Chapter 867

He didn't see clearly how the person came to do it?
Glaring at the girl in red, she said, "Chu Jiuge, you are so brave, you dare to snatch the elder's treasure!"

"This is what I discovered first. You got it but you couldn't hold it and she fell into my hands. That's your own problem, and you still have the face to be angry." Chu Jiuge sneered.

"You're courting death!" he said viciously.

Originally, their Tiansha sect could get a second place at the worst, but because of the existence of this little girl, they could only get the third place. Just getting twenty places, it's better to split them equally.

The people of Tianshazong naturally hated Chu Jiuge to death, and now that Chu Jiuge dared to snatch their things, he would naturally not be polite.

"Do you really think that after defeating a god rank, you feel that you can be lawless? You are just a little girl who has just entered the holy emperor rank. You can go to death!"

The middle-aged man rushed towards Chu Jiuge, who was still very calm, "Do you think you are very powerful? It's just the first level of God Emperor."

"That's all! I really don't know how to live or die!" He said through gritted teeth.

He chose to fight quickly and get the Fire Spirit Crystal King earlier, so he would not be polite to Chu Jiuge.

Chu Jiuge circulated the spiritual power of the wind element and disappeared in place in an instant.

The divine pupil exploded with a tyrannical lightning force and fell from the sky, instantly enveloping the middle-aged man.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise. Although he defended in time and didn't let himself be slashed, he was also stunned.


Chu Jiuge stood in the air against the wind, glanced at him indifferently and said, "If you are smarter, you'd better leave now, lest you will be mistreated in time."

"The tone is not small, let's do it together, and the battle will be resolved quickly." The middle-aged man said coldly.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!" Several figures rushed towards Chu Jiuge quickly, and all of them were god-level.

"Boom!" The spiritual power was violent and ferocious.

Chu Jiuge's speed is still astonishing, and he didn't suffer much under their joint attack?

"See how long you can hide? Those trash from your Skyfire Sect don't even have the qualifications to come in. No one can help you." Chu Jiuge avoided the attacks again and again, and he still had the chance to win.

To deal with one or two god ranks, Chu Jiuge's current strength is not bad.

It would be a little troublesome to meet several people, and she also didn't want to waste time on these people.

"You are too naive, who said I have no helper." Chu Jiuge sneered.

"Hei Yan, Xiao Jin, leave this guy to me, and leave the others to you."

Black and golden flames spread, and two imposing holy beasts appeared.

You can't use contract beasts in the arena, but you can naturally use them in this land of gods.

"Holy beasts, two!"


The aura exuded by Hei Yan and Xiao Jin is absolutely no worse than their low-level gods.

The scorching flames rushed towards their faces, making their scalps feel numb.

"Hoo!" A sharp arrow was shot towards the middle-aged man, almost being hit in the vitals.

"Aren't you going to deal with me? If you distract yourself now, you will die a miserable death!"

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Immediately afterwards, countless ice arrows struck like rain.

"Bang bang bang!"

Originally, they had an absolute advantage in numbers, but after Chu Jiuge released Hei Yan and Xiao Jin, the situation reversed.

Chu Jiuge seized the opportunity and sent it up with several methods, which caused him a lot of headaches.

"Pfft!" Three sharp arrows were fired at once, and the middle-aged man who was forced to this point did not even dodge a single arrow.

"Ah!" A scream came out, both legs were pierced, and an arrow was shot in the abdomen.

He couldn't even stand up now, his whole face was contorted in pain.

"How dare you?" His eyes were tearing.

"The strength is inferior to others, and you still have the face to be angry." Chu Jiuge said contemptuously.

"What are you doing? Kill her, kill her!" he yelled.

However, the partner surrounded by flames could not protect himself at this time, and Chu Jiuge pulled the bowstring again.

Find their flaws and shoot them with arrows, no one can dodge at all.

"Puff puff puff!" After being pierced by sharp arrows and engulfed by flames, everyone in the Tian Fiend Sect completely lost their ability to fight.

lost!They actually lost to a holy emperor.

After finishing them off, Chu Jiuge waved his hands without even looking at them, and said, "Hei Yan, Xiao Jin, let's go."

Outside, people who can't get in collect ordinary fire crystals outside.

The strength of Tianhuozong was weaker, so he was bullied by Tianshazong.

"You have to hand over all the Fire Spirit Crystals you got before we came. Hurry up! Otherwise, we will destroy you directly." The person from the Heavenly Fiend Sect said coldly.

"You guys are going too far, we don't agree!"


"Hoo!" Just as they were about to make a move, a sharp arrow flew out.

"You can get out!" Chu Jiuge came out and said.

"Chu Jiuge, you came out unexpectedly, what about Master Uncle and the others?" They were surprised that Chu Jiuge came out safe and sound.

"They're inside, do you want to take a look?" Chu Jiuge jokingly asked.

"Don't be kidding, the flame attack inside is very strong, trying to lure us in and get hurt, dreaming!"

"Since she ran out, let's clean her up too! She has caused a lot of damage to our Heavenly Fiend Sect."

Countless ice arrows burst out suddenly, and they who hadn't broken through to the god level wanted to yell at Chu Jiuge, which would naturally be a tragedy.

The rest of the Tianhuo Sect cheered up, and rushed forward to make up the knife, proud, these guys didn't expect to have today!
"Let's hold on, when the uncle comes out, none of them will be able to escape." The guy from the Tiansha sect who was beaten and injured all over his body gritted his teeth.

They waited for so long and received so many beatings, but in the end they didn't wait for the uncle to come out.

"Uncle, the Skyfire Sect is simply deceiving people too much, you guys hurry up and come out!"

"Uncle Master..."

No one responded, and their hearts were cold.

"Stop yelling, they won't come out." Chu Jiuge despised them for making noise.

Could it be that the uncle and the others had an accident, they were shocked in their hearts.

The whole body hurts, and they really can't hold on anymore, "Let's go! Let's go!"

There is no need to chase after these people desperately evacuating one by one.

Chu Jiuge said: "Collect it quickly, after half an hour, no matter whether you have collected it or not, you must leave."


After the fire crystals were collected, they took half of them to honor Chu Jiuge.

If it wasn't for her, they wouldn't get any of it.

"Find a place and rest temporarily!"


When Chu Jiuge was resting, she absorbed the spiritual power of King Huolingjing by the way. She muttered, "It's a good thing, but there's only one place there. Keep looking."

With the pupil of immortal life, she saw a place deeper than the land of the gods.

There is a vein of richer fire element there, that's it.

She said: "Let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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