Chapter 817
This was the first time his son knelt down to him since he was born. Patriarch Mu was very surprised and hurriedly helped him up.

"What are you doing, kid? Get up for me, don't think that if you kneel down to me, I will agree, no way!"

Patriarch Mu sighed and said, "Hey! It's also my fault that my obsession has affected this kid too deeply."

He looked at Chu Jiuge and said, "My Mu family was once prosperous. You should also know that the Eight Great Saint Clans used to be the most powerful pharmacists and immortal doctors in the Ten Directions God Realm. They were brothers of our ancestors. However, the Eight Great Saint Clans are now in At the top of Fangshenyu, our ancestors have wanted to catch up with the Eight Great Saint Clans for generations, but the younger generations are not as good as the previous generation, and now we are reduced to the point where we are trying to survive in the gap between the three sects."

"We tried our best and tried our best but it still didn't work. We found out that if you are a genius like you, if you take him as an apprentice, maybe you will make further progress when you grow up, but we didn't expect that I am completely unqualified to be your master."

Chu Jiuge was a little surprised, he didn't expect the Mu family to have such a background.

"Stinky boy, I have learned to let go, as long as the family is good, be yourself, and have no regrets. It's really uncomfortable for me to keep comparing with families like the Eight Great Saint Clans. So you..."

"I want to become stronger, I have a family, for myself, this is what I want to do. I hope my father will help me."

"You..." Patriarch Mu wanted to pick up the broom again and beat someone up.

Chu Jiuge said: "Patriarch Mu is right, there is no need to compare yourself with anyone if you do your best. And the fact that the Eight Great Saint Clans are now superior does not mean that they will always be stable. Maybe the end will come soon?"

Their Nine Immortal Clans and the Eight Great Saint Clans have formed an endless feud!

The two fathers and sons were frightened by Chu Jiuge's words, "You... you really dare to say it, thanks to the fact that we don't have people from the Eight Great Saint Clans here, if people hear you being so disrespectful to the Eight Great Saint Clans, they probably won't say anything It's the killer."

Chu Jiuge said: "Patriarch Mu, I am indeed interested in the Three Soul Pagoda. Don't worry! As long as I can come out safely, then I will let Mu Kuang come out safely."

"Hahaha! That's great, Miracle Doctor Chu, you agreed, my father really doesn't want us to run away! His old arms and legs will definitely not be able to run away from us." Mu Kuang laughed excitedly.

"You kid, I really want to beat you to death." Patriarch Mu said furiously.

Patriarch Mu finally agreed, because of his son's stubbornness and Chu Jiuge's guarantee.

For Chu Jiuge's guarantee, Mu Patriarch felt relieved. She had lived in Mu's house for so long and knew that this genius alchemist was unusual, and her fiancé was definitely not an ordinary person.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Mu Kuang couldn't wait to go to Tianhumen.

The Mu family leader said: "Come back safely."

"Of course! Don't underestimate your son, I'm very good." Mu Kuang waved his hand.

"Please rest assured, Mu Patriarch, I, Chu Jiuge, keep my word."

Seeing this pair of father and son get along with each other, Chu Jiuge misses Uncle Jiu and his mother a little. The emperor-level pharmacist must break through quickly, and his strength must be improved as soon as possible. Let's see what good things are in the Three Soul Pagoda!
Mu Kuang came back from Mu's house, and brought with him a super beautiful woman who seemed to be a pharmacist.

Mu Kuang is handsome and talented, and he is the only direct disciple of the Seventh Elder of Tianhumen. He has a bright future, plus he is lively and cheerful, which makes female disciples like him very much.

No wonder he came back with Chu Jiuge. Many girls regarded Chu Jiuge as their rival in love, and Mu Kuang took Chu Jiuge to see their master.

The Seventh Elder of Shanhumen is a particularly indifferent person. If the suzerain hadn't said that he would have to accept an apprentice?Otherwise, Mu Kuang, an apprentice, would not accept him.

It was a very quiet and handsome uncle, who looked at Mu Kuang lightly and said: "Your father promised to let you enter the Three Soul Tower."

"Yes! Your apprentice is so powerful, no matter how old and stubborn my father is, he can't beat me."

The master is very quiet, and the apprentice is very detached, forming a great contrast.

The Seventh Elder looked at Chu Jiuge, "This is the partner you invited from the Mu family!"

"That's right! Master, isn't Jiuge very beautiful? The seniors and sisters in the door can't compare with him at all!"

When his eyes fell on Chu Jiuge's body, Chu Jiuge felt a coercion of soul power, which was much stronger than that of Patriarch Mu.

Chu Jiuge said: "My name is Chu Jiuge, and I have met the Seventh Elder."

"The partner who goes to the Three Souls Pagoda must trust each other. Because you have to give your back to each other, Mu Kuang, do you trust her?" the Seventh Elder said.

"Although my old man is very annoying! But I believe his eyesight, he is not old and dim?" Mu Kuang scratched his head and said.

"Well! I see, there is a lot of space here, take her down and have a good rest! We will be leaving in three days." The Seventh Elder said lightly.

After Mu Kuang and Chu Jiuge left, the Seventh Elder said: "Come out! You can sneak into Tianhumen quietly, you are very strong."

"If my strength is not strong, will anyone in the entire Ten Directions God Realm dare to be called strong?" A white figure flashed out, a Rong Yuan who was more perfect than a god, and a pair of crystal-like eyes.

Seeing this person, the Seventh Elder said sharply.

"Shifang God, what is there in this small place that deserves your visit?"

Rong Yuan gracefully sat down opposite him and said, "What about you? Master Wufeng, who is known as the fastest in God's Domain, actually went to Tianhumen to become an elder."

"You can't tolerate me, so I ran away. Now that you are here, do you want to arrest me?" The Seventh Elder raised his eyebrows.

"Take you back, you're so self-indulgent! I have nothing to do with you here, I'm here to relax with my fiancée, it's getting dark, I have to warm the bed for my Jiu'er! You saw me , it is best not to tell anyone, otherwise you will die very quickly." After speaking, Rong Yuan disappeared in front of the Seventh Elder.

The strength of Shifang God Venerable is still terrifying, but the fiancée!Warm the bed!Such words are definitely not what Shifang Deity said. Everything before the Seventh Elder's suspicion was an illusion.

When did the Shifang God have a fiancée?The partner that my apprentice found to enter the Tower of Three Souls turned out to be the fiancée of Shifang Shenzun, all this is too unimaginable, an illusion!Is it hallucination?

The next day, when he saw Chu Jiuge and Rong Yuan sitting at the same table for dinner, the Seventh Elder realized that it was not an illusion, and that Shifang Shenzun who had no heart and was not interested in everything was also a woman. It's unbelievable when it sinks.

This woman is naturally extraordinary, so he doesn't have to be afraid that something will happen to his stupid apprentice entering the Three Soul Pagoda.

Three days later, Mu Kuang came to Chu Jiuge early in the morning and said, "Jiu Ge, let's go!"

When they arrived at the square where the Zongmen gathered, they came quite early.

At this time, a petite girl ran over with tears in her eyes and said, "Senior Brother Mu Kuang, why? Why didn't you choose me as your partner instead and went outside to find another woman, you just saw her good-looking face ?"

(End of this chapter)

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