Spread the pussy and send the right baby

Chapter 228 The end of the whole play

Chapter 228 The end of the whole play

The faint moonlight shone into the room, on the huge bed, Xiao Keqing's tender skin.

Xiao Keqing snuggled into Zhang Shengquan's arms, hugged his body, and pressed her pink cheeks to his heart coquettishly.

"Not tired?" Gao Shengquan shook his head with a smile, his slender fingers hopping lightly on her shoulders.

"Tired..." Xiao Keqing responded softly with a hint of shyness.

"It's great, just being together like this." Gao Shengquan smiled, and hugged her tenderly, really wanting to wrap her whole body in his body, wishing to eat her in one bite, and love her to the bone.

I used to love so much that I could live and die for her, but now, I love even more, and I no longer know what my bottom line is.

He never thought that he could love to the bottom line.

"Well, just being together like this, I feel so happy." Xiao Keqing was inexplicably crying when she heard such simple words, as if she could feel his inner voice, "Believe in the other party..."

"En." Although Gao Shengquan was very tired, he still wanted to hug her very hard, just hug her.


"I'll wait for you to come back."

At the airport, in front of the security check gate, Xiao Keqing hugged Gao Shengquan tightly, and a thousand words were reduced to these few words.

He has to go, he has a new life, and studying abroad is the wish of Gao's father and Gao's mother.

It's only been four years, you've waited for a hundred years, do you still care about these four years?

Gao Shengquan threw away the package, and wrapped Xiao Keqing's small body tightly into his arms reluctantly.

"wait me back."

Gao Shengquan smiled, gently pushed Xiao Keqing away from his arms, pinched her nose dotingly, and only wanted to answer these few words after a thousand words.

Putting down his words, he turned around and picked up the package on the ground, turned around and hugged his parents, and walked into the security checkpoint.

The moment he walked away, Xiao Keqing's heart sank, but she was also happy, smiling and saying goodbye with tears in her eyes.

She didn't linger too long, turned around and smiled, and pulled Papa Gao, Mama Gao left first.

Gao Shengquan looked at the back of them leaving, and smiled helplessly, "I like you even more..." He hated the feeling of being sent off by her.

When I got on the plane, the first class cabin was very quiet, but it was also very lively. There were people from all over the world, beauties with blond hair, black hair, and brown hair.

"Handsome guy, are you going to study abroad too?" The sweet-looking, sexy girl winked at him, and deliberately left a call with her mobile phone.

"I have a wife." Gao Shengquan pursed his lips, turned around and sat down in his seat, smiling, and closed his eyes happily.


"Uncle, I really can't learn this." Xiao Keqing sat in the study, looking at a stack of thick books, almost crying.How have you lived these four years!

Dead, dead, dead!
"For the sake of sacred power, you should learn it too. Now that the technology is advanced, it is no better than 100 years ago. You can't even use the fully automatic remote control at home." Gao's father looked doting, patiently persuading, "Come on, come on If you don't understand, I will teach you..."

"Okay!" Xiao Keqing took a deep breath, and couldn't help but start flipping through the thick English book again, carefully spelling one by one, and had to use the learning machine beside her to help when she came across words she didn't know. What makes her very embarrassed and sad is that this learning machine is for primary school students! ! !
"Come on, come on, eat something, don't tire the child." Gao Mama gently brought the dessert, and ran to Xiao Keqing dotingly, "Eat more, don't be too thin..."

"Yeah." Xiao Keqing responded with a sweet smile, and put the dessert in her mouth without saying a word.


Four years later.

In the Great Hall of Hades, Qing Guoguo was flipping through the books impatiently.

This day is really depressing.I couldn't help humming the song, "My hometown is in this village, I am a native of this village..."

"It's really leisure." The old man Yan Wang suddenly appeared in front of him, took out a mirror from his arms, and put it on his desk, "Don't say I won't let you see it at all, just let you know, don't worry about it , I, the King of Hades, keep his word."

Qing Guoguo was stunned for a moment, "You mean my father and mother?" The indescribable joy in my heart was a little excited, "Can you let me see them?"

"They have their own lives, stop breaking the rules, I've done my best, there's nothing I can do about it, who made you and Doudou born half-ghost, half-human, let's see..." Saying that, Yan Wang waved his hand at the mirror, Xiao Keqing's heroic figure appeared in the mirror...

She was wearing a suit, black high-heeled shoes, under a neat bun, with elegant makeup, firm eyes, and a mighty aura, and the bodyguards behind her undoubtedly set off her aura of a strong woman...

She smiled, got out of the car, walked slowly into the airport, stood at the exit, and waited quietly.

Finally, that familiar figure appeared in front of her.

With a sunny smile, fair cheeks, and a scholarly and elegant atmosphere, she pushed the suitcase and walked slowly towards Xiao Keqing, walked up to her, looked into her eyes, and said softly, "My wife ,I am back."


The picture suddenly disappeared, Qing Guoguo was taken aback for a moment, a little annoyed at the old man Yan Wang, "Why? Watch it more."

"So far, let's think about the rest." The old man Yan Wang curled his lips, "Don't be too greedy, don't worry, they will be fine, they will grow old together, and there will be a pair of twins in the future, Guoguo, Doudou, the two children will bring you and your sister's expectations and come to them, happy and happy."

"Oh." Qing Guoguo felt a little disappointed.

