff!"


A hurricane appeared, and they stared at the hurricane devouring them.

"Ahhh!" There was a shrill scream.

Others also looked at Chu Jiuge in surprise, Miss Jiu is really getting more and more perverted.

These guys who have been dealing with them for so long, Miss Jiu didn't even need to do anything, just glanced at them lightly, and they fell down completely.

Chu Jiuge said: "The dead ones, clean them out! The living ones, put them in the sky prison, anyway, they are abolished."


The demon cult members were killed and wounded, and were taken away by the people of the palace.

Chu Jiuge hugged his mother and said, "Mother, I'm back, and I made you worry."

Holding her daughter in her arms, Chu Xuanyue had the real feeling that her Ge'er had returned.

Her voice became hoarse, and she shouted, "Ge'er..."

Chu Jinzhi smiled gently, patted Chu Jiuge on the shoulder and said, "Jiu'er is fine."

At this time, a boy's voice came, "These guys are too impatient to be beaten! You can't let my young master perform well in front of Ninth Aunt, I hate it!"

The one who came in was an extremely cute boy, and his appearance was definitely very flattering.

However, Chu Jinzhi frowned and disliked this guy very much.

Because this kid reminded him of that man Jiu Cangqiong.

Chu Jiuge still has a lot to say to his mother after being away from home for so long, so the mother and daughter went home and talked slowly.

Tiantian wanted to live in Chu's house, but Chu Jinzhi, who was disliked, rushed to the Jiutian Auction, "The seventh young master has no place to live?"

Chu Xuanyue was extremely happy about her daughter's progress and growth, and also worried about the danger she encountered.

"Sister, you have occupied Ge'er for three days, can you give me some time as an uncle?" Chu Jinzhi complained a little.

"Okay! Big sister won't argue with you anymore, Ge'er has a good talk with your seventh uncle."

There were a lot of things to talk about with Uncle Qi, and finally Chu Jiuge said, "Then what kind of evil cult in the Western Regions dared to attack Uncle Qi, I will help you destroy it."

"Ge'er is getting more and more pissed off," Chu Jinzhi said.

"Hehehe! After all, your niece is the one who dominates the sea!" Chu Jiuge laughed.

Erhuo and the others have all returned to Wuyatian, and the main force will be concentrated there, preparing for the destruction of Wuyatian Temple.

If the Endless Temple is not destroyed, they will not give up hunting her down.

After that, she brought many friends together, Xingzhou, Motong and the others.

Everyone has grown a lot, but they are still skeptical about their lives being hit by Chu Jiuge's evildoers.

Tian Tian was originally a lively and cheerful person, so he naturally blended into them.

They were excited even for a brief reunion.
The underground martial arts hall in the domain, the adventures in the sea, the land of extreme ice, etc...

They made up their minds that after their strength improved a bit, they must go and have a look.

"Ge'er, you're leaving again." Chu Xuanyue asked.

Chu Jiuge has been back for more than a month, but Chu Xuanyue feels that the time with her daughter is fleeting, and she is reluctant to leave her.

"I have a clue to what I'm looking for, and I have to go out, so I really have to go! Although I'm also very reluctant to part with my mother." Chu Jiuge said.

One by one, news came that the Immortal Box of the Eighth Clan was in the hands of Fan Yintian, the number one speaker in the Western Regions.

The entire Western Regions is ruled by a great religion, that is Fanyin Heaven, and its status is extremely respected.

Except for those evil cults who occasionally come out to act as demons, the Western Regions have always been very peaceful.

Fan Yintian's Immortal Magic Box is so precious that it can't be found at the Jiutian Auction.

The reason why it was found this time was because the Immortal Box was stolen.

The person who stole the Immortal Box was the very famous Thief King in the Endless Continent.

The King of Pirates seemed to be ten years earlier than the number one thief, and he was also a very difficult master who came and went without a trace.

He is mainly active in Wuyatian, because Wuyatian has a lot of money and treasures.

Fan Yintian couldn't find any trace of that guy, and finally thought of a way to fight poison with poison.

Fan Yintian decided to entrust the number one thief to catch the thief king.

They also knew that the first thief had some connection with the Nine Heavens Auction House, so they approached the Nine Heavens Auction House.

One by one, he agreed at the time and made a request.

If the King of Thieves is caught, the number one thief will take what he stole.

(End of this chapter)

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