Chapter 881
Chu Jiuge and the others went from the territory of the five major sects to the territory of the six ancient tribes. On the way, they had to cross a barren land,

This area is extremely dangerous for ordinary gods, because there are many powerful monsters haunting.

A team of four teenagers with one girl was absolutely never seen in this wild Jedi, and in the eyes of others, it was tantamount to suicidal.

As they got closer to the regions of the six ancient tribes, the people in the first team that Chu Jiuge and the others met thought the same way.

There is a convoy ahead, using triangle spirit horses.

Among the five major sects, perhaps only the suzerain could use a team of this size.


A convoy stopped in front of them, and the curtain of the car was pulled open, revealing a bookish young man.

"The Wild Jedi is so dangerous, why are you alone wandering here? Where are your elders?"

"Our parents let us go out to practice, so naturally we won't follow, we have to walk the road by ourselves. What's the big brother?" Liuliu asked forward.

Gongsun Se was slightly taken aback, which family's elders are so big-hearted?
"It will be even more dangerous if you go any further. If you don't mind the little brothers and the girls, you can walk with us until we reach the safe area, how about it?"

Chu Jiuge looked at this person. He was not particularly handsome, but rather attractive.

He behaved generously and frankly, not someone with ulterior motives, as if he really wanted to help.

Gongsun Se said: "Don't worry, everyone, I have absolutely no malice. I just think of my brother when I see you, so I want to help."

"Young master, but we..." the entourage beside him said helplessly.

"Ninth Sister!" Liuliu and the others looked at Chu Jiuge.

Gongsun Se was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the one who called the shots among them was the youngest-looking girl in red.

Chu Jiuge said: "We don't know much about the previous environment. It would be better if we can walk together, so please."

"You're welcome, I'm just doing what I can."

They walked together, Tiantian and Liuliu were active masters, so they chatted with them.

They also knew that the young master was named Gongsun Se, the young master of the Gongsun family.

This force is equivalent to the level of the five major sects in the region of the six ancient clans, and even slightly stronger.

This time they wanted to visit the Qi family, one of the six ancient clans.

The six ancient families are Qi family, Si family, Dong family, Jiang family, Cao family and Ren family.

"My little master is sick. I heard that the Qi family has a talented alchemist who is very powerful, even more powerful than many senior alchemists among the six ancient clans. So our young master went to ask for medicine."

Gongsun Se has a younger brother who is a few years younger than him and has a higher cultivation talent than him.

Young and frivolous, after successful cultivation, he went to explore the regions of the six ancient clans.

After going out for a year, he returned, but was seriously injured and fell into a coma.

They found a lot of pharmacists, but there was nothing they could do.

It was not easy to get some connections with the Qi family of the six ancient clans, and as the young master, he went to seek medical treatment in person.

Gongsun Se said: "It's the eagle that naturally wants to soar in the sky, not a kite, but... hey!"

At the beginning, he agreed with his younger brother's point of view and helped him convince his father, which was regarded as fulfilling his impossible wish.

However, he never thought that his younger brother would fall into such danger.

"You too, don't do anything risky when you go, your family will definitely be very worried." He said like a gentle big brother next door.

Gongsun Se also knew that they came from the area of ​​the five major sects. They were really bold. The five of them broke through such a long stretch of wild land.

Qi Tian smiled and said: "My old man won't worry! I have worked so hard to satisfy his request that I got the qualification to come out for training."

"Isn't it? I've been in seclusion for a long time and I don't have time to gamble! This time, I will have a good time when I get to the big city of the six ancient clans." Liuliu said excitedly.

Gongsun Se shook his head helplessly, the two of them showed the frivolity of young people,

But all of them are less than 20 years old. In the place of the five major sects, they are already very strong if they can break through the Holy Emperor.

However, the strength of the Holy Emperor Rank seems to be insignificant among the six ancient clans, and they will encounter many difficult dangers.

Gongsun Se also had a good understanding of their temperament, they were a group of young people who were easy to understand.

Seven days of fighting, six or six of gambling, the beautiful Chu girl is also very lively and flamboyant.

The boy in white, Wuyue, was a cold master, and he hadn't seen him say a word for a long time.

"You are going to the regions of the six ancient tribes. At the beginning, it is best to enter the ancient tribes and foreign tribes to familiarize yourself with the environment and improve your cultivation. If I happen to be the Qi family, I can recommend it then." Gongsun Se said.

In the land of the six ancient clans, it is not easy to mix without background and strength.

Chu Jiuge said with a smile: "Brother Gongsun, you are really nice, I happen to have that intention."

After reuniting with Yiyi at that time, they will also find a way to mix into the six ancient clans.

It would be better if someone else helped to get in, it would save trouble.

"Young master, our Gongsun family..."

"The elder that our Gongsun family knew in the Qi family is not very close, so maybe it may not be successful."

"It's okay, if it doesn't work, let's think of another way!"

At this moment, the sky suddenly darkened.

"It's a black bone carving."

Flying in the sky is a group of densely packed giant creatures, they are all black, although they are in the form of birds, they only have bones and no hair.

A series of cold eyes fell on this team, murderous intent permeated the air.

Gongsun Se said: "This is a black bone carving. If you are not a god, you can't kill them at all! You quickly hide behind me, Uncle Huang, do it..."

The strongest uncle guarding Gongsun Se led a small team to kill him.

"Boom!" There were bursts of loud noises.

The god ranks of the Gongsun family are much more capable than the god ranks that attacked their Nine Heavens Auction.

Although these black bone carvings were fierce, they were slowly defeated.

Knowing that you are invincible soon, retreat instantly!

When Uncle Huang and the others came back, he wiped his sweat and said, "These beasts are also masters who bully the weak and fear the hard. Little guys, it's fortunate that you have met our young master, otherwise I'm afraid that if you meet them, you may become their dinner."

Qi Tian said unconvinced: "That's not necessarily true! We might all be shot down when we meet!"

"Hahaha! You are so arrogant!" The guards of Gongsun's family thought he was just not convinced.

Then continue on the road, the wild night hides even more terrifying murderous intentions.

Chu Jiuge asked: "Brother Gongsun, there is something I actually want to ask! From your Gongsun family's territory to Qi's house, you don't need to detour to the barren land. Why do you take such a long detour?"

Gongsun Se sighed: "There are some special reasons..."

Before he could finish his words, suddenly countless cold murderous auras filled the air.

(End of this chapter)

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