"That's it. If you are intervening in their lives, I can't keep you. There is a kind of love that doesn't have to be together. They will love the two children in the future very much and put all the love for you on them. You and your sister are not human beings, and they are in a different space, so there can be no intersection, do you understand?" The old man Yan Wang knew the reason why Qing Guoguo had been worrying, and subconsciously enlightened him.

"Understood." Qing Guoguo pouts, he naturally understands, the reason for being troubled all the time is not just because he can't see his parents, he is not a nursing child, as long as they live well, it will be fine.

I keep worrying because it's too boring!
Thinking of the love between Daddy and Mommy, his heart has never been quiet!

Although I once thought that I can't have such a love, it is too painful, but while I am afraid of the pain, I am also looking forward to...

Ladies and gentlemen, such a group of ugly ghosts, labor and management don't like them at all, okay?And it was stipulated that Hades could not fool around with any ghosts!But I didn't say that I can't mess with people, but this damn old man won't let him go out at all...

It's really annoying.

"Don't be irritable, what's so good about love? Longing is meaningless." Hades curled his lips, seeing through Qing Guoguo's mind, "Look at your sister, don't you know? Don't think that everyone and every ghost can escape. Don't bring troubles to people with the words "Destined and Nie Yuan."

"Cut..." Qing Guoguo rolled his eyes at the old man Yan Wang, "You're so crazy, what do you know?" But the mention of his sister really worried him. "Doudou and Gu Wancheng, is there any fate?"

"No." Lord Yan said seriously.

"But I think Gu Wancheng also loves Doudou..." Qing Guoguo asked tentatively.

"Impossible." The old man Yan Wang didn't believe it.

"Then let's go and have a look..." Saying that, Qing Guoguo took Lord Yan's hand, disappeared suddenly, and appeared in front of Hong Doudou and the big tree. When he saw Hong Doudou, he sighed helplessly. "Oh, silly girl, she is willing to do whatever you want..."

Red Doudou was still sitting under the big tree, watching the leaves falling from the branches.

Yan Wang was stunned, he couldn't help feeling a toothache, subconsciously raised his hand to cover his cheek. "It's a tumultuous love."

"Daddy and Mommy let go, so you let go of these two too?" Qing Guoguo said tentatively.

"I don't let them go as soon as I want." Yan Wangye retorted subconsciously, "It depends on whether Gu Wancheng is willing or not. He is a person destined for immortality, and it would be terrible if he suffered a few more reincarnations. Would you give up your future and be an ordinary person? Just for the so-called love?"

"Then ask, but you have to keep what you say, otherwise, I will also touch on the matter of my father and mommy, so that you can't eat it!" Qing Guoguo didn't have any hope, but wanted to Try again, he really wants to know how big the magic entanglement of love is.

The old man Yan Wang was speechless, he was really determined by their family!Let labor and management be soft-hearted!
Forget it!

He took a deep breath and said, "If I ask, and his answer is no, then you can be the King of Hades honestly, and don't think anything wrong!" I don't believe that Gu Wancheng can give up such a bright future.

"Okay." Qing Guoguo raised her eyebrows, and squinted at the tree, "If you ask, if he doesn't want to, I will feel at ease from now on, and promise not to believe in love..."

"Gu Wancheng, I'll give you a chance. Would you like to be with Hong Doudou and be an ordinary person! Both you and Hong Doudou will transform immediately, one will lose the chance of the Nether Messenger, and the other will lose the fate of immortality. From then on, you will wait for the end of your life?" The old man raised his eyebrows and looked at the big tree seriously, emitting a dazzling yellow light, ready to fulfill his promise at any time, "If you don't want to, just stand still, if you want, just shake it..."

As soon as Lord Yan's words fell, the big tree suddenly became restless, and the leaves fell one after another, and the red beans were buried in the leaves.

"What's the matter? What are you doing? What's the fuss?" I don't know, Hong Doudou, who was present with the two Kings of Yama, thought it was Gu Wancheng playing with her, so she got up suddenly and got out of the leaves. Just as she was about to say something, suddenly Suddenly, a erratic and thin shadow was reflected in his eyes, the sweet boyish face, the bright smile and white teeth...

"Wancheng..." Hong Doudou was dumbfounded, she stared blankly at Gu Wancheng, tears filled her eyes.

"This, this person is crazy!" The old man Yan Wang stared round his eyes, blowing his beard and staring angrily, trembling all over, "That is a bright future, which many people dream of, this, this..."

"Haha..." Qing Guoguo smiled, seeing the moment when her younger sister and Gu Wancheng hugged each other, she was inexplicably moved to tears, envious, envious of this true love.

Once, he hesitated and was afraid.But seeing the ending of Daddy and Mommy today, seeing his younger sister guarding the clouds and seeing the moon, his heart is out of control...

Looking at them, he backed away slowly, getting farther and farther away from the old man Yan Wang, and finally stopped, "Old man Yan Wang, goodbye, labor and capital are going to find true love, Lord Yan, please sit by yourself." As soon as the words fell, Qing Guoguo disappear into thin air.

"Hey, hello..." The old man Yan Wang panicked, he had never been so panicked before, he looked up at the blue sky, looking for the figure of Qing Guoguo, "you—ya—of—give—old—head—zi— -return!"

"I won't return... I won't return... I won't return..." Qing Guoguo's voice echoed freely in the blue sky.

(End of this chapter)

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