Spread the pussy and send the right baby

Chapter 31 Longing to Know Everything

Chapter 31 Desire to Know Everything

"I..." My heart trembled, Qing Guoguo's words caught my heart.

"Mum, don't treat Daddy like that, you are so cruel, he was stabbed by a stinky Taoist priest because of you!" Hong Doudou held his small mouth, and tears gushed out of his eyes like a stream.

"I don't." I retorted instinctively, "I also want to remember the past, and I also really want to know why he loves me so much." After saying this, my heart seemed to be at ease. What caused me pain, now it seems that I am sorry for him, I owe him...

"Yeah." Qing Guoguo and Red Doudou wiped away their tears and smiled sweetly at me.I couldn't refuse the little look in his expectant eyes.In other words, I don't want to refuse, I really don't hesitate to face the unknown pain...

I want to find the past, find his shadow in my life, no matter whether he still exists, I want to give him an explanation of his love for me, give myself an explanation, it is hard to imagine, such a man, how can I Will you love...

At this moment, I understood that I completely forgave him. According to his words, he was really naive for his misbehavior during this period of time...

Thinking of this, I couldn't help laughing, the smile was so bitter, my eyes were dim with tears, I subconsciously looked out of the window, looked at the young men and women passing by the side of the road holding hands, and imagined whether he and I were like this, looking happily looking at each other...

What kind of person is he?What kind of ghost should I say?
I was filled with a desire to know everything.


When I arrived at the hospital, the doctor bandaged my wound. When I walked out of the infirmary, Chen Shaohuai was already waiting outside the door of the infirmary.

"Mummy..." Qing Guoguo took her sister's hand and walked to me, her big eyes flashed, and she asked worriedly, "Does your leg still hurt?"

Seeing that the faces of the two children regained a little blood, my hanging heart was relieved, "Are you tired, why don't you go to the ward to rest."

"Together..." Qing Guoguo pursed her lips and smiled, pulling me to the ward.

I hesitated for a while, and subconsciously glanced at Chen Shaohuai, "You wait for me, you don't have to be in such a hurry to make a statement, you are still waiting for me at such a late hour." I don't want him to keep staring at my two children like a monster, My two kids don't like him too much either.There are still some who don't know how to explain the mother and baby products store to the policeman.

After sending Qing Guoguo and Hong Doudou back to the ward to sleep, I followed Chen Shaohuai to the outside of Gao Shengxuan's ward.

"Why do you come here?" I was a little surprised, subconsciously looked at Gao Shengxuan who was lying in the ward, he seemed to be sleeping soundly.

"Let me ask you, are there really ghosts in the world?" Chen Shaohuai asked suddenly.

I hesitated for a while, not knowing how to answer him, if the answer is yes, then my two children...

"I don't believe it." Chen Shaohuai looked at me seriously, and said directly without waiting for my response.As if he had already thought it over, he couldn't wait to face me after careful consideration.

"Ah." I replied in a daze, not knowing what else to say.

"Tell me, why did the child grow up so big? If you can't tell, then there is something wrong. There is a problem with your two children!" Chen Shaohuai suddenly changed his style of painting, and his eyes became more and more powerful when he looked at me. , "If there is no ghost, the man in this ward is the murderer who killed Lao Wang in your house!"

"Why do you say that?" I was a little confused.

"I believe that you are the only witness to prove that there is a ghost, or that he is a murderer!" Chen Shaohuai stared straight into my eyes, not allowing me to dodge at all.

"Even if there is no ghost, how can I prove that he is a murderer?" I lowered my eyes subconsciously, not wanting to look directly into his eyes anymore, those bloodshot eyes looked a little scary.

"You were with him that night, why can't you prove it?" Chen Shaohuai was aggressive, as if he had to get to the bottom of the matter tonight.

"But he didn't kill anyone, how do you want me to prove it!" I retorted instinctively, I was really helpless for this policeman who doesn't believe in ghosts, but that's fine, I'd rather have as few people as possible who believe in it.It's just, how do I feel, this Chen Shaohuai has other purposes, it's not as simple as the case.

"Keep your voice down, the patient needs to rest." The little nurse passed by and gave us a squinting look, "What time is it!"

I subconsciously glanced at the clock at the end of the corridor. It was already four o'clock in the morning, and it was almost dawn. I suddenly felt a little tired and yawned, "Is there anything I have to say today?"

"What's your relationship with Gao Shengxuan? When did it start?" Chen Shaohuai had to lower his voice, as if he didn't care about the time. Although he had dark circles under his eyes, he was still very energetic.

"Three years ago, I fell in love with him the first time I saw him." I responded subconsciously, a little impatiently, "That's all, don't ask so many questions, anyway, he didn't kill anyone, the murderer was a ghost, you police The case has been decided to be closed, why are you always holding onto it..." I suddenly remembered Gao Shengxuan saying that he could not go abroad yet, the police claimed that there was new evidence, and asked tentatively, "Uncle Wang's photo was taken by you there?"

Chen Shaohuai was not surprised that I knew about the photo, he pursed his lips and smiled slightly, went to the chair next to him and sat down, "Sit..." subconsciously pointed to the seat beside him. "I almost forgot that you don't remember what happened before the fire. Didn't he say that he knew you before?"

