Chapter 856
"The three major cities have joined forces to attack Nanmen City!" Chu Jiuge was very surprised when he heard the news.

If these big cities were so united, the City of Four Gates would not have maintained its current situation for so long.

"Our city lord doesn't know either. Their three major cities joined forces to deal with us. Now the cities in the three directions of our South Gate City have been breached one after another, and the three major coalition forces are approaching South Gate City. Our city lord was also assassinated Seriously injured, in a very bad condition..."

The people who answered were turning pale with anxiety. Nanmen City was their root, and if it was completely destroyed, it would be a devastating blow to them.

Now Nanmen City is also worried, but the three major cities have nothing to break through.

"Which one is the closest to the city they attacked? Hurry up and lead the way!"


They also remembered Master Chu's performance on the battlefield, turned the tide and changed the fate of the two cities in the face of danger.

Master Chu is a legendary figure who survived Devil May Cry City, and they prayed that she would continue to perform miracles.

"Okay! I'll lead the way right away."

"Master Chu, Nanmen City is in trouble, you have to help! If you don't dislike us, we are willing to contribute a little bit."

"Yes! This time we can come out alive and get such benefits, thanks to Master Chu."

They also heard what this group of people said, so they knew how to address Chu Jiuge, and they came over to show their favor.

They know that these two are very amazing guys, and it is absolutely right to hold their thighs tightly.

"Okay! Come with me!" Now that the situation in Nanmen City is unstable, it is naturally good to have more helpers.

In just a few days, Nanmen City had already lost half of its city.

When Chu Jiuge arrived at that city, the army of Ximen City happened to attack, and the leader of the army turned out to be the Lord of Ximen City.

The city lord is already very depressed now, and the city lord Ximen personally leads the troops, how can they have the strength to fight?
"Retreat! Everyone retreats, go to the main city! City Lord Nangong must have a solution."

This city lord is still principled. Many cities have surrendered directly without spine.

He was afraid of death, but he was unwilling to join the enemy and chose to retreat!

"Can't retreat! Choose to meet the enemy." Chu Jiuge brought people here in a hurry.

The city lord saw a young girl and said: "This is my city, why should I listen to you? If you don't retreat, will you be slaughtered by them?"

"Bold! This is Mr. Chu who is highly valued by the Nangong City Lord."

"Master Chu's combat achievements are probably not even a fraction of what you have, how dare you be rude to Master Chu."

Before Chu Jiuge could speak, the people beside him scolded dissatisfiedly.

"You are the lord of Chu City. I have heard about your achievements. Both Lincheng and Huacheng were able to defend because of you. You have also participated in many battles and made outstanding achievements. But now my city has fewer soldiers. , the other party is still the Lord of Ximen City, we will definitely not be able to fight..."

"If you can't fight, you have to fight! Do you think you can survive if you hide in Nanmen City? No one stops them, I'm afraid Nanmen City will be finished! Fight!"

"With me waiting, I will do my best to stop them." The group of people who followed Chu Jiuge said.

The city lord was shocked by their aura, each of them was very strong.

There are few soldiers, but there are so many strong ones, maybe they can still hold on.

He is also very clear that the situation in Nanmen City is very bad now, and he cannot retreat!

"Open the door to meet the enemy."

"Kill!" The city lord and the soldiers in the city desperately confronted the army of Ximen City.

Lord Ximen frowned slightly, "I thought they would get scared and retreat, but I didn't expect it to be so aggressive!"

"Boom!" A majestic spiritual power erupted.

"Hey! There are so many peak saint emperors. Could it be that Nangong City Master sent all the peak saint emperors under him here to stop me? So what? If he doesn't come in person, no one will control the overall situation. If he wants to stop me, there is no way! Kill! "The Lord of Ximen said sternly.

They indeed had a lot of soldiers and horses, and at this moment, countless ice arrows struck.

"Puff puff puff!" The arrow was fired without fail, causing many people to fall in Ximen City.

Ximen City Master's pupils shrank sharply, "It's her! She came out of Devil May Cry City alive, or did she not go at all!"

"Finally, I let the city lord meet you, and today I must let you die without a place to bury you."

"Find her quickly for me."

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Chu Jiuge has a lot of arrows, and the number of enemies should not be underestimated. She alone is not enough.

Chu Jiuge muttered, "I got the power of Thunder God, let's see how powerful the power of thunder and lightning is now."

His pitch-black eyes swept towards those enemies, and the lightning power burst out instantly.

"Boom!" The sky suddenly darkened, and a burst of thunder sounded.

They thought that the sky was about to change, and only those who came out of Devil May Cry City knew that this was Lord Chu's big move!

"Boom!" Countless silver dragons slashed down from the sky, all of them were people from Ximen City.

"Ahhh!" There were screams, not to mention that the Holy King's rank couldn't stop it, even if the Holy King was hacked like this, it would be very miserable.

The city lord excitedly said: "Hahaha! God is helping me, Ximen City lord, you will kill yourself if you do too much unrighteousness. You must be struck by lightning now! Kill me!"


Amidst the bursts of violent thunder, the morale of the Nanmen City side skyrocketed, because the thunder did not strike them and they specifically attacked the enemy.

The Lord Ximen frowned, "There is something wrong with this thunder, someone is manipulating it."

"But Lord City Master, this is the power of thunder and lightning! It is simply beyond human control."

"My lord, be careful!"

Just when the Ximen City Lord was troubled by the sky thunder, a blood-red sharp arrow roared, piercing the Ximen City Lord's heart.

City Lord Ximen was furious and wanted to avoid it, but the space around him instantly froze.


"Pfft!" City Lord Ximen's spiritual power exploded completely, and he successfully avoided the vital point, but was still pierced through the body by the blood arrow.

The feeling of the blood being swallowed up in an instant made Ximen City Lord ugly. He naturally knew about the problem with this arrow.

"Protect the city lord!"

"Hurry up and treat the city lord's wound!"

Several masters surrounded the Ximen city lord, Chu Jiuge couldn't find a loophole and started to deal with other people.

Wind elemental spiritual power, wood elemental spiritual power, ice and snow elemental spiritual power, and thunder and lightning elemental spiritual power burst out at the right time, playing a great role in this battlefield where the strength of the enemy and ourselves is very different.

Chu Jiuge pulled the Emperor Demon Bow, and his next target was a general who would succeed Ximen City Lord in commanding the battle.

"Boom!" A ferocious Thunder Silver Dragon entangled him, and his expression changed drastically.

"Hey!" It's time to do it, Chu Jiuge shot an arrow.

The power of space was used to imprison him.

His strength is a bit inferior to that of his city lord, so he is doomed to tragedy.

"No!" he growled.

(End of this chapter)

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