Chapter 712 Fragment Stolen
Chu Jiuge is really angry!She just came over to step on the spot, but she didn't expect to meet the No. [-] Yaomen and the Rong family colluding, planning to renege on the debt.

The Rong family is also one who cannot afford to lose.

"Okay, then we'll give you three days for now." The Rong family left.

The head of the Bai family said in a low voice: "Chu Jiuge can't blame me. This was originally intended for the Rong family, but you got in without knowing how to measure it. I can't afford to offend the eight great saints in ancient times!"

"And they threatened me with my son. I can't lose my son. It's just a piece of broken iron. It only falls into the hands of the Eight Great Saints. Why do you fight with them? Even if you win, the Eight Great Saints will never let it go You, I am thinking of you too."

He murmured to himself, and finally felt that he was right, and even became Chu Jiuge's real benefactor.

Chu Jiuge sneered, "Hypocritical old man."

"What I want, you have to give it if you don't."

Chu Jiuge left in an instant, no one noticed, it was not time to do it tonight.

In the next two days, Chu Jiuge asked the disciples of the No. [-] Medicine Sect to take her around.

Especially to visit some medicine fields, she is very interested.

The head of the white family said: "Miss Chu, if you like the elixir of our No. [-] medicine school, you can pick whatever you like? After all, you are my son's lifesaver."

Chu Jiuge said: "No need, getting the fragments of the Star Chaos Cauldron is already the best reward for this treatment."

The master of Baimen sent the elixir with the intention of making up for it, but Chu Jiuge didn't want this benefit in front of him.

"I don't care about taking some elixir."

"Actually, I don't lack any elixir, so let's forget it!"

On the third day, someone came to report: "Sect master, sect master, the young sect master has woken up."

The young sect master did wake up, and they observed for a long time, and the accident like last time did not happen.

The master of the white gate also checked carefully, and found that his son's condition had improved a lot.

Although the body is weak, it is completely different from before.

He asked, "Son, what do you think?"

The young master replied: "Father, I'm very comfortable. I think I'm fine. I'll be fine."

"That's great, I'm so happy to be my father, you take good care of your illness, I'll wait for the day when you fully recover." The head of the white gate said ecstatically.

Chu Jiuge had indeed cured the young sect master, Chu Jiuge said: "I won, Master Bai, give me the fragments of the Chaos Cauldron of Stars! And the Rong family, you can get out immediately."

The master of the white family said: "Miss Chu, I am very happy that you can cure the fifth son. But after all, it is an alchemy competition. The ninth-grade elixir refined by Master Rong is two grades higher than yours, so this time it is Rong who wins." Master, the lock piece of this Star Chaos Cauldron is also Master Rong's."

Chu Jiuge knew about this plan a long time ago, and she was not surprised at all when she saw that the master of Baimen did it so brazenly.

Erliang said: "You guys are so shameless! That's not what you said before the competition."

Wu Yue glanced coldly at the head of the White Gate and said, "You don't believe what you say."

The master of the white family said: "I was the one who made the rules unclear before. I was wrong. Everyone has seen that Master Rong has refined the ninth-grade elixir, and Miss Chu has refined the seventh-grade elixir. It is obvious who will win."

The others were silent, and it stands to reason that Chu Jiuge was better.

However, they didn't dare to offend the No. [-] Medicine Sect, let alone the Rong family and Wu Ya Tian Temple, so they pretended to be deaf and dumb.

"Look! Everyone has no opinion, so whoever has the highest grade wins." The White Gate Master laughed.

"You still want to win at such a low level, it's unrealistic." Rong Mie said proudly.

The tenth elder said: "We don't want to waste any more time, let's take it out!"

Now that the matter has come to this, Master Bai naturally wants to give away this useless hot potato, and then patiently take care of his son's health.

He took out the box containing the Star Chaos Cauldron from the space, opened the box and saw that the fragments of the Star Chaos Cauldron were gone, leaving only a note.

The head of the white gate said in astonishment: "The number one thief!"

"What? The first thief took away the fragments of the Star Chaos Cauldron."

"The number one thief has come to Wuyatian."

Since Chu Jiuge came to Wuyatian, she has been practicing in closed doors to improve her strength, so she, the number one thief, has not been active in Wuyatian yet.

The reason why she was known by people in Wuyatian was because of the Thief King.

The Thief King is a strange thief who has been rampant in Wuyatian for many years. He is very famous, almost a household name.

As the existence of the first thief who defeated the king of thieves, of course it is also widely known.

The faces of the Rong family were very bad, "What is the number one thief? I just want to ask, where are the fragments of the Star Chaos Cauldron?"

"I... I don't know either! The number one god sneaked away." Facing the anger of the Rong family, the head of the Bai family was also very flustered.

"Why don't I know if you directed and acted on your own? You are the one who is reluctant to part with the fragments of the Chaos Cauldron of the Stars. Those are the sacred objects of our Eight Great Saint Clans. How can you covet them? Hand them over!" the ten elders sternly said. road.

"I really don't know!"

"Your ring is in your hand, and the box is also there. You mean that the number one thief stole the ring without anyone noticing, and opened the restriction on your ring, took out the box, and then put the star chaotic cauldron Take away the fragments and put them back into the space. Erase all traces and return the ring to you, but you have not found anything from the beginning to the end? Do you think I will believe such a bizarre thing? You think I am stupid Is it?" Rong Mie said angrily.

The corner of Chu Jiuge's mouth twitched into a slight smile, and it had to be said that Rong Mie had guessed everything right.

That's what she did last night!

"Pfft! You are so stupid! You are ignorant and ignorant. Others can't do it. The number one thief must be able to do it." Er Liang laughed.

"That's right! The first thief's stealing skills are amazing, and it's not surprising to do this."


The master of the white gate said: "My lords in the temple can find someone to identify the handwriting. Every time the number one thief steals something, he will leave a message. As long as the handwriting is the same, we can be sure that it was the number one god who stole it, not me." Guard and steal."

"Do it immediately!" said the tenth elder.

In fact, it is.

Elder Bai had to face murderous gazes from the Rong family almost all the time, because he had lost the holy objects of their eight holy clans.

"What is the origin of this number one thief? It must be them, they must have deliberately invited the number one thief to steal our things." Rong Mie stared at Chu Jiuge and the others fiercely and said.

"I always thought that I was the one who won and the pieces were mine. Do you think it is necessary for me to be stolen?" Chu Jiuge raised his eyebrows.

"Of course, I didn't expect you to be so shameless that you won, and the fragments became yours."

(End of this chapter)

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