Chapter 829 Wind Temple
"It's ready to go, if you want to go, you have to keep up with my speed." Chu Jiuge said.

"You let me go?" Wufeng was very excited.

"The inheritance of Fengshen depends on chance, but I don't think I will lose to you with my talent and potential." Chu Jiuge laughed.

"You little girl is too shocking. You are probably the only pervert in the Shifang God Realm besides the Shifang God Venerable. Who can compare to you? I have no hope, as long as I can enter the Fengshen's ruins , I have no regrets in this life." Wufeng sighed.

"Linglingling!" Fengling made a melodious sound along the way, and Chu Jiuge quickly swept out all the way, Wufeng took a lot of effort to keep up.

What the ancestor of the Mu family said is completely different from what ordinary people understand. Chu Jiuge, Rongyuan and Wufeng almost spanned half of the Sanmen area, only to catch the wind that blows the wind chimes in an endless dark abyss. source.

"Ring ring ring!" The sound of the wind chime became clearer and louder, Chu Jiuge said: "It should be below."

"Let's go!" Chu Jiuge spread the wings of the wind and rushed down, and Rong Yuan followed leisurely.

Wufeng looked at the endless abyss and let out a deep breath. These two are also brave people with high skills, he is a little cowardly!

He also jumped down, everyone is here, what are you afraid of?
There is endless darkness in front of him, and after passing through the darkness, he can see the endless galaxy.

There is no breath of wind here, and there is no wind to suspect that they have come to the wrong place.

In the void, a silver palace was dragged and suspended in the air by the wind, as if suspended for tens of thousands of years.

Chu Jiuge and Rong Yuan are already very close to that palace, and there is only one ancient totem on the palace, which means 'wind'.

Fanaticism appeared on Wufeng's face. The door was closed tightly. He tried to push it, but it couldn't be opened.

Rong Yuan said: "I will try together with Wufeng."

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, even if a crack opened, it was closed by a strong wind.

It's all here, so naturally I won't give up.

Chu Jiuge used the power of the pupil of immortal life, this door was not locked at all, and the skills of the first thief seemed to be useless.

"The lock of the door of the wind, the key should also be the wind! I'll use the wind as the key to try." Chu Jiuge said in a deep voice.

This is a technical job, and Chu Jiuge tossed it for a long time.

She finally found the key to open this door. The wind element spun into a vortex, slowly moving the door away like a gear.

Chu Jiuge secretly thought: It seems that in the future, the god thief will not need to do it at all to open the lock, and it can be done with the wind element.It's so convenient, why didn't I think of it before!

The door of the Temple of Wind opened slowly, and when they stepped in, a gust of wind hit.

"Jiu'er!" Rong Yuan hugged Rong Yuan tightly, not taking a step back in the face of such a strong wind.

"Ah!" Wufeng was miserable, he flew out of the whole body, but luckily he was not blown out by grabbing the door.

"It seems that the wind is not very welcoming to intruders. The wind is so strong that it is really difficult to rush in." Chu Jiuge's eyes became deep.

Even the wind has its weakest place, passing through that weak gap, they will bear the lowest wind force.

Chu Jiuge said: "I'll show you the way, you take me with you! How about it."

Rong Yuan hugged Chu Jiuge and said with a smile, "I'm very happy to be able to serve Jiu'er."

Soon he fled out according to Chu Jiuge's guidance, Chu Jiuge said: "If you don't want to be blown away, follow up quickly, or I won't be able to control you."

The God of Immortal Life works well, coupled with Rong Yuan's strength, the terrifying gust of wind did not blow them away, allowing them to enter the interior of the Wind Temple smoothly.

Wufeng also caught up, and his entire face was pale by the blowing.

He has been watching the two of them walking forward with ease in their arms. He has the urge to vomit blood. He is helpless and pitiful alone.

After rushing in, he felt like he was about to lose his strength. Panting for breath, Rong Yuan said, "You'd better stay here! Otherwise, I'm afraid you will die."

"No! I'm going to see Lord Fengshen." Wufeng clenched his fists tightly.

"I'll see you if you die!"

Like a fanatical fan desperately wanting to meet his idol, Chu Jiuge said, "Just keep up!"

Under the insight of Chu Jiuge, the master of the Immortal God of Life, and the powerful strength of the gods of the ten directions, the trials of the Fengshen Temple did not stop them.

There are everything in the formation barrier, and they break it one by one.

"It's getting closer and closer. As soon as I saw the core of the Fengshen Temple, where is it? This is the last hurdle."

Three futons appeared in the air, Chu Jiuge said: "Are you going to separate them?"

"Nine children..."

"Don't worry! Nothing will happen."

Wufeng murmured in his heart that the two who had been hugging each other crookedly and never separated were finally going to separate now.

Chu Jiuge and Rong Yuan each rushed to a futon, and the same was true for Wufeng. After they got up, they were dazzled by a terrifying wind.

"Ah!" Wufeng screamed out.

Chu Jiuge and Rong Yuan tried their best to resist, but even so, their bodies were in pain as if they were being torn apart.

Rong Yuan said in a deep voice, "Jiu'er!"

"This level can bear it! This is Fengling Body Tempering, the pain is a little bit painful, but there are many benefits! I will persevere." Chu Jiuge looked at Rong Yuan and said.

That pair of lavender eyes stared at Chu Jiuge with distressed expression: "Jiu'er feels pain, I feel very distressed."

Wufeng complained in his heart, young people these days are really nasty when they talk about feelings, even the gods of the ten directions who have always been arrogant and contemptuous of everything have this virtue.

"Ah!" Wufeng was not as capable as Chu Jiuge and Rong Yuan, and he couldn't bear to fall to the ground from the air.

He felt as if he had been hacked into pieces, but when he looked carefully, he found that there were no wounds on his body, and he felt that his body seemed to have become stronger.

"Wind Spirit Body Tempering, this is a gift from Lord Fengshen! I...I can't give up like this." Wufeng rushed up again.

Wufeng is still working hard for the god he worships.

He fell many times, but Rong Yuan and Chu Jiuge didn't fall once.

"These two perverts are really more popular than others."

Chu Jiuge didn't know how long she stayed on the futon, but suddenly a gust of wind wrapped her up, and the pain like the skin being torn completely disappeared.

Chu Jiuge felt that he was pulled into another space by the wind, "Ring, ring, ring!" The melodious sound of wind chimes rang in Chu Jiuge's ears.

Chu Jiuge landed on the ground, opened his eyes and saw a gentle man in white.

His silver eyes looked at Chu Jiuge and said: "I feel the breath of a few familiar old friends from you, there are wood gods and ice and snow goddesses, not only that, but also... and..."

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Chu Jiuge like the wind, staring into her pupils very close to her.

(End of this chapter)

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