Chapter 873
"Fire God Temple!" After seeing the palace clearly, the words Chu Jiuge in front of the palace gate were also clearly seen.

"Good luck, we found the place we were looking for." Chu Jiuge laughed.

"But how do we get here?" Qi Tian frowned.

The terrifying flames seem to burn people completely, which is very dangerous.

"I'll go up and have a look first!" Rong Yuan said.

With a flash of a white figure, Rong Yuan quickly reached the height of the fire lotus blooming, but there was no way to enter the palace.

"Boom!" Rong Yuan tried to break through forcefully from the outside, but found the attack of dancing flames all over the sky.

"Bang bang bang!" If it wasn't for Rong Yuan's strength, he would probably be turned into ashes by now.

Chu Jiuge said: "It is impossible to break through from the outside, you have to find a way inside."

Her eyes were shining with light, staring at the huge pillar of fire in front of her.

Getting close to a pillar that melts people, and going deep into it is extremely risky.

Chu Jiuge didn't want to give up, so Gui finally found the Vulcan ruins, and he must not give up halfway here.

The power of the ice element in the whole body exploded, opening a road of ice at the place where the fire element is weakest.

Chu Jiuge opened the wings of the wind and said, "Come with me! Quick!"

"Shua, Shua, Shua!" The four of them rushed into the pillar of fire at the fastest speed, and the power of ice and snow completely disappeared in the next instant.

Entering is only the first step, the next step is to go up.

Chu Jiuge used the God of Immortal Life to find the safest way,

The power of ice and snow exploded generously, protecting the four of them in this dangerous illusion.

"Rush forward in one go, and you must enter the Temple of Fire."

"it is good!"

The soul was running, and it rushed up bravely.

However, even if this road prevents the surrounding flames, it is not smooth sailing.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

Fire spirits suddenly appeared around them, and these fire spirits were stronger than those that Chu Jiuge and Qitian encountered before.

Rong Yuan waved his hand, a terrifying burst of spiritual power instantly crushed a fire spirit.

"Leave these things to me, and the two of you are responsible for protecting Jiu'er."

Qi Tian also knew that Rong Yuan really didn't need anyone's help, protecting Jiu Meimei was the most important thing.

Chu Jiuge said: "Rong Yuan, be careful!"

"Boom!" There were bursts of loud noises.

Along the way, Rong Yuan didn't know how many fire spirits he eliminated before he cleared a smooth road.

It is also very difficult for Chu Jiuge to explode enough power of ice and snow to compete with the flames that burn everything.

As time passed, her soul power and spiritual power were greatly consumed.

Chu Jiuge gritted his teeth, it's almost here, we must hold on!
"Boom!" With the cooperation and hard work of the four of them, they successfully rushed to the door of the Fire Temple.

Countless fireballs fell from the sky, posing a fatal danger, but the door in front of him could not be opened.

Chu Jiuge was in a hurry, the Immortal Life Eye erupted with tyrannical immortal power, and said: "Open!"

"Boom!" It seemed that some restriction was broken, and the fiery red door opened instantly.

Rong Yuan hugged Chu Jiuge, who was about to fall, and rushed into the door, Qitian and Baye hurriedly followed.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise outside the door.

Qitian said: "It's dangerous."

Chu Jiuge glanced across the hall, and said, "Recover your spiritual power first, hurry up! I feel that there is still danger here."

"Okay!" Immediately take the elixir and recover quickly.

Chu Jiuge was the one who consumed the most, Rong Yuan kissed her forehead and said: "Don't be brave, tell me if you feel uncomfortable, I will find another way."

"I'm fine!" Chu Jiuge replied.

When they had just recovered halfway, a loud voice came.

"Entering my Fire Temple, there are only two fates, the first is to pass the test and survive, and the second is to be burned to ashes."

"The test has begun."

"Puff puff puff!" Puffs of flames suddenly appeared on the ground of the Fire Temple, and the familiar fire spirit appeared.

Rong Yuan stood in front of Chu Jiuge, and that voice sounded again.

"Everyone must complete the test independently, and no one else is allowed to help, otherwise they will all be burned to ashes."

In an instant, a petite, tall, short, fat and thin Huo Ling who seemed to be similar to Chu Jiuge rushed towards her.

Chu Jiuge said: "Rong Yaoxie, I will do it myself! Don't worry!"

"Boom!" Soon Rong Yuan also ushered in his opponent.

His figure flew backwards, Rong Yuan frowned.

This fire spirit is stronger than the ones he encountered before, and his strength is actually about the same as him.

Qitian and Baye are also in the same situation, Qitian said: "The strength of this fire spirit is comparable to ours."

"That's true! Let's defeat the first Huo Ling who is as strong as you first!"

An opponent whose strength is similar to his own, but the other party cannot have such a powerful existence as the God of Immortal Life.

Even if Chu Jiuge's spiritual power has not fully recovered, such a test is very overflowing for her.

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Countless ice arrows attacked the vital points of Huo Ling.

"Boom!" The power of thunder and lightning erupted.

Chu Jiuge pulled out all the stops, broke out with strong fighting power, and became the first guy among the four of them to defeat Huo Ling.

After defeating one, another fire spirit suddenly appeared and attacked Chu Jiuge fiercely.

"More!" Chu Jiuge's expression darkened.

"Of course, defeating one is not enough!"

Chu Jiuge's eyes darkened, and he said, "Come here! I'm not afraid of these guys."

"Boom!" There were bursts of loud noises, and the four of them fought fiercely with these fire spirits in the Fire Temple.

Seven days and eight nights finally dealt with the first opponent, sweating all over, so it was not easy to win?

Rong Yuan's side is not over yet, because his opponent is as strong as him, so it's too difficult to deal with.

As time passed, the four of them persisted tenaciously.

"Boom!" At this time Chu Jiuge had already dealt with the third Huo Ling.

Unexpectedly, after solving the third fire spirit, instead of welcoming the fourth fire spirit, two fire spirits came together.

"After three consecutive battles, it's one-on-two. I look forward to your performance."

"Boom!" Two fire spirits whose strength was comparable to her peak stage besieged her together, which really gave Chu Jiuge a headache.

Chu Jiuge took out the Emperor Demon Bow and Blood Arrow at this time.

"Fight it! I will pass this test."

Countless wind blades rushed towards those fire spirits, and the power of ice and snow elements, and the power of thunder and lightning swept over them crazily.

The God of Immortal Life also exerted its ultimate power, all this was not to injure Huo Ling severely, but to create a chance for himself to shoot the bloody arrow.

"Bang bang bang!" On the other side, Qitian and Baye also ushered in two powerful opponents.

Rong Yuan's expression was very bad, because he was only able to handle one of them now, and the stronger his strength in this kind of test, the more he would suffer.

(End of this chapter)

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