Chapter 877 Instant kill
Chu Jiuge said coldly: "You know my identity, are you afraid? If you are afraid, get out immediately!"

Chu Jiuge doesn't mind using the names of the Seven Great Imperial Clans to frighten them!
The head of the Wuji Sect smiled and said: "If the masters of the Seven Great Emperor Clans came, we would naturally be afraid! It's just you little dolls who have come out to practice, the Sect Master is not afraid! What's more, the arrow in your little girl's hand is a good thing, It is countless times better than the treasures we got in the Land of Gods."

He became even more greedy, and Qi Tian said coldly: "You can't afford my ninth sister's things, old guy."

The tyrannical heavy hammer swept away, and there were bursts of cracking sounds in the air.



This time Chu Jiuge and the others did not choose to run, but continued to fight with them for a long time.

Compared with endurance, they are not afraid at all, and will accompany them to the end.

"These three little dolls...Damn it!"

The five great suzerains, the suzerain of Tiansha lost an arm and their strength plummeted. They all hated Chu Jiuge and the three of them so much that they gritted their teeth.

Chu Jiuge pulled the Emperor Demon Bow again, and another arrow struck.

"It's an arrow of blood, be careful!"

They saw the strangeness of this arrow with their own eyes, so they naturally had to be cautious.

The fire lotus bloomed, and when they focused on the blood arrow, countless flames erupted instantly and spread towards them.

"Puff puff!"

The blood arrow that was avoided by them circled in the air, the Wuji Sect Master was slightly startled, and secretly said: Fortunately, the target of this arrow is the Skyfire Sect Master.

The master of Tianhuo is the most powerful, so Chu Jiuge chose him.

He wanted to hide, but he couldn't!
"Chu Jiuge, let's cooperate anyway,"

"Pfft!" The blood arrow just brushed past his waist and changed direction again.

Sect Master Wuji who put down his guard suddenly shrank his pupils, "No... no! The target is me."

Chu Jiuge said coldly: "You guessed right! But it's too late."

The purpose of this arrow is to bring a weak to a strong!After all, each arrow consumes a lot of power, so it cannot be wasted!
The blood arrow was aimed at the opponent's throat, and the Promise Master was a god at any rate, so he naturally had abilities.

He knew that being hit by the blood arrow would definitely kill him, so he tried his best to avoid it.

"Pfft!" The right shoulder was pierced, and the blood was swallowed madly.

Injured by the blood arrow, unless there is a secret medicine from the seven imperial clans or a holy medicine from the eight holy clans, the flesh contaminated by the blood arrow's power must be removed.

Sect Master Wuji hid under the protection of his disciples, and began to dig his own flesh with all his strength, his face was extremely ugly.

The five suzerains got rid of two, and the two were miserable.

They have to guard against the sneak attack of Baye, and now they have to guard against Chu Jiuge's blood arrow, so they are naturally tied up.

"Sovereign! What should we do?"

The head of the Yin Yu Sect said: "If the situation is not right, let's withdraw quickly! This time we still don't have many people, if we have enough people, we don't need to be afraid of the three of them at all."

Sect Master Tianhuo only suffered a small wound from the blood arrow, but he also dug out a large piece of flesh, and his face was pale at this time.

"Sovereign, why don't we stop fighting and make peace with Chu Jiuge! The three of them are simply too perverted."

Just when the five major sects were about to retreat steadily and couldn't hold on, suddenly several powerful auras appeared in the sky.

"What a terrifying breath, this... this is not an ordinary god rank!"

"There are other people who have entered this land left by the gods, get out of the way!"

They ran out in a hurry, and several figures landed in front of them from the sky.

These people are dressed in silver armor, with a powerful aura that crushes them.

Sect Master Wuji, who had finally healed the wound, couldn't help but trembled, and said, "This outfit, could it it someone from God's Domain.

The eyes of these people fell on Chu Jiuge, "There is a change in the Fire God Temple, you are the one who entered!"

Chu Jiuge used the power of the fire element in the battle before, and the breath on his body is obvious.

"So what?"

"Then, come with us to God's Domain!"

Sure enough, it was God's Domain, and the people from the five major sects backed away in fright.

What exactly did Chu Jiuge get?It actually made everyone in Shenyu want it.

At this time, they were glad that they hadn't made a move, otherwise they might have set themselves on fire.

That is the realm of the gods, if you move your fingers casually, their five major sects will be wiped out.

"Get lost!" A cold voice came, and Rong Yuan was already standing in front of Chu Jiuge.

A mask covered his face. He knew that these were Rong Shen's cronies, and he couldn't scare them stupidly with his face.

"Bold! How dare you talk to us like this." A killing intent flashed in their eyes, but Rong Yuan was faster than them.

An extremely domineering and tyrannical force erupted, and the surrounding space was distorted for a while, before they could react, they were blown away.

"Puff puff puff!" One by one was injured and vomited blood. Their injuries were not serious.

The people from the five major sects were all stunned. He just made an understatement, and even injured the experts in the domain of God. How powerful is this?
"You... who are you? It is absolutely impossible for the land of the five sects to have such a strong man."

Rong Yuan took a few steps, and said coldly: "You are all going to die, it's useless to ask so many questions."

They felt that the air around them froze instantly. Under this powerful deterrent force, their souls were trembling, and their bodies were out of control.

They looked at Rong Yuan in horror, this person...

Facing this person, they felt like facing a god.

"Escape! Go back and report this matter to the Lord."

He knows the strength of this person, they are absolutely invincible.

Rong Yuan gave them a chance to run, but they didn't run very far.

"Pfft!" Blood burst out from their bodies, falling to the ground one by one.

The envoy sent by God's Realm arrived at the God's Remains for a while, and immediately died here.

Rong Yuan said in a low voice: "The strength has recovered a lot, and the trouble encountered in the Fire God Temple is not a bad thing?"

Qi Tian muttered, "As expected of the Ten Fang God Venerable who is as famous as Uncle Jiu, there is a long way to go to be as powerful as him!"

Baye clenched his fists tightly, and Chu Jiuge glanced at the people of the five major sects and said, "Oh! Are you still fighting? I am tired from fighting with Tiantian. If you still want to fight, how about letting my family Rong Yuan accompany you to fight?" ?”

These guys turned pale with fright, what are you kidding?
What a terrifying thing it would be to fight against a terrifying guy who could wipe out the high-level god emperor with a wave of his hand!

"no no……"

"We were wrong! Miss Chu, my lord, please forgive me!"

"Please, my lord, let us go a lot."

Chu Jiuge said: "Actually, we don't want to kill them all! But you have seen things you shouldn't see, so..."

(End of this chapter)

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