Chapter 851
Chu Jiuge, who was struck by lightning, was fine.

They all stared wide-eyed, looked at Chu Jiuge who was still rushing forward and said, "It's all right? How is this possible?"

In fact, when the thunder and lightning came, Chu Jiuge also used the power of thunder and lightning with the Immortal Life Eye.

This allowed her not only to not be hacked, but to benefit from it.

The power of lightning was completely absorbed by her divine pupil, which strengthened the power of lightning she possessed.

Next, Chu Jiuge didn't have to be afraid of the thunder here, and rushed forward very easily, and then disappeared in front of everyone.

"She entered the city, and she successfully entered the city." They said in disbelief.

"Do you remember all the routes that woman took before?" the leader of God's Domain said.

"Master, remember!"

"Go alone first."


A figure passed by quickly, and someone tried the route, which was obviously much better than before.

Even if he was struck by lightning and tried his best to defend, he avoided being chopped into black charcoal.

Of course, it's not as easy as Chu Jiuge, and injuries are inevitable.

Another one was successfully entered, and the faces of the people in Shenyu showed joy, "Let's go!"

In the blink of an eye, they disappeared.

"Are we going in or?"

"If we don't go in, is there a way for us to retreat? Let's go, if we want to survive, it seems that we must keep up with that little girl first. She is not easy!" Someone said in a deep voice.

"I knew that the people who came here were not easy, so hurry up!"

Chu Jiuge successfully entered the city of Devil May Cry, and when he arrived here, Chu Jiuge's vision became clear.

She could see the face of the whole city clearly, and the whole city was pitch black.

There are lightning and thunder everywhere, as if the power of the elements of thunder and lightning does not require money.

There are many dangers hidden here. Maybe if you step on a stone on the ground, you will be blown up to the sky by the extremely terrifying power of thunder and lightning.

Fortunately, the God of Immortal Life can see through everything, so naturally Chu Jiuge would not be caught.

She stood in place at this time, looking for the source of the power of thunder and lightning here, the place where the power of thunder and lightning is strongest.

She saw it!

It was a tattered weapon, she guessed it should be a black hammer.

It's over there, "Let's go!"

Chu Jiuge walked against the wind, lightly avoiding the deadly traps here.

Soon, she arrived at an empty sunken square.

"Boom!" Chu Jiuge had just taken a step when there was a thunderous sound, and countless silver dragons fell from the sky.

The power of thunder and lightning is stronger than what came in. Chu Jiuge is not sure if she can withstand it with her current ability, so avoid it first...

The wings of the wind opened, and Chu Jiuge avoided these dangerous lightning strikes.

At the same time, those people from God's Domain all came in and reunited smoothly.

They heard the deafening thunder and lightning, and said, "That side!"

"Boom! Boom!" They were not as relaxed as Chu Jiuge, and they were tricked several times along the way.

"Damn it!" They frowned and cursed in low voices.

Be careful along the way, they cautiously approach the place where Chu Jiuge is now.

At this time, Chu Jiuge had successfully approached the hammer, and she reached out to touch it...

"Boom!" Terrifying silver light erupted from it, rushing towards the sky, illuminating the entire dark city.

The last group of people came in and were shocked when they saw such a scene.

"Over there, what is there?"

"Boom!" Chu Jiuge was blown away by this force.

Even if she could control lightning and use her immortal power to absorb the power of lightning, it was far from enough.

This force is too strong!

At the last moment, Rong Yuan used his strength to protect Chu Jiuge, so as not to let her be smashed into coke by lightning.

"Boom!" I was dragged by a force, but I was not thrown.

She stabilized her figure, felt the flow of power in her body and said, "It's really strong, but it's effective. I'll keep trying."

Rong Yuan secretly frowned, he really wanted to stop, but another group of people came.

They stared at the hammer wrapped in silver lightning power and said, "This is definitely an artifact."

They also knew that there was some danger on that side, and then looked at the embarrassed Chu Jiuge and said, "What else do you know? With the strength of the Holy King, you can easily pass through the first two levels, and you can find this place without any mistakes." An artifact."

Chu Jiuge waved his hand and said, "I don't know much. That artifact is the big treasure here. Pick it up, and there will be surprises! Of course, it's not easy, it's dangerous. I'm not strong enough as a holy king. Go try it!"

Chu Jiuge wished that these guys would die, obviously they were not so easy to deceive.

"It seems that you don't plan to tell the truth, very good! Take you down, and you will tell the truth." The group of people who gathered together dispersed and surrounded Chu Jiuge.

A cold light flashed in Chu Jiuge's eyes, and in an instant, countless thunder and lightning descended from the sky.

After coming here, they have suffered from thunder and lightning many times, so when they heard such a voice, they felt like they were facing a big enemy.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!" They hurriedly avoided, and found that the power of lightning was not very strong?
"It's you, you can control the power of thunder and lightning, there is indeed a problem! Quick fix, take her down immediately!"

"Xiao Jin, Hei Yan!" This group of people were all stronger than the peak Holy Emperor. She couldn't avoid them with a few tricks, so she quickly pulled her contracted beast out to help.

"Puff puff!"

Countless flames rushed out. At first they underestimated the enemy. Chu Jiuge used the Immortal Life Eye to understand their attack trajectory, and dodged several times with the power of wind.

Then they became angry and serious, and imprisoned Chu Jiuge.

"Who the hell are you?" they asked.

The corners of Chu Jiuge's mouth curled up slightly, and he said jokingly: "Do you really want to know who I am? I'm afraid to tell you and scare you?"

"Stop talking nonsense here, say or not?" They threatened darkly.

"Me! I'm the fiancée of Shifang Shenzun!" Chu Jiuge laughed.

"Don't talk nonsense, I have never heard that the Lord has a fiancée?"

"How dare you say it!"


One glared at Chu Jiuge angrily, Chu Jiuge was helpless, and this group of people didn't believe the truth.

"You don't believe me, then look at who is behind you?" Chu Jiuge pointed behind them and chuckled.

"Rong Yuan, what should I do? They said that I can't be your fiancee, or let's cancel this engagement!" Chu Jiuge blinked at the opposite.

"I don't know, it's because they are ignorant. Cancellation, that's impossible! Before Jiu'er marries me, you will always be my fiancee." An affectionate voice came, charming and beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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