Chapter 883 Malicious Humiliation
"How talented?" Chu Jiuge asked.

On the way here, she heard Gongsun Se say that the Qi family is a genius in refining medicine.

"I've investigated it, and it's almost the same as the rumors, and she's not much older than you, Jiuge," Yinuo said.

"That's pretty awesome."

"I think it's very suspicious. Although there are such talented medicine refining geniuses, there is also the possibility of using foreign objects. So we must find out."

"You mean, fragments of the Star Chaos Cauldron?"

"Well! I investigated the entire six ancient clans, and this one is the most abrupt, so it's better to start with her."

"I agree too."

"Then I'll arrange it!" The six ancient clans are no better than the five great sects, and it takes a little effort to blend in without attracting attention.

"Wait, let me see if it goes well?" Chu Jiuge said.

Gongsun Se waited in the inn for three days, but still no one came.

Chu Jiuge was taken aback for a moment, Gongsun Se was left alone.

On the fourth day, a somewhat bloated middle-aged man arrived late.

He looked at Gongsun se and said with a smile, "this is little se! I've grown up so much, it's not that I won't come to see you these days, but that I have too many things to deal with in Qi's house. "

Gongsun Se said with a gentle smile: "Uncle has a lot of things to do every day, and I am grateful for taking the time to see me."

"We already know the purpose of your visit this time, but our eldest lady is very talented. Not only people from the six ancient clans seek her to refine medicine, but even people from the seven imperial clans also seek her. I really can't bring you Go see her, after all, my status in the Qi family is limited." The middle-aged man said in a difficult way.

A young man standing next to him sneered and said, "Some people are just delusional. Who is our eldest lady? A young master of a small Gongsun family is not worthy of carrying her shoes, and wants our eldest lady to help her with medical treatment. Hurry up and get out of our Qi family's territory and go to your poor village to stay, it's a shame."

In the eyes of the six ancient clans, the other small clans are all ants.

The middle-aged man seemed to be close, but in fact he showed disdain.

This young man was arrogant and domineering, and even trampled on the dignity of his son, Sun Se.

" talk too much! We just want to meet Miss Qi, and if she doesn't agree, we won't force it."

"What are you guys? You don't see who you are when you meet the eldest lady?"

A gloomy look flashed across Gongsun Se's eyes. He thought that their family was kind to his uncle, and that his uncle would do his best to help his brother in order to save his brother.

He obviously didn't want to help now, and took the opportunity to humiliate him and their Gongsun family.

But thinking about his younger brother, he held back, "As long as I can meet Miss Qi, I'm willing to do anything?"

"I really can't help with this. This is Guanshi Liu, who can be regarded as a talkative person in the Qi family. If he helps, it should be fine."

"Please ask Guanshi Liu for help!" He asked for help from others, and even if this person humiliated him, he still had to humble himself.

"Do you really not understand human speech?" Guanshi Liu said coldly.

"My younger brother's situation is very dangerous. If Guanshi Liu helps, my Gongsun family will definitely remember your great kindness."

"The great kindness of the Gongsun family, do you think it is rare to be in charge? But for the sake of your poor family, I will give you a chance. If you crawl under me, I will find a way for you. How is it?" Liu Guanshi jokingly asked.

Gongsun Se's fists were clenched tightly, and his knuckles turned white. Guanshi Liu was simply deceiving people too much.

Even if he did, I'm afraid he wouldn't necessarily help.

The middle-aged man said: "Little se, a man can bend and stretch, don't put on airs if you want someone to help you, your younger brother is the treasure of your Gongsun family! If you can't let go of your figure, I'm afraid no one will save him! "

"Hahaha! Come on!" Manager Liu said frantically.

"Hoo!" At this moment, a piercing sound came.

An arrow roared like lightning and rushed towards one of his legs.

Guanshi Liu was so frightened that his legs were weak, he couldn't dodge the arrow too fast, if he hit it, he would have no children and grandchildren!
Gongsun Se was also stunned. With such archery skills, he only thought of one person, Miss Chu.

"Ah!" This arrow was only a little bit short, a little bit!

Liu Guanshi did not have the previous arrogant posture, his face turned pale and he collapsed to the ground.

He was very angry, and said: "Who is so cruel! I am from the Qi family."

"Me." Chu Jiuge came out, holding a longbow in her hand.

"Little girl, you are also from the Gongsun family, and you look stunning. If you had known that there was such a beauty in the Gongsun family, everything would be negotiable!" Liu Guanshi said, looking at Chu Jiuge with ill intentions.

Gongsun Se stood in front of Chu Jiuge and said, "Miss Chu is not from Gongsun's family."

"Since I'm standing with you, I say yes! You guys, take me down with that beauty."

Apart from the middle-aged man, Guanshi Liu also had a few other idiots.

The dog master ordered them to be very attentive, and rushed towards Chu Jiuge one by one.

Gongsun Se didn't want to bear it anymore, he said, "Do it."

"If you still dare to resist, rely on these useless materials." Liu Guanshi made a move and knocked back those masters of the Gongsun family.

"The little girl has already cultivated to the first level of the Holy Emperor. She is very talented! But as long as you make me happy, I can make you practice faster."

Gongsun Se's face darkened, and he said, "Miss Chu, haven't the seventh sons come back?"

"Hee hee hee! Here I come! This bastard with no eyes is looking for death!" A golden figure flashed, and without taking out a weapon for seven days, he blasted Guanshi Liu away with extremely domineering force.

"Pfft!" Guanshi Liu felt his blood surge up all over his body.

"This kid turned out to be a god rank."

Qitian said: "It's not very eye-catching, today I will let you enter vertically and exit horizontally."

"Hush!" Chu Jiuge also made a move.

Guanshi Liu and the others were beginning to lose their hold, he said angrily, "Bold, I'm from the Qi family, can you afford to offend me? Hurry up and stop and apologize!"

"What are you talking about? I didn't hear you clearly."

On the seventh day, Guanshi punched him, and Liu Guanshi spurted blood again, ""

"Hoo!" A sharp arrow pierced through his waist like a bamboo shoot, and flew him out with powerful force.

"Boom!" Guanshi Liu was directly nailed to a wall opposite the inn, and his pants fell off in an instant.

Many people looked over and said in surprise: "Isn't that Guanshi Liu? This is being beaten."

"Liu Guanshi is too much, is he a man?"

Guanshi Liu blushed with shame and indignation, and said to his subordinates, "Get out of here and save me."

After Guanshi Liu was put down, he said angrily, "Let's go!"

"You Gongsun family wait for me, I will definitely make you look good."

(End of this chapter)

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