"Huh?" Speaking of this, I remembered that Gao Shengxuan asked me if I had seen it before, but it was impossible, he was not that ghost, "No!" I didn't want to argue with Chen Shaohuai, so I didn't say anything. It doesn't matter.

"Sit, my leg hurts."

I had no choice but to go over and sit down, "Here are the photos, here!" I stretched out my hand to him.

"Sorry, I can't give it to you yet..." Chen Shaohuai shrugged, "I don't let you see it, it's for your own good."

"I want to see it!" I said with a stubborn face, "Now that I've said this, I won't hide it from you. I know that the photo is with you, and I haven't directly disclosed it. You wouldn't have given it to me if I didn't. It's..."

"I won't even give it to you!" Chen Shaohuai interrupted me, "I'm doing it for your own good."

I was speechless, I was about to say something, to argue, after all, it was a photo about me, unexpectedly he interrupted me.

"If you say there are ghosts, then your child is a ghost?" Chen Shaohuai confirmed to me again. "Ghosts who may kill at any time? Do you want Qingyin old Taoist to take care of them?"

"No!" My heart was shocked, "Qingyin pretends to be a ghost, you should imprison him for 20 years!"

"You are contradicting what you said. Are there ghosts? If there are no ghosts, how could your child grow up so big?"

"This..." I was speechless from Chen Shaohuai's stare, but I still wanted to defend myself, "I didn't give birth to my child. My two children are gone. They were picked up on the side of the road. You can't let them know, so you Don't talk nonsense! It's two or three years old, and it's not normal to be able to talk! The child was frightened by Qingyin just now, and he didn't sleep all night, and his face was not good. Why is it a ghost? It's really strange..." I didn't either I know whether he will believe such an obvious lie, but I have to give him an explanation.

"I'd rather believe this than believe that there are ghosts in the world!" Chen Shaohuai breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help muttering, "If a person is dead, how can I see it again? There are no ghosts at all, and she is not dead at all. ..."

Chen Shaohuai's words gave me some confidence. People don't want to believe that ghosts really exist. Any excuse or lie can easily make them breathe a sigh of relief. What's more, there are so many scientific explanations for supernatural events. His words, It also seemed to make me understand why he was so eager to pester me with this question. He wanted me to prove to him that there are no ghosts in the world, because he almost wavered to believe that there are ghosts tonight, "You mean, your daughter Qingyin said friend?"

"No, it's nothing." Chen Shaohuai forced a smile, "How do you explain the mother and baby store?"

"Mother and baby store?" I was a little panicked, but I was still calm. In the mother and baby store, they were still the size of a baby. "What kind of mother and baby store, I haven't been there." Don't admit it, even if the surveillance video is in front of you, don't admit it!
"Let's put aside the matter of the mother and baby store. It's not important. It's just a bunch of gossips..." Chen Shaohuai looked at me, hesitated for a few seconds and continued, "Let's talk about Gao Shengxuan's murder. You also know that I have photos of Lao Wang in my hand, so I might as well tell you that Gao Shengxuan is in one of them! I suspect that he has known you for a long time, and killing Lao Wang is planned..."

I was startled, and I couldn't help frowning, "How could there be Gao Shengxuan..." I suddenly thought that the appearance of that ghost was indeed somewhat similar to Gao Shengxuan, could it be...

Thinking of this, I shivered all over, "Show me the photo, and I'll just look at that one, the one with Gao Shengxuan!" I couldn't wait to confirm whether it was him in the photo or not.I want to see what he looked like six years ago, maybe I can recall something...

"I can't give it to you. Just tell you!" Chen Shaohuai shook his head, subconsciously avoiding my anxious eyes.Clearing up his thoughts, he tentatively said, "Old Wang had thoughts about you at that time, and he often peeped at you. There was a picture of Gao Shengxuan looking at Lao Wang. And he was very angry. He really wanted to kill you. The old Wang's appearance, so when you quarreled with Gao Shengxuan and returned home, Gao Shengxuan found out that the old Wang was cheating on you again and killed him?"

"Why?" I was almost driven crazy by Chen Shaohuai, I didn't want to pay attention to his messy speculation, "Why didn't you show it to me, because there are photos of me in it? It doesn't matter, I don't care, I just want to see the photo!"

"Anyway, I can't show you." Chen Shaohuai insisted without explaining why.

"Could it have anything to do with that fire? It wasn't an accident, right?" I couldn't imagine, apart from Guozhao, what else was worth hiding, and he kept saying it was good for me.

"Don't ask me any more." Chen Shaohuai stood up, as if wanting to leave, "Go back and rest early."

"No, make it clear!" I stood up, walked around Chen Shaohuai's body, and stopped him with open arms. "If you hide me like this, it's not for my good at all. I have the right to see the photos, and I have the right to know the truth."

"The truth? Can you bear it?" Chen Shaohuai held out a bit of bitterness at the corner of his mouth, stretched out his hand, and patted my head lightly.Those eyes were full of pity for me, "God has not treated you kindly, but made you forget, start from scratch..."

(End of this chapter)

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