Chapter 858 Jedi Counterattack
They didn't know that after the meeting of the three major cities, all the strategic guidelines formulated were secretly wiped out by the first god.

After stealing the information, Chu Jiuge was exposed.

"Catch her, she must be a spy from Nanmen City!"

"Take her down."

"Don't let her get away."

They were chasing fast, Chu Jiuge ran even faster, they could only stare at Chu Jiuge's back while chasing!

Walking against the wind, Chu Jiuge made a beautiful maneuver in the air, pulled the longbow, and a sharp arrow rushed towards him.

"Puff!" With one arrow, two people who chased her were killed.

Others were amazed, "I've only heard of one person with such powerful archery skills."

"That's a woman in red, can't it be her? How could the archer who shot our city lord be a spy?"

"Regardless of whether it is her or not, please inform the city owner immediately."

Next, the team chasing and killing Chu Jiuge naturally grew stronger and stronger.

Chu Jiuge is not afraid of them either. Soldiers come to block them, and water comes to cover them.

She has already controlled the spiritual power of the four elements, even if the peak holy emperor comes, she can only follow her to eat ashes.

She exposed herself on purpose, and wanted to deal with a few enemies while returning to the city, so as to relieve the pressure on Nanmen City.

The way back was really exciting. Chu Jiuge handled it with ease, but it made Ximen City Lord vomit blood angrily, and he lost a lot of people.

"Finally back." The city lord of the South Gate is now looking pretty good.

He also heard about the dangers Chu Jiuge encountered along the way, and broke into a cold sweat for her.

This young man is really a brave man, fortunately he came back safely.

"Have you heard any news?"

Chu Jiuge didn't hide anything, and told the truth.

The face of the South Gate City Lord became paler and paler, and finally he said tremblingly: "One of the eight great holy clans, the Rong family, what should we do? Just surrender, I will write a letter now."

The city lord of the South Gate ran away in a hurry, and suddenly stopped and said, "You... won't you stop me? You risked your life to get the information, but I still can only choose such a spineless approach. "

"You are the city lord of Nanmen City. I won't say anything when you make any decision. However, if they are really willing to seek peace, such a thing will not happen. You should be mentally prepared!" Chu Jiuge Road.

The letter from the city lord of Nanmen was sent back very quickly, and the city lord of Ximen sneered and said, "He found out! Seeing how frightened he is, he is willing to give up all rights."

"Since the city lord of the south gate has let go, why don't we stop fighting?" said the city lord of the east gate.

Ximen City Master said coldly: "I have killed so many people in Nanmen City, and my City Master was also injured. He said that if I surrendered, I would not kill unless I wantonly killed. How is that possible?"

"Fight! We must fight. Fight hard to destroy Nanmen City." The owner of Ximen City did not give up this bloody battle.

The South Gate City Lord's heart trembled slightly, and he even planned to make an announcement so that they could escape as soon as possible.

He is an old rival with City Lord Ximen, and he knows exactly what kind of thing it is?
As for him, he will not leave. He wants to preserve the last dignity of Nanmen City.

"Wait!" Chu Jiuge said.

"My lord, do you dare to fight? The city of four gates is full of brave and skilled soldiers. This is your characteristic and your pride. If you hear the eight holy clans, you will give up everything. Your fighting spirit and your pride will be willing. Being stepped on like this?" Chu Jiuge said.

The city lord of the South Gate was dejected, "Then what can I do? The eight holy clans have god ranks! The god ranks can crush any emperor rank to death."

"City Master Nangong, if you trust me, then choose to fight! You probably won't lose." Chu Jiuge looked at him and said.

The Rong family didn't deal with her, and she didn't want them to control the city of four gates at all.

"A pair of three plus people from the Eight Great Saint Clans, is that possible?" Nangong City Master asked in a low voice.

"Master Chu said yes, so naturally!"

"What are the Eight Great Saint Clans? Master Chu is more powerful than you can imagine."

At this time, a group of people walked in.

Back then in Devil May Cry City, they were the ones who saw with their own eyes how Chu Jiuge and Rong Yuan cleaned up God's Domain.

God's Domain is not afraid, let alone the Eight Great Saint Clans.

Nangong City Master was slightly taken aback, Chu Jiuge came out of Devil May Cry City alive, not only by herself, she also helped other people come out.

She did what no one else has ever done, maybe...

Nangong Chengzhu said: "I choose to fight! As for the others, I will give them the right to choose."

The entire Nanmen City fell into a downturn, and the word "destroying the city" was too heavy.

Most people choose to live and die with Nanmen City, some people have already taken refuge in the three major cities, and some choose to leave quietly.

Nanmen City was already on the verge of collapse, and the armies of the three major cities continued to invade on a large scale.

Chu Jiuge said: "Let them come to Nanmen City, and all the cities on the way will not make any resistance. Those who are willing to fight will return to Nanmen City, and those who are not willing to fight will hide or leave."

The gates of the cities were opened one after another, and no one was guarding the cities. The speed of the three armies approaching was getting faster and faster.

"Hahaha! Nanmen City is really scared. They gave up defending the city and gave up on themselves? Seeing that they are so sensible, I only slaughtered the main city of Nanmen City." Ximen City Lord laughed.

"The cities of the four directions are indeed full of ants, so they are so frightened that they have no courage." People from the eight holy clans also followed the army, and they were very interested in the woman with the blood arrow.

City Lord Ximen flattered and said, "That's natural. My lords are from the Eight Great Saint Clans. Once this name is released, who will not be afraid of all parties?"

The three major armies approached the three major city gates of the main city of Nanmen City, Chu Jiuge said: "Fight!"

The city lord of the south gate guarded one gate, some other masters guarded the other gate, and the west gate was handed over to Chu Jiuge to guard it.

Standing on the city gate, Chu Jiuge looked down at the leader and said, "City Master Ximen, we meet again."

"Boom!" While speaking, terrifying thunder and lightning descended.

City Lord Ximen said fiercely: "Kill!"

The sound of fighting sounded, and many masters had locked on to Chu Jiuge, but the members of the Eight Great Saint Clans did not make a move.

Chu Jiuge is also very concerned about the Lord of Ximen City. Capture the thief first and capture the king. If you capture the Lord of Ximen City, you can restrain the army of Ximen City.

As for those members of the Eight Great Saint Clans, if they dare to act, there will be surprises waiting for them.

The sounds of fighting came from the three gates of the three major cities, and the soldiers of Nanmen City poured out their blood to guard their only main city that was not lost.

A group of people who were pushed to the edge of the cliff naturally tried their best to fight, and aroused their powerful potential.

This is one of the reasons why Chu Jiuge chose to fight here.

Another reason is naturally that it is more efficient for the three major city lords to get together and tidy up together.

A cold light flashed in Chu Jiuge's eyes, and the first one to clean up was the Lord Ximen.

(End of this chapter)